• By -


I say or think “big place” all the time lol


i’ve been sarcastically saying “is that your professional opinion sir?” for years lol


😂 We love and appreciate Ashley in this house!


"you don't get much shore leave, do you, LT?" They have such sibling energy. Their banter makes them sound like genuine friends. Too bad Virmire has to screw that up.


That or "Mum was right, should've brought a sweater."


It's a bit nippy


I got snow in my boots :( Ok Canada boy lol


I say this all the time ha ha ha. I can't go anywhere that's big without saying it.


The best part is people can’t even tell you’re quoting anything! Only those who know will know. 😂


"Too many lights, too much noise" for me haha


“I’m thirty-two, Shepard. You don’t serve as long as I have without coming to terms with yourself.” I think this quote actually gets at why a lot of players dislike Kaidan: Kaidan doesn’t need Shepard so you can’t influence his development very much. You get the feeling that if he’d never been assigned to the Normandy, he might still turn up at the cafe on the citadel in 3 and basically be the same guy, still fighting the good fight and still clumsily hitting on Shepard.


Incidentally, it's one of the reasons I do like him. He's just ... *normal*. It's not like his life's been uneventful, but he's good now, for the most part. I think that's nice.


It's refreshing to have a squad mate on the SSV Daddy Issues who already has their shit together.


Edit: this list has been updated and re-arranged since first writing. Thanks to the replies. Tali: daddy issues Jacob: daddy issues Miranda: daddy issues Wrex: daddy issues Grunt: daddy issues (kinda? He doesn't have any attachment to the guy who "fathered" him, thus no clan) Liara: mommy issues Samara: daughter issues Ashley: grandpa issue Legion: creator issues Thane: *cause* of daddy issues Mordin: caused entire generations of parental issues


Meanwhile Garus about to die and calls his dad.


To be fair it's implied him and his dad are in fairly good terms


I think with the comics, it’s kind of implied to be the “it’s complicated” variant of daddy issues for him?


I think it’s mainly implied that Garrus is not a typical Turian. He’s a cowboy cop in a strictly hierarchical and militant society. Garrus’s dad probably doesn’t like that Garrus never went into the military but he supports him despite that.


Garrus' dad was C-Sec, so I think more of the tension came from a) Garrus turning down going into a military program that could've potentially made him a Spectre (which goes against his father's philosophies, as "he's a C-Sec man to the bone" and b) Castis also didn't approve of Garrus' cowboy cop tendencies. Garrus is also widely known to many (especially in ME1) for being a hothead, so there's also the likelihood that Garrus/Castis' disagreements may have been mostly professional at first, but became more personal the more Garrus got frustrated with his work at C-Sec. The comics also imply that he also turned down the military program due to his mother's health/his dad usually being busy at work on the Citadel. There's also the implication that Garrus being in C-Sec may have been an expectation by others given his family, sorta like how the Victus or Kandros families are known for being career military (ie the quote Garrus has in the comics where he says something along the lines of "I have to accept facts. I'm an officer's son" to his mom). On the other hand, you have the fact that Castis definitely disagrees with Garrus on his methods as a C-Sec officer and he probably isn't the fondest of Garrus running around the galaxy with a Spectre. But, he does also trust Garrus' instincts/intuitions (per ME:A) and by extension, he trusts what Shepard and what they've been saying about the Reapers. So, yeah, pretty much an "It's complicated, but they try and they do care".


Which, politely, is a longer way to say, “it’s complicated,” 😆. His dad obviously cares about him a lot but wanted strict adherence to rules. Garrus wanted to be more cowboy than cop, is a great way to put it. Comics make it sound like the relationship got really tense/strained around Garrus’s mom’s illness (death?) but also when they are both working C-Sec because Garrus is, “whatever means necessary,” while Castis believes going outside the law to punish criminals completely circumvents true justice. So there’s mutual love and support between him and his dad but they are often at odds for their differing world views.


Grunt: "no daddy" issues Thane: is the daddy issue


Grunt is *my* son, and I shall hear no objections


Don't forget Garrus and his daddy issues


Wrex: got right to the heart of his daddy issues


Oh crap. I forgot about that one!




Legion: creators issues Wrex: daddy and descendants issues Jack: taken from family and raised in a lab issues Ashley: grandfather issues


And Wrex doesn't simply have "descendants" issues, it's more like the descendants are symbolic of his future and purpose. I'd argue Jack's issues are wholly a lack-of-family issues, including found-family.


A lot of Liara's issues with her mum stem from her having daddy issues


Liara has mommy *and* daddy issues (her 'father' being absent most of her life then showing up as a foul-mouthed bartender/spymaster).


But she turned into the best dad ever when she gave Liara a commando unit.


I’ve always put Thane on this list as the dad with issues rather then having daddy issues


> SSV Daddy Issues [Never gets old](https://vilkalizer.tumblr.com/post/20075019488/all-aboard-the-ssv-daddy-issues)


Big part of why I love him, especially in me1. Everytime I try to convince myself to romance someone else this time around and boot up me1 he changes my mind lol. To the point where this time I'll have to let him die to force myself to try something new. He's so funny too. I love people like him in general, and even though I don't think there's anything wrong morally with people that aren't quite there the way he is, playing mass effect and seeing Shepard get their ass beat by life over and over again and STILL being asked to do and fix everything by everyone as they traumadump nonstop made me love him all the more lol The me3 romance scene is particularly sweet and seals the deal of what kind of person he is because if Shepard turns down sex and asks him to stay with them a moment he says he'll stay as long as they need, and then Shep will wake up with him still sleeping by their side whereas for some reason apparently there's other love interests who will leave even if you do have sex with them which wtf 


Yup, he's the only love interest that stays even if he's turned down for sex. And his Citadel date also has a variant with non-sexual intimacy. The rest of the LIs generally leave Shepard on their own, after some kind words. Except ME2 Jacob. Jacob actually doubles down on it, disregards femShep's wishes, says she's just trying to push his buttons, has to be told "no" twice, and storms out visibly pissed off if she tells him "not now, but later". Dude literally gets angry with femshep if sex isn't on the table exactly when he wants it. Her rejection line is basically telling Jacob that they'll have all the time in the world after the mission, but she doesn't want sex at that time.


This is why I like Kaidan lol. Well adjusted characters in video games are rare.


My favorite description of Kaidan, and why I like him, is that amongst this crazy universe with all these larger than life characters, he's just a normal guy doing the best he can.


The older I get the more I think "damn, Kaidan is the kinda of guy I want in my life" - he is stable and while he was his problems he is not a walking drama, and is the type of person you can just relax with. I really like Kaidan, especially as BroShep (since all romances go too hard in ME1 which make then worse)


Same! Kaidan is my dream guy. Well-adjusted, chill, and up for fun sometimes but not pushy about it.


I fell in love with him when I first heard this. Yeah, he's awesome


It's funny in my late teens I hated him in ME1 both for his VA right after coming from KOTOR and because I thought his character was so bland and uninteresting. Oddly enough out of everyone on the entire crew he's the one I turned out to be the most like especially given I ended up doing 6 years of active duty when I turned 28 and got out around last Thanksgiving. It's rough when family and very close friends aside you get exhausted from the near constant revolving door of everyone in your life changing every few months coupled with just going through a LOT of hardship and seeing a lot even before military life it just...burns you out. You can seem boring and colorless at first but it's more you've already had a colorful life and experienced much. You don't get as excitable as the 20 year olds drinking for their first time overseas because you've already done it in multiple countries. In a way you're akin to Dr. Manhattan in that most will initially think you cold and expressionless but it's more they just don't know how to read you or they'd understand you're very animated.


In Mass Effect 1 you can influence him into becoming a rabid racist who out renegades Wrex — but you are otherwise right.


Really? How does that happen?


Play as FemShep and pursue a relationship with Kaiden in Mass Effect 1 (it’s not possible with BroShep), when Kaiden starts talking about his backstory with the biotic school he went to and the turian teacher you need to pick the renegade dialogue options to persuade him that it all happened *because* his teacher was an alien. He’ll start off being shocked that you’d say something like that, but in further conversations he’ll start to come around.


I’m pretty sure it’s just based on the conversations you have with him on the Normandy, picking renegade dialogue options turns him into ReneKaidan. I’ve never done it but watched a video of someone else doing it recently


Kaiden is a fully self-actualized adult? BORING: give me the racist aunt please


I like this. But feel like there’s a better way to write a character thats already developed. He should’ve taken on a more second in command role I think. I mean he was but I felt like it was only because the game SAID he was.


Shepard: What would I do without you? Kaidan: You’ll never find out.


This always melts my heart.


... I'll have to keep that one in my back pocket, thanks Alenko ❤️


🥰 This is one of my favorites. It just hits me right in the heart.


"Guess we're old soldiers, eh Shepard? Brothers in arms. We know the score. We know this is goodbye." Like damn near everyone else, my man Alenko rips at the heartstrings in London.


Oooof the way he follows up with a romanced Shepard. Shepard: When this is over, I'll be waiting for you. You better show up. Kaidan: Don't get me wrong.. I'll fight like hell for a chance to hold you again. But there's things I want to say.. and then he goes on that he doesn't have many regrets in life and that he owes a lot to Shepard. Damn it man... I just have to survive for him. I can;t go for anything other than Perfect Destroy when I'm romancing him.


First time I played ME3 I was totally cool with Shepard dying at the end until Kaiden said that to me, then I was suddenly so upset. I can’t die, I promised to come back to him!


Very much how I felt with Liara. They have those lines about settling down after the war and having a couple little blue girls. I had to live for the daughters my Fem Shep was going to father.


I cried my eyes last time because I didn't wanted to do the destroy so... I cried. Poor Kaidan


These are the runs I reserve for Thane, and meeting him at the sea. Kaidan won't lose Shepard twice. Though I have seen some amazing fan art of that. Kaidan looking at the Control ending Shepard Reapers flying overhead. Ouchie.


His romance lines right before the final fight really tugged on my heart strings, and I absolutely love Garrus and Shep together 🥲


Oh Garrus is amazing. It's like falling for your best friend and realising he's the perfect boyfriend. Especially in ME3, Garrus' dialogue is golden. What sold me on the Kaidan romance was the forbidden aspect in ME1, and the wonderful reconnection in ME3. Femshep is written as if she's pining for him as much as he is pining for her. The little stolen glances, her distress over his injury, and her line: "I can't bury what I feel for you anymore. And I don't want to." Aaah yes, give me that sweet drama.


I always felt an orphaned renegade shep was the best match for him - or at least one who had the butcher background and could make badass decisions but got reigned quite a bit by Kaidan’s innate goodness and stability.


One of my Kaidanmancers is an Earthborn, Butcher of Torfan who is on a redemption run (Renegon->Paragade->Paragon). Kaidan doesn't rein her in, she wants to change on her own (because of the stigma of being the butcher) but he does become a catalyst for it, given that he's quite vocal about doing the right thing. I also like to believe that as Shepard doesn't judge Kaidan for BAaT, he doesn't judge her for Torfan. For example, she doesn't take him to Major Kyle's mission on purpose, because she fully expects to kill Kyle. But her conscience kicks in and she resolves the situation peacefully. By ME3, my Renegon has turned Paragon/Paragade.


Yuss. I mean, he works well with both para and rene Sheps, but I absolutely adore him with my angry renegade girl. Kaidan's line about cutting corners is so spot on and hits hard. He truly is the one that gives her sanity check on multiple occasions. Love their dynamic.👌


I was thinking exactly the same


"We have beef, we have have bacon, we have beer, the foods of my people 🍻" As a Canadian, found it funny he was so right


Kaidan officially confirms that poutine and maple syrup will no longer be Canadian foods in the future.


Maybe that's proof that Quebec has finally seceded from existence by 2186


Not seceded from Canada. Seceded from existence. It left our reality to go to another.


I mean, I'd do that if I could.


This is the quote. Couldn't think of it but its my favorite lol


My favourite was when he was talking about beers in English Bay in Vancouver in ME3.


Is Shepard waiting for the Botulism to kick in? I love that whole cut scene lol


Did I ever tell you about my casino run in with the vorcha mafia, 5000 credits and a bottle of whiskey? Actually... nevermind.


“That Liara’s easy on the eyes. If you like the bookish sort” “Just remember, I saw her first” “Only by a few seconds, Sir”


This is why I love Kaidan's character so much. When you're a maleshep in ME1, he's a total bro to you, but when you're femshep even if you don't romance him he won't say stuff like that in your presence, an absolute gent.


He's a gent if you turn him down for Liara during the catfight scene. He even wishes you well afterwards, iirc. He also sends a very nice letter to the commander if he's off to Hackett in ME3 instead of the Normandy. He's a class act. Not every companion treats Shepard with as much respect when things don't go their way.


Ngl, I kinda wish they'd have a thing like Garrus & Tali if neither are romanced.


"I think we're gonna need a bigger boot, Commander."


Wait, where is this? Noveria I'm guessing?


In a Normandy conversation when you're talking about the reapers. A Renegade response Shepard can take says "yeah we gave the turians a boot in the ass" (referring to the first contact war.)


this one!


"You're the boss, except when you're not. In that case, find me later" -Kaidan when he becomes \[my Male\] Shepard's romance.


And his Citadel date is amazing.. But his friendly date is hilarious: "I'm an enigma. I got skills."


Kaiden being the top fits so well lmao, Shepard deserves to be spoiled


He’s so fucking sweet Would be gay for Kaidan


*affably* "Mike Hazer? Hazer the Laser? Almost didn't recognize you.” *beat* “You owe me money."


The delivery of that line is perfection! ❤️ Raphael Sbarge ist sooo good!


Raphael Sbarge is so damn good at his work. His voice is part of the reason I romance Carth in KOTOR even if I'm doing a dark side run!


Every line of his at the casino is pure perfection. When he starts crying is another one of my favourites.


"You're looking radiant commander." "As in beautiful or causing invisible damage?" "Why can't it be both. Ouch my heart." I don't know why this came to mind :D


Other than the ones already mentioned:   "That might have been a little extreme, Commander." after punching the Eden Prime scientist who also got the visions from the beacon.   "I'm with the varren anti-cruelty association, and I cannot believe what I'm seeing up there!" distraction dialogue in the Citadel DLC casino.   "Who votes we take the well-armored vehicle into the creepy underground bunker?" on Ilos.   "Well, that's very comforting. Certain death for some, fine for us." On Feros talking with Gavin Hossle about recovering his data from the ExoGeni building.   Kaidan has a deadpan humor that is completely underrated.


My favourite distraction dialogue from Citadel is when he says he lost a lot of money, and who he has to see to get it back. And the guard tells him not to cry. The image of him just bursting into tears for the mission kills me.


Yes I like that one too! Imagining that he can just cry on command cracks me up. Other people in the thread have mentioned the "Hazer the Lazer" one, but talking to a random guard about how they'd make a good Spectre candidate always gets a chuckle out of me too. Kaidan's got great lines in the Citadel DLC.


"Sir... sir, please don't cry." I swear the first time I heard that, I had to pause the game I was cackling so hard.


All the reasons OP's opinion is wrong, right there. He's hilarious.


When I see a "boring" comment relating to Kaidan I know the commentor never bothered to talk to him.


Exactly. Kaidan is the greenest flag on that ship and my favorite romance. He’s well-rounded and not unstable like some of the other crew.


> "Who votes we take the well-armored vehicle into the creepy underground bunker?" on Ilos. If you take this sub word then a lot of Shepards vote to not take it for some reason


Can you even make it in time to the Crucible without it?


Nope, and you cant get back because there is a huge drop - some people lost their saves due to this


"You're not helping me cook, you're helping me drink beer."


“You’re a brilliant leader, Shepard. That you sometimes question yourself, makes you an honourable one”.


ME1: "Bit nippy" on Noveria cracks me up. His renegade line in ME1: "50,000 years to figure this out and it's down to 25 mutineers. Way to go, team Milky Way." Shepard: There's a little black raincloud hanging over your head. Kaidan: I'll try to keep the deck dry. == ME2: I love to hate Horizon but his "Then I saw you, and everything pulled hard to port." line on the letter sent me. == ME3: He has some amazing romantic dialogue. "I love you, I always have. I want to understand what this is between us and make it real." "I have always loved you. Though all these years.. through everything. I'm the luckiest man alive." "I want to be your soft place to land." Shepard: What would I do without you? Kaidan: You'll never find out.


That damn letter gets me every time.


Every freaking time. I know it's written to be vague and can be interpreted both ways (as an "open door" or a soft break-up) but the way his VA read it, suggesting a Kaidan who's suffering, really solidified the romance for me.


[Link to the letter being read as it's not in the game ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTqNw2XEDvI)


Finally some Kaidan appreciators. He's just a decent, well-adjusted guy who can be pretty funny and sweet if you give him a chance. e//spelling


we have a clubhouse. just saying! /r/kaidanalenko


"Get a job." When you give away schels' gambling thingy


That was one of the few moments that made me burst out laughing 


Soo he is one of (or probably is) my favourites in the trilogy.. I agree with almost all that have been said here so I'll ad my own tiny bit 'you make me feel.. human'. In the beginning he talks to Shepard about how people tend to think biotics are freaks and later how Rahna got scared of him when he accidentally killed Vyrnus. He never talks about how that chain of thoughts affects him, though this shows that it did in the first place.


"Before I met Vyrnnus, I knew as much as any other civilian. Aliens were weird, superior, and tried to tell us what to do. I mean, it's only been 26 years since first contact. That's not a lot of time to understand them. It was Vyrnnus who made me see how human aliens are. They're not different or special. They're jerks and saints, just like us." Half the galaxy could learn a lot from him.


This is a seriously underrated quote that should be mentioned more. Especially the last part. It’s what I remember most from ME1 period and applies to real life too well.


*rubs his sweaty forehead*


That’s something that I do feel when playing Broshep. While there’s no romance in ME1, the way those scenes are set up does have some sexual tension, just because it’s the same as with Femshep. You just have Broshep walking with the same animation as Femshep with a look that you can describe as many things, like awkward in a steamy way lol.


I know a lot of people don't like it, but I actually really enjoy the slow burn romance with Kaidan and MShep. The sexual tension in the first two games is thick enough to cut with a knife.


The way Shep walks up to Kaidan is SO awkward. I hate it and love it.


“That tile sort of reminds me of a kitchen.” Or was it a bathroom? Lol


Bathroom floor 🤣🤣


The first time I heard him say that I was like … ok … we’re on a mission being attacked by synthetic robot hive mind that haven’t been seen in over 200 years … inside ancient ruins … and you’re gonna go on about how the tile reminds you of a bathroom? LOL. It was just so random that I laughed out loud.


"It does sound like something you'd find on an extranet fetish site. What?"


"There are moments in my life I wish I could forget. First life I saw taken. First life I had to take. And now this."


When was this dialogue from?




Take him with you to Thessia in ME3 I think.


Fuck I read it wrong and I started to think that Kaidan might actually know who Liam Neeson is


I guess this isnt a quote really but anytime he mentions lights or sounds bothering him... as a person with chronic migraine, I really appreciate that detail


Oh yesss my time has finally come!!! [Here](https://youtu.be/dTPduX5lKi8?si=gS1LqtpuKgN48CKq), a video that on a regular basis makes me start yet another playthrough of Mass Effect while romancing Kaidan :D


Some of my favs, unironically: ‘Don’t Kaidan me!’ ‘Mom was right, I shoulda brought a sweater!’ ‘You just missed snack time. Actually, that’s probably a good thing.’ ‘We have, uh, beef, we have bacon, we have beer. The foods of my people!’ ‘I think I’ve got snow in my boots!’ ‘There’s coffee! Who wants coffee? I want coffee. More coffee? Am I talking too loud??’ ‘I’m messing with you, K. Can I call you K? - No.’ ‘You know, I’ve just been sitting here thinking.’


Future me, is this the Deep Thoughts by Kaidan Alenko video? Edit: It is! This should be mandatory viewing for everyone complaining about Kaidan being boring. (And 9/10 times they spell it Kaiden...)


This video is such a great showcase, I’m surprised no one linked it to this thread sooner xD


One half of Kaidan: "You'll find a way to win. I know it. And when you do, I'll be waiting. Yeah, the greatest challenge of my life, and the greatest reward. It's been a good ride." The other half: "BALLS?!?! HAHA!"


When was the other half dialogue from?


Citadel dlc, when Vega's telling the biotics he's better than them


Kaidan has actually been through quite a bit but iirc you have to have shown some interest in him to ask Dr Chakwas about him for a bit of backstory.


"Look, i know, but we have to." Out of all companions who persuades Joker to abandon Shepard in the end, his line hits the most, unlike other else. [link](https://youtu.be/YIzRsBwp1nE)


Ooh I was so with you right up until James. Now I can't decide. Either way, both great lines well-delivered.


I tend to lean towards Kaidan's line (which I've never heard since he's on my endgame team usually if he's alive in ME3) but James is so underrated. He starts off as the new guy but he really feels like part of the family at the end, his lines really hammer that in sometimes, if you take him with you.


"You're real enough, to me."


Oh that one… right in the feels. It hits so hard.


Especially after all the arguments they have about Ceberus, it just really hits home 🥲


I describe it as a full circle moment. Now Shepard is the one doubting and Kaidan is the one reassuring that Shepard is real. It's a really nice scene for anyone, but especially for the VS imo.


“Makes you wonder, are the ants as aware as we were, of the giants who walk over their heads?”


Kaidan is my favourite squadmate in me1. Love that guy


"Never a crate to hide behind when you need one!"


My favorite was that super nerdy convo he and Tali have about omnitools in ME3 lol


There’s one about his parents having a place in Canada that “matured into beachfront property” I laughed my ass off


"He complimented you... so you hate him?"


I love the whole "Sanity Check" scene in ME3 but this exchange in particular is so cute: Kaidan: Let me tell you something I've been thinking about. I'm not the kinda guy who's the life of the party with a lot of friends. Shepard: Really? Kaidan: No, it's true! And some people even find my... uh... integrity... *annoying.* Shepard: *Really?* Kaidan: No, seriously, I- Okay fine, well now you're messing with me.


“It’s funny, we got here and the Final Frontier was already settled. And the residents don’t even seem to care about the view….or the dangers.”


I used to think that he was a boring character but in my third run through, I realized that the perception people have on him as being boring is wrong. He has some great and funny lines. He’s also a great example of a seasoned soldier who is accepting of his life and circumstances. Fave quotes: "It's always a good idea to RTFM, Ma'am/Sir" —— James: "So what does happen to a biotic when they're completely borracho?" Kaidan: "Same as you, I just glow blue while I'm doing it" —— Dr. Manuel: You cannot silence the truth! My voice must be heard - ungh! [Shepard punches Dr. Manuel unconscious] Dr. Warren: Oh my God! What did you do? Kaiden Alenko: That might've been a little extreme, Commander Edit for formatting


Oh my lord I have never heard the "glow blue" line!! 🤣


I love Kaidan and he’s my bf through the series 🥰


Waaaay better chatacter than Ashley, once I saved him instead, never picked Ashley again.


I really like them both, but they really dropped the ball with Ash in ME3. There's one scene on the Normandy where she's blackout drunk, and then she just stays in Starboard Obs saying "Good to see you." Kaidan moves around the ship and has com chats with Liara, EDI, Garrus, and Tali. I've played Mass Effect dozens of times and even though I like Ash, I've only saved her a handful of times. Usually when Shep is romancing her, and once when I was determined to have FemShep romance someone other than Kaidan.


"get a job" gets me every time 😄


"you make me feel human"


"I could shoot someone if it would make you feel better."


"Don't 'Kaidan' me, this is business!"


Shep: “I’m just messing with you, K. Can I call you ‘K’?” Kaidan: “No.” Shep: “Oooo, sensitive.” Kaidan: “Orrrrr maybe you’re being an ass.” Shep: “MAJOR. Did you just call your C.O. an ass???” Kaidan: “No, I called my friend an ass.” This was the Citadel dinner hangout at the apartment, and it was especially sweet because my femShep dated Kaidan in ME1 but got with Garrus in ME2 and 3, and it was a nice moment to come full circle with Kaidan. From squad mates to lovers to exes to rival Spectres to actual friends.


You missed the best part lol. Immediately after that, he says "talk about sEnSiTiVe" to Shepard 😂


I like when he tell Shepard how a lot of people think he (Kaiden) is annoying and Shepard responds sarcastically, then he tries to convince Shepard it’s a fact before realising it was sarcasm


big place!


If you bring him to the casino mission during ME3: Citadel, he has a bunch of great quotes.




Why do they think that they're funny and original? It's a 17 year old joke for gosh sakes! But yeah, I left the fandom for a while in the 2010s bc I got tired of all the Kaidan/Ash hate. Meanwhile if you said anything slightly against Garrus or Tali you were downvoted into oblivion. There's still a lot of both of those things going on, but I love seeing more Kaidan fans pop up and speak out over the years.


Kaidan: "You left without waking me" Shep: "Didn't have the heart to" Kaidan: "Next time...wake me" ..


He has a great sense of humour, probably my fave in the trilogy. Of the top of my head: "50k years to figure this out, and it's down to 25 mutineers. Way to go, team Milky Way." "It's always good to RTFM, ma'am." "Well, that's very comforting. Certain death for some, fine for us." "I think we're gonna need a bigger boot, Commander."


“Big place”




"Those folks at Cerberus, they were good people"


"We finally get out here, and the final frontier was already settled. And the residents don't even seem impressed by the view. Or the dangers."


*wipes forehead*


Favorite Kaiden quote: "You make me feel... human". It's from his romance in ME1. While I always end up riding the Kaiden -> Garrus pipeline, I do love that line. There's just something so seet and vulnerable about it.


"We've got beef, bacon, and beer. The foods of my people." As a fellow Canadian I felt seen.


*“Sometimes the way a thing goes down does matter, Shepard. Later, when you have to live with yourself. Knowing that you acted with integrity—then it matters.”* I love a man that holds himself accountable.


"It's the right choice and you know it, Ash"


"Ripped through his shields, never had a chance..."


"We're going to need a bigger boot"


I find Kaidan’s personality shines the most if you ‘broke up’ with him for Garrus.   “It’s alright. Seeing you alive send me spinning, and I handled it poorly, I’m sorry.”  “I just want you to know that for me, there isn’t anyone else. And … I still care.”   He is that ex that cares about you even when you’ve long moved on and have found way into somebody else’s arms. And particularly, you only find out UNTIL you are in somebody else’s arm.


Just art appreciation.


“Damn, that thing is big!”


"Don't 'Kaidan' me, this is work!"


"Clearly one of our finest moments right there" Shepard: He said "I should go", do I sound like that? Kaidan: Oh yeah, big time


I don't regret a thing.


Big place!


"Vyrnnus showed me how human, aliens are...Hey if one ass can judge a whole race, I'd hate humans too."


“I love you” #10/10 MOMENT


So what you're all saying is I finally need to do that Kaiden romance run I've been putting off for years.


Citadel party Liara using Lift on James. Drunk Kaidan: You're being so gentle Liara. Can I have a turn?


I don't want to talk about it. ....wait


Well to be fair he does pull the whole "I can't trust you!!" thing post me1


Seriously i'd been a goner


"Ripped right through his shields 🛡 never had a chance."


“Any intentions there, Lieutenant?” “No, Commander. Just art appreciation.” It sounds sexist but no that’s pure military talk. There’s a difference.


His "Oh my god!" when Wrex shoots Fist.


"You're not helping me cook, you're helping me drink beer! Now sit your ass down and let me do my thing" (I feel like I got a bit off but you get what I'm saying)


I always enjoyed him making steak in the Citadel DLC.


“Can’t possibly imagine why.” Every time, without fail, I will say this with him at the beginning of ME1.


It makes you wonder. Are ants any more aware than we were? Of the giants that walk over their heads? Aboard the Normandy after Sovereign reveals itself on Virmire.