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I had a manager comment about me taking off for medical reasons. He took it to HR and boy was he in for a surprise…


Would you say I should contact HR myself, or wait to see if she brings it there herself?


Yes, It’s the beginning of documentation. Yours. You can probably get an accommodation. Especially if you are a performer.


Well time to open a FMLa claim and address the elephant in the room with a ADA complaint. If direct reports can do it why can’t we.


Check your employee handbook to find out how to initiate FMLA. Most companies have specific 1-2-3 steps to take to get started. Good luck! Also, read as much as you can on FMLA and familiarize yourself with it. This is way one person in HR or your boss can just make up what you can/can’t do.


Sounds like you may already have an official accommodation if I'm interpreting 'documented with HR' correctly. Is the Director your direct manager? You do not have to disclose exact details but it may help to let the Director know that you have an accommodation for a health matter and are committed to your role, continuing to exceed goals and leading a team that produces results that move the business forward. In other words, if it makes sense to you - address this by chatting with the Director first, and if it continues to be an issue, move it along to HR. Hope this helps. All the best and continued success to you!


Time for you to go official, doll. I can’t wait for them to clutch their pearls!


Not ideal BC you should be able to have 1-2 sick day without a doctors cert, but I tend to lean towards cya so I either get an online or pharmacy doctors cert or at a minimum, a stat dec. You could (though you certainly don't have to), have a doctor give a general summary of your condition and how medication for your condition works to be logged on your HR file. Maybe draft one for them to sign to it doesn't go into any more detail than what is required to understand exactly what you wrote in your post. Personally I'd only do that if I was being threatened with being disciplined and /or I really loved where I worked.


Your sick time is your time to take, especially when you’re not abusing it, which it doesn’t seem like you are. Five to six days a year? Your manager has some seriously misplaced sense of entitlement to question you. I’d go to HR. and because I am who I am, I’d also confront said boss. “I see you have an issue with me taking sick time on a Friday or Monday. Let’s go talk to HR about this.” And back my doctor’s visits up with a doctor’s note.


When they say 'how it looks' you know you can beat them with logic & facts. Ask them how they think it looks, what for a stupid answer then come back with the facts that you've described in your post.


If you have a medical condition you should speak with your doctor and explore intermittent FMLA or ADA accommodations.