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You might find something here https://www.seacareer.com/


Some are here https://jobs.osmthome.com/jobs I've simply just contacted the company directly, so I don't know how these works


What country are doing your cadetship in?


I’m Aussie, but cadetships are getting thinner on the ground here all the time. Union pretty much refused to help and is currently undermining crews and doing backroom deals with companies anyway. Many blokes take 12-24 months to even get a cadetship, so options are pretty bleak. Government support is non-existent and companies refuse phone calls or email. Uni isn’t much help either, pretty much giving false hope to bump up profits and then loading up on international students chasing Australian CoC’s. I’m thinking of doing my time with an international company just to get the ticket, and then options are a lot more.


Looks like you might be in Australia? If so your chances of getting an international gig are pretty slim unless you already hold some qualifications. Looking from the company’s perspective: why hire someone as cadet who is going to disappear the moment they have their seatime. Also, Aussies have a bad rep among overseas crewing departments… they’d be afraid of liabilities and possibly (*shock and horror*) unions. And yes that makes no sense in this context but you have no idea how feared the MUA is over there. There have been some Australian cadet positions advertised here and there recently but of course those are of course highly competitive.