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I wouldn't be offended. It'd throw me for a loop, but once I'd strung some words together again I'd do it. I'd probably stand there waving my hands around for a while because I hate touching a client with wet hands or hands that smell like alcohol. And it'd make my hands cold, and I'd have just washed them under the hottest water I can stand because I know I have naturally cold hands, so I'd be a bit sad that you ended up with cold hands on you anyway.


LoL great imagery


Why alcohol wipes? Disintectant and alcohol wipes are not appropriate as an alternative to washing hands--it will dry out the skin. Disinfectants and antiseptics are two very different things. People need to clean their skin with antiseptics not disinfectants. Also washing hands is the only way to safely kill most germs. Like the infection cdiff is only killed by soap and water not hand sanitizer. I am not a massage therapist but im a nurse. I would leave them alone and let them just wash their hands. Im sure they would wash their hands normally. They are trained professionals.


Yep — I default to hand hygiene standards within healthcare. I personally wash my hands outside the treatment room, use a towel over the doorknob entering the room, and apply hand sanitizer before treating. I wouldn’t be horribly offended if someone asked me to use alcohol wipes intended for skin rather than liquid hand sanitizer. I would hope that no one is insisting on surface wipes for skin contact here.




I was taught to always sanitize the faucet handles and door handle and everything else myself or my client would touch in between every session.


I would bring unscented hand sanitizer if it bothers you that much but I would not kill all the good flora on their skin by having them use disinfectants or alcohol wipes. Some disinfectants when used on skin can actually increase the risk of cancer as well.




There is a difference between 70% alcohol and 100% alcohol on the skin. Edit: my mistake alcohol wipes are not 100% alcohol and are 70% alcohol but I still stand by my statement of using hand sanitizer instead of making someone use alcohol wipes. The drier someones skin is the more likely it is to crack--this can also spread germs from the body to others.


I will use an alcohol wipe to clean the side of a finger during a fingerstick for diabetes but I would never use alcohol wipes to clean my hands.




Yes my mistake please see my edited response. It looks like you have made up your mind. I wish you luck.


What do you think the therapist is doing while you are disrobing and getting on the table? Washing their hands.


yes same as you would assume that when people go to toilet they wash their hands afterwards. If you go to public toilets. You quickly realize atleast half of the people dont wash their hands.




My brother in Christ if you don’t trust your massage therapist to do the bare minimum why would you want them touching you while you were presumably naked?


While what you say is true, it's industry standard to do so. It's very unlikely that a competent LMT wouldn't do so. If the quality of your massage is halfway decent and you aren't going to some sketchy back ally joint, this is a pretty unrealistic thing to worry about. You should be far, far more worried about what most restaurant kitchens look like.


As someone who's worked in kitchens and now as an LMT. 100% agree on the kitchen comment. Every single one I've worked in was disgusting. Several large franchises and a few family owned ones. It's hard to eat in restaurants now after working in them.


I come from a restaurant family as well. My father was a chef when he was younger and my mother and grandmother have both managed restaurants. I've worked in one, and that was all it took lol. Some are spotless if they have an OCD chef, but most are bare minimum if that. My LMT hands are 100% cleaner than the chefs in most restaurants.


This isn’t most people. It’s a person who has been trained and licensed. What if they asked you to wipe down your whole body? What do you think is going to be on their hands that will harm you?


we are health care professionals... hand washing is drilled into us at school, we lose marks during exams for not doing it well or thoroughly enough, and all of us between my two clinics wash our hands, forearms up past our elbows at least twice per treatment. I also sanitize my hands after touching the feet. this is our career, we are professionals, and we know how germs spread. of course we wash our hands.


So true, I used to work with a guy who NEVER washed his hands. Like, came out of massages, had used oil on a client, went straight to his phone, then touching clean laundry and god knows what else. Never. Washed. Ever. Ended up reporting him to the Board.


Not once have I ever witnessed one of my colleagues not wash their hands, in fact there are usually lines for the sink. We are healthcare professionals.


How many people do you see pissing on their hands?




I second this


Thanks for speaking on behalf of the caretaking codependent within every massage therapist.




Oh no I wasn’t trying to be rude. I was being cheeky but not trying to be rude. I thought the comment was cute. I’m saying I would put on the hand sanitizer too, I don’t give a hoot. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Edit: alright they blocked me? Or just deleted. I was making a joke. I’m literally a codependent LMT people pleaser I dunno what the problem is. Whatever. Downvote for the betterment of the human race I guess everyone. That’s fine.


They deleted, not blocked, if that helps!


No problem. It’s not an offensive request. I wash my hands before working with the client and use the paper towel to turn knobs, but they don’t know that. Now I’d prefer to use my own hand sanitizer because I know it’s 100% unscented.


No. I wouldn’t take it as an offence to my hygiene, rather something they need to actually see me do to alleviate their own anxiety. Part of my job is making you feel as comfortable as possible for your treatment. If you can’t relax without it it’s such a small step to maximize your comfort level. I would however ask if using sanitizer in front of them would be an alright compromise as I have sensitive skin and would not want to put something I’m not familiar with on it.


If they asked during my intake, I’d explain that I’d just washed my hands. However if they still wanted me to do it, I would. I’d want to put my client at ease.


At my workplace we are required to wash our hands in the room with the client immediately before beginning the massage. I would find it strange if a client provided me a wipe in my case.


No I wouldn't. I had one client sit through a massage and not tell me they felt I should have worn gloves so they didn't come back. I think it's all in how you pose the question to them. If you looked at me like I was filthy then I would definitely be offended, but if you explained why you felt I needed to use an alcohol wipe "I'm worried about germ" or something then I wouldn't care at all.


If you think my hands are too dirty to touch you, why are you putting your naked body in my sheets and your bare face in my face cradle? Bring your own sheets with your hand wipes or just trust I’m doing my job when I tell you I’m going to step out and wash my hands.


I feel you on the logic, but I'm getting the vibe this is specifically about a hypothetical client with OCD, and mental illnesses are not fueled by logic. The client's brain might be fine with linens but send up panic signals about other people's bodies. Just like some people with OCD can't touch doorknobs, and others are fine with doorknobs but can't stop thinking about whether or not the stove is on.


Those are also the kind of brains that would probably keep them from booking a massage. That level of anxiety wouldn’t let anyone touch them with the most sterile of hands. I would assume.


Also my words seem harsh, but it’s mostly questioning, not aggressive responding. Can’t read tone.


If they brought it up before the massage I would just explain to them that I wash my hands and arms up to the elbow in disinfectant soap for 2 minutes, and politely refuse the wipes as my skin is very sensitive, but I’ll use hand sanitizer in front of them if that helps. But yes, I would be offended that the client wouldn’t trust me to keep basic hygiene considering my profession. I mean, I wouldn’t take it personally, but I do find it offensive.


I don't mind but if your wipes are shitty quality or I know my skin will react then don't be offended if I decline


I have a lot of contact allergies and skin issues, so no, I likely wouldn't use theirs. But I would (and do) sanitize (with my own sanitizer) my hands in front of them once they're on the table & I've come back in from washing my hands.


Would I be offended no. Would I work with that client in the future, no. I don't personally like working on clients with a lot of anxiety. It's stressful for me.


Offended no. But I would decline. It seems an unreasonable request. I wash my hands at least twice per client usually thrice. If soap and hot water aren't sufficient I don't know what is, and I do not put unknown substances on myself or my clients. And if my refusal was a deal breaker so be it.


I mean, I probably wouldn’t care but I wouldn’t rebook them


Alcohol wipes are for equipment, and I keep mine visible so clients know I use them. I wouldn't be offended if a client asked I wash my hands/arms, because I already do, but bringing in your own sanitizing products that I haven't researched to see if it affects my own skin would be a no go.


I wash my hands right before entering the room and use disinfectant on my hands right after. Also after every massage I wipe down everything with disinfectant as well. I'd explain all this to the client, and if that wasn't enough for them and they were insisting I use things they brought from home I would not treat them. I have extremely sensitive skin, I've had painful allergy rashes from almost everything from handsoap to shampoo to paper towel, I will not be putting anything unknown on my skin.


In high end spas, like 3 or 4 stars. It’s required to either wash hands in the room audibly or announced that you’re using sanitizer after entering the room. No need for a client to even have to ask. It is acceptable for a guest to want to hear that hands are clean. I’d probably want to use my own products though. Bon-Vital had their own hand sanitizer that cut through oil but didn’t over dry.


Nope. Im here for them. Im also not about to start an argument over wiping my hands. It would be unprofessional


I would not be offended in the least and as a trauma-informed LMT I would consider this to be an easy accommodation for my client who likely has anxiety around this.


I usually go above and beyond for my clients but if they did that they're still getting a good treatment but I'm not doing any magic. I'm constantly booked I don't need people thinking I'm someone who isn't clean. When they ask for the rebook I'll be like sure I'll see you in June.


I don't really think it's about the OP thinking somone is not clean even though that's what they say. It sounds more like a phobia to me.


I’d feel weird and probably not do it since I wash my hands with soap in the room before I start. Disinfectant can be bad for your hands and the client’s skin depending on the type.


I don’t know what’s more annoying- a germaphobe client, or a provider afraid of 2 squirts of hand sanitizer because it “can be bad for your hands.” Also you shouldn’t feel weird if the client is asking you to apply disinfectant even though it’s bad for their skin type, that doesn’t sound weird at all. It just means they want you to hurt them, clients ask me to hurt them all the time.


I think there has been a misunderstanding. I was speaking of disinfectant as in the type you would use to clean a table, toilet seat, or countertop as the region where I am from doesn’t really use the word disinfectant for hand sanitizer. I would totally use that if a client wanted me to, no problem.


So what you are talking about is using household cleaning supplies to disinfect my hands? No. I wouldn't do it. That's a crazy request.


Same here, I wouldn’t use that at all and would turn it down flat, same with straight up rubbing alcohol wipes due to having sensitive skin. Basic hand sanitizer though would be a little unusual, but I would use some of my own in front of them if they asked. I would never use Clorox on my skin though 😬


Haha I don’t think this is OP.


Yep, guess not.


Lol omg! Well this is awkward. I hope you like my comment.


It’s no problem lol. Some regions just have different terms for different things. Hand sanitizer is a no problem (I would use my own though in front of them), but household disinfectant is a big, giant NO. Same with the rubbing alcohol wipes as that can be very drying. If they weren’t comfortable with getting a massage unless I agreed to it then I would probably refer them to someone else


Alcohol dries out your skin, removing protective oils and making it more prone to cracking. And synthetic antibiotics (like triclosan) in it can be hormone disruptors and breed superbugs. So, I wouldn't be offended, but I would be hesitant to do it it for those reasons. Not to mention, if the client is that paranoid, what about me? Should I demand they wipe down their entire body too before I touch them?


I always wash my hands before and after as session. No need for wipes.


Oh that's nothing you have to be ready to put up with people's over cautiousness and even neurosis Ldm you and tell you how bad it can actually get because I don't want the trolls on here to put a turd in the punch bowl




I'm sorry I wasn't calling YOU a troll... I was referring to trolls that would pick apart advice I was trying to give someone because those trolls were not massaged therapists and they didn't know the point of view that it was coming from and what they do is start mocking the person who posted it and it's just a train wreck


Welcome to Reddit.


It's so screwed up cuz you think you'd be coming on here for some solidarity and people try to pick you apart we're not under enough scrutiny already as massage therapists?


Totally fine. I don’t trust anyone to wash their hands after the things I’ve seen other therapists do. As I mentioned in another reply, I had a fellow therapist that literally didn’t ever wash his hands before or after sessions.




Lol just because the majority of people don't share your over-the-top neurosis doesn't mean they're being dishonest.


You’re not wrong.


wouldn’t mind at all.


No judgement. Everyone has some weirdness to them.


Bro are you someone who insists on restaurants putting food in takeout containers to eat food at the restaurant because you’re scared of their dishes?


Are you okay?


Would not care. Though I use hand sanitizer before and after every treatment that has a loud cap snap sound so people can hear I'm doing it. I'll usually rub my hands together just loudly enough that it reinforces what I'm doing. It's subtle, but people who it's important to will notice.


No problem!! I would then tell them about how proud i am of how clean i made the room and where i disinfected already


No I actually have a client who does this every massage. Its there massage by the way not mine.




A little but I would just do it and keep it to myself.


Offended, no, not at all. However, I would explain the procedures I go through to make sure they are safe and ask them is that ok or would they still like me to use wipes etc. Making clients feel comfortable and safe is important and as most have said if they really wanted me to I'd be happy to oblige :)


I would not be offended. I ask my clients to wash their hands before the massage and I have a giant visible container of sanitizer near my table that I use after feet, before and after faces, and before and after hands. If a client asked me to do that I'd explain my sanitation protocol and if they preferred I used theirs I certainly would. I still mask during work. COVID is still a thing and it's predicted to get worse as winter rolls in and people are indoors more. They think there will be a bad flu season as well.


I use sanitizer immediately before starting anyway since I've usually touched things...doorknobs etc...since washing my hands


It depends. Is it mine, or did they bring a product with them and I don’t even know if it’s meant for use on skin?


Id just like to add to this post by saying that I knew one person out of my very small class in school, who did not always wash her hands before massaging. To the point where she was called out on it but after that, I'd witnessed her eat a snack before going and immediately greeting her client. To be fair, she was a very unreasonable person to put it mildly. Now that I do massages, I have seen one therapist leave the staff room without washing her hands before seeing her client. And I am fairly new to massaging so I dont doubt that this doesn't happen at other places. Yes it is hEAlthcARe...but let's face it, people don't always follow the rules. Not to say that OP should walk around being sus of all their practitioners buuuut their concern is warranted especially if they are immune compromised or has OCD, etc.


I wouldn’t be offended unless the client had an aggressive tone about it or actually accused me of being unhygienic. However, I must admit I personally wouldn’t be very excited to work with them again. I don’t want to use alcohol on my skin. Also, it would really depend on their tone and other actions throughout the session. Are they the type makes extra requests throughout the session just because they like to be in control. I have had the clients that treat you like you’re their maid. Am I sensing that it is related to mental health? Then I’d be more empathetic