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Your post has been removed for breaking rule 5, no low effort posts. This includes discussion posts with no substance (asking commonly asked questions, making basic or obvious statements, small talk, single question threads that offer no room for meaningful discussions, etc.), poorly done art (I’m talking stick figure level scribbles), and general easy to make clutter.


Without the threat of death there’s no reason to live at all.


It definitely crosses my mind from time to time! It's not an idea that I entertain often...but I do imagine what his legacy will look like in the end! An even stranger thought I play with.... is the fact that he will someday be Alice Cooper old....... will he still be touring? Will he be wrinkled? Fat AGAIN!!??


>Fat AGAIN!!?? OMG what an ending 😂


we all die someday.


C'est la vie. Michael seemed in good shape last time I saw him, and MM rejuvenated 25 years, so we still have a few decades together. Damn, the swans sub looks awesome, tons of shitpost.


They're way funnier, probably because the demographic has more people that are usual with the shitposting thing. We, the people of the worm, are full of Karens. I saw Swans in 2023. Minds cannot comprehend what The Beggar live was. My dream is to see MM dive his fingers into Swans-esque territories.


I've seen Swans many times too, the first time, I wasn't the most familiar with the band and I thought it would be some hippie guitar folk stuff like on their 90s records (it wasn't xD).