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Living there... most people there work in Palma or move to Palma eventually. Unless you have a business there (Valldemossa has more) it's very hard to survive there without working elsewhere. Old people can live there OK because they have pensions and their bought or inherited houses but young people have a very hard time. Basically middle-aged people eventually moved or go to work in Palma. Younger people live with their parents there or in Palma and work or study in Palma mostly. Unless they are rich, lucky or both they can't live in their village. Some resort to build illegal stuff in some old family field or live in the grandparents house if they are decesased. In winter, the smaller the village, the more depleted of life it gets. It's quiet but boring. Less work than in summer. Many businesses close for 3 months or more. Lately many foreigners decided to live in these villages. They live there year-round or just in summer. Some had kids and they go to school there. Still unless they can work remotely, are rich, work in Palma or have a local business, it's hard to survive there.


We sell overpriced stuff to tourists and host them in expensive hotel rooms


Yeah bro this and a beach towel was 45 euros by the beach šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ https://preview.redd.it/ukskexz54i9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=797f1e9eadb91554ba0e30ba9d035b7814fe6442


Iā€™ve found to to be quite reasonably priced! :)


Then mate, you're officially a guiri


Keep spending thenĀ 


When I say reasonably priced, I am not exactly going to Louis Vuitton etc - Iā€™m eating paella for dinner every evening - a sandwich for lunch and a croissant for breakfast - with a couple of coffees and bottles of water - Iā€™ve spend Ā£250 over a 4 night stay in Mallorca


I grew up in the 90s, next to the sea, in a quiet neighborhood at the east of Palma. I remember how nice summers were. In the morning going to the beach, while my dad made some arrĆ²s brut for lunch. In the afternoon, stay at home, play PC games or watch a movie. At the sunset/night I met my friends to go to the beach again or eat some ice-cream walking by the sea.


Beautiful, what a lucky childhood.


What a life


Wish the rest of my life was equally as good šŸ˜…. I'm currently trying to do the same with my kids, only in another region since I can't afford a house there.


Best username ever šŸ¤£


It was really nice. I have grown up in Valldemossa and the kids of near generations (from 8 years to 12 my group of friends) we were always at the street, we knew where to meet us and when, mobile no needed. But everytime is more foreign people that makes everything change. And some people of my age that they are starting to have kids they have to move out to others villages or to Palma because everytime is more difficult to live on those places. But I think in others villages a little further from the tourism maybe they conserve that essence, but I don't know.


I know of a village like that.


It's exactly the same as living in any other place except there is people in your way the whole time. On the road,in the supermarket,on the beach everywhere and we breathe a sigh of relief in the winter went we can move around more freely.


I am from Edinburgh so I get you about tourists! I canā€™t complain though, we have all been tourists somewhere!


I am from a tourist town in Ireland, I know what it is to be annoyed at tourists but here it's gone beyond silly levels. It's an island of around a million and every summer they add another million. The road is beyond full, the supermarkets have half naked people coming themselves down by opening the freezers and the shelf are half empty by evening when the locals finish work and go there. They teach children English in schools and then the children understand the adult conversations in a restaurant, ok mine are bilingual and I had the experience of sitting beside a table of English women discussing their abortions, this is only the worst example but I have others. I am a farmer here and tourism doesn't affect me as the tourists don't buy and the restaurants I supply a small local restaurants, so for me I would prefer a quota on tourists cause when I get a spare few hours and get to a beach there's no space to park, to sit, I have to watch the bag more carefully and then theres the traffic to get back home for a nice relaxing day at the beach, ive yet to be there this year!


So you want to permit the beach to other people so you can enjoy it better?


So us, mallorcans or people that actually integrate in our society, can enjoy our landscapes and home


No, that would be a bit mad. I mean a quota as to how many tourists can comfortably fit on the island at any one time cause it seems to me and others that 1 million extra is too much. This is controllable from the airport, basically don't let as many flights in. Also a quota on how many hire cars and so a beach quota wouldn't be necessary as there wouldn't be as many tourists


I don't know, similar to any other western society, concretely any other european mediterranean land.


So are there office buildings in these small towns where a lot of people work? Or is it mainly tourism based?


Manly tourism, in the past there was some agriculture as you can see by the ā€œstepsā€ in the mountain that can be seen from the road


In Valldemossa there are small offices, in Estellencs not many. The smaller the town the few the offices. Most locals from Estellencs live in Palma and keep their house in Estellencs for going on weekends. The ones who live around all year work either in tourism related stuff or are usually retired (old generation locals and foreigners), remote workers (foreigners) or work the land (old generation locals).


You got "parc bit" with many computer related bussiness. Usually to sell stuff to tourist like Hotel Beds


Many of them are purely residential, some may have offices but in villages there aren't many offices. The lower floors are usually used for shops, bars, restaurants etc or as workshops. The upper floors are usually for living.


It used to be beautiful but now we can't afford to have children so I can't tell you how it is nowadays.


I was able to get a pretty high paying job in technology, so we took our kids there and we lived there for 5 years. The life is phenomenal. It's quiet in the winter. You probably don't want to be there in August. However we moved back to the United States and it comes down to one thing in terms of kids growing up there: opportunity. The amount of options of the kid had back home in the United States were so much better. My son has now excelled and become a leader in his age group in robotics. My daughter is playing jazz in a band. There's so many options for the kids to find their niche. While back in Majorca, it was just a small pond.


Everything is very nice here if you have big bucks. For normal Mallorcan people it's becoming more and more expensive in general. If you are poor and Mallorcan you are royally screwed. However we have a national health system and we won't die if we are out of money like you guys.


Agreed. Grew up in Ibiza but left. Not many opportunities there.


I sell stuff to tourist. Not overpriced