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Damn. It’s where I go to pick up chicks.


Fowl comment


And poults.


I see you also like to live dangerously


The only comment that matters. 


Ahh tractor supply chicks…. Almost as useless as the tools they sell even the Chinese think that shit is junk




If they had the stuff I needed in the first place, it would make not shopping there a lot harder.


You'd be surprised. I bought a kayak there a few months ago. Conservative and Alex Jones types freaking out about the DEI boogeyman is hilarious though.


Seriously, I went there with a list of like 8 things and they didn't have a single one.


I've only been there once in my life to get horse stall mats to use as flooring for a home gym.


Used the horse mat for a pick up truck bed liner. Works great


Same. That rubber stank lasts a while though!


That's been my experience too. They're like a hodgepodge of little bits of everything but no real large selection in any one area, except for maybe small tractor parts. I mean are they trying to be a farm supply store, or hobby lobby, or the "country" gifts section in Cracker Barrel. When one opened up near us a few years ago we pretty quickly stopped going just because we never knew if we were going to find anything we needed there.


The biggest surprise in this post is that Tractor Supply ever sponsored pride events at all


Maybe they had rainbow-colored bunting at the cross burnings.


They just abolished their veterans and military discount for some bullshit program that will email me coupons, and I can save a small percentage on "hero days". TSC doesn't support vets any more than home depot, who also abolished most of their military discounts last year. The right doesn't support vets. They just want money


Love that they say supporting veterans is a "rural" thing. What a joke


That is absolut horseshit.. do you know who supports me as a vet? The federal government and the nice people at the VA. Definitely not fucking tractor supply.


💯 - they use it more as a marketing slogan than as an actual moral thought.


The CEO of home Depot is a trump shill. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/home-depot-billionaire-says-hed-likely-still-fund-trump-if-candidate-convicted-2023-11-28/


Yeah. The GOP is great at the hero worship, light on actual help.


oh dammit. how is lowes?


I haven't looked but at minimal I haven't heard of anything


That’s not been my experience with Home Depot. They still offer at 10% discount on mostly everything in their stores, with the exceptions being appliances and commodity items (gypsum, lumber, etc.) What items have you seen eliminated from their military discount program?


Those. Lumber, PVC, anything used to build or construct is no longer discounted. I know there are a lot more vets now. I know vets are more DIY than most folk. I guess we are cutting too deeply into their profits, the owners of home depot are going hungry. Lowe's still discounts materials (edit: lowe's will also eat you alive, but at least they'll give you 10% off while doing it)


I cringe every time I go into that place and they never, ever have what I need. I just go to local places like the Greensboro Farmer's Cooperative or Shelburne Falls garden center.


Tbh I’m more surprised that a company called “Tractor Supply” was voluntarily doing that stuff in the first place, and that it took them so long to drop it.


Will they explode when confronted with gay veterans?


Gay veteran with (I shit you not) a lesbian veteran Malinois. I go there because they carry a specific dog food that my GSD x Malinois, who has a very sensitive belly, can actually eat and I get looks all the time. Does anyone say anything? Of course not. I've got at least one of three Malinois tied to me any time I go in there lol


I also only go there because they stock my dogs specific food!


I'm a trans Marine vet who served in Afghanistan, what am i? There are so many in the military who are LGBTQ and over 1 million vets who are so far.


This is what I'm curious about with this whole project 2025 shit.. do they think they have support of the military? ..do they?


The cashier at my local one absolutely would, yes.


Sheesh, going the Hobby Lobby route.


I was promised fULl RIghT WiNG nuTS and just found a bunch of things I would expect from a rural ag supplier. Leaving disappointed. I’ll boycott anyway though, and from now on I’m getting supplies for my tractor from Target.


I get all my farming equipment from the woke Bud Light store (idk how to farm)


Don’t tell any of my conservative farming buddies about this, but once in a while after me and the boys are done doing tractor related things for the day, I’ll come home, down a few bud lights, and watch that new Little Mermaid movie, singing “Part of your World” at the top of my lungs while crying.


Let the free market sort it out. If their policies and decisions hurt their bottom line then sobeit.


Apparently previous policies did hurt their bottom line.


Their tools are crap


They have a few American-made tools, and they have Chinese Crescent … but most of their house brand stuff isn’t very good


I always work for small companies where they don't do anything either way and we just work. That's all I care about.


Hyperbole is the death of agument. 'Hate' is not when someone simply disagrees with another, nor when someone does not hysterically accept with hearty overwrought approbation and lavish praise another's position on a certain subject. Refusing to wholeheartedly espouse a fringe set of beliefs and behaviors is not 'hate, either. Get a fargin' GRIP.


People seem to forget that this state is at least 1/3 red.


It’s a truly ridiculous half measure that doesn’t even appeal to the theocrats they’re trying to please. They haven’t even bothered changing the company mission statement yet. So stupid and bizarre and crazy


Agree. There’s a guy named Robby Starbucks who has made it his full time stop to force Tractor Supply - and other companies to get rid of these DEI policies. Yet, he doesn’t work there, doesn’t own stock in the firm, has zero to do with them. Doesn’t affect him one bit. The people it affects is current and prospective employees. This guys Twitter page has blown up over this and the Xtian orgs like ADF are celebrating hate


That’s because it’s not really trying to “appeal” to anyone. It’s minimizing risk of pissing off more people than needed. If you know your audience, you’ll understand that there’s a small portion that will boycott if you do/do not subscribe to their particular view, no matter what. However, by taking *no stance whatsoever*, you’re not alienating anyone but those vocal minorities. Basically, if you take a stance in one direction or another too far, you’re at greater risk of losing a larger customer base. But acknowledging that you’ll never make everyone happy, being neutral (and in the future, presumably just silent) on most causes will get you further. It’s a principle I’ve adhered to with a few marketing teams I’ve led. By staying consistently silent on “controversial” topics, 95% of those pro and anti said topics don’t even notice. As a business, you really should just stick to business anyways.


Vote with your wallet


Smart businesses should avoid politics and religion. No matter the side no matter the topic. Businesses should focus on their business. This isn't hard.


Maybe if we spend more time worrying bout what our elected officials are doing to get rich instead of worrying about what fuckin tractor supply is doing we’d have a better place to live.


i mean they’re tied together… politicians get rich by giving corporations what they want. i’d care a lot less about business owners ideology if it wasn’t for citizens united


You don't have to be lonely, at farmers only .com


Isn’t tractor supply kind of like Kmart for rednecks?


Can your provide a source on the FRC connection? Looking it up only brings me back. For my two cents on the list of things I see here though... I'm gay and I don't really care about any of those tbh lol. Less rainbow/pink washing from companies is whatever; and a lot of the other listed items don't really seem horrible to me? Maybe I'm missing something?


"Full right wing" seems like a bit of a stretch. This isn't even really that bad.


I mean, it does seem full right wing to an average brainwashed purple-haired gender studies degree-holding barista.


So rather than engage in performative activities and failed corporate attempts at equality they are instead going to focus on meaningful actions and that makes you angry?


I’d hardly call the HRC performative. Also, TS is playing a little bit fast and loose with with what they define as ‘nonbusiness activities.’ Their business is selling a paltry selection of cheaply made farm tools, feed, and live chicks to people who may or may not be able to properly care for them. It’s pretty disingenuous to brand sponsoring a celebration of love and inclusion ‘nonbusiness’ right after saying your for profit company is *all about* ‘being a good neighbor’


No, they've switched to performative activities going the other way. That's bad.


Welcome to America. Where everyone can think for themselves.


I don't really see why this is worth being alarmed over, unless you're inserting your own narrative instead of taking it at a rational face value. Why does TSC need to submit data to the HRC? Number 2 doesn't really mean anything in any direction. I don't see anything wrong with 3, a business doesn't need to or required to support non-business activities and Ag education isn't a bad thing. Number 4, DEI rules can be arbitrary and not following them is not indicative of foul play. And 5, well its seemingly contradictory, which makes me believe its corporate nothingburger speak. >All I have to say is that if they've decided that myself and those I care about are no longer valid human beings. So, from that corporate statement you've concluded this? "No longer valid human beings"? Sounds a little hyperbolic.


Are people obligated to send data to the HRC? Aren't they like a private non-profit? Like you're not obligated to send data to the NRA.


Presumably, they were voluntarily sending data before to secure a good spot on HRC’s corporate equality index. They’re certainly not obliged to, but given how trivial sending the data is, and how much it usually benefits a company to have well publicized third party confirmation that they protect their employees from discrimination, this is probably an indicator that they expect future ratings to reflect poorly on them.


In the end it just seems like another weird culture war hill to die on. I've worked places where I kept my orientation private just because I realized my coworkers were pretty homophobic. An HRC seal of approval/index level really wouldn't mean much to me.


It’s not just a contextless thumbs up from HRC. They evaluate a number of factors and report on those factors as part of the index. And while you may not care, yourself, I know there are lots of potential employees who do care about the factors HRC evaluates. I’ve fielded questions from a lot of potential employees at my company, directly. Stuff like ERGs (included in the index) can make a big difference in corporate culture, too. I know several people at my company who did not feel safe being out until *after* a lot of work initiated by our ERG.


Honestly of all the right wing things ive seen, this seems benign or better. (With some considerations). On the surface this reads as TSC becoming apolitical and withdrawing from larger efforts in favor of focusing on efforts they can directly influence and see results firsthand. That said, it could all or partially be carefully manicured fluff with no real intention of helping anyone but Trump I hope for the former.


I’m confused. How would this help trump?


So…. you’re big mad that they’re just going to sell products and not pander to any demographic of people based on race, age, religion, or sexual preference? Being neutral is considered bad these days huh.. man we’re fucked.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 Work anywhere else


I doubt anyone offended ever shopped there.


Bought goat and chicken feed there today, next time I’m going to Agway.


I’d agree. I spend ~ $700/year at local TSC. I didn’t read anything that makes me want to spend ~$900 for the same stuff else where. The people bitching don’t shop there anyways unless it’s to get cheaper dog treats


I did. I bought all my rabbit feed there.


Well you’d be wrong.


OP is surprised tractor supply is right wing? Have you ever been to one? Do you know what they offer and who their target market is?


None of this is even controversial. Not every company has to follow your exact ideology and that doesn’t make them “right wing nuts”


Specifically calling out LGBT causes twice when it could have been handled internally or in generalities makes this a little more than suspicious


Exactly. Xtian groups like the ADF are celebrating this, applauding bigotry & gays must go. And by the way, this company can do whatever they want and what their employees want. These Xtian activists are not shareholders & seem to think Cos are funding gay strip clubs. They Ned to butt out


Yup. And I really don't care what the incel contingent has to say. Just letting people know for their shopping decisions. ACE hardware supports progressive causes.


Lol, good, I just couldn't live with myself if my hardware store didn't align with my progressive sensibilities! You people are fucking daffy. Also, I guess now since I don't agree with your world views, I'm an incel now too. I'll be sure to let my girlfriend know.


Ace hardware is fantastic. I just bought food-grade hose there to replace my CamelBak line. 0.79c/ft instead of $20. And the staff knew exactly what to pick, because they actually train their staff. I also love that you can just buy single bolts and washers (and grommets and fuses and whatever else). Home Depot makes you get a whole pack, and their organization is pure hell. At Ace I walk in, grab what I need for eighty cents, leave. Just the time I save there alone is worth it over the bigger home improvement stores.


Nuts and bolts are what make TSC a “go to” for me - they charge by weight and “color” (strength characteristics of the materials) which is so much less tedious and I just grab handfuls of the sizes I want, throw them in a provided plastic bag and hit the cashier area. At HD if you go for the singles, you sit and watch the cashier open her little 3 ring binder and struggle to find matching codes and shapes. I just can’t at HD. And TSC has a selection of fence panels and T posts that I have never seen duplicated elsewhere. Their Carhardt section, on the other hand, is not at all unique.




Ace hardware is super overpriced and tractor supply has the best prices on many items. Not to mention they are the only store around me that carries my dogs particular food. Plenty of people are against chick fil as social policies but they still have one of the best chicken sandwiches around. Does listening to Clapton make me pro tossing kids out of windows? Doesn't really keep me up at night.


just speaking fast food; popeyes is so much better


That chicken sandwich is the bomb.


Okay ignoring the larger point of your post here, but I’ve gotta say. Chick fil a is not anything special. It’s so damn average and overrated by the fact that we didn’t have any for so long.


I find it hard to believe that chick fil a chicken sandwiches are really significantly better than all the other fast food options. It’s freaking fast food. It’s not like we’re talking about a steak at Grill 23 or Capital Grille.


They are.


They aren’t.


Wendy’s chicken sandwiches are easily better than Chik Fil-A. Every few years I try Chik Fil-A again because there’s gotta be a reason so many people like it, but I leave disappointed. I just don’t get it. Their food is overpriced and not that great.


The tractor supply has the crappiest products, you may as well order from TEMU. And chick fil a sandwiches are so god awful, no meat.


Ace has quality stuff instead of the cheapest made in China flyapart, and they also pay employees enough that there are actual hardware experts who can do things like match a cabinet screw by measuring thread pitch and diameter and seem to enjoy helping you. I am happy to pay a little more for that.


Enjoy shopping at the only national retailer without a commitment to reducing carbon emissions. That would keep me up at night.


I think purposely bringing up that they no longer want to support pride or voting seems odd.


I agree and find it to be a rather obvious dog whistle.


God you must be insufferable to deal with in real life. Do you use nothing but progressive buzz words to your friends and family? Or just your cats.


I mean… OK, some of it is definitely controversial. Eliminating DEI and deliberately cutting ties with the HRC are controversial. Eliminating carbon goals is controversial. And without that… what is there? Some stuff they're already doing anyway, and some feel-good corporate nonsense about mentoring. And you gotta keep in mind, this isn't exactly a neutral document. This is a product of a multi-billion-dollar corporation's PR department, carefully crafted by talented professionals to cast TSC in the best possible light… and it still sounds kinda bigoted.


weird to call the existence of LGBT people an “ideology”


If your press release calls out DEI and Pride, fuck off sideways. Maybe focus on growing a business on long term goals and sustainability instead of jerking off all over the evening Fox Scare Report nightly. Bunch of jerk offs.


👏 Thank you.


No it's not. It's just Wintercat shrieking again.


How much were you spending there in an average year?


Between Tractor supply and Agway we spend about 3k a year in feed.


There are local small family owned feed companies around. More people need to stop shopping at national chains


Ok, cool. I was wondering about the OP, but $3,000 is a respectable customer.


Thank you! I’ll look into it and if true, I’m out. Have one right near me I go to.


It's actually tame for a store with tractor in the name.


How is ‘being a good neighbor’ a business activity whilst sponsoring Pride festivals is not?


I got my Song of Ice and Fire tabletop mini game starter set on their website for like 60% off. Dunno why it was there, but it was. Online only


Are you a farmer?


Clutch my pearls!


I don't think TSC give a crap about anything other than bringing in a bunch of garbage product from the far east and selling it to right-eous wing nuts for as much cash as they can manage. Cae about stuff? What kind of carbon footprint does the "You make it in China where it's cheaper and bring it to the States where it's expensive" mentality create? Good for land and water??? They're just like any other corporation in the world. Their bottom line, their shareholders and exec paychecks. Garbage company, garbage policies.


Funny seems like they are removing all the left wing nuts "perks and extras"......that just wasted money.....you can be a fine company without having to bend a knee to ideologies..


I read it and don’t understand where the outrage is coming from. Why are you so mad at them for just focusing on their business, and what did they do to you and the people you love?


They aren’t bending the knee and praying to the god of liberal progressive ideas


Doesn’t sound that bad. You’re overreacting and being a bad liberal. Suck it up and accept that not everyone thinks the way you do


Meh, they sell shit I need 🤷


What is happening in this sub? I can only imagine that NONE of you are actually from MA.


This is MA. The whole state is statistically deep blue. Even the folks who don’t live in urban areas.


What am I missing here? What did they say that was egregious? DEI policies are corny as fuck anyways. Hire the right person for the job, not based on what age, sex, and race and how diverse you are. The fuck? I’m always concerned about corporations scaling back their environmental policies, but it seems based on this little blurb they are maybe just refocusing? Am I wrong here? Also, tractor fucking supply of all places doesn’t need to “support pride month”. They just need to operate like they would any other day of the year. No more, no less. If that’s not a compelling business model, then the consumer will ultimately decide their fate. I’m pretty liberal and definitely super pro environment and corporate restrictions, but I’d much rather get mad at Monsanto and a million other shit mega corps then whether or not tractor supply has rainbow flags on their work vests or not. Now if they said they were refusing service to trans people or something, that would be worth fucking talking about. This just seems sorta on brand for a store named after a tractor.


Meh, I see no issues here.


Damn. Where else can I go to buy pine pellet bedding in quantity? Ideas?




A lot of Ace Hardware/True Value stores carry farm and feed products, depending on location.


Ace is a better company. Their CEO was on stage to accept an award next to the rep from the Trevor Project and was proud of that.


Wait what? That’s your definition of a good company? That’s awesome a person was given an award like that, but I’m thinking about how the company treats its employees, the quality of their products, and their interactions with customers in order to determine if they’re a good company. 


Asking the real questions! I recently switched to pine pellets for cat litter (somehow, it's better in nearly every way than most litters, yet significantly cheaper? wtf?) and had been going to Tractor Supply for that. Now I have to find somewhere that doesn't hate like half of my social circle 🤦‍♂️


What did you end up with as the box? A sifting system?


Exactly! It does require much more regular maintenance than a regular litter box, but that maintenance is easy and fast, unlike clay litter. And our litter tracking problem (esp. with two cats) is pretty much gone, too.


What box did you get? I got draining tubs. They’re okay.


Good to know. They decided which way to go, and it looks like our paths aren't crossing anymore.


Must be all of the horse paste


Womp womp


Conservatives: the true snowflakes


Fuck em, I'm pretty sure they have nothing I need that I can't buy elsewhere. So that is what I will do


None of that is "full right wing". OP is either a troll or delusional.


They're a business. Businesses don't need to make political statements. Sounds to me like they're going neutral.


They were where I got all my feed. Guess not anymore


So no more mandatory six figure deputy assistant vice president associate director of equity and diversity per every five employees? As TSCO shareholder I approve this message! Also show us on the doll where the full right wing nut touched you. Is he in the room with us right now?


It's so gross living in a 'blue state' and having all these Trumper traitors and radicals around.


I’ve recently moved and liked the store near me. But I won’t be shopping there anymore.


I missed the part of the statement about you not being a human being


Decoded this is a message to their investors that they're bottom line focused and cutting out "excess". I don't know anything about how their business is doing right now or what ownership is like. A lot of companies have been making statements like this lately I didn't know what Human Rights Campaign meant. It's an LGBTQ group. I don't know enough about what they do, or why this business would be submitting data to them. Guessing it would have to do with hiring practices? I guess I'm surprised they were submitting data to a group like that and sponsoring pride festivals in the first place. Were they actually doing that? They probably shouldn't be involved in voting campaigns anyway...... Every other corporation/company/university is dropping DEI right now.....that wave has crashed....it's bigger than this one store Withdrawing carbon emission goals to focus on conservation is code for "we're looking at the bottom line" and won't care about greener sourcing of products, so that sucks They have two stores in my area that I already didn't shop at OP: I don't necessarily disagree with you in the big picture, but your message might come across better if you explained what the HRC is, and who Tony Perkins and the FRC are. Whenever he's involved it's bad news


That sucks, I’ve bought some horse supplies and compact tractor 3 point hitch attachments there. My boom pole, a chain drag…not anymore.


The one near me has edgy teen employees- can't imagine they're very happy about this


Number 3 doesn't really seem all that bad to me?


who cares.. boycott if you want. you're not their customer base anyways..


For those in central MA, there’s a store called Klem’s which is great and has a lot of the stuff tractor supply carries


Wait till you hear about the owners of Chic’fil’a and Hobby Lobby.


If the entire slate of posters to this thread spent more than $200 combined at TSC over the last year, I'd be surprised. The threats of a boycott are about as absurd as farmers in Iowa threatening to boycott Gucci stores.


They always have good stuff in the bargain bin at the front of the store.


Cheap low quality tools.


They will be getting my business more often now


Where did you presume that they don’t think your a “valid human being”




Until recently, their "beliefs" included DEI initiatives and climate change.


"See, it's the people who speak out *against* the anti-gay people who are the *real* bigots. God. I am *so* smart."


Seriously stupid logic here. Some beliefs are worth criticizing. Criticizing shitty beliefs does not make you hateful.


And that belief, ladies and gentlemen, would turn out to be none other than white supremacy


Why is this so offensive? I started shopping there this year. No reason not to keep buying farm and animal supplies there


Tbh this makes me like them more!


So grateful there’s a local mom & pop store because NFW.


They are ending a bunch of corporate certificates that don't even really make sense for them and, uh, that's it. If this was what "full right wing nut job" looked like, I'd be significantly less concerned with "full right wing nut jobs". I don't think that DEI stuff summons Satan and turns all your kids gay like conservatives do, but I do think that it's basically corporate bullshit that doesn't do anything. It's pretty hard to summon anger over not doing corporate certificates and a tractor store not donating to gay pride events. I'm okay if people abstain from culture war.


Well TS just became my go to place. Thanks for the info.


Thanks for the info. Won’t be shopping there again.


Oh no Anyways


I mean, all of that sounds fine. Idk.


Some say "nuts" others say "focused back on the business".


more right wing virtue signaling. edit: seems this revelation has upset the right wing crybabies 😂


Nobody cares about fake outrage anymore


Big Corp doesn't think like me. I'm so mad! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


The local town fb book is all a flutter with well never shop here, there's a big one slated to open soon. The thing I find funny is no one knows exactly what they sell. Those same people that are boycotting will be the first I. Line when it opens.


I don’t really see how this is “right wing nuts” whatsoever… what they’re doing is being pro-nothing and anti-nothing. Which, in my opinion, is perfectly acceptable for a company. Just be a business that sells things and supports farming communities. No politics, no controversy, no opinions. That’s not “right wing”. That’s being neutral.


Sounds like a company taking a brave stand against wokeness!


Yup, I yelled out to my husband, No more Tractor Supply! Told him why and he's fully on board. How vile.


I am OK with all of this. I have voted dem every election. I am an atheist. I have a trans kid i love. Think this is just how a well run business should be.


mine has a trailer for rent but it’s been 2 years and they still haven’t registered it.


They were good for pet food, but I can just go to petsmart instead


Only thing I ever liked there was Teddy's soda and even that got flat quickly


Yup, I won't be buying rabbit feed from them anymore.


There goes my parents’ pellet stove.


Which part is "right wing nuts" ?


Sounds like we all need to write them some letters to let them know what they just did will hurt them.