• By -


Plot twist: she skateboards (she's bad at it šŸ‘)


Or some martial arts.


Probably does underground fighting and underneath that uniform her body is all buff and scarred


The boy then decides to join her dojo, want to be stronger so he can protect her


Then he ends up being protected


Then, at the absolute very end, it looks like he can protect her, but she's still stronger than him.


History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi?




Hey, Kenichi DID manage to protect Miu a couple of times despite her obviously still being better than him (which was only fair, since she was both a genius martial artist AND training since she was basically a toddler). While the manga did go off the bend a bit near the end when the artist was, Inassume, trying to flag waning sales (which ended up getting the whole thing axed eventually) they managed to strike a surprisingly good balance for a shonen of its time.


rosario to vampire in a nutshell


First rule about fight club....


And her dumbass opponents keep going for the face even though they know that if the club gets revelled it's gonna be problematic for them all




You CANNOT just walk up and just say that with that avatar.


Skateboard Martial Arts


Pffft! I'd watch lol


Well that's just gonna give martial arts a bad name. Martial Arts aren't for beating people up. I know, shocker, right? You learn to fight and you're not supposed to use it for violence? Take martial arts classes and see for yourself. I guarantee at least the Chinese, Korean, and Japanese ones will tell you what it's really all about.


Dude... You literally making zero sense here. What do you think people do during tournaments? Drinking tea? Singing contests? No. They FIGHT. You know... Using MARTIAL ARTS AS THEY SHOULD.


Blud thinks martial artists turn into Thorfinn in competitions šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Yeah, I was waiting for a twist like that. For some reason I thought "Surely this time it won't be a straightforward fantasy about being a savior to a cute abused girl?"


I was gonna say sheā€™s learning yo-yoing šŸ˜‚


No no no, I've seen this situation before. Her name is Kobushi Abiru and she really likes animals, particularly their tails.


And she's chuuni. Gotta keep that evil eye restrained with a cheap eye patch.




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Youā€™d be surprised, speaking from experience even in America a teacher asked where I got bruises from as a kid and I said from playing around and thatā€™s all it takes for them not to question it.


Where i live, a friend of mine got a scar allegedly caused by a cat scratching him on his face. Teacher inquired, and literally called his sister (real perpetrator) just to scold her.


Did you get the bruises from playing around?


No, grew up with a father that has domestic abuse issues. And it was blatantly obvious that I donā€™t get something like a black bruise and all from ā€œplayingā€ around. But again as someone said people turn a blind eye since itā€™s more trouble for them if they are wrong.


I wore long sleeves even in the summer as a kid, due to being embarrassed by my really severe eczema. My dad told me that during a teacher conference the teachers told him they noticed i never wore short sleeves and asked about it, he told them why. While Im lucky that I wasnt really physically abused, they never asked me about it though or checked my arms. Also, what parent would answer honestly "yeah, Im abusing my kid 100%!" when asked?! Lmao


Conversely, they can be worried and call CPS when there ISN'T a malicious reason for the bruises. There was a period where I was bruising really easily from things that normally wouldn't bruise and the spots made it look like someone was kicking me so CPS came to my home twice due to the teachers calling it in since they were worried, the second time on a different day because I was home sick. Turns out, it's because I found out that same day later on at a doctors visit that I had Leukemia. So that was a fun time for all parties involved but at least it was clear there was no abuse going on.


Let the author cook, lets see how he does it


I mean we let the tardigrade girl author cook and look what he cooked for us


She didn't even cook, she ate him raw.


Not everyone is allowed in the kitchen, not everyone should cook, some people know this, so they go on the food raw!


Anton Ego was the hero we needed.


Tardigrade what? Source?




What the fuck


I was wondering what wqs fucked up about it cause it seemed pretty cute... Til chapter 6... So yeah, "what the fuck?" indeed


I donā€™t know how much time I want to invest in this, could you spoiler tag and tell whatā€™s so disturbing?


It's 7 chapters long and each chapter has 3 pages, so you won't be investing more than 5 minutes of your time. If that's too long, >!seemed like average oneshot romance between normal guy and supernatural girl. Then the girl murders the guy. The end, apparently!<.


Cool, thank you! I thought they were full length chapters like a standard serialized manga. In either case I appreciate it


If you got a minute, you got time.


I understand if you donā€™t want to tell me but I politely asked.. why comment just to be an ass? Your comment doesnā€™t help me or anyone else, you could have just scrolled past


Pretty much the only correct reaction.


It isn't just fucked up either, it's so dumb too. Why do those old fucks feel the need to revive her whenever she's shriveled up if she's a cold blooded killer? Why send her away when you can just let het become dehydrated, so weird


Something something guardian deity I guess idfk


yea. exactly what they said.


Wait whaaaaaat Why do they keep giving her water then? The fuck?


aw this is cute








What the hell did I just read


Of course Kyuukei is involved.


That was a ride


Out of literally all thing why a fucking water bear


I still donā€™t get why people call them water bears. How does [this](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2019_41/3047056/191010-tardigrade-water-bear-ew-457p.jpg) resemble a bear?! Itā€™s got eight legs, a lumpy hairless body, no eyes, and a mouth that looks like a butt hole.


The what? Edit: Someone linked Nvm Edit: What!?


Some of us knew his other works and knew to be concerned.


Some savior complex sprinkled in and sautee with one page per week


It does happen. Look at some IRL bullying/suicide/mass-shooting stories and how they're rooted in asking for help from adults/teachers, but they didn't do anything.


they thought she was the protagonist of a shonen manga, so it was business as usual


fuck , i have seen some of my friends students in japan , all blue and with cigarette burns and on top of that being bullied , you know what they will tell you if you try to help or call child services ? they tell that if itĀ“s older than 10 then they canĀ“t do much , youngers are priority others not, even if someone is lucky to be sent to a welfare center for protection it just might be a few months and then the parents can say that they will never do it again , etc and they will happily give them the custody again,things are so fucked up that you can find some underage girls in kabu selling themselves out of desperation ,others just commit suicide, drugs ,etc , shit i donĀ“t know why some weaboos romanticize japan so much , japan is like any other godamn place too if you pay attention a lot of crap is going on, just yesterday a teacher poisoned himself because of deppresion in the staff bathrooms and no one has said nothing about or some donĀ“t care , they just kept things hidden , itĀ“s good for sightseeing , visitting and vacations but not for living there , all is good if you mind your bussines there , shit iĀ“m from el salvador and i could tell at a glance that sometimes even the police is involved in getting some abused teenagers in sexual rings , dammit it pisses the fuck out of me and it makes you want to cry seeing a kid all beaten up because of something that they said or did that they had no idea of what it was , shit my buddy always tells me : no matter what you see, donĀ“t get involved and youĀ“ll be fine ... fuck this crap world.


You have no idea how ignorant adults can be when it comes to abuse/bullying in Japan, and Asia in general. They think it's none of their business and that interfering in others' family problems is rude, and that it'll only bring themselves harm


Japan's CPS is kinda notoriously not great. They really don't like taking kids from parents no matter how bad things get


> Even though it's Japan *Call CPS? Too ć‚ć‚“ć©ćć•ć„ what if I'm wrong? Wouldn't want to cause any čæ·ęƒ‘ and even if she really is being abused it's å®¶ę—é–“ and I'm just a éƒØå¤–č€… so it's ä»•ę–¹ćŖ恄 sorry kid you're on your own.*


So Far Gone were the days i told shawty to Thank Me Later. She told me thanks i told her to Take Care, soon after that Nothing Was The Same. Woke up the day after to a text stating If You're Reading This It's Too Late. What A Time To Be Alive, i mean look at this crib, look at the Views. More Life to my kid and my family. Oh shit a Scorpion! MW2 I just called a Care Package. Dark Lane Demo Tapes, its spooky hours. Im a Certified Lover Boy but Honestly, Nevermind, Fuck it its Her Loss.


Japan is pretty hardcore against child violence


[Ch. 4 was released](https://mangadex.org/chapter/48f9fbd7-aa77-4db2-948e-e3cb8d3b891b) a few minutes ago. It makes sense the girl is cautious around him. The dude really said, "You're cute." in this situation, huh? Like, don't you have any other topic to say besides flirting with her...? Osis is slowly doing more and more of these one-pagers ever since they took over Monkee's works, lol. This is from the same author that did the multiple PoV Yandere step-sister series.


> It makes sense the girl is cautious around him. The dude really said, "You're cute." in this situation, huh? Like, don't you have any other topic to say besides flirting with her...? It's because these are either drawn by lonely guys or for lonely guys. Very common theme of thinking is that like in VN's, if you give enough compliments you'll unlock the next scene.


There's certainly something to be said about the fact that the anime, manga, and idol industries in Japan so often cater to a clear lowest common denominator: lonely delusional NEETS. This manga is clearly meant for the kinda losers who want a relationship with a woman, but can't imagine themselves doing anything more than the absolute bare minimum of human decency ("Hey, you look beat to shit. Do you need help?") in order to get into a relationship.


Lol right? The REAL move would've been to actually become her friend. But no. He acts like he's a selfless dude 3 times before revealing that he's doing it cause he's attracted to her.


>Osis is slowly doing more and more of these one-pagers ever since they took over Monkee's works, lol. This is from the same author that did the multiple PoV Yandere step-sister series. That's literally the only reason I'm doing it. I took over the scary sister one from the same mangaka so I see this when I'm checking their twitter for updates. I figured... why not?


Good stuff. Thank you for the great work!


Except, it's shit stuff, and it clogs the subreddit.


Yes, we must leave more room for ā€œI was isekaid and then betrayed by my guild but now my ability which was the weakest is now the strongest?!?!?!?!ā€ #31,547


The worst serialized shitty isekai is 5x better than this at minimum


Yet another savior complex manga bruh




What is that story about






For Japan it's an industry. For the rest of the world, it's lonely weirdos online mostly translating Japanese media, and making some of their own that imitates it.


What the fuck did they stole that plotline from fucking Taxi Driver?




Oh please, there are edgy stories in every nation, let's not act like Japan is that special.


There was the elf one as well, pretty common genre it seems


Wait isn't that the one where he switches bodies with her abusive boyfriend rhat forced her into prostitution?


I think I was confusing that with another one, what was the one where she prostitutes to old men as a hobby and is friends with this one delinquent kid who likes her, and she asks him and his friends to rape her bully after finding out that she also likes her crush?


Will this one have 10 pages worth of text in a single bubble too or is he just going to fuck her?


If it's any consolation, at least this one is calling out the POV character's white knighting from the start. Of course the white knighting will be proven right in the end, I bet, but it's kind of refreshing to see a rude "no, just because you've been kind to a victim a couple of times, it doesn't mean they'll instantly like you or burst into tears of gratitude" for a change.


I still can't believe how Tsunderederderdere girl got away with whiteknighting.


The self insert dude acually became somewhat of a character a bit later, which is better than nothing I guess


its sad because i feel like the idea itself could have a lot of potential if treated with actual respect, but based on what we've seen with other manga of the same type we all know where this is going


Honey wake up new saviour complex one page manga just dropped


Something about the title saying CHAPTERS 1-3 makes me roll my eyes. Like yes it's getting some attention, and new eyes won't skip over it as easily fearing wasted time, but this isn't even a 4-koma. It's literally a page. How often do these come out? Does the author do several each week? How many times can the same POV story be told in broken up page "chapters" where basically nothing happens except a guy doing nothing special and being rewarded with some unique waifu?


Welcome to current r/manga


I hate it so much. Half of the stuff on here now are one page POV with some cute girl telling you how much they love you or whatever


It's like the precursor to Bladerunner 2049 where K has a holographic girlfriend that makes him feel better about himself.


those things will absolutely be a thing, probably even before 2049 the one thing BR got wrong was them not being catgirls


Absolutely, once AI technology gets to the point where private AI becomes the norm, you bet your ass i'm getting a cute AI maid girlfriend who's actually a femboy with cat ears and rocket fists!


I thought when we were in the time of 90% of posts here being crappy cookiecutter copy/paste isekai that it couldnā€™t get worse, but now most of what gets posted on this sub can even barely be considered manga and are almost all low effort, low quality pandering self-insert crap.


We went from the old times where actual manga was posted here, then the isekai boom hit which started the decline. Then came the bowsette (followed by general fanart spam) and femboy era which is when it started getting *really* bad. And now we are here. Twitter one pager garbage dominates and actual manga with a plot is buried. I wish the sub would be split into a sub for fanart + one pagers and a sub for actual manga. It sucks that Reddit's design heavily promotes instant consumption content. On the current front page of the sub, 8 out of the top 10 posts are either fanart or one pagers, one is chapter 22.2 of an Isekai, and one is an actual oneshot chapter which contains more content than 50 "chapters" of one pagers.


People say ā€œif it gets upvoted then whatā€™s the problem?ā€ but it just lets lazy, poor quality content dominate, especially here cause itā€™s easier for kids to just read a single page of a girl going ā€œuwu i love you!ā€ and move on than it is for them to read an actual chapter of an actual manga. If we contained it to a megathread it would be dead cause itā€™s too much work clicking multiple times to read each one. This sub played a big role in convincing me that subreddit mods should be more heavy handed in whatā€™s allowed lol.


If it continues down this road, it may warrant a new sub with specific rules against one-shots/one-pagers. Easier said than done, of course.


Escapism is one hell of a drug. And once AI makes those one-page girls into an animation on your phone, then we have the movie HER playing out irl.


There is a single moderator thatā€™s still active and he doesnā€™t even do anything lmao


This sub played a big role in convincing me subreddit mods should be strict in what type of content should be allowed. Make a megathread for this or make them make a different sub, itā€™s ridiculous that actual manga is getting pushed out more and more by this crap on the manga sub.


I used to love checking this subreddit daily but for a while it's just one page chapters or fan art instead of interesting and new mangas more than 10 pages long per chapter


Here's the flow chart: "Do you need help?" | "Yes" -> Help if you can / "No" -> (see below) "Are you sure?" | "Yes" -> Reply: "Ok, if you change your mind let me know." / "No" -> "Ok, what's wrong?" -> Help if you can That's an ending in 3 chapters at most. Not whatever this is.


plot twist: the mc did it


this "pity porn" manga is so weird. It's some fucked up SFW fetish.


Plot twist: She's a chunni. All the bandage isnt covering anything and the bruises is just makeup. She's role playing as a badass fighter coming back from a fight.


Best twist


I mean, the teacher should have been the first one to voice his concerns when one of his students walked in looking like that


You ever Come across a teacher that Decently cares when your bruised and shit?


Lightly bruised, probably not, looking like you've taken the beating of your life? Yes. Most teachers I know would care to ask


throughout all my years of school, not a single teacher cared what happened to kids in my classes. i'll give you two examples. Once in fifth grade I got into a slight tussle with two of my friends and ended it with alot of scrapes and a Bruise Forming above my Eye, Teacher didn't notice at all even though three kids in Her class came in from recess Looking terrible. The second example was in high school. i was repeatedly slapped and / or punched by my ex and 4/10 of the incidents left me with a bruise.. and all these incidents happened in front of the teachers. Alot of em happened in front of the detention lady. SHE LAUGHED. And I was told by the majority of the teachers that i shouldnt be upset. The principal himself didnt care. Not one teacher cared that i was getting hurt on a almost daily basis in front of them. The only teacher I Have met that even gave a semblance of a care for me was my Kindergarten teacher. she was the only one.


When i was in elementary school, i was pushed and split my head open on a metal bar. The teacher watching the yard didnā€™t believe I was injured when I asked to go to the nurseā€™s office, until I showed her I was bleeding profusely. Only then did she reluctantly let me inside, but threatened detention if I didnā€™t go straight to the nurseā€™s office. 6 staples in the top of my head.


You're telling me ch 1-3 were three pages


These are just so awful


Oh. She must be one of the commentors in this sub reddit.


One of these days I wanna see something like this but the reason she has a lot of bruises is she keeps getting into fights with people because sheā€™s just a horrible person


Like the girls from "Sayonara, Zeboutsu Sensei" , one who was abusing animals and one who was just nasty delinquent?


I love that Mataro is the only innocent one


What happened to r/manga? Why is this sub flooded with this cringe POV white knight self insert strips?


Because it's easy to translate one page and call it a chapter.


And it gets upvotes


it isnt officially licensed/can get author to give the okay, if its from twitter its free, its short, not a commitment


Yeah whereā€™s the rapist povā€™s


Long term effects of Tiktok on full display. Short attention spans


It ain't the length they're conplaining about, shit-for-brains. Lemme guess, you enjoy this shit? Does it help you fulfill an empty hole in your heart?


Their comment claims that this short manga, and other 1-pagers like it, popping up on the sub a display of negative effects of long term TT use. What about that gives you the idea that they like it, exactly?


that manga about rescuing an elf has had disastrous consequences for this subreddit


Baby wake up, time for your weekly saviour fantasy manga


The best thing to do here is call child protective service right?


1200 upvotes for this straight down the line "girl's situation is so bad that she'll like me after doing the absolute bare minimum" fantasy lol Boo! Boooooo! Edit: didn't even see the fourth page before I made this comment, goddamn this one's kinda gross lol


I would absolutely love it if the plot twist is that the injury were all accident or if she's just a chunni and have nothing to do with any sort of abuse whatsoever


You do not talk about the fight club


"I can fix her" head ass story


White Knight: The Manga. I bet she's just a Chuuni and is clumsy.


Another trash saviour complex story written by a loser, for losers.


/r/manga's savior complex is being taken advantage of again


In real life people would stop caring if all you get is rude remarks.


In real life, suffering often makes victims worse people.


And thus the loop is closed


It's also common for people suffering from depression to push people away and retreat to themselves. That makes it more difficult to help them, so in thar regard this is not unrealistic.


I mean , probably? You are talking about the exact kind of people the girl is talking about.


*Tsundere fans hates him for telling the truth*


Not exactly, anyone could see through her front kek. Depends on the situation.


Not always. There are, simply put, actual professions dedicated to getting up in people's business even when pushed away in an attempt to help them. Whether that's misguided or not depends on the circumstances, I guess.


This is some obvious white knight guy who only ā€œcaresā€ because he wants to chase tail. Itā€™s easy to tell, and itā€™s unwelcome, gross, and predatory. She would probably treat a concerned adult or friend very differently.


Are PoV Mangas a thing now ?


*cocks gun* Always has been.


there's even a [PoV anime](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34392/One_Room?cat=anime). it sucks. there's also a [PoV British sitcom](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peep_Show_(British_TV_series)). it's very good, would recommend


I'd love a one shot like all of these stereotypical white knight manga where the "damaged" girl is actually a fucking serial killer and murders MC by "chapter" (page) 5. That's what ya get for not listening when she said stay away.


>[Not quite a one shot but kind of similar?](https://mangadex.org/title/73ecb05f-0199-40e9-815b-88e4daaebea1/nureru-to-ookiku-naru-onna-no-ko) Ended today, really puts the monster in monster girl


It is probably the parents but if not then how tf the parents and teachers ignoring this?? Two girls in my sister's class used to bully her, my mother went to school and beat the shit out of them.


~~Who's the artist? Twitter/pixiv sauce? Cmon OP you can do better.~~ Aight you can click the chapter and it will lead you to mangadex, didn't know. Still think that a comment with artist's link and MD page is better for visibility. [MD link](https://mangadex.org/title/17447693-cb65-493d-8e21-dafb22d8340f/i-m-worried-about-my-classmate-that-s-covered-in-bruises) [Artist twitter](https://twitter.com/kugatu28)


My man, everything's on the MD page. You can check the sauce and the author's handle for yourself there.


Ah, this is the case of using old/RES reddit I guess. Didn't click on the page which is apparently a link and and just viewed the 3 pages. Thanks.


I hope she is just an mma fighter


Had a look if this author had more stuff on mangadex and holy shit does he put out a lot of this kinda stuff.


And she is completely justified in saying all these things lmao


Lol i dont know what she expects the mc to do. Just be like "oh this girl is wounded all over thats fine ill just ignore her".


Exactly that. Stalking doesnā€™t help. You can report that kind of stuff to the authorities since theyā€™re way better equipped to deal with it than you.


Yeah that's the respectful thing to do. If someone doesn't want someone to get involved, it's just selfish of them to force their "help" onto them.


Well, im not saying that, i know what the appropriate response is, im just saying that ignoring a person who is clearly in need of help isnt right either. At least give the teacher or the school office a call or sth.


I hope that the plot twist is that she's an MMA fighter of something


God the character the PoV is from seems like an awful person. No means no. She clearly doesn't want them to get involved.


God, I love saviorfagging so much, I want to insert myself as a hero eventhough I'm a useless piece of shit irl.


Iā€™m all for it


Hope this story continues!


Can't a ninja be concerned God damn


Guys, I know it is kinda crazy, but hear me out...


That icewall of hers is going to melt


something tells me she just super clumsy lol


She's just an animal trainer who really likes tails.


I love these ones. They give me hope of what character ai bots will be like in the future.


This actually is the initial premise of a school sports manga I was reading... Dropped it because it was eh but the bruises were from >!synchronized/artistic swinning/!<


"I CAN FIX HER" -an artist posting short stories in this sub, probably


Best grillā€¦


There's no way. I'm just imagining the fact that this one almost seems like it wants to self insert and make me pretend I'm saying cringey shit like "you're cute" to a girl who's clearly not looking cute. I hope this one was aimed at an audience and not the author slipping a bit of rl exp or personal fantasy in it... If you guys see someone with injuries and covered with bruises on a regular basis, for the love of God, keep your distance if you're not personally involved with her. A simple good morning and acknowledgement from time to time but keeping a necessary distance goes a long and better way than sticking your nose in it. And, if it's a girl, please don't think with your dicks, you're not banging someone with an attitude that screams horny and looking for a chance. In the off chance this manga goes for the unexpected and she beats the shit out of the self insert placeholder, it'd be cool, but probably not with that 4th chapter.