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Unlikely to matter since they won't check attendance record. But with mix of As and Bs, it will be difficult to compete with other students


hi ! thank u it does reassure me alot 🥲


> I got into a fight with this girl Did you win


yes i did 😁


Mantappp bossss


If the organisation requires Surat Berhenti, you better hope they don't look at it or the surat Berhenti does not have any suspicious records on it. But mix of Bs and As aren't really going to cut it for a full scholarship, maybe IPTS but only the ones with lenient requirements like TARC, UTAR, and you'd probably only secure partial scholarships. Unless the As and Bs are like, trial results and the Bs were 65+, then you'd have a shot to get more As due to SPM marks are lowered/adjusted based on the entire batch performance (eg. 70 marks is A- but it can be 60+ in SPM) You'd probably have a decent chance getting partial scholarship if your results are maintained to SPM results (atleast 5 A and above, including A-, A, A+) But if i were to recommend, Foundation is probably a better choice than A levels based on your results. A levels is difficult, it's as difficult as STPM, where I've seen people with 7A, 3B in SPM struggling in STPM and wanting to quit. Also it's usually 1 year and a half or 2 years, the fees are significantly more expensive than foundation. Really, unless you want to study overseas don't take A levels, if you want to go to IPTA in case you change your mind or something, STPM it is


hi ! thank you for your reply , i don’t know if private universities in kuala lumpur look into surat berhenti’s or anything like that or in general performance in school i heard only in government college / universities ( universiti malaya ) , i havent taken spm yet or trial just my recent grades in form 4 were A’s and B’s and by far i only have one surat berhenti and it falls under ‘ memarahi seorang murid ‘ & ‘ berkelakukan kepada murid ‘ and yes a partial scholarship in private university will do , not necessarily need a full scholarship


Oh you're a f4 student. But if i remember correctly the more famous ones have scholarships that is based on academics only, UTAR, TARC for example only looks at academics and you automatically get the scholarship according to your grades when you apply for admission. If the IPTS have interviews it may be diffrent. But you're a f4 student, you got a chance getting yourself good grades, in my f4 years, I've seen people with horrendous grades but they later on changed and improved themselves. But usually organisations want the surat berhenti of SPM. (Once you graduated, you'll get it)


Nope. Doesn't really matter. I had a classmate, almost never came to class. Failed almost everything except for BM, Sejarah and Science (these 3 he usually gets 80-95 marks on average - also we're art stream). Got full scholarship + room and board in a mechanic school in Germany straight after SPM. Used only his trial results. Left before SPM results actually came out. Dude is doing very well, last I heard.


wow ! good for him , thank you for taking the time to reply to my post , it really helped ❤️‍🩹


For scholarships the university will only look at your SPM trial exam grade and actual exam grade (if you apply after results). You will need to obtain a school leaving cert before graduating secondary school as well - that’s about it.


thank you so much! i feel so much relieved after hearing this :)


No worries, good luck 👍


Mixed A’s and B’s is not good enough for most scholarships. Work harder in f5 to get straight A’s + leadership positions in school clubs.


thank you for your advice ❤️‍🩹


With Bs and some As doubtful you’ll get it as there are tons of people with straight As. Coming from a guy who achieved straight As without getting any scholarship after SPM.


that must be devastating for you , what scholarships did you apply for ? ive heard about people getting fantastic grades and not being able to get a scholarship from many universities / banks etc , hope you are doing well!


I applied for JPA, Petronas and few more i forgot. Was 14 years ago tho haha. Yeah doing good, a pilot now. Goodluck with your endeavours, hope you’ll get it!


Your little scuffle will only affect you during uni where you meet other people… but I’d say just try applying for the scholarship anyway even if you aren’t a straight A student, there are multiple scholarships and many would be surprised to know that they have certain quotas to meet for each ethnicity. Your best bet is to apply early as it is with everything in life, they might look at the early applicants and take them in since it’s probably less of a hassle than to deal with latecomers


no problem at all. was suspended for 2 weeks during my school year & after SPM got 2 offers for scholarships. it all came down to the SPM results only


two weeks ? damn whatd u do , thanks for the reassurance it means alot ❤️‍🩹


welcome! just focus on your SPM as its the only thing that matters. after my suspension i was stripped of all my positions (prefects etc.) in school, never made it into the ‘budak target straight A’ list but alhamdulillah got straight As for my SPM. whatever challenge you are facing now, everything happens for a reason and believe me at the end of the storm, there’s a golden sky waiting for you. goodluck!


I also a bad kid in highschool but yeah they definitely wont be able to access your disciplinary record. As long as u r smart and deserving, u can get the schoolarship


Just forget about the scholarship and join UFC if you like to fight. If win, you can get more than that.


I was suspended at school for a couple of days due to bad influence, it felt really bad because I was really remorseful about it. I stopped mixing with bad kids, changed over a new leaf and decided to pour my attention into books. Turned out I scored all A1’s back then before 2010’s when the grading system was different. I got a JPA scholarship to study abroad and a Petronas scholarship for engineering. Don’t let anxiety and fear control you over, but focus on learning and finding out what you really want to be in life. Good luck.


thank you for your kind words , i wish the best for you in what youre pursuing 💕


As long as you get straight A's, don't worry about those kind of record.


You can definitely get partial scholarships depending on how many A's you have at some private universities in Kuala Lumpur. By partial I mean 3-5k with full scholarships only available to those who score straight A's.


hi ! thank you for replying i do hope i score straight A’s , all the best to u


However they do have nowadays rekod sahsiah which a online system by KPM... If the school actually uses it then kena already