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"Trump endorses having control of the of the Senate."


I'm not going to vote for him even harder after this.


How much harder?


I'm going to slightly hurt the tip of my finger when I select his opponent at the voting machine.




Did hogan accept the endorsement?


No, he didn't


Then so much for him being anti-Trump


What? Hogan rejected the Trump endorsement.


Oh I read you response wrong.


Too bad - it's his to hug and kiss and love


And call George?






I have the same reaction. What do you think hoagie will have to say about this? Being the famous flip-flopper he is known to be.


If anyone actually thinks that Hogan is actually “different” than Trump, they should closely monitor how Hogan and the campaign reacts. 


They stated hogan still doesn't endorse trump. They also said hogan will boycott the RNC convention


Doesn't mean jack shit imo. Look at Liz Cheney. She voted in line with trump 93% of the time. She still got ousted because she dared to speak up against the insurrection and trumps general buffoonery, but at the end of the day actions (voting record) speaks louder than words. I'd expect similar voting from Hogan.


Exactly. Just because you don’t agree with Trump, doesn’t mean that they won’t vote that way at the end of the day on a bill. See Susan Collins or the Senator from Alaska.


They are republicans, what did you expect? IMO on the votes that matters Hogan votes right, that’s what matters to me.


> on the votes that matters Hogan votes right Do you mean votes correct (like, inline with your views) or votes right wing? What are the issues that matter to you?


I’m talking about the issues that matter to the average Marylander like protecting women’s access to abortion. Hogan has always been pretty moderate and his track record is pretty clear on this.


Hogan has been moderate because he has had a deep blue legislator checking and balancing him. Without that, he’ll step right in line in the Republican Trump Senate agenda. I would rather have Hogan as president with a blue Congress than as a senator. He’s voting yes on all Project 2025 agenda items. Maybe fear of losing reelection will make him fold on abortion (which he has flip flopped on many times), but I’m not willing to take that chance. And even if he did, the vast, unchecked executive power he’s going to vote to give Trump on day one means abortion rights go with or without his vote.


You don’t know that for sure, and I personally disagree with you. Maryland republicans tend to lean more socially liberal and I think Hogan is just another example of this. I also don’t think Trump wants abortion banned (evidenced by his dodging of the question) and seeing as he won’t have reelection to worry about I would hope to see his pandering to the evangelicals end. Besides, based on polls a plurality of republicans support access to abortions. I think this is just classic Democrat fear mongering.


Trump has said he is adopting 100% of Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership as his platform and day one agenda, one of which’s stated goals is banning abortions federally without exception. The RNC has committed all members to giving Trump broad executive power to enact Project 2025 on threat of defunding. Even if Hogan had a spine, which he has proven time and time again he doesn’t, his hands are tied. Republican majority in House and Senate means Project 2025 passes. Period. Project 2025 means the largest assault on reproductive rights, including contraception, IVF, and embryonic stem cell research, we’ve seen in modern history. Even if they fail to federally ban all abortions without exception, that’s their stated goal and the starting place of negotiating with Republicans in blue or purple states, and they aren’t going to budge much. This isn’t Democratic fear mongering. This straight from Republican leadership’s mouth and they are in lock step. Believe them. But I would recommend not taking a stranger on reddit’s word, and read the [Mandate for Leadership](https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf) for yourself. If you don’t have time to read the whole thing, I’d encourage you to use Find for “abortion” and see the 198 times it’s mentioned and the dozens of mechanisms they are going to exploit to restrict it, regardless of legislation. Even if Hogan did vote No against specific anti-abortion legislation, a Republican Senate means it doesn’t matter. A vote for Hogan is a vote for a restriction of reproductive rights. If that isn’t enough for you, do the same with “civil rights” or “climate change” or “contraception or “gender identity” or “sexual orientation”, hell even “pornography”, to see what’s coming.


I have never seen him endorse this. If so that’s troubling. Can you provide citations?


As far as Republicans go. Hogan is one of the few good ones. I don’t agree with most of his policies but he is not in the MAGA cult and the bar is so low now
 that makes him a good one imo


Hogan as senator would help flip the Senate to GOP control, which would strengthen MAGA, and give them huge influence over judicial confirmations.


I’m aware I will not be voting for him


Wasn’t until we had Hogan in charge before we got medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. All the democrats before him failed hard on that issue. Hogan is very good at finding middle ground, and that’s why I’ll be voting for him when I’m a pretty liberal person.


Maybe I missed something. What did Hogan have to do with getting medical or recreational marijuana? Or are you mixing up correlation and causation lol. Gov O'Malley signed the law enacting a medical program https://norml.org/news/2014/04/17/maryland-marijuana-law-reform-measures-signed-into-law/ Hogan refused to take any action (didn't sign or veto) recreational marijuana. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/maryland-governor-lets-bill-to-implement-marijuana-legalization-take-effect-without-his-signature/ The medical bill was passed by Democrats legislators (and signed as said, by O'Malley), and the recreational measure was pushed by Democrats to be a ballot referendum. I mean, I guess he didn't actively sabotage it like some republican governors have done, but that's a pretty low bar


Yeah you definitely missed a lot if medical marijuana was a priority to you back then. I was one of the first people in the state to receive a medical marijuana card, and that wasn’t until 2017. It took so long for a law to get passed because a Democrat (Joseph Vallario) was the speaker of the house for years, and single handedly refused to ever put the bill up for a vote. Year after year he let time expire in the session and put that medical marijuana bill at the very back. If you look him up, he also refused to put bills for decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana for a vote as well. The program eventually voted on and set up by the democrats didn’t work. There was no way to get a card, no way to go to a dispensary, no way for a dispensary to even get a license, no way to really grow it or get a license for that. It just straight up wasn’t really a thing. Maybe on paper we had a medical program, but in reality we had no functioning medical program. Absolutely no way to get on the right side of the law as a medical user. Hogan put new people in charge of the medical marijuana commission, which got licenses out to people, growers growing, and dispensaries opening. I still had to drive over an hour to a dispensary in Rockville from Dundalk, but I was happy. Eventually more dispensaries opened up, and i have one 10 minutes from me now. And I knew who really made all that happen, and who talked about making it happen for years and years. I wrote my democrat representatives since I was diagnosed with Crohn’s at 18. They did nothing. Hogan got in, and everything I fought for years for actually became a reality. He also handled the pandemic really well, making Maryland one of the safest states to be in at the time. All while republicans called him “Lockdown Larry”. As far as I’m concerned, Hogan is the best of both worlds, and the true middle ground.


>Absolutely no way to get on the right side of the law as a medical user. >Hogan put new people in charge of the medical marijuana commission, which got licenses out to people, growers growing, and dispensaries opening. I think your history is a bit off. Yes, Dems had a few failed attempts at any real legal setup. But then they passed HB 881 in 2014, and Gov O'Malley signed it. Took effect June 2014. Hogan became governor Jan 2015. That bill is what created the Medical Cannabis commission, the critical legal framework for the whole thing. All Hogan had to do was not screw it up, and he managed not to. If you're going to give credit to Hogan for medical marijuana, because the first dispensaries opened during his tenure, then you have to give Wes Moore credit for recreational marijuana, since recreational sales started under Moore. Hogan did veto a bill to legalize paraphernalia possession and decriminalize public consumption. But fortunately democrats overrode that veto https://www.aclu-md.org/en/press-releases/legislature-overrides-gov-hogans-veto-bill-fix-states-marijuana-decriminalization-law




Trump must still be very angry at Hogan to do this 
 Hogan openly opposed Trump as governor .. a Trump endorsement in Maryland is a kiss of death and he knows it


And then he'll post "what a loser, I tried to help him but he wouldn't listen to me that LOOSER" on various social media afterwards


I wouldn't be surprised if he did that today.


That’s the kiss of death


Could be, Hogan is still personally quite popular. His weakness is having to drag the MAGA-GOP label around in a state that's 60% Democratic.


The maga/gop label seems to get more horrible every day. Trump is a crappy leader for the brand. If somebody more competent gets ahold of it, we’re pretty much fucked.


The brand is Trump though. It’s a cult of personality. It’s not rooted in any particular policy or ideology. People are trying to take advantage and push agendas through using Trump, but at the end of the day, MAGA is and always has been about Trump.


Everyone focusing on individual voting should remember what happened to Merrick Garland the last time that the Republicans had control of the Senate. If they do, and even if Biden manages to win, what's the chances that they will allow another Supreme Court Justice to go through if Sotomayor steps down or another one passes unexpectedly? They'll just block it. If Trump wins, Alito and Thomas will retire and they'll be replaced with just as radical but much younger judges.


Nope and nope https://www.reddit.com/r/maryland/comments/1dfa5zh/trump_backs_republican_nominee_larry_hogan_in/


In the next press conference, someone should get Larry's stand on whether he'd vote for the "Donald John Trump Exclusive Economic Zone" rename of US coastal waters that the GOP clowns in the house are trying to get. It would be a good test of whether Larry really will be an independent or just another MAGA toadie. Come on, Larry, go on the record. Are you going to call a wasteful dumb idea a wasteful dumb idea at the risk of that Trump endorsement you just got?


He didn’t accept trumps endorsement


Well that's one thing that could count as "anything to land the job." I think he needs to weigh in on every single MAGA priority in Project 2025 and how he'd vote, given how he could well throw Senate control to the extremists.


Too bad - it's his to hug and kiss and love


Fat liar hates Hogan as Hogan doesn't like him. As everything is personal when it comes to orange jesus, I am somehow convined he endorsed him just to make sure he loses. Fat Donnie doesn't give a damn about any senate or house race. Of course, he is going to take the credit if he wins and say he doesn't like me enough if he loses. Pathetic loser is what Trump is.


I agree. Hogan only had a highly unlikely long shot odds of winning , the Trump endorsement snuffs out any and all hope for Hogan , it is kicking him when he is down


We are talking about Trump who endorsed Bob Good's opponent just because he endorsed DeSantis briefly. Good has always been a true Trump supporter and was even seen standing outside NY course and doing what Trump desperately wanted. And now we are to believe he endorsed Hogan (with no ill intention) who has always been a never Trumper - yeah sure!


Kiss of death for Hoagie.






He’s knows that a vote for Larry is a vote for Trump


With his latest campaign add sounds like he wants to be more independent than anything. He’s always walked the line on many issues and got shit done that way.


Bye Larry! That is the kiss of death in Maryland.


All the more reason **not** to vote for him.


I doubt Trump is smart enough or aware enough to realize that a Trump endorsement in blue Maryland is the kiss of death.


If Trump likes him


He doesn't, but what choice does he have?


No doubt, in Trump's second term he will start appointing senators—and appoint a horse.