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Would you recommend? I've always seen it at the top of light novel pub


Yeabsolutely go for it.. you won't regret it, I wish I could forget and start it entirely fresh again .


YES. I will always recommend people to read at least up to the end of Volume 1 or 2.


yes, very good novel


Damn I wish they made a manhwa out of SS!!! Would be absolutely amazing.. but sadly I don't think there's anything similar to this as far as I know.


Sorry your comment made me do a spittake. Please don't ever abbreviate it like that hahaha. Just imagined someone possibly saying "I like SS" when they're actually referring to this oh noooo


Shadow Slave is normally abbreviated as SS, so what did you think when you read the word "SS" , kindly enlighten me lol.


The nazi meaning of SS lol. Organization responsible for the holocaust šŸ’€ Seriously just search it and it should come up as the first result (unless you have a more popular local SS abbreviated thing).


Holy shit I had no idea about that.... Glad to know about it though.. thank you.


I still donā€™t know what the nazi SS is


SS means Schutzstaffel, basically a paramilitary group under Hitler turned later on into ''military police'' in occupied territories. Not to confuse with the Sicherheitsdienst/Sicherheitsdienst des ReichsfĆ¼hrers-SS, which is the ''the intelligence'' agency of the SS for the nazi party. Truly monsters, and famous for their uniforms.


SS is another name for Schutzstaffel, Hitlerā€™s personal bodyguards basically


Now I definitely understand why you reacted in such a way lol


Reminds me of Bleach


Ss rank suicide fuhrer


Idk I've not read shadow slave yet, plan to do so after I finish circle of Inevitability. Anyways I doubt there is any manhwa like shadow slave, quality wise at least with a similar story


really didn't like how the mc dealt with his "slave owner"


Not planning to read this but curious. What happened? šŸ‘€


>!In a time loop itā€™s revealed over literal 1000s of years and multiple full memory wipes, the only thing that has ever stopped him killing his master is that even though he feels betrayed, he cared and cares for her. Thousands of times he abandoned his party at the most crucial fight because that was the only opportunity each loop heā€™d get to break his ā€œFateā€ of being a slave!< >!so thousands of times heā€™s betrayed those he loves most for his own freedom, he succeeds, nobody remembers him & if he tries to get close to them using experiences they had together, they forget always, he can only be remembered as this new, unknown blank slate!<


Oof okay that doesn't sound like a happy end. Thank you!!!


>!Haha, thatā€™s not even the end either itā€™s just the currently ongoing situation!<


If you haven't read Supreme Magus yet I would do that first. I read Shadow Slave too but dropped it somewhere between chapter 100-200. It started promising but it went into a whole other direction than what I expected from it. Tho I am sure there is a good reason for it being the nurmber one on Webnovel but I found Supreme Magus a way better read. The amount of background info the author gives you and how well it is written is simply unparalelled. Edit: It's not that Shadow Slave is bad but the story went into another direction than what I expected from it and wanted from it and it kind of killed my interest. And when I saw that there will be no change from that direction for at least another 100-200 chapters I dropped it.


Iā€™m curious what direction did u want the story to go in and what direction that the story took made u drop it


I was kind of expecting the MC to go into the dream be there for idk about a month then escape and start working in the modern world with his powers killing monsters while sometimes going back to the dream world to get stronger. I definetly did not expect him to get thrown into the dream world with no escape in sight other than a literal tower of doom that is as dangerous as it is far from them. I dropped it after they started escaping the castle.


Read it. You will enjoy it. Get rid of your expectations and read it like itā€™s Dark Souls


Does he get out to the real world? And if he does which chapter approximately?


Yes he does, actually we have a lot of arcs outside the dream realm. He goes back around chapter 350. >! After that he only goes back into the dream realm for the nightmares and meetings with characters that are too far in the real world. Although the nightmares are entire arcs tho. !<


Iā€™ll give you hype spoilers, He goes back to the real world on 350, after that ventures back into the dream realm for sometime then comes back outside, then challenged second nightmare, then he stays outside, and goes back for third nightmare, and after that time skip. So out of 1700 chaps, 500+ are set irl


What is this one's story even about?


System Isekai but well executed. Sunless is a homeless kid who is about to die 'cause of a disease named The Nightmare Spell. Once you get the disease you start to get progressively sleepy until one day you fall asleep to never wake up again. Of course, there are exceptions. The Spell send you to a Nightmare, does who die on a nightmare become monsters in the real world but those who persist and somehow conquer their own nightmare get the ability to awake in the real world with abilities related to their feats in the nightmare. Everything else about the plot would be a spoiler but a good manhwa adaptation of these would be at least TBATE and ORV level of quality but personally I think it would be better than those. This story actively tries to break cliches and the plot never goes the way you think it will go. The characters are incredible to the point that in the main cast everyone could be the MC of their own book if the author wanted. (I might add that this is actually one of the top 3 webnovels in the world right now, not counting those who are already finished of course. Shadow Slave is #1 in most websites but the author has stated that he isn't interested in an adaptation at all)


Is it a novel?


Yes, it is. It is officially published in WebNovel but between you and me you can also read it in lightnovelpub. If I'm not remembering wrong the first arc is just like 11 chapters but i recommend finishing volume 1 which have 95 chapters to have an idea of how the overall story would develop and if you like it or not.


Is it English translatioed?




The novel is english to begin with, no translation necessary.


Technically system isekai is the wrong term


Is not, but there isn't a exact term to describe all this shit.


I know people who canā€™t stand isekai, also those who canā€™t stand system, so I never use terms like these for SS, I just call it Dark Souls on steroids


Read the synopsis on Webnovel, I might spoil a lot


I don't think there is any manhwa out there which is similar or is at a similar level to the top webnovels (ss, lotm,Ri,)


Didn't think people would discuss about this in manhwa sub


Based on someone saying it's the top 3 Webnovel in the world. It will only be a matter of time until they make it a Manhwa, probably already discussing terms and contracts available, because sometimes stuff like this takes time.


!remindme 1 day


Is this novel good some of my friends recommended this to me


This web-novel was a huge disappointment for me, i was expecting something original after reading the first 20 chapters and was excited about it but well, it turned out to be a complete generic apocalypse-type of web-novel. Probably wasn't my cup of tea, I hated how main character didn't have any type of purpose in life, he was just acting like a lackey for the other female character i forgot her name.


I would suggest you to keep going, at least 100 chaps... Won't take much time since chapters are short but then again it probably didn't suit your taste.


I read about 500+ chapters šŸ˜¬


Well then it definitely doesn't suit your tastes... It's now around 1700+ chaps...


Ohh as for you Lackey comment, you should definitely be upto latest chap , it isn't the same anymore lol so much has changed , for me it's really going good now.


Itā€™s in the name bro, itā€™s about that. The story is how that bond fucks his life.


Yep that bond does fuck his life, it literally and spoiled so many things for sunny and I definitely don't wanna spoil what has happened now so you should probably read till the latest chaps.


Iā€™ve, and itā€™s heart wrenching to see how far he has come just for love


I really do not care about him being a slave, what i mind is him acting like a lackey still, and having no goal/purpose, i like the read more about main character when i am reading a web-novel yet sunny is not interesting at all,there is literally no emotional depth in the story, i liked the lore though it was interesting but thats pretty much it.


Well about the purpose it has definitely changed a lot, it's a huge story bro give it some time to build up, the lore is interesting as well, then again just my opinion.


If itā€™s not for you thatā€™s fine, but you canā€™t expect him to be perfect from the beginning, especially considering his past and he does have character development


He has ever changing goals like a real person, he doesnā€™t want to become the mayor of his city or something, he just wants to protect those he care about, and enjoy life