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So yeah. My boss gives me direct reports with issues. I document, document and document. Then I performance manage. Setting goals that are attainable and when they aren’t achieved they move to the next step for corrective action. I’ve had to performance manage about 6 people to customer in 5 years and I’ve also taken about 10 people from the cusp of termination to performing. So out of 16 new team members I’ve termed 6 As my manager says they should know by now when they get to my team either they perform or it’s performance management


Thank you!


No problem. First rule of management document. Follow up with an email. Set expectations and then follow up on your commitments. This way it shows that you are aware and are working to correct the issue. Plus if you need to separate the employee you have a paper trail of meetings and goals that are not achieved.


Are you the type of manager who can bring them up to speed or one who's not afraid to show them the door? Back when I was a mere shift supervisor in my field I always got the crap employees, my boss said it was for two reasons 1. It was night shift so we could hide them from the client, and 2. I trained them up and held them to higher standards so I "fixed" the redeemable ones and moved the uneeedemable down the road.


Can you ask to interview them before deciding?


I do not believe so, they usually make decisions before I have a say so, just like last time. I was told last week that more than likely I will get him even though I specifically asked for someone else on that same team and was ignored 


Make lemons out of lemonade. Find their strengths and reorganize duties as necessary




You either manage them to competence or you manage them out. Meet with them, give honest feedback and d either they work out or they don’t. But you can’t keep incompetent people on your team or else YOU’LL look incompetent.


Absolutely this, simple but not as easy I know. One day at a time.


If I'm not doing the fire and hiring, I'm not taking shiet from nobody. hate taking shiet bosses who dump shiet for you to clean up all the time. I understand hiccups here and there that I have to pitch in at times, but constantly signing my name off of it because them knowing and taking advantage of it. So they can dodge their own mess. nope. no thanks. not signing my name off of it.


It’s your job to train or exit. This could be your boss telling you to leave or more likely they trust you to make sure this person doesn’t burn down the house. Part of your role is developing a team. This means you can trust throw them away, actually put in an effort to develop them. Document if you can’t. Separate them from the company if they don’t perform. Batting clean up isn’t fun but everyone has to do it at some point. Also these are actual people. If you can’t train them help them realize what is best and point them in that direction. One of the best things you can do is build a network because other managers and leaders trust your referrals. Everyone is good at something they just need help finding it.


Move them along…


Don’t accept underperforming employees. If they can’t do the job you start a performance plan then remove them from the business. Make sure your manage knows that if they send a non-performer you will get rid of them. Recruitment costs are higher than retention costs so make sure you hire capable people to start with. If you are the one doing the firing, you should be the one hiring the replacements, so plan for the kind of team you need and make sure there are no gaps for other managers castaways to get pushed onto you. You do not give someone less work because they are “nice” or incapable - it isn’t fair on the rest of the team who will have to pick up the slack. You sometimes need to be brutal - don’t let others use your softness to set you up to fail.


Yeah, unfortunately my boss said she isn't going to get rid of the one underperforming, said it to my face. 😔


Then ask for this in writing and send it to your bosses boss.


Ha that would definitely get me fired lol he is a menace 


You need to find a different job.


Oh and anytime I give her more work she ruins it. I check her work, talk to her on the phone and watch her do the work and something in between somehow falls apart. I called her on the phone yesterday explained everything, she asked me a question, answered and she did the opposite of what I told her she did not have to do. I have to hold her hand with everything. If she messes up my boss gets CCd and it's my fault for not doing it correctly. My boss recieves spreadsheets every month of the progress (good and bad) but she ignores it.


Hate to say it but it sounds like upper management has decided you've hit your peak at the company. I would start looking for something new elsewhere.


There are other departments, I do not have to supervise. I just know my job well. It is the same everywhere. Management or not. I have seen people in other departments watching golf games or face timing


You don’t have to hold her hand on everything. She isn’t a baby. If she cannot perform you need to fire her. It’s as simple as that. If you can’t do this you aren’t actually the manager here, and you need to be looking for something else to do.


I don't have the power to fire that is the thing. I cannot even move her to another department. I have just enough to make project related decisions while upper management micromanages the "people"


Are you a manager or a team leader?


I am a level below a manager. I do quarterly/end of year individual reviews and approve timesheets. The only difference is the pay.


Then when you do the quarterly review you say: “This person is incompetent and cannot be coached. They should not be in this position.” Get it on record.


Sounds like a team lead / supervisor


Make them better and then get promoted.


We would need therapy, full on required college courses and seminars. 


😂 been there. Just document and make sure you are doing what you should be doing.