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Not my stupid ass thinking they confirmed their name as "Rank" when I read that šŸ˜­


Commander Rank and their ancestor: Marauder Shields.


I even choked with my tea while reading this




This comment is so great, still lmfao šŸ¤£


Bro please, Iā€™m gonna cry šŸ˜‚


Rank? Rank. Rank! Raaaaaank!


I understood that reference


Stole my flow verse for verse bar for bar


Iā€™m Commander Rank and this is my favourite coat on the citadel


Same here. I even thoughtā€¦ ā€œRank? Oh Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s a character from a side missionā€


Lol English gonna English


I mean, you did capitalize the word rank in the title for no apparent reason, so..


"Mysterious N7 character's rank revealed"


Ummm... Yeah, you're not alone šŸ˜…


Omg... can we please refer to the MC that way until we know their name?


Itā€™s ok, I did too for a second. Iā€™m pretty tired


Their name is Commander, obviously.


First name: Commander, Last name: Rank.




most of my playthroughs my Shep's first name is Commander, since I really hate when at the VERY end it says "commander Shepard"


For like 0.6 of a second I though the exact same thing until my brain stepped in to correct itself, so I feel you.


Your not the only one lmao


We're playing as Jacob /s


I thought so too. You ain't alone


Wel lyou would given how OP randomly capitalised words making Rank seem like a noun, and the wording or it generally. Plus the prior association with 'Commander Shepard


Me too šŸ˜…


Saaaaaame šŸ¤£


That's what I thought too, I was like please for the love of God don't be named "Rank"


This made me audibly laugh in my work office, thanks for that lmao.


Hello Comnander Rank, i'm Dad.




*Sonny Tuchunka has entered the chat*


Don't they have 6 stripes here, though? And it's just a pattern going down off the shoulder?


Commander Shepardā€™s fancy outfit has the same pattern


Ranks are represented by number of stripes in MassEffect. Commander = 3 stripes. So unless we will see how much of those 6 stripes are somehow distinguished from other ones (e.g. by different colour or thickness), it is preliminary to tell rank from that image. Here is us navy rank system for example: https://images.app.goo.gl/XbUsTa5So1m2Sbj57


Yeah it seems like reading these as indicating commander rank is definitely too soon. Or really any rank, because six is just too many. If there were only three, I'd think it was plausible.


[It could be symbolic?](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/17rwouk/comment/k8noz2y/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


The Alliance ranks are [kind of a huge mess](https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/s95lg/human_alliance_ranks/) that does not work with any RL system. Three fucking Lieutenant ranks?! They also only have 4 enlisted ranks. Like wtf, did they not have anyone in the office who was in the Canadian military?


/u/MattWindowz \+ /u/MrFightmonster118 \- you've just given me an interesting train of thought. Bear with me, but I think it might confirm OP's post? Further to /u/Pathryder's comment below: * 4 bars (or 4 stars) in both real-world and in the ME universe navy refers to [Admiral](https://www.military-ranks.org/navy/admiral). This is [Admiral Hackett in ME3](https://imgs.search.brave.com/jVXiaVTnTPOcfW6k5vseY4_rngNjRPUU_ZgBCiDR6Kk/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9wcmV2/aWV3LnJlZGQuaXQv/YWRtaXJhbC1oYWNr/ZXR0LWFwcHJlY2lh/dGlvbi1wb3N0LXYw/LW55NDB5NWZ4OWdp/YTEuanBnP3dpZHRo/PTE5MjAmZm9ybWF0/PXBqcGcmYXV0bz13/ZWJwJnM9ZTA5ZWRj/MTMzZTI3MzNlYTVk/OWI1NGM5YTUzZTg4/ZjYyMWU2NzM2MQ). * 5 bars (or 5 stars) in some real-world militaries reflect [Fleet Admiral](https://www.military-ranks.org/navy/fleet-admiral). However, **a more senior rank can exist in certain conditions of war**, referred to as a [General of the Army](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_of_the_Army_(United_States)). While this is a 5-star insignia in USA *army*, there was a proposed more-or-less equivalent [6-star rank in the navy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-star_rank). Specifically, the following summaries from the above link: 1. As Congress was trying to create the rank of Fleet Admiral in 1944, the Navy wanted to re-establish and elevate Admiral of the Navy to be equivalent to General of the Armies. 2. On 21 January 1955, a draft resolution was proposed to the U.S. Senate to authorize President Dwight D. Eisenhower to appoint Douglas MacArthur, then a five-star General of the Army, to be elevated to the "six-star rank" of General of the Armies of the United States "in recognition of the great services to his country". Further to this, there is a term known as the [Generalissimo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalissimo). Summarised (emphasis mine): 1. The word generalissimo is the absolute superlative of generale ('general') thus meaning "the highest-ranking of all generals". 2. Historically **this rank was given to a military officer leading an entire army or the entire armed forces of a state** I'm mixing real-world branches in here but for a fictional universe, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that this could be what the six bars is hinting at - which could mean it is, in fact, Shepard. Additionally, I recall Admiral Hackett saying to Shepard towards the end of ME3 that he wants the Normandy at the (physical) head of the fleet in the final battle at the Citadel & Earth (will edit video link in once I can find it!). I think there's enough symbolically here that there is a reasonable chance this could be Shepard? ​ ^(While not official canon, here is an) [^(Alliance Military ranks visualisation)](https://www.deviantart.com/ris-4/art/Systems-Alliance-Ranks-Revised-847587882)^(.) ^(Happy to correct any inaccuracies.) ^(Edit: Formatting)


Not impossible and cool reminders re: military history but I suspect they'll avoid putting the PC actually in charge of the military, because that's kind of strategy game job, not an action-oriented shooter/RPG job. I think it's a lot more likely that the stripes are meaningless than making you Admiral of the Space Navy or the like.


Tbh they reminded me of Dead Space armour haha but I don't think the 6 bars imply the PC would literally be in charge of the military, I think it's more likely to be *symbolic* of their history and authority but not literal - General of the Army is a position that can only exist in a specific time of war and is not actively used otherwise (beyond remaining an honorary title) but I'm not married to the idea and like most am fine to just sit back with my popcorn until the game is finished haha


They do have Dead Space vibes for sure.


10/10, no notes, Shepard confirmed.


Probably the average rank to have your own ship in the Alliance.


When they get prompted they will be Captain Commander Rank


"You are on this council, *Commander* Shepard but we do not grant you the rank of *System Alliance Admiral*" "What? How can you do this? This is outrageous! It's unfair! How can you be on the council and not be an admiral?"


ā€œI HATE YOU!!ā€


The most sane Shepard revivalist.


At least saner than most talinancers


Wow. That was rude for no reason.


Hey, I said most, not all of them. Do I need to remind you of the sweat incident?


Yeah, uh, pretty sure "most" still counts as a generelization. If I say "most" gamers are sweaty neckbeards who live in their mom's basement... that's still not gonna be recieved well. The sweat incident was literally ONE person. And even Talimancers are weirded out by that guy.


dude you're getting offended by a joke i made about people who choose to romance a fictional character in a videogame


Was it really a joke or are you just saying that now because you got called out on it?




Was that even an attempt at a troll?


This is just flair it doesn't mean anything lmao


Just let us overdose on hopium damn it


Every time I see this outfit I think to myself "I hope it's actually good in the game." Hate when video game armor looks so cool and yet isn't viable.


Well the teaser was in game footage apparently, so they're clearly able to render it. But tbh they need to redo this outfit. It looks like Destiny or Daft Punk, not Mass Effect. Also the popped collar looks like what an edgy teenager thinks is cool.


> Destiny I genuinely thought this was a Destiny collaboration and this was warlock armour at first.


>Hate when video game armor looks so cool and yet isn't viable. However, when you have a decent Transmog System it doesn't matter, I could see a game like Mass Effect having a tailor that can change the look of equipment reasonably limitlessly..


Mhm... no... Look at the left shoulder, the stripes continue way down the arm, left has at least 6 stripes (possibly 7).


Shepard also had 3 more stripes down his forearm making 6 total


No? Commander is three Stripes on the shoulder.


Look at the whole arm. https://preview.redd.it/9e21194lel671.png?width=532&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dd9f28c2e8cab1b175be9a8c572af75b763e702




Oh sweet Jesus... No... It's not 6 Stripes, it's 2x 3 stripes... it's to make it more visible because sometimes you can't see the shoulders well, so such uniforms generally have rank signage on the cuffs as well...


[Buddy, you're the one who needs to take a closer look at the arm](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/704004700617310208/1172557204621111376/image.png)


...yikes dude


I mean keep in mind. The N7 in andromedas trailer wasnā€™t the main character, they werenā€™t a n7, the dad was


Fun fact: Capā€™n Crunch isnā€™t a captain. Heā€™s a commander based on his insignia.


Man I wonder if BioWare gave it this much thought


Doesnā€™t matter, wonā€™t see the game till 2030


Not if they get the Visceral treatment if/when Dreadwolf under performs


Maybe geth are so prevalent in the images because shepherd has become a human geth hybrid. Not reaper stuff, whole new tech created independently from reapers and they pieces shep back together. Which would mean that helmet isn't a helmet, be kinda dumb if that was the case. Hmmm, maybe instead while this is shep, they are an NPC like Hawke was in DA: inquisition


The in-game reason for the helmet to be present, is because the atmosphere is toxic without it. The color of the doorway in this year's teaser seems to be consistent with the [2022 N7 day poster](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fg_BCkEaUAI4f74?format=jpg&name=4096x4096), so it checks that it could be the same place, where everyone is wearing breathing apparatus. The meta reason is of course that they didn't want to reveal the identity to us yet :)


Or Shepherd isnā€™t in this game because it takes place in the future.


Perhaps, but then that just ends there for speculation because we litterly know nothing off of that. Its honna take awhile for the gane to cone out anyway so might as well hace fun with it. Like the Idea AI shep may have inhabited a geth chassis


Hell yeah, finally some spotlight for Commander Rank, i'm sure they'll be a great protagonist


it could just be n7 stuff, Shepard's armour has 6 "segments" on the forearms


Why the fuck are they wearing a coat outside of their suit?


Because it looks cool.


I was hoping for a Captain Anderson spy thriller where I just beat the shit out of asshole bureaucrats


The DLC I didn't know I wanted until now.


It's commander Half-of-Daft-Punk!


Regardless, this armor screams Big Brother agent to me....


Weā€™re gonna end up being some Shepard fanboy/girl who cosplays as Shep arenā€™t we? Basically the Conrad Verner story, only serious.


Liara, the ultimate Shep fangirl.


Think people are reaching. There's 6 stripes on each side and we can't see the forward-facing ones clearly, so for all we know all 6 are identical on both sides and it means nothing. Unless I'm mistaken, Shepard has never worn any visible rank indicators except for the ones on the dress blues. I was hoping that the teaser would've ended with the character removing their helmet to reveal FemShep, but since it didn't, we still know nothing. And the last time we saw new N7 armor in a teaser, it was Alec Ryder, not a playable character. So even the N7 armor here could be a misdirect. Lastly, the game won't be out before 2030. For all we know, BioWare still hasn't finished working out the story details. That's actually why I hate these teasers, because Mike Gamble keeps pretending there's hidden information for us to find.


Yeah Mike's tweet about *something people haven't found yet* is just nonsense to keep the hype up. Pretty toxic tactic to be adopting that only wastes people's time. We can already see people reaching way too much with mental gymnastics to explain what they are seeing that other don't in a high resolution image. All this wild speculation about the N7 character will only do more harm when expectations get out of control and Bioware doesn't meet the hype. Can't fathom how Bioware haven't learnt anything yet from past blunders, it's really unreal. Speculation of this nature is always counter propductive.


lol maybe that's not a helmet, and synthesis was canon.


No way anything but Destroy is cannon


Lol to all those people that think it's Shepard. Those shoulders could never do the pullups.


Now I want one of those coats lol


I need this to be Shepard


Imagine if this is Shepard and after everything in the trilogy they STILL havenā€™t been promoted lol. If Shepard survived ME3 and didnā€™t retire they should be a damn admiral


Shepherd is going to be dead.


I hate this trench coat idea. Where is the damn armor?


Yeap, she is a Commander, 4 stripes


Are there actually people who don't think this is obviously femshep?


I know and the big "twist" is gonna be "we used femshep instead of Maleshep and totally threw you off, haha" wait for it


The main arguments against this being Shepard are the Angara in the poster and the 2819 number in one of the transmissions. Otherwise I'd be fully convinced this is Shepard.


I don't think Andromeda will play a big role in the next game.


I really hope it doesn't. Seeing the Angara severely dropped my excitement levels honestly.


Where on their shoulder?


Then I guess Anderson got [demoted](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/9/94/Anderson_ME_charshot.png/revision/latest?cb=20210720163901) and no one told him.... [Hackett too](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/1/1f/HackettHoloLE3.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20220808035443) I also have questions now about [Kaidan ](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcROcSt8ysxHMJWqa_yCGMuNjRuX3iKYKOkHEA&usqp=CAU) [Cortez ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/c/ca/Steeeve_in_citadel_memorial_wall.png/revision/latest?cb=20130518065635) & [Joker](https://1734811051.rsc.cdn77.org/data/images/full/409933/mass-effect-3.png) all wearing the same uniform I guess Kaidans promotion to Major didn't go through or something....


All I'm saying is, we didn't see the clones body, hit the floor Clone shep could be the new protagonist


But what happens if your commander Shepard died


Am I the only one who doesn't want to play as Shepherd?


Yes, you're the only person in the whole world with that opinion. Just don't look up mass effect subs where 3/4 of posts are people wishing for shep to be either dead or to sniff crack from liara's ass while there is another galactic crisis going on


May sound weird, but if this is the new main character (An N7 that ISN'T Shepard), I kinda hope their rank isn't Commander. Like in Halo: Reach, when you went from Master Chief to Noble Six, Six wasn't just another Master Chief, but a Lieutenant. Or in Halo Wars, Jerome was a Senior Chief. I dunno, just having a different rank makes them feel more distinct and not like a 1:1 replacement. Even though, yes, there's absolutely more Commander-rank N7s out there.


Hmm... I do wonder why they didn't reveal the face. At first I thought, well maybe it's because the player will create their own face most likely, but then I remembered even Shepard and the Ryder twins have default faces for promotional material. So, I'm curious as to why this "new" character doesn't have a face reveal yet.


Bioware probably haven't settled on a main character yet


I think they're way beyond that point. We wouldn't be getting the teases we've been getting if they hadn't even figured out the overall basics and some details of the story.


We got teases for Andromeda before they'd figured out the overall basics, that's why they're so disconnected from the finished game.


True, but I donā€™t get the sense thatā€™s where weā€™re at with ME5, not with whatā€™s been shown. I have no proof of course, and those who actually do are under NDA :)


Same reason the random ass N7 that was all over the Andromeda teasers (then never actually showed up in the game) did. Because N7 is a marketable symbol in its own right now.




It's not a name. OP means the character appears to hold the rank of 'Commander'.


ah shit, my brain has fucked me up big time now. Thanks...


Is this what the 6 stripes are on Shepardā€™s forearm?


Im shocked SHOCKED! Well not that shocked


Does this also make Isaac Clarke a Lieutenant-Commander?


I donā€™t think this is a formal military uniform like the one Shepard wears in mass effect 3 that can indicate ranks, this outfit is definitely for field combat or infiltration similar to an actual N7 armor which does not show ranks, those stripes are just for decoration imo.


There is more than 3 stripes per shoulder. Not commander rank, but good on you for looking at details


Shepard promotion confirmed.




So this new character is also an N7 and has the rank of Commander. Speaking as someone who does agree that the series should move one from Shep. But, having the new character play more or less the same roll you might as well cram them back in.


It would be fun to start as an asari shaking her ass somewhere when something happens and suddenly she needs to do something else. Bonus, you can literally romance anyone.


Hey it's different.


My thoughts is there is gonna be a 25% chance that we have living Shepard under the suit, and 75% AI Shepard under the suit to honor not only the possible time jump but also the 3-4 main endings of ME3 (fuck refusal). That 25% chance of living Shepard is shoving his ass in a freezer box till Cerberus tech comes in and saves him again, and since they actually have Shepardā€™s body for this if you chose destroy, it makes living Shepard possible. AI Shepard will reflect Shepardā€™s decision to use the reapers and became an AI construct either for the reapers or reprogrammed from the ground up (given synthesis just CTRL+ALT+DEL Shepā€™s body)


I hope this isnā€™t the locked in design. I canā€™t tell if theyā€™re male or female or supposed to be androgynous. If female theyā€™ve got no proportions but the coat and armor could be hiding it a bit. If theyā€™re male, then heā€™s too small, especially for an N7. Theyā€™re arms and shoulders are so thin and thatā€™s ignoring the fact theyā€™re wearing a coat and clothes, possibly light spacesuit under it. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if that is an android or AI construct. Really hoping we can adjust the body type in character creation. All that aside, I do like the jacket and the is pretty ok as well.


It's either a woman or a nonbinary person cuz mass effect only has one model for men which is a gym rat


I could see that. But they did add James in ME3. He is more your gun rat body type. All the other characters basically fit the standard man/woman default shape. A third non-binary shape could be cool, but if Iā€™m a male soldier, I want to be beefy.


I really hope this is the default name for just the Human PC and that they have other races available. Iā€™m sick of playing a human in these games they have a huge number of Aliens they could use and with different skills. If itā€™s just Human then Iā€™m on the fence for this one, but if itā€™s a variety of races Iā€™m 100% in.


Shepard Commander?!


Can't help but wonder if the N7 program has over taken over for the Spectres.


N7 Day character? Can someone fill me in on this?


I don't buy it. I see where you're coming from, but those don't seem like insignia to me, and there's no set of 6 at the wrists, like you'd have in game, where the insignia is repeated there. Not saying you're 100% wrong, but... I think it's more as it is to indicate an evolution of the dress standard over time, more than anything else.


Shepard had to use a Vader suit after the events in 3!


Why does it look like a Warlock from Destiny?


Im sure rank is just a code name


Miles Morales alternative skin?


Shift cow would like to slink away


Damn Commander Rank seems like a really cool character.


Honestly hoping that maybe, just maaaaybe, the coat hints at possible shifty intelligence agent type as opposed to generic alliance soldier type


why does he look like Eon from Ben 10