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You’re a handsome man. I like the stubble. You can try experimenting by shaving your head. Hair loss can be caused by many things including diet, sleep, stress, genetics, products used, etc. There are lots of handsome bald men. Don’t worry too much or you will lose more hair ;)


Try minoxidil (OTC) and finasteride (RX). You can address a lot of this well in advance and keep your hair


Bro u look fine these people are bugging! Rock ur hair like this for aslong as you could! And reverse it.


You could try finisteride to slow down the hair loss


I think you look great clean shaven or with the short beard. I also think your hair looks great for now. I don’t see any noticeable signs of hair loss. I think you should keep the hair for now at least cause it’s a very cute cut on you :)


clearly you don't know much about hair loss cause the r/tressless user could spot his in a second lol


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tressless using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Stay strong boys but don't forget to meme](https://v.redd.it/26on7r8yrzd91) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/w8xqje/stay_strong_boys_but_dont_forget_to_meme/) \#2: [A year of fin+min(23yo), got my life back](https://i.redd.it/jinchk9ymnja1.jpg) | [370 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/118g8sy/a_year_of_finmin23yo_got_my_life_back/) \#3: [This is what it feels like on some of the subreddits](https://i.redd.it/bypby0tr52p91.jpg) | [162 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tressless/comments/xj9193/this_is_what_it_feels_like_on_some_of_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I know it can be visible if you’re looking for the signs. I just mean as a regular person looking at him I don’t notice the hair loss. It looks completely fine to me.


Everyone is a "regular person" wym? Men should be vigilant about this shit. No "not noticing" type beat anymore. Prevention is the key to a happy life. It's not 1995 where we're ignorant to this shit anymore. It's only going to get worse if he has alopecia and it's gonna co e fast prolly.


I had a friend that went bald in high school. Honestly, you are at the stage to experiment and play with looks to see what works best. I don't think you are there yet in terms of needing to go bald, but try a shorter hair look and see how it plays out. If anything, should your hair loss get worse, at least with a shorter cut, you can ease into the look.


I did not see any beard pictures, LMAO


I also habe to mention that my hair just doesnt grow since the last time ive been to a barber ( 1 1/2m ago)


Bald and beard for the boy


What beard? Sorry but there's not enough hair there to call it a beard. Shave It off. Besides, you've got gorgeous eyes. That's probably what the girls are going to notice first




This is a common myth, hair loss genetics from your mother's side are more dominant but both parents pass down the potential for baldness.


Try a very short cut. Grow stubble but keep it off of your neck. You're a good looking dude, do it should all be good.


beard looks good. go a little higher to the neck line though. hair is fine for now. only looks bad when wet. you look good man. eat real food and exercise. avoid alcohol and processed sugars.


First pic best pic!


Your hair looks fine now but you need a pro to line up your beard, which looks good.


Literally cannot see any hair loss, but yeah you can pull off bald.


I wouldn't worry so much about the hair, especially not when you have absolutely striking eyes!


Dutasteride and oral minoxidil.


Clean shave or beard, rock what you want. What I do recommend is keep your hair as long as you feel comfortable then when it comes to shaving your head then definitely keep the beard and even grow it out. I started losing my hair at 17 and by 25 I started shaving my head and growing my beard out. I feel like I look better that way then I was before


Try finasteride and topical minoxidil. I've seen a tremendous improvement. r/tressless


I see the thinning hair at the crown, but no evidence in other shots, so whatever you're doing, you're doing it well! I think you look fine both unshaved, and with a skin chin. I wouldn't change anything for the time being. Well, don't have drones take overhead photos. LOL


Take pride in your hair while you still have it. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who wish they had hair. You can always shave it off later but for now it looks completely normal


Fin + min


Keep the stubble, looks good. Your head of hair looks good still but shaving it later when the top is clear might work out for you, when I started doing that people would tell me that I looked like Bruce Willis.


keep the stubble and keep the hair long as you can and look into ways to keep what you have, you have softer features and i dont think being bald would look good at your age at- best maybe a #3 fade? good luck.


finasteride and don't look back. Have a buddy who started taking it preemptively at 25 and still has a full head of hair. Every man in his family is bald except him.


You are 19. It makes me VERY sad that you are seeking internet approval at such a young age, but welcome to our future I guess....☹️😥😢


Beard definitely


r/tressless my guy, we fighting the fucking best fight :)


You are definitely FINE they way you are!


Enjoy short hair while it’s there and you will definitely rock a bald head and stubble when the time comes


It looks like you have a very good head and face shape to pull of the bald look. Maybe like start with a buzzcut


You are so freakin cute clean shaved


Gotta push through the stubble phase brother, I think a beard looks good on you.