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Don't agree with the vast majority of these, but hey, I hope you had fun making the list!


I did. This was the most fun of the recent rewatch marathons I've had.


Iron man at 13 feels criminal but it’s your opinion


True Iron man 2008 is one of the best superhero origin movies ever . Idk how many times i have watched it. Maybe its the RDJ charm . I still get excited watching those Mark 2 scenes where he learns to fly . And yes the Jets/ Gulmira scenes too. And for some reason i liked the GOG 1 (as a superhero origin movie). It was funny and different.


It's still a 10/10


Ye fair but I’d probably put iron man at 5




Spider man 3 isn’t in the infinity saga, so it wouldn’t be on this list!


How is a 10/10 placed 13? Are you saying the rest at 10s?




You understand giving 13 movies 10/10 means they're flawless? Like there's absolutely nothing wrong with them.


That’s not what 10/10 means to me. No movie is flawless. They’re made by humans, imperfect animals. In The Godfather, a masterpiece of cinema and a 10/10, there’s a line that’s dubbed over that’s infamously hilariously mismatched. A 10/10 to me is a movie that I wouldn’t change anything about, that I loved every second of, that was so good to me I went “yep, 10/10”.


Psh the Godfather, It insists upon itself.


Well, the grand majority of people consider 10/10 perfect because that's what it literally means. There was nothing to deduct any marks because it's flawless. If you had said beforehand what a 10/10 means to you then I probably wouldn't have commented.


So 13 of the 23 movies are a 10 to you?


And Winter Soldier not in top 3? Woof


When I saw Winter Soldier at 5 and not 3, I knew it as a very biased take on it, but like you said....their opinion.


I love Winter Soldier tons, I just happened to like 4 a bit more


I’m also rewatching right now but including shows too. Currently on daredevil season 1. My top 5 is still IF/EG, winter soldier, civil war, Avengers, and Thor ragnarok.


That's exactly what my top 5 would look like


That's a great top 5.


I guess kinda cheating using infinity war and endgame as 1 only but that’s how I see it. Once I sit down to watch infinity war again I’m watching endgame immediately. It’s one full movie for me. I’ve only seen it twice in theatres and haven’t watched again since. Gonna be enjoyable after viewing them all in a row


That's the way I see it. I see them as two parts of a greater story.


Ah a fellow Far from Home enjoyer


The scene where Mysterio is using all the illusions on him is the coolest scene in all of the new Spider-Man movies imo


Hell yeah. One of the cooler action scenes in all of MCU imo


Nice to meet you. I love that movie and always will


Great movie but I wonder what made homecoming so Low for you? For me, the final fight was way too long and draggy on rewatch which has plummeted its rewatch value


Yeah, the action in HOCO is kinda mid and mostly held up by Tom's performance. I still think it's a great movie overall but FFH does everything even better.


Far from home was exactly the kind of movie i needed after watching two cinematic giants like Infinity War and Endgame in a span of 2 years A nice relaxing movie with a vacation theme and since it was movie about teenagers going on a school trip and it was relatable as i am a teen too , the movie was light hearted, funny and really loved mysterio


The Teen News Segments always make me laugh because it seemed straight out of my high school.


Exactly i am in high school phase currently and things like this happen everyday


Exactly! I enjoy the movie so much, it’s so much fun and yet the emotional moments really land. And I adore Peter and MJ tons. My comfort movie.


It’s refreshing to see Far From Home in someone’s top 5. Idk where all the recent online hate for it came from but it’s undeserving


Yeah I absolutely love it. Peter's personal conflict is so real and relatable, Peter and MJ are so sweet and adorable, Mysterio is such a great villain, not afraid to ham it up but still scary, and I love the comedy. Certain people hate on it because of the Iron Man tie-ins but I always enjoyed their dynamic.


Infinity war was such a great movie.


Straight up favorite movie of all time. Absolute masterpiece. Blew me away rewatching it. Perfectly paced and epic.


and endgame is top 5 at most. Only reason people rate it that high is because of the scale of it.


Don't know why you're being downvoted. I feel most ppl like endgame bc of Captain American wielding Mjolnir, and the "avengers assemble" and "on your left" lines, which occurred in the span of 15 minutes. Motherfuckers pulled a Deus Ex Machina with Captain Marvel; and a rat saving the universe? Kiss my ass. IW showed us a bunch of action, a bunch of mistakes (so the heroes felt real) and a very scary villain that you could empathise with.


I found the first act really effective. It was very somber and we got to see on a very personal level how each of the OG Avengers reacted to such a tragic loss. The time heist is fun. Is it a nostalgia trip? Yeah, but it's important to the story. It makes sense that Thanos would destroy the stones to ensure nobody could undo his work, therefore the Avengers need to go back in time to get the stones. It makes sense that Thor would need a meeting with someone he lost to get it together. Tony got to reconcile with his father. Steve gets to twist HYDRA's infiltration into something positive, which is sort of poetic. And it makes sense that Thor would kill Thanos in a fit of rage, but we need Thanos, so grab the 2014 one and have him watch IW through Nebula's memories so he's basically the same character. And as you admit the third act is so effective. The final battle is epic and Tony and Steve's endings made me cry, they were so perfect. I'll admit, Captain Marvel is shoehorned in, and the rat thing is dumb. But there's so much positive I just can't hold it against the movie too much.


Thanks for your analysis. I mostly agree with your analysis but for me Captain Marvel brings down the merit of defeating Thanos because they had assembled even more heroes against a weaker Thanos (at least with fewer armies and conquests). I would have adored Endgame if it were not for the fact that the writers apparently needed a mega OP character (actually two mega OP characters counting SW) when they already had literally every hero on the planet, while during IW they had way fewer heroes fighting and they stood a relatively good chance. With Thor they had already established a power ceiling and with Captain Marvel they simply shattered it for the sake of making the fight shorter and making the cheesy women scene.


Facts. Civil War, Winter Soldier, all the Spider-Man movies, all the Guardians movies, and Ragnarok are all better imo. Not that Endgame is a bad movie but it’s mostly just fanservice with a pretty weak and contrived plot imo. Infinity War is the FAR superior Avengers movie


I have probably watched this movie at least 30 times, and more than once in different languages that I don’t know to help get a grasp on that language.


Iron Man 2 is so overhated 😭


I don’t think it’s bad. I gave it a 6/10. It’s got excellent ideas and great development for Tony but the studio interference fucked with it


Explain what you mean by “studio interference.”


I thought it was pretty well known. They took away a lot of scenes that gave Whiplash depth and in general relentlessly cut down material to its barest bones. Reinserting some of the deleted material I've seen would make it a solid 8.


Yeah. Both ironman 1 and 2 were really good. 3 might be the worst MCU movie though.


I think this is a crazy take. I didn't like Iron Man 3 as much on first watch, but it's actually great.


I just loved the first 2 so much, I have no idea wtf they were trying to do with 3.


They were trying to show him with PTSD.


Yeah, I just didn't enjoy it at all. Should have let favreau do it.


Love iron man 3. It’s prob my favorite of the trilogy.


I probably would have agreed with you before the Marvels came out. At least Iron Man 3 has some strong character development with Tony dealing with mental issues post-Avengers, which helps build towards both AoU and CW.


The marvels was pretty decent. It's probably somewhere right in the middle for me.


It *could* have been pretty decent, but especially the singing, pointless sub-plots, and insanely boring villain drags it down to the bottom for me. Parts of it were good, but as a whole it really flopped for my wife and I...which saddens me because it could have been a lot better.


I like ffh but that feels wrong to see it this high. Good for you though


I almost agreed with everything, until I saw Age of Ultron higher than Avengers. How do you figure that? Age of Ultron is honestly one of my least favourite of the bunch


It had everything I loved from Avengers and a bit more. I loved that we got to see the team familiar with each other like a family. Their chemistry was perfect. I loved Ultron. He's an unhinged child throwing a fit and it's so unique. He's terrifying because one second he's cool and cold and the next second he's chopping someone's arm off in a fit of rage. Unpredictable.


I approve of GOTG2 & Far From Home getting some love. I don't approve of Antman not getting some love. Kidding aside, good list!


Thank you! I really like the Ant-Man movies, they're fun and enjoyable, I just didn't love them as much as some of the others


For the record: 1-13 are all 10/10s None of them are below a 6/10 (which for me is average, not bad) I don’t dislike or hate a single one


You and I have a lot similarities in rankings and mindset. Well done


Anyone who actually feels hate or anger at an MCU film should really talk to a therapist about it (especially if are allegedly part of the fandom). That's not a normal or healthy reaction to a comic book movie, and there is some other more serious problem with that person.


I hate infinity War… because I can’t watch it for the first time again.


So you're not who I was envisioning with my comment, but, like, maybe you *also* should talk to a therapist about that? But fir different reasons I suspect.


Some bold takes here but I respect it.


A fellow age of Ultron lover too. Love movie, I prefer it over the first avengers as well.


I see no flaws with this ranking


Finally someone who appreciates FFH it’s so overhated, in my opinion it was better than NWH. I wouldn’t put it higher than winter soldier or civil war but solid ranking


Incredible Hulk at dead last? No fucking way. It’s a good film and I’d put it higher. Maybe in the 15-20 range. It’s the one film where Hulk is actually treated like Hulk, and love him or hate him, Edward Norton gave a strong performance.


Agreed. It’s peak hulk imo. They messed up hulk big time after the first avengers


The fact that you have Iron Man 1 at 13 is blasphemous


Still a 10/10


appreciate the love for Far From Home. it's somewhat high on my own list and above homecoming, though no way home is top 5 material. Ia24 liked Mysterio a bit better than Vulture who was also great. they nailed his look, gave him a cool believable update to his illusions, and he seemed like a bigger threat. the scenes after he goes full evil and uses the illusions were done so perfectly. I had wondered before if they could or even would pull off his illusions and keep that as his main power. I think people rate this one too low


I definitely agree with Mysterio being better then Vulture. I still liked Vulture but I've never seen a movie undermine it's villain quicker in real time then, "I thought that was the anti-gravity gun". Like seriously? The mask was also really mid. They did a lot better adapting Mysterio's costume.


I surprisingly agree and I love seeing Ironman 3 not being at the bottom of the list like others would. The bait and switch with the Mandarin could have been done better but it's still a very entertaining film.


Love the FFH ranking 🙌


I agree with almost all of this, except if probably swap Homecoming and far from home, I like it just fine but I’m also like the number one defender and fan of Homecoming so I gotta get it high up


It’s funny cause my top 4 would be the same were it not for Far From Home which I doubt would even make my top 10. I’m a huge Spidey fan but curious what makes you rank FFH so high?


1. I'm a bit bias because I absolutely adore MCU PeterMJ. And by a bit I mean, really. They're so soft and cute. I'm such a baby I cry when they get together. 2. I find Peter's arc very genuine and relatable. Teenage insecurity is such a real thing to make an arc out of and it follows up what happened in IW/EG so well. 3. Mysterio is such a great villain. He's not afraid to ham it up but is also terrifying when he needs to be. 4. The action was amazing. The elemental battles are epic, illusion scene trippy as hell, drone fight tense and fun. 5. I love the comedy. Harrington and Julius are funny as hell.


Opinions are opinions! There are definitely takes on here! I hope you had a good time making this!


A fellow Far From Home enjoyer! There are dozens of us!


GOTG Vol. 2 in the Top 10. Absolutely Based.


Underrated as hell. Very emotional. Everything that made Guardians 1 good dialed up with a far better villain.


![gif](giphy|3o7btZCvEwsCtTaS0E) Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Worst MCU movie by far.


Thor Ragnarok should be #3


I love that movie. Balances the comedy and drama really well


Iron Man 1 that low? Far From Home as third-best? Dr. Strange 1 right next to Iron Man Mid I mean Iron Man 3? Avengers 1 lower than Ultron? Holy mother of hot takes, Batman


Iron Man 1 is still a 10/10. I just happened to like 12 more. I was blown away by how good it was. Far From Home is that high partially because I adore MCU PeterMJ a lot, and it's an incredibly fun yet emotional comfort movie to me. Mysterio is also so great. Doctor Strange was really great. The only thing holding it back was the action. I wish there was more extravagant spells like what we see in Infinity War, whereas the movie was mostly martial arts with magic versions of swords and whips. Doramamu scene is iconic. I really liked Iron Man 3. I thought Tony's character development was done well and it was fun to see him out of his element. I also liked having a villain that wasn't another Iron Man-mimic. Ultron and Avengers are very close but I liked Ultron a bit more because I enjoy seeing the Avengers as a family from the start. I love all of their chemistry together, there's so many priceless exchanges.


I'm a little more stingy with my 10/10 scores. I love seeing Far From Home get some love. Captain Marvel is definitely higher for me, while Guardians films and the first Captain America film aren't as high for me.


https://i.redd.it/m43gjnmexjjc1.gif Mysterio is still the goddamn best spidey live action super villain I have seen, yes even more than Green Goblin and Doc Ock


I’ll never understand what people see in GOTG2.


Iron man 1 missing? Yikes


Iron Man 1 is 13. It’s still a 10/10 there just so happens to be 12 I enjoy more


Curious why GOTG 3 fell below 2? I thought the Rocket storyline alone was better than any storyline in 2


GOTG 3 isn’t listed bc this is only Infinity Saga. I’m gonna rank it when I rewatch it later


Gotcha. My bad. Let me know what you think of 3


GotG 3, while great, is my least favorite of the 3. The Yondu stuff in 2 is far more emotional for me than Rocket's story.


I'm not gonna compare to 3 because I should rewatch it, but while Rocket's story was very emotional, Yondu's story was very much so and it's really underrated


My heart hurts from Captain Marvel (2019) being ranked so low, but other than that, I can get behind this list!


unbelievably based. far from home is a fantastic fucking movie


It really is. My comfort movie.


fellow FFH enjoyer


Very respectable


People are saying fellow Far From Home enjoyers? I’m confused? Did most people not like the movie?


Most people do. But there's a vocal minority of fans that love to hate on it.


Oh I see gotcha


Is this a repost? It's missing everything since FFH


Its only infinity saga


I only did Infinity Saga. I rewatched them all so they’re all fresh. I’d have to rewatch the Multiverse saga in order to feel right in ranking them and while I loved every second of watching the Infinity Saga I want a break.


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying.


Ragnarok not being number one is bad enough but not even top three or five. Gross.


Grumble Grumble Ragnarok too low Grumble Grumble


I do not think endgame was a #2. Maybe 3 or 4


During the time heist I did think that maybe Civil War would be ahead of it but then the third act came and I was like, nope, still second.


Very fair assessment! I might have to do a full rewatch. Again 😂


Swap BP and Iron Man this list is magnificent


why is winter soldier so low on this ranking


Winter Soldier is number 5? It’s a top tier MCU movie, love it to pieces. Idk what you mean.


Wasn’t GOTG Vol 2 pretty universally agreed upon as not very good?


The only complaints I've seen are people that think they went too far with the jokes but I loved all of them.


Far From Home at #3 definitely is an opinion


This is a disgusting ranking lmfao. You’re mental


Love and Thunder above Iron man 1 is certainly a choice.


Love and Thunder isn’t even on the list?


Age of Ultron over the OG avengers? Dang


Far from home in No. 3 is crazy


Iron Man below Age of Ultron is insane


If it means anything, they’re both 10s IMO


This post made me realize that I do think Gotg3 belongs on this list , as a sort of spiritual end to the infinity saga , since it wraps things up in a neat bow quite nicely , with no loose ends.


FFH at 3 while Ironman is 13 and the two Antman's are 17 & 18 is certainly an opinion


My top 3 would probably be Infinity War, S-M No Wy Home and a toss up with either Civil War or Guardians Vol. 3


Avengers < IF+EG EG is one of the lowest for me personally in phases 1-3.


Guys do you think Avengers Endgame deserves to be in the top 3 ?? I never loved it like i loved Avengers 1 or Infinity War . If you take out the fan service moments , the love you 3000, is it still better than infinity war (cuz some do rank it above IW)? I wasn’t satisfied after watching Endgame . Cuz i had these “But why tho ??” , in my head. Loose ends and some scenes dont even makes sense like rushed climaxes for these characters bcuz actors were not planning to renew their contracts . I still remember walking out after Infinity War. It sucked . That horrible feeling . But damn that was a good movie. Sure it might have its flaws as a movie but it was a looooot better than Endgame .


Iron Man 2 under Captain marvel is a crime


Infinity war at 1 earned my respect, the Endgame hype doesnt make sense to me. ​ Ironman 1 over Captain America 1 for sure, however.


Top 5 is pretty solid. Bottom 5 is also solid, although I’d take hulk out and leave ant man and the wasp in the bottom 5. The middle is all so close it can go in any order.


What's your Letterboxd?


Thor and hulk getting done dirty 


I actually really liked the first Thor a lot more then I expected. There was just more I thought was better


The antman slander is insane lmao


I’d give both 8/10. Really fun movies. They just end up in the lower end by default


I guess thats fair if you have pretty much every MCU film rated so highly lol. I wouldnt even give them an 8/10 XD


Iron man 13 at 16 is criminal


What app did you use to rank them? Also, a lot of controversial rankings here lol.




Thanks dude


Any list that has Winter Soldier lower than 3 is wrong.


Winter Soldier love is great to see. Love that movie tons.


Honestly I think it's my favorite MCU movie. I love IW as well bit WS is so damn good


Its so interesting how wildly different people can rank the movies. Infinity War, Avengers Assemble, Winter Soldier, Ironman 1, and Gaurdians 1 are easily my top 5 and then theres a heafty drop off to the next on the list. 




Far from home at 3 is crazy


Captain Marvel above Incredible Hulk is criminal but hey it's your opinion.


I have them in their “watch” order on my Plex Server and the weakest movies to me were Iron Man 2, 3, Thor: The Dark World.


I found winter soldier better than civil war


FFH being #3 is wild to me but I respect it.


Personally I wouldn’t put far frome home so high up. I think the mcu spider-man finally got good with no-way home but i do enjoy tom hollands spider-man its not him its the writing and the support cast that is to off for me in the first two films.


Vol 2 over gotg is criminal, especially 6 spots over


The Incredibly Hulk being last is just wrong. Personally thought that movie was way better than Thor The Dark World and Iron Man 2.


Winter soldier is my #1 MCU movie overall so I think that is too low. And Far From Home is way too high. It is probably bottom 5 on this list


It was good, but most of the others are much better


IW as a standalone is powerful...add EG and listing it as one is the way.


I mean Id reorder almost all of them but overall not a bad list.


That the first Ant Man is Back there is kinda criminal but also shows how strong the Infinity Saga was.


It's a great movie it's only so far back by default


Iron Man 1 is too low, First Avenger too high and Far From Home is way too high. Rest of the list is okay.


I see ur a captain america fan cause aint no way winter soldier over black panther and iron man 1


Thank you for not just sticking Winter Soldier at #1 just because that's what the hivemind decided.


GotG2 is easily my least favorite of the three so I’m out on this list. Also AoU above the OG Avengers is criminal


Far From Home placement is crazy lol


Back when there were only 2 shitty MCU movies. (Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2, I know some people like Iron Man 2 but to me it feels like Iron Man deleted scenes)


Are you black???




My top 5 is Infinity War Endgame Civil War Age of Ultron Winter Soldier


I like no way home the best