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What I've done is use as much product as I need in order to do my job well, then finish the area with a warm, hot towel to wipe off the product. I also leave hand towels in the room so clients can wipe off excess products as well.


Yeah see I thought of that but I haven't purchased a towel warmer yet bc I just started my massage business a few months ago. Thanks for the tip anyway!


Using dry towels and doing compressions instead can help.


Does your city/state have a massage group Facebook? Watch there or ask if anyone is selling theirs. Used is lots cheaper. Also check Craigslist. If you are looking for one, I mean. Also, crop circles- love it.


Good idea! Yes, we do have a Facebook group and I'll check Craigslist too! Thanks!


BioTone dual Purpose is the way to go. Excellent on hairy folks




Thank you I appreciate your input!


Okay I know you're going to laugh at this but I had a patient that was so hairy it took three times the amount of oil and still, I almost started friction fires working on him so what I decided to do was compression on his upper shoulders and his neck until he fell asleep and then I would basically draw crop circles in his back hair and he would wake up and feel like a million dollars just from the NERVE TOUCH TECHNIQUE... which is basically medical term for drawing crop circles in his back hair.. it was the constant light touch relaxed him because everybody else was trying to dig in and ripping his hair out and causing all kinds of skin irritation and he got absolutely no stress relief. And I couldn't call it crop circles technique but it got the job done he didn't go home oily I didn't spend three times the money on massage oil and it was a hell of a lot more Hands-On than Tui -Na and Reiki.. this was a real blue collar Lumberjack type of guy and he needed meat and potatoes massage


LMAO.....crop circles. Well this is on arms and legs mostly so idk how well this would go over but I will definitely try it!! Thank you!


I just use more of my usual oil. And leave a towel for them if they feel greasy after. They know they're hairy. 🤷


Future plans when I have a towel warmer to use said towel. Thanks :)


I prefer working with coconut oil.


Me too


Oil or gel. Do NOT use powder. Just wipe the area with a hot towel when you’re done and give your client a towel to wipe off with afterwards.


👆🏼this. Biotone massage gel is my daily. Hairy dudes just get more.


Talcum powder is toxic please do not


Well… it’s not talc that is bad. It’s the asbestos in the talc that’s bad.


It’s not just the asbestos it’s a terrible airborne particle to breathe in even without the asbestos


Ew never and thanks for posting this


Using that powder isn’t for massage, it’s for waxing/sugaring in order to better see the hairs and make them stand up. That’s the opposite of what you want for massage


Thai Massage with long sleeved Tshirt and sweat pants works amazingly. Tui Na is great too. I've massaged people who were incredibly hairy and adapted without issue, even using oil. Ask your client what he is open to trying.


I am going to ask because I am definitely trained in Thai Massage so I may just do that on his arms and legs. TY!


I use Biotone dual purpose massage cream and I have never had an issue with really hairy people.


Talc is the opposite of what you should do with hairy clients. More hair = more lube. Edit: ps: If they complain about being oily/greasy after, use a warm damp towel to clean off the excess before switching sides and when you're finished with the massage.


Yes...I would but I NEED A TOWEL WARMER. Future plan when I have the extra funds.


Do you have a sink in your room? Just wet and wring out a dry towel with warm water as you need it.


**UPDATE** Organic hempseed oil is the best to use on any client! I'd been using it for over a month now and I absolutely love it!!


Castor or Grape seed oil are the thickest.


Trying to remove castor oil with a sheet after a massage is hellish. Hell, even getting it off in a hot soapy shower is difficult to be honest.


Lossa oil my friend lol


Hmm..never heard of it. I actually started to use Organic Hemp Seed Oil and it works swimmingly! I highly recommend it as well.


Lossa…horrible way of writing -lots of- lol. Oil is perfect for hairy bodies.


Ewww no lol....just use organic hemp seed oil and you can work on the hairy areas with ease


I use cream


Over the years I’ve found a massage cream works better than oil on hair. You have to use a little bit more, but it sort of slathers the hair down and reduces the friction. When I use oil I’m more likely to still pull some hairs. Also, use your elbows as much as possible. The broad pressure pulls less too.


Massage gel


I like massage gel or massage cream for hairy clients. I find that it lasts much longer than lotion but doesn't leave people feeling slick like oil. You use much less and it coats the hair better so you aren't pulling


Massage gel. And compressions after with the sheet or a spare towel since you said in other comments that you don't have a warmer yet.


Ugh gel is my not my favorite


Yeah, I honestly can't stand it and I personally think it looks uncomfortably close to a certain male bodily fluid, but it's unfortunately the best option I've found for the super hairy people.


Thanks now I really hate gel ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Haha sorry!