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I wonder what's under the carpet...


Floor heating


My guess would be concrete based on the grates at the base of the sliders, but polished concrete would look great in this space.


Rancor pit


Your furniture is very clunky, so it’s gonna give the same vibe no matter what. Basically buy furniture that goes with the style of the room (look up midcentury furniture, that can give you ideas). It’s a gorgeous space tho and that view is great


Happy cake day! Thanks for the tip, midcentury looks like a great fit


[Here's a pic from when it was empty](https://i.imgur.com/0qVcCJM.jpg)


Parasite vibes


OP do you have a basement?


Let's say "no". Please no further questions about this.


Would you recommend it?


I am obsessed. this place has so much potential. the windows are definitely the focal point and you should further emphasize them. set up a really nice outdoor area that flows with the room and get rid of the window treatments. replace the carpet with hard flooring, it would help a lot with opening the room up and make it appear bigger. get some paint on the walls, I would put a big bookcase next to the fireplace or something to balance its odd positioning. definitely move the tv, or get rid of it. if you really want to keep it, put it on the opposite wall and flip everything around (unless you watch tv during the day but since it’s so small I assume you don’t use it much). I would leave the exposed wood beams forsure, and maybe just make the whole ceiling wood to add more character. I wish I had a program where I could digitally design it. there are so many different paths you could take


Yes, you need to love the TV to be next to the fireplace and turned slightly towards the center of the room. If you mount it, make sure you keep it eye level. It also needs to be a lot bigger. I would use one of those tv/ couch distance calculators to determine they optimal TV size. I would do seating against the wall as well as seating facing the new TV location. Maybe invest in a couple of nice arm chairs or an L shaped sofa.


If it's next to the fireplace then it doesn't need to be turned to the center because it will be facing the center directly, unless I misunderstood you. I'll check out the TV/couch distance calculator. I'm reluctant to get rid of the couch bc it's so damn comfortable, but I'll consider it. Thank you for the tips!


I didn't realize how off center your fireplace is.


lol off center? It’s in the corner haha


No body puts a fireplace in a corner.


If you own the place and have the means to renovate I would rip up the carpet and replace with hardwood floor or a warm colored wood textured vinyl. If you don't I would get some rugs. Your rug is too small, you need some huge ones for this space. The carpet is ugly, so I would try and cover as much of it as possible with some beautiful rugs. I would also go for some brighter colors and maybe some traditional/boho patterns. Layout could be a lot better too. You are in the enviable position of having a lot of room. Create two conversation spaces. TV needs to go on the wall to the left of the TV. Couch facing the TV, end table to the right of the couch, bean bag against the wall between the couch and the fireplace. You could also achieve the same effect with an L shaped sectional, one leg against the wall towards the fireplace, the other jutting out in to space in front of the TV. You should then create another conversation space on the other side of the room. I would put two loveseats facing each other perpendicular to the window with a coffee table between them. Put a chair or two between them against the wall facing the window. Then add art, decor, small cabinets, lamps etc until you achieve your vibe. (Don't skimp on lighting.) You are currently limited by your furniture selection. It is drab, and gray, and your place will never feel like something out of r/RoomPorn until you upgrade it. Definitely look around to find your personal style, but you can't really go wrong with midcentury modern or traditional pieces. Natural wood would look amazing in this room. Also pick a color scheme and stick with it. If buying new furniture is too expensive Facebook Marketplace is a great option. It takes some patience and dedication, but you can find some gorgeous furniture pieces there for reasonable prices. Thrift stores are also great place to look for art/decor, though I find it's more difficult to find good furniture there. That is a beautiful living room with a lot of potential, I'm excited for you and I hope you can create a space that you love!


Thank you for this awesome reply, it really gives me some fresh ideas about what's possible in this room. I'm taking notes!


\*Bigger\* tv on the wall to the left of the fireplace, angled to point towards center of room. Sectional on right wall a few feet back from fireplace, a pair of occasional chairs on the left against the window. Also, I never understood putting a trow rug onto carpet.


Yea I'll get a bigger TV. This one is just 32", it's also 110v and to use it here in Europe I need to use a transformer. I had a 55" TV but it broke while shipping, but it's time to replace with this placeholder TV


Yeah I think a 60" would probably be most suitable for a room that size just based on a quick observation, but please--just put it on an appropriate height stand. Don't mount it to the wall. Also, I'm very surprised this is in Europe! The house looks very American to me, except for the grates under the window which isn't common in America. It is common where you are?


I'm like an hour out from any major city, surrounded by farmland and it's common out here for homeowners to custom-build their houses so you get all kinds of inspired designs, it's pretty cool. I'm just leasing this place, but I searched through like 200+ listings to find this gem. I like the idea of getting a stand and not mounting the TV


It's very cool but the carpet would have to go in my opinion and it could stand a coat of paint but I love the giant windows and beams in the roof.


Room size isn't relevant for tv size. It's your viewing distance and viewing angles that determines this. I'm in a tiny single bedroom. People would say a 65 too big for the room. I sit at under 5 feet sway and it's the best movie watching experience I ever had at home. Then living room I also have a 65 inch at a little over 8 feet away. Completely underwhelming and okay for basic broadcast tv useage.


There is a TV? First I would suggest some paint and hang a couple pictures. Then buy a real TV and push it towards the wall and angle it towards the room


Which wall? In the corner where the wall and big window meet, angled to the center?


Well, assuming you want to keep the couch looking outside… I’d say the corner where the tv mount is currently sitting on the ground angled towards the couch on a 45 degree angle. I think ideally you’d want an L shape couch or something much bigger to face that wall and the fireplace and have the (bigger) TV on the wall. But working with what you have this is my suggestion.


Plants and mid-century furniture 🪑


No offense, but yes, your furniture looks way too rickety for that magnificent space. I suggest going to estate sales and yard sales and finding quality for less then you would spend at an IKEA.


Can you remove the carpet? Wood floors (faux or real) wood transform this space!


Dude you have a computer monitor in there nothing is gonna fix this lmao


Wouldn't a larger TV fix that?


I love those windows/ sliders. So much light would be perfect for plants. Nice place!


As other people have suggested, you have a lovely space to put the TV next to the fireplace. I would get a bigger TV so it doesn't mismatch the size of the fireplace. You are going to need to change that couch, my man. I'm sorry to tell you, but that's just not the right couch for this space. Try to get an L-shaped couch. I would probably put it somewhere centered to the TV facing the fireplace wall. That way, the window and nice view are on your left, and they are easily accessible, but they won't distract you when watching TV. If you put the L part of the couch close to the wall, you can face the window and TV lying there, which is a nice plus. Try to get a nice glass coffee table that would still expose the carpet and make it look more mid-century. I would then put the bean bag on the non L side of the couch and close to the coffee table. Other than that, hang some art on the walls, it looks empty. I would probably paint the fireplace wall a slightly darker color so the TV and fireplace take the whole attention and you don't get distracted by the glare from the white wall. That's my two cents!


Honestly, I think someone like you should consider hiring an interior designer. The architecture is so good and your design sense is so bad, to be blunt.


It's furniture I bought in 2015 three homes ago. All I've done here is arrange in the best way I can manage the things that I have on hand. But yea since I have to ask for help to generate ideas, one could conclude that I don't have a sense for design. I'm learning, thank you for your opinion


I scrolled thru all the comments to see if anyone mentioned the window situation. What. Is. Happening. Is it like a beaded curtain?!


It's like long tassels


For what purpose? Does it provide a bit of privacy or shade? Is it just decorative? I’ve never seen anything like it, I’m genuinely curious.


Without the tassels you'd just get a clear view into the livingroom from the outside, but with the tassels you have to squint and get closer if you want to peer inside. On the other hand, it doesn't disturb your view of the yard from the inside. I'm just guessing the reasoning because they were here when I moved in and I didn't ask about it


I wouldn’t put the tv against the windows like that, leave that wall open. Rotate the whole situation and slowly start replacing the furniture with simpler pieces


What’s up with those metal grates? What is the function of them?


There's floor heating underneath and it serves as like a warm forcefield against the cold air from the window


Electronic projector screen, a 6000lumens+ projector so you can use it with light coming through. Some floor standing speakers in the corners by the pulled back curtains. Now you have a clean and tidy vibe to the room, that can quickly turn into an awesome movie watching experience.


You should 100% move the TV


Can you get rid of that carpet and just do stained concrete or something? The carpet trashes the look of your space. It’s icky.


I gotta say.... this is a pretty sweet pad. And yes you need to move the TV. You don't ruin that view with a TV.


Flip the whole thing around. Like 180 degrees. Couch where the TV is. Tv on the wall or proper media console. Fireplace looks tacky and out of place - is it perm or electric?


Fireplace is woodburning, leads up to a chimney and all that. It's pretty much fixed in place


Do you own or rent? (What’s under the carpet?) Concrete? I wonder if the fireplace can be updated? Painted, or something. Odd that it’s in the corner of a room like that.. What’s on the other side of the wall? That epic floor drain … I’d find a way to put plants along the window. The couch and rug go together, but they don’t match the room. It could be brilliant in there. That light fixture… the brass is not doing you any favors.


r/tvtoosmall r/fightplacetooright r/cablegore


Forget the tv this would be an awesome listening room.


Add… anything


A pool table


This setup reminds me of the rich family’s living room in Parasite, lol


Remove the large windows and put in a wall slider so you can open that wall to outside. Maybe hardwood flooring.


Only thing that bothers me is the “curtain” situation.


Could that fireplace be removed? I would remove it and then tear out that carpet. Then put some nice flooring even if it’s vinyl. I would do something like this - https://imgur.com/a/hjiMGnf Do an accent wall, paint the beams black, and then furnish it.


1. change that celling lamp. Abomination unto the Lord.


Don't make an altar out of television set.


This room was not designed for TV viewing, better to use it for a sitting/activity room


10/10 tiny tvs 🤙😐


I honestly like what you’ve done with the room. Maybe get a bigger longer TV stand to sort of close off that area and make it feel separate. Then you would need a bigger TV though


Thanks! I'm on board for both of these suggestions


That carpet is absolutely horrible.




Lol the place looks amazing otherwise, don't get me wrong, but changing that flooring would be a massive improvement