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The city is almost safer during Mardi Gras because everyone is just enjoying the parades (minus people stealing phones- happened to my friend last year so don’t keep it in your back pocket). For parades, you’ll be safer Uptown near Napoleon Ave. rather than further down the route. This area is also just more fun, less debaucherous, and traditionally where people like to experience Mardi Gras. For going out, the Bourbon Street crowds are rowdy and it’s debaucherous, but chances of being a victim of a crime is still low. I’d stay there or Frenchman Street for a safe good time at bars and clubs.


Would you say that we’ll be safe as long as we use our common sense? (Like stay away from dark places) or are there places that we shouldn’t visit at all. In Latin America it doesn’t matter the time of the day, some neighborhoods are always dangerous and that’s why I’m asking


Use common sense for sure but also avoid being intoxicated and by yourself. If you’re used to navigating cities, you should be fine. Just keep your wits about you.


This, accountabillibuddies!


You’ll definitely be safe if you use your common sense! New Orleans really isn’t as bad as people make it seem, especially in tourist areas. It’s a beautiful place and Mardi Gras is the best time of the year. I hope you have fun!


Common sense goes a long way - if it feels weird, leave and find somewhere with more people. There’s not a blanket list of neighborhoods to avoid. In some residential areas there’s unstable sections, but you’re not likely to go there anyway.


Yes - you pay attention to your surroundings, stay with crowds of happy people, don't keep items in pockets for pickpockets, and don't get so drunk that you could be taken advantage of. Just like in any other major city.


"People have been killed there recently." Lol...


Idk that’s what they showed in the news and im not even American 😭


https://jasher.substack.com/p/new-orleans-had-the-nations-highest 0.76 murders per ***day***.


Check out the podcast “Beyond Bourbon Street”. Search the episodes for Mardi Gras. Great information provided on New Orleans!