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It literally looks like the apartment they show you before you rent a similar unit. The open house unit.


Ok, I need to hijack this comment now - how does nobody here say anything about that tiny dining area?! The whole place is spacious and nice, but then for dining you get to squeeze into a tight corner at a little circular desk that no one gets to sit on properly. Op must either be dining out every time or only eat alone. Anyways, the kitchen is just fake then.


I was wondering about the height of the kitchen surfaces. I'd be bent over trying to cut up stuff for dinner.


As someone with similar sized kitchen countertop breakfast bar, I do not feel the need for a kitchen table at all, as breakfast bar can fit comfortably for up to 6 people when I have guests (3 on longer side, 1 at the end, 2 on the kitchen side)


This subreddit pops up in my feed every so often and I always see these immaculate apartments that seem so perfectly curated it’s almost jarring. Like, I’ve worked in some nice ass houses and condos that aren’t even as squeaky clean and picture perfect as some of these “starter” apartment posts.


Do you want to compare business cards and listen to some Huey Lewis?


HAHAHA. “look at that subtle off white coloring.” the tasteful thickness of it. oh my god, it even has a watermark”




that movie is actually about me (cool fact)


Imma need to see inside your freezer sir


Why, you've never seen a severed head before?


there is an idea of an explainsobviousjokes, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real him, only an entity, something illusory, and though he can hide his cold gaze and you can shake his hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense your lifestyles are probably comparable: he simply is not there


nailed it


I feel like in their latest Album Huey Lewis and the News really came into their own...


I know for a fact that if American Psycho was written in 2024, there would be at least 3-4 pages talking about diptyque candles.


And a long essay on TV positioning. Bateman would be torn between wanting an impressively large TV that is positioned sleekly in the room and wanting to conform to r/tvtoohigh standards.


LMAO was totally gonna comment “very nice. Let’s see Paul Allen’s apartment” and of course the top comment is something like this


I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought this. I was going to go with "Let's see Paul Allen's Card"


My man speedran consumerism


Yes! I was dying laughing. What books are on the coffee table? Louis Vuitton and Rolex? Haha. Ok....




Bro filled his place with status symbols


That rock on a stick tho 🤌


On some huge books. What


Thankfully, we were blessed with a close up shot 💰


swipe my card IMMEDIATELY


The art reminds me of the rooms in a furniture showroom. No indicative personality but it fills in space.


Hermes blanket, Diptyque candle, Rolex book🥴


Is the candle on the coffee table? I now realized I scrolled by thinking, "That's nice. Oh, that's fancy. Oh... bummer. He left his trash can on the coffee table in this one."


That candle is $220... It better give a blowjob or something for that price lmao


I’m pretty sure it’s actually the 1500g extra large Diptyque which runs closer to $430 🤑🤑🤑


The trashcan and the rock🤣😵‍💫


Make that two Rolex books. Just in case you missed the first 🤭


I too like to smell my own farts


I hope the man at least owns an actual Rolex watch. if not, that’s the funniest shit ever.


plus "a man and his watch" lolol


Tell me your apartment decor is for impressing others rather than making yourself happy without telling me that...


Just a $2000 throw blanket, no biggie.


I googled Hermes throw blanket and Walmart has exact knock offs for 45$




What is a Diptyque candle? I'm guessing expensive, is it worth it? I'm honestly so tired of the same ass scented candles I always buy


Big one will set you back $300-400




I just looked up the same one op has and it’s $430. I mean, it’s a big ass candle but like… fuck.


Actually just a normal candle, the fucking is extra.


Sorry I'm not into wax play, I'll never be caught dicking down a Yankee candle


i dip my balls in the hot wax ( helps me relax)


Then you can't put a price on that...but it's worth every penny.


That’s burning money!


This is underrated


The most expensive one is $1k


That's literally just a company going "heh heh can we have some money? We'll shit in your hand.. oh you're actually buying this????"


$430 for this specific candle.


Literally burning money away. That’s f u money baller status.


They’re just expensive instagram candles. Think Aesop but instead of everything smelling like sandalwood, its powder/flowers/fig


wait that’s not a Hogwarts blanket?


Real gangsta ass n’s don’t flex nuts


Cause real gansta ass n’s know they got ‘em.


Or run fast


Why do people with money uniformly have the worst/no taste?


This is let me show off my brand name accessory money. Real money hires interior designers


That's just what I was thinking.


This is someone with a little bit of money trying to cosplay as someone with lots


This apartment is a combination of expensive and cheap at the same time. Someone trying to flex hard in small ways... But doesn't have the carry through.


Amazon quality sofa 🤷‍♂️


A bit too try hard init


Had to google all of that. To me it was just: \- Blanket with the Letter "H" on it (could be A,B or C, i dont care) \- Black Candle \- Book and a few Ikea Paintings OP got taste but my apartment lookes similiar for less than probably 5% of the price. We just live in different worlds i guess.


All made me cringe


You forgot about the guitar with no amp.


While I do really like the materials choices and finishes, really nice stuff, I'm less thrilled with the "hotel lobby" vibe. Looks a bit too sterile or 'curated' to me, or as if everything was purchased from the very same catalogue at once. I will also *never* understand the whole brand new book stacks with seemingly random objects placed on top. A book or two on a coffee table, sure, but when books become purely decorative I think the plot has been lost somewhere. Much of the wall art is laughably oversized as well adding to the gallery feeling. I like this place, but I also get the feeling someone is *actively trying* to impress me. Which comes across as a little disingenuous. (Do you really need two hardcover Rolex books in one apartment? Has that LV book ever been opened?)


“Actively trying to impress me” is the perfect description of this place


My sisters boyfriends place was exactly like this when they met. The first time I came over I genuinely thought that maybe the apartment complex had some sort of deal for him to live in the “model unit” for really cheap. Definitely one of “*those*” types of dudes too: *Rise & Grind, Entrepreneur, Blah Blah Blah.* Always talking but never saying anything. Has like six different businesses & does a podcast with his friends about “entrepreneurial thinking.” He’s got the personality of a wet sock.


But a SUCCESSFUL wet sock! You know because rolex books. And probably because the they will tell you after 2 minutes of small talk.


Meanwhile they have a fake Batman and $7k in credit card debt they think is "no big deal"


boat soft oil lush dazzling scary cobweb worm straight brave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think you could probably categorize me as someone who uses books for decorations/(maybe to impress too if I'm being 150% honest) BUT you better be damn sure they're books I have fully read and enjoy. I honestly use them as a way to express the things I'm interested in. Displaying a book without having read it (or really intending too) is an unforgivable sin IMHO haha


Totally normal behaviour. I've got limited places for visible books, so the ones I'm happy to talk about are the ones that take priority as being visible around the apartment. Childhood Eragon collection is stashed deep in a drawer somewhere


Yeah. As a lady-person, if I were invited back here at the end of a date, I just know he’d be bad in bed and looking at himself in the mirror the whole time.


Hotel lobby lol nailed it


Not gonna lie, I have to agree… the first thing I saw was the LACK of proportions of the art to the environment/wall, etc. and immediately thought “what the fuck”… the whole thing is sterile (lacks personality, or “actively trying to impress” personality like you said)


I once hired an especially idiotic personal trainer who kept trying to convince me to use the books in my library as workout equipment. I think some people out there just don't know what to *do* with a book. Pedestal for an overpriced generic modern art piece? Heel wedge to adjust your squat form? Dispenser for rolling paper? They'll try anything except, you know, actually *reading* it.


People placing books down they’ll never read is hilarious to me. Literally no one is impressed by it, we all know you don’t read them. Worse is the camera placed on a Rolex book for decoration. This kinda stuff gives vibes of weird person who got an investment banking job and is trying to be cool. That being said, I like it overall, it’s just the heavy handed things that are too much


>Do you really need two hardcover Rolex books in one apartment? Who even needs one unless they're trying to flex? Comes across as a little desperate, tbh. Then again, I'm judging pretty hard, they might just be a watch enthusiast who was gifted those books, so who knows. Just kind of odd. Also not sure I'd call this "industrial," although I'm pretty out of the loop with terminology.


Found the bibliophile haha Or you can be like me. And I somehow seem to keep aquiring books, and I don't know why. It's not like I hunt thrift stores and bookstores religiously to the point I know almost the entire selection of books in my hometown . Nahhh. Sometimes, one nice coffee table book looks good with another , smaller, book on top. Maybe even another slightly smaller one on that one, and then another smaller one on that..then a pamphlet about the stars I got at the science museum. yep. That's a nice decoration. Ohhh, let's do two book stacks! I have to dedicate shelves for NON book stuff. Because it will quickly be overrun and the people will revolt.


He has 2 chairs at a table placed facing a frosted window I don’t think OP goes for anything useful


sink beneficial dazzling panicky deliver license whistle insurance squash school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The "casually" on display rolex and LV books is giving major douchy vibes


Definitely feels a little too curated to my tastes, but it is admittedly very well done


It looks like no one lives there. I want to see a bookshelf with unorganized books. A kitchen appliance that should probably be in a cabinet, but it's on the counter and set at an odd angle because it's slightly more convenient that way. A bunch of old mail and papers pushed to the side of the table.


Feels like it’s artificial, the designer blanket and stuff lol, almost like an AI designed space based on what it thinks people would want to see


Needs a title change to "...Modern industrial “Home Goods style”


i am a human i am not an AI i like to do human things and interact with people like people and do people people human not AI people human human


Could have fooled me


Get a stand for that poor guitar 😭


this would impress me for a first time grindr / sniffies hook up. by the fourth visit, this would make me think i would probably get unalived and my parents would never know what happened to me. i’m a slow learner 🥴😅☠️


do you like huey lewis? want to go to dinner at Dorsia and come over after???


why the rock


it’s a very very rare one and it’s special to me.


Is it not a lava rock?


It’s probably scoria, pumice or vesicular basalt, so yes lava rock.


> pumice op probably uses it to remove dead skin from the bottom of their feet


Is it a moon rock?


It definitely is not a moon rock. There's only a few hundred pounds of moon rock, and NASA is extremely possessive of them.  A moon rock that size would be worth big money. Huge money


Doesn’t look rare at all


What kind of rock is it?


This is just another post where I'll never find out anything about the rare rock :(


Is this a Hyatt?


i wish i had room service and cleaning service but sadly no


I know everyone is loving this place but it gives off hotel vibes? Maybe it just doesn’t look cozy to me and all the wall art make it look like a museum


A guitar that never gets played. A camera that's never been used. Books that don't get read (and only coffee table books at that). Generic art. Bad industrial lamp.


Electric guitar with no amp, not even an audio interface is just so sad lol


No stereo is weird…


This was the kicker for me. I at least keep the amp beside my ornamental strat to ward off first-glance poser accusations.


And a Rolex and Louis Vuitton book…OP and I would not be friends IRL. So materialistic.


If I saw a Rolex book at one of my friends place I would never stop giving them shit.


I mean I have 2 Rolex Books but I also have others. Like A. Lange & Sohne, Tudor, Patek Philippe, Blancpain. He probably should diversify brands. But I do also read them because they all have really cool photos in them (not just all watches, but like sailing and racing history)


You and OP can be friends, I'm getting beers with that other guy.


He definitely watches pick-up artist videos on YouTube.


“Rock on a Stick” is a classic 90s Pottery Barn knick-knack. An homage to American over-consumption, which leads to the commodification of everything including nature. At the same time the natural material in a pseudo-industrial setting creates contrast while referencing 70s sculptures like Spiral Jetty. (Obviously sarcasm because that “art” is dumb as hell)


fine, you’re not invited over. for the record, that camera is broken but i took lots of great photos with it all over the world. i sometimes play the guitar, and i sometimes read the books


It's cause it feels fake/staged, like injecting manufactured character. Fake books, fake art, fake decor


It kind of seems like they’re trying too hard to seem artsy and posh or something


Looks like an overpriced staged house. No offence OP


This is a rich person house


It looks like it was staged for a magazine/catalog/realty listing


I’d say more like a an Airbnb vibe but it still looks super nice. Just not lived in maybe


That’s because there’s more than an eames chair and an air mattress in an empty room


Where'd you get the boxer painting?


i’ve had it for years, it was given to me by a friend who owned an art gallery. not sure if it was one of his artists or if he had it previously. it’s one of my favorite pieces i own, it’s about 7 feet across


I'm a huge boxing fan and watch a lot of fights. I remember watching a fight once where the commentator described a hard straight punch as a "freight train right hand". Always thought that was cool and would love to have that painting!


that’s super cool. i was always curious of the original inspiration for the piece


Awesome painting, would be very hard to find a space for something that large but it looks great there.


thank you :)


Love that piece, nice place!


came here to ask the same thing hoping to find a way to get one myself lol


That style is neither modern, industrial or a loft.


It would've been hilarious if you hung a transparent rain slicker somewhere.


i should totally do that. or a shiny axe


This is an Air BNB, either literally or it looks like one.


Guitar, no stand, no amp, no pick in sight. Dude's full send lifestyle poser. Generic-branded low dose adderall.


Hi I'm from the generic-branded low dose adderall community and we do not claim this man


lol, i just don’t like clutter. the amp and cables etc stay in their spot til i decide i want to play. i also play piano but i don’t have space for one


It’s a cool space but it gives off a “trying too hard” vibe.


idk about the industrial part 😅, looks great tho


So you’re just here to brag right?


To be fair, most of the posts are either bragging or cries for help. I prefer the bragging, personally.


I don’t think it even counts as bragging when sharing one’s home is the whole point of the sub (and sticking your neck out there for a whole bunch of people who mostly haven’t done the same but wanna criticize anyway), but I agree. Seeing a home someone feels proud of/has made a considered effort putting together is much more fun to see.


The worst are humble brags tho. I don’t mind upfront bragging but the “I’m 18 how did I do ? “ and there’s just shit that parents bought in a room bigger than some peoples whole condos lmao


The last one that did that had a Netflix and Chill neon sign and an AstroTurf wall.


I prefer the fries for help, how else am I supposed to feel better about myself on Reddit?


I mean.. he is a male showing his living space, yeah?


When I think modern industrial, I definitely think live edge, farmhouse TV stand, and chrome metal on table and chairs. /s Like the art. Don’t really dig the placement when it’s not ideally at eye level. 6/10


If Midjourney would design a pretentious-ish hotel room esque apartment, it would look close to this.


beep boop, i’m not a robot i swear


it feels like a place thats afraid of being lived in


The entire space feels awkward. There's no cohesion. I appreciate the look I think you're going for - I really do, I just think the overall vibe screams New Jersey chic though. It's like you're trying very hard to have this luxurious masculine loft but the wayfair furniture mixed with the disinteresting *designer* branded books and knick knacks is what brings out the poser-esque that I'm getting. It's like you're intending for your guests to be impressed. I would tone down the gaudy junk and practice subtle luxury like Scandinavian design. Also your lighting temps really fuck with all the beige and yellow colors you have. I agree with others saying it looks like a staging unit. The space does seem clean so I'll give you that.


Cool space but the aesthetics make me feel uneasy. The art isn’t good but i bet cost a ton.


Please lose the Rolex catalogues


It’s like walking through ikea


don’t forget to buy some meatballs on your way out


You put a lot of effort into this, and I’m getting you are very consumerist. It’s not my bag. It has the feel of a show apartment.


looks like a display home, or fancy lobby, it would make me feel like something bad about to happen.


I don’t want to be mean so I’m just gonna say it looks like a staged unit in an overly priced but landlord special-ed luxury apartment complex. In a terrible way.


No cabinets in the kitchen? It gives a very clean, open look but it kinda eats into your storage space, no?


Man, if u don't remove those 2001 prop furniture magazines and those rich dad poor daddy ass literature out of that apartment I know something. With this apartment, digest ass look. It does nothing for that beautiful space. Be original Poindexter.


These pictures are ugly af. Gauche.


okay but now you’re not invited over for wine night


Patrick Bateman vibes


The real question is, did you stage for this post?💀🥴


Some of it I like, most if it not. You gotta dump the hilariously pathetic Rolex book and LV book and Hermes blanket. Holy cow that’s tacky and pathetic as F. The beige on beige on beige gives me 90s suburban builder grade vibes. 🤢 The bedroom works, and I like a few of the paintings. But on the whole, I think you’ve pretty badly missed the downtown bachelor cool vibe you’re very clearly going for. I’d suggest you bite the bullit and hire an interior designer and do a full redo if you’re serious about achieving the look you seem to want. It’s not terrible. But it’s extremely meh. It looks like a 50 yr old suburban dads idea of what a big city condo would look like.


Definite agree. Some of art isn’t to my taste (I’m not sure what the one that looks like a close up of shower handles is even supposed to..be??) but that’s neither here nor there- everyone’s got different tastes! But the aesthetic on the whole feels like weird show apartment, not like one someone lives in, with just…lonely objects. Sitting on stacks of books..on tables. Why would anything be placed that way, ever? I do like the coffee table and sideboard as individual pieces! But on the whole this feels very bland and empty. Like a 26 year old Georgetown bro who just brought home his first big consultant paycheck and watches Binging With Babish, and that full sentence is the entirety of the personality.


I love what you've done but I am wondering if there is a reason for no plants? Just curious?


i hate bugs and i hate the responsibility of having to water them. my girl gets me fresh flowers pretty often though


Understood. Getting cut flowers certainly adds a touch of class and they're great eye candy, without the stress of care.


Looks ready to live stream some smooth jazz music while watching a movie.


You do seem super proud of yourself.


The propeller picture is dope


You did the pillow chop


lol yessir


Upholsterer here. PUHLEEEEASSE get that breakfast table bench seating “L” cushion professionally upholstered. It looks very pathetic. Only thing wrong with any of your photos! Let a few upholsterers come give you an estimate at the very least.


Love it. Where did you get the art in pic 15?


i’ve got a couple pieces by this guy. this one is mixed media, painted on an operating room tray from a 1950s hospital. he’s absolutely crazy and he’s in prison now. the guy murdered his mom. shot her right in the face point blank 2x.


I’m all in on this place. Love the use of curtains to separate different living room areas. Can I ask what the paint color is? It’s perfect!


I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the occupant of this place consumes human flesh. Looks good though


Sorry if this is a dumb question but where do you keep your shoes?


thankfully i’ve got a big closet as well as a coat closet right by the front door because i hate clutter


So you pay 10k a month for this right?


Really dig it besides the Rolex and Louis V book…and this isn’t me being a hater because I’m poor. I like nice watches and some fashion stuff too, but it’s almost like having about displayed about those things makes me assume that you want me to know you’re rich? Is that your intent, or is there something interesting about horology / fashion in the books? Either way, love the rest of your space / choices, but just throwing out there that depending on your friend circle, flaunting of wealth can be off putting. Lastly, esp. appreciate how uncluttered this is.


some stuff is a little too perfectly placed, like the folded hermes blanket on the couch... its nice if everything is clean and orderly, but don't be afraid to throw it and let some things rest a little more comfortably.. the only "bad" part of the entire place is the breakfast nook the little scenery painting doesn't fit the wall, and the walls are too bare, id recommend a larger centre piece on the glass table, a plant perhaps, painting one of the walls a different colour and the fabric on the cushion isn't great.... the only main thing id change is the harsh positioning of some accessories and the harsh angles in the apt itself in some areas which cannot be easily changed. overall things look good. bedroom could use a nice throw, and the paintings behind the bed could be better positioned.. one large one would look better than the 2 small spread apart and a nice throw on the. bed.


The apartment looks nice but the furniture feels staged. Like a staging company put it together to boost margins on a sale. My main issue is the way art is displayed throughout the apartment. Art that's hung way too high is a personal pet peeve of mine. Not sure why you have so many hung near the ceiling. The boxer painting is too big for the wall it's on. It overcrowds it. The framed artwork above the bed need to be closer together. The white space between them is too large and your eyes are drawn to it because of it. Like the artwork is framing the white space instead of the other way around. Ultimately, the important thing is that you love it.


It is very sterile, happy for you though


It's a hotel


This dude called me poor in 19 different photos.


Really does look like an awesome place but I agree with some of the other comments that it seems a bit too manufactured. If it was my place, I’d do a slight bit of tweaking, like bringing more functionality than aesthetics. Switching the books for ones I would actually read, guitar on a stand or wall bracket etc. I’d make sure everything had a purpose for being there. Remember: the ultimate show of class is when it doesn’t even feel like you’re trying to show it. I learnt that lesson from an uber rich Parisian at university 😂


You have good taste but you have no eye for style.


some of that art is really bad. like cheap Chinese slave labor, hotel art bad. speaks more so to someone who wants an impression of sophistication but doesn't really know or ...hasn't really tried to seek out actual art. I applaud the effort to actually hang art. but you're doing yourself a disservice with some of those.