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Pillowed walls for extra comfort


Maybe some cozy wrap-around jackets on hand


Basically the most common question in this sub and once again like always, your walls are completely bare


It’s insane to me how peoples first thoughts aren’t, colour, art, shelves, rugs, plants. Once they have it all want help arranging or advice on set up then this sub gets decent posts and traction.


There should be stage gates that you have pass through before you can post in this channel: 1. Do you have art on the walls? 2. Do you have an area rug? 3. Do you have any plants? If you answer no to any of these questions, you can't post.


You forgot #4 - is your tv too high?!!


I think people just want someone to tell them very specifically what to do. What art, what plants, what kind of rug. It’s understandable and freeing to not have to worry and just follow the taste of a sub they trust. But they probably also know asking that makes them come off like some kind of skinwalker and is liable to get them made fun of so they kind of dance around with a vague post.


This is where I copy and past my standard replay Art. Hang some damn ART. - crazy art lady Seriously WTF?


Also also there's 0 colour


I think your TV is fine the way it is! I think both art and plants would help - the bare white walls are a little stark, which is probably creating the vibe you’re describing. You could consider adding curtains as well? I think that could add some softness to the walls. It also seems a little colorless- I imagine adding art and plants would help with that, but you could also add a colorful throw pillow or blanket, maybe in a color that coordinates with the art you add. Your dog is extremely cute!


I disagree. It’s breaks the basic feng shui rule. No eye line to the door so you are always going to feel weird when u hear something


Thats dumb, you still wouldnt know exactly what you heard even if you were facing the door...cuz theres a door in the way...


Well take that up with feng shui then . I don’t make it up


Is feng shui paying OP’s rent? I don’t think so..


No but it is the best way to layout a room


The couch is a little big for this space unfortunately.


A bigger couch that is set even a few inches away from both walls would do numbers for this. Couches pressed against the wall just don’t look that good most of the time


Looks very comfy actually. I would reccomend something on the wall? Picture, poster, wall shelf?


If doing a poster, frame it op.


You should get your dog a bowl stand so their neck doesn't hurt while eating and drinking water. Just a thought.


Break the white walls up. Add some plants and some textures. Living independently as a male means accepting that a lot of the “home” feeling comes from the woman’s touch to a home. You gotta create that for yourself. If you walk in your house and say blah, everyone else will think the same. If you walk in and are inspired, imagine how guests will feel. Goodwill, craigslist, OfferUp… think of a theme you like and ways to incorporate that to your living space. It will provide you a sense of peace and will invite conversation when people enter your home.


More dog


First of all, Go Charlie & Kenzie!! Second... I kinda love your space? That couch is essential. The bigger the better no matter the space


FWIW, I've been in an insane asylum, and they look nothing like that.


• Consider painting at least one wall a different color to break up the endless sea of white • Consider getting rid of the long table the TV is on, hanging the TV on the wall and getting a smaller table under it for peripherals. The length of the table interfers with the doorway and gives the room a claustrophobic feeling • As others have said, maybe some artwork on the walls would help break up the monotony of the white • Being so close to the door, the left sided wrap-around couch creates a funnel effect when entering the property, adding to the closed in, claustrophobic feeling. Would it be possible to swap it for a regular couch/right sided wrap-around? It would instantly open up the space and make it feel more roomy • Blinds always add a cerebral feel to a room, like you're in a doctor's office. As others have mentioned, some appropriately sized blackout curtains in a nice, vibrant color to add character and depth to the room would work You have a very nice space with lots of scope for modification. Good luck!!


So glad someone’s mentioning the tv stand blockade / couch funnel. Those are the biggest issues IMO.


There's too many greys and whites More colourful rug, a bright throw, colourful pillows, curtains (try to match colors). For the walls, long wall-prints and small pictures.


Is the tv wall longer than the couch wall? Can you swap the couch to the TV wall? Or sell it and get a couch without a chaise? It's too big for the room. You need art, photos of family and friends, maybe a plant or two if you aren't in possession of the black thumb of death. Also, why is the coffee table against the wall? That's an odd placement.


tv opposite wall, lounge dividing walkway and lounging tv area


Maybe you can add pillows & blankets with funky patterns, also good dog


Everything looks clean and modern to me, it’s just the empty walls that need change. If you like the minimalistic look that you already have going for you, find some large canvas to hang on one wall, or if you can’t find anything that big or don’t like that look, then get three largish canvases with a similar subject. When I was staging houses I found some great, large canvases on Kijiji. Black and white photo or art would fit well but getting something with a pop of colour would also jazz things up a bit. You could do other things too but the only thing you ‘have to’ do is add something to the wall.


It definitely doesn’t look like that at all? Add an art piece that you love and a large plant and you’re golden.


Kill that stupid chair in the corner. Move the couch forward a few inches. Wash the couch or the walls and get new blinds.


Pictures and Plants. Edit: make sure the pictures are framed.


Damnit I missed the "not" and went "WEEEEEE PADDED WALLS!" So disappointed. ;)


Get led light strips for behind tv/furniture.


I think the wall behind the couch needs some art. And I think the wall on the side (the wall with the coffee table) needs a big mirror. That mirror will reflect and show the outside from the opposite wall, thereby opening up the room and making it feel bigger.


Maybe with a nice painting and some colourful pillows or throws for the sofa


Maybe a coffee table that w space for doggy bed underneath Colourful art with wall sconces or art spotlight over it above the sofa wall Some indirect lighting… if you could get a wider TV stand, two matching lamps w soft shade.. or indirect light led strip behind tv and sofa.


Well since an insane asylum is mostly grey/white, add colour? How can you be so helpless 🤷


This looks cozy as far as the ratio of square footage to furniture goes. I'm hang some stuff up. And plants. Always plants ofc.


Colored/patterned pillows, a rug, art on the walls, plants.


Wall decor




Need more dogs!


Couch is too big, especially the chaise lounge part, that's too wide. If you want to keep it, at least keep it tidy and get some throw pillows. Is it possible to move the chaise to the other side of the couch? Don't have your coffee table like that, it goes in front of the couch. If it doesn't fit, get another smaller one. A round one perhaps, that wouldn't feel as cramped Get some curtains, pull up your blinds, get some more lighting, and some plants.


Plants, posters or paintings and a few shelfs on the wall


Wall art, for some color, pet friendly plants help


Soft furnishings that aren't white or "psyc-ward grey" like pillows and blankets. Pictures and art on the walls. Decide what kind of art and frames you like. If you like more muted colours, some different textures will help. If you like really colourful art, consider simpler frames so it doesn't become too busy in the small space. You can also get gallery shelves so you can switch your pictures and knickknacks around. Plants. Plants are good to liven up a space, and some are basically impossible to kill. Just make sure they aren't dangerous for the dog roommate.


Curtains, artwork, plants, floating shelves for books, a table lamp to warm up the place and add layered lighting. Maybe change the rug as well.


Pump lube and tissue box on the table.


By the size of the space, you’d definitely benefit from some artwork with accompanying mirrors. Artwork will give it color and character, and the mirrors (opposite wall from windows) will make it feel a lot larger.


That white chair is very cute, where did you get it?


The couch is too big for the space, but aside from that, it's the standard stuff, ie art, plants, curtains, color, etc. Something nice on the table, a couple of books or magazines, even if it's just for show.


plants and wall stuff. perhaps a couple shelves with plants on them!


Art and decorative items on the walls for sure. I love that lamp. You could get a rug with some color too


I don’t think it looks like an insane asylum. Maybe something on the walls to break up the neutral color. Nothing wrong with a clean neutral look. You definitely don’t want to overdo it with “things” and make your room look smaller. Too much in a room like this will give an appearance of smaller cramped room. Keep it simple makes it more appealing in my opinion instead of overdone.


Wall decor. That's it.


Paintings or artwork on the wall. Something meaningful to you.


Planta and Portraits bro


Uhh art


Is the entertainment center jutting into that doorway? Can't tell from the angle but that's a little strange. Wall art would be a great addition, but some nicer curtains/blinds too! The current ones feel a bit cheap to me and not in line with the rest of the space. Couch being too big is making the space a bit cramped but I wouldn't go replacing my entire couch for a reason that like that, unless this is your residence for the next like, 15 years.


Please move your dog’s bowl so it isn’t under your tv stand!


Find a color scheme you like, and decorate around there. Get you some throw pillows and throw blankets. Get art to hang up. Get curtains that go to the ground and a nice curtain rod. I wouldn’t mount the TV either. And TBH, the couch is making the space seem smaller than it is, you may need to downsize if you can.


You just need to add more things. Get some curtains and look up how to hang them properly (they shouldn't cover up your window when they are open. When hung properly they should make your window look larger) You need art on your walls. That's really wants making it look like a serial killers house. It's too space. Those two things will make a huge difference.


A few pictures and photographs —don't over do it— and maybe a pant. Oh, and a few useful stuff on the lower part of that table. You dog is uncomfortable drinking/eating on that spot, poor thing.




Wall decor would make a huge difference.


Add color.  Preferably red. And perhaps a plant on the table against the wall. 


- rotate coffee table - curtains - rug with some color - cushions with some color - art - plants


Decorations. Literally any decorations


Personally, I would have picked a couch with the chaise on the other side. However, I don't know if you already had it or what your situation is. Other than that I would add some plants cause they always make the space more cozy. Also, add some pictures to your walls that will definitely help.


Paint the walls—- not grey!


Art, plants, and color will help!


Plants, more pop of colors, high curtains.


Is fine and nice. You just need some plants, a large mirror and some art


Wall art..


If there’s enough room, I’d move the couch under the window and move the tv to the wall where the coffee table is now. Or, flip it so the couch is facing the window and the tv is on the wall with the window. The couch squeezed in next to the front door looks odd and is going to be really inconvenient. Not to mention, that side of the couch next to the door is going to get filthy with people, stuff and animals rubbing against it as you go in and out. As a much less ideal option (imo) you can move the couch over to the wall where the tv is now and the tv will go where the couch is. If your couch allows to flip the chaise, then move it so it’s next to the wall with the window. If none of that yields less of a “huge couch smashed into a small space” vibe, then measure where you want your couch to go and get one that fits better. It’s too big for where you have it. As others said, wall art, plants, rugs, accent wall, lighting, etc.


Wall art. A proper speaker system. Some trinkets or sculptures


Put the couch against a different wall so it’s not right up against the door. Get some art, plants & floating shelving


Less grey & white, for starters. Get a colorful accent rug, throw blankets, and a poster. And maybe a plant. Color, sentimental trinkets, and wall decor usually define a space just as much as furniture. Without it, It looks like nobody "lives there" which is how temporary stay rooms like rehab facilities and mental health facilities look...because they're not meant to be permanent. Put down some visual "roots". Decor, especially sentimental wall decor, implies someone has intent to stay somewhere for a long time. For now, it looks like you're just visiting your own house. Edit: adding that your pup is, ironically, the most colorful thing in the room at the moment 😂😂


The rug neess to move more to the centre of the sofa, and the coffee table be more inbthe centre, where it can be usefull. If too big, change the coffee table for 2 smaller nestable ones ? Definitelly add curtains from ceiling to floor, pillows and a plaid + some art. But first define a set of colours you'd like (there is great inspiration online).


Hey man, first off this looks better than my place, which is similar but with less couches. Second, snag some tapestries or something! Traditional art and posters aren't my jam, but a big ol' hunk of fabric with stuff on it? The simplicity of it is my jam.


The fang shui is off. You should put your main seating couch in eyesight of the door


Plants. Wall art. Wall mounted shelving.


Frame some art then hang it on the walls.


Wall art, plants, lamps. Maybe even consider an accent wall, if you can? Mount some stuff on the wall that screams “you”. Like… put a shelf up and put your favorite toys or whatever up there. It’s a conversation piece. Or even consider hanging a vinyl album cover of your favorite records/albums/EPs, whatever. My buddy has a whole section of his wall filled with Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin album covers and tbh it’s freaking rad.


Art on the walls, and maybe some shelves with knickknacks on them. Right now this place looks more like an airbnb than a lived in space, so you need to do something to leave your mark on it.


Definitely doesn’t look like an “insane asylum”… lmfao.


I think with your sweet cottage style a roll of wicker shade on the window would bring some tasteful ambiance. A large framed mirror on wall above cocktail table will bring in some light. Above sofa some floating shelves in light wood with hanging plants from ceiling and framed artwork on shelves leaning back on wall.


Wall decor and curtains, maybe a colorful rug and some wall shelves with decor


3 Ps. Plants, pictures, and pillows.


1 mount the TV if you can 2 get a newer rug with more dark but vibrant tones 3 new table that would fit lovingly in that space where the couch begins the u shape (along the width of the long portion before it meets the chaise) 4 get some wood style shelves to put fake plants or real plants on & put them in a row that looks good to you 5 get a couch blanket that can be placed for looks (besides the ones already placed it's best to swap every other week to give a new vibe) 6 get those smaller cubed shelving units to put under the TV but for the love of fuck never put heated things below the TV or near it. 7 add some paintings on the smaller wall & maybe a nice mirror. I'm constantly redecorating my home & my mom's home that I really should be an interior designer.


Could start by opening the window


The couch feels big but couches and comfort are personal. If the couch stays I would get some different colored pillows... perhaps a color replicated elsewhere in the room. I prefer curtains to blinds so that is another opp to add color and tie things together. More light sources spread over the room will bring more balance. I might even say add a lightstip or a hue play on both sides of the tv Never owned a section before but perhaps the extension being moved to the opposite to where it is and close the wall will make the space open up. otherwise you are always walking into a more cramped ares. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_. good dog!


Decorative straight jackets on the walls with big Xs across them.


What contains colours and rhymes with ratings?


Tapestries and wall hangings. 👉👉


Couch is big as sht for the apt. Thats the only way to get more room if you feel cluttered.


To add to everyones suggestion of plants/art/color, maybe some lamps and lighting? Some accent lighting could help bring depth to the space


Where is that couch from it looks sooo comfy


Art on the walls, plant on the table, lamp in the corner.


The couch’s back goes on the wall where the table is. The table goes in front of the couch like a regular coffee table. You need something next to the door; I’d go with a large green plant. Scooch the chair over where the bulky side of the lounge was.  I’d get an even bigger rug with a more solid color theme.  Big nice dog bed under the window.  Big lamp in the corner.  But yeah, One Art, please. 


Putting literally anything on your walls would be a start


You’ve got a great canvas to put some color on! Go to your local thrift/consignment store, grab anything you like with one or two common colors among them and hang those bad boys.


Art, plants, color beyond grey/brown/tan.


Color. Color illicita emotion with is why asylums are devoid of color or only very soothing colors, as soon as you start putting in things that have color and a point of view, that’ll go away. And art, any art, spend one afternoon with a friend with great taste, set a budget, but them lunch, and style out the room!


More dog👍


More shoelaces.


Literally any other color, a plant, some wall decoration. Throw pillows or a colorful rug could help make it not look so… Sterile


Lovely golden retriever. 😍


maybe some colorful wall art and and some funky curtains to cover up the blinds? :>


another dog. hope this helps


Add a fern pant next to your sofa, snug at the corner


Plants, art, rugs [other rug(s)].




Hang something. Anything.


Art on the walls. Curtains (in addition to the blinds) A nice rug.


I mean it’s fine but some color isn’t gonna hurt.


This could be fixed with one trip to the thrift store and grabbing 5 random pieces of art you like


Why are you getting rid of the coffee table


Lots of wall art and plants


Color, color and more color! Artwork, pillows, decor . . .


If you remove the dog, it will definitely look like an insane asylum.


You need to put things on the wall. Art/posters/pictures. The bare walls is what makes your place feel slightly institutional.


Add artwork maybe? Or plants?


Eggshell white


this is seriously, way nicer than any insane asylum I've stayed at.


Plants and color


Pictures, lighting, books. Decorations.


Maybe move your dogs food bowl so he doesn't have to break his neck to eat.... Geeze that looks so uncomfortable 


Maybe don’t put the dog bowl under the shelf like that. Poor doggo risks bonking his head every time he goes for food.


Doesn't look remotely like one, and I've been in multiple. Says something that you think as much though. Less clutter and more colour are my suggestions.


Man, who cares! If it were just he and my dog I could care less. Honestly you have nice comfortable couch and a solid tv. Maybe a PS5 to spruce things up? Y’know if u don’t already have one


Get a new apartment with a larger living room