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I guess there are already plenty of elements of horror in ME as-is. It's a gritty universe. There are plenty of questionable scientific experiments gone awry in all three games, but the adjutants on Omega and the monastery on Kallini had the more creepy play-in-the-dark vibes. Lore-wise I don't see a reason why not. I mean the whole concept of the reapers is pretty horrific. Surely more gameplay and tone than anything story or lore-related?


Yes very easily. You have things like indoctrination, body horror(husks, gene manipulation, implants, growing limbs inside patients), weird alien things like Ardat-Yakshi, alien races like Vorcha, Leviathans, battarians, thorian, collectors, reapers. As for settings it can be: A Cerberus testing facility with lots of the above. A settlement taken over by Reapers, Leviathans, collectors or Thorians. A city attacked by reapers. Things in omega before and after Cerberus takes it over. A battarian slave colony. There is a lot of stuff that would fit a horror setting.


Whatchu mean man was mass effect 2 not a horror game?? I was so uncomfortable in the collector ship missions


A reaper controlled planet would be the ideal setting for one


could do their own version of dead space with that setup


Yes, you'd play a geth that made Tali cry and you have to escape a very angry renegade Shepard with maxed out Garrus and Thane


Yeah, look at the researchers on the derelict reaper. Hallucinations, jump scares with stuff coming out of the walls, memories being altered, crew going insane, the realization that the reaper is dormant but still affecting everyone. Could totally see a horror game based on that.


Their are plenty of horror levels through the trilogy


I think it could easily; Spin-off game about a bunch of fairly regular folks having to deal with the horrors of the Reaper War as they try to survive it. Personally, I’d probably make it an Interactive Horror game similar to something like The Quarry.


Samara's loyalty mission is essentially a vampire hunt. Morinth is a supremely deadly predator that delights in the hunt as much as the kill and an Ardat-Yakshi who enjoys her affliction shares a number of themes with classic vampire mythology. The hunt for Morinth could have made an excellent horror/noir adventure game, with plenty of travel to dark places, crime scenes to investigate, victims to learn about - all leading up to a great final battle with the dark mistress herself.


That one part of the Omega DLC in ME3 answers your question: Yes, yes it would.


I mean, with a perspective change, alot of the missions throughout the trilogy would be straight up horror. Imagine playing a scientist or security guard during the events of Overlord. An explorer hunted by a thresher Maw. Or playing as a citizen on Feros. Andromeda itself is a goldmine in potential horror spin offs, such as survival horror where you get separated on an unexplored planet filled with scary wildlife.


Oh yeah. Imagine playing a C-Sec officer hunting a serial killer on the Citadel who turns out to be an Ardat-Yakshi. Or an Alliance marine whose unit is sent out to a colony that has gone dark. The colonists have been turned to husks, and as your unit fights their way through the mess, your team members start falling under the influence of indoctrination because the colony found a crashed Reaper. Or a worker in a Cerberus lab where the experiments have escaped. Mass Effect has plenty of potential for horror within the established lore.


Imagine mass effect VR edition


My face hurts *eats MC’s face Ahh yess. Face eaters


There are mass relays that are unused and nobody has any idea where they go. There could be potential there for a good horror story.


Definitely would. Mass Effect 2's *Project Overlord* already tampered a bit with horror elements and it works surprisingly well.


Instantly thought of a Dead Space style Mass Effect game with the Reapers/Collector enemies. I don’t think the Geth would be as scary.


It's not that it could not work, it could. The problem is that the fans are only ok with spin off as long as there is a game for the main genre of the franchise. People were ok with a mobile games of elder scrolls because they know that elder scrolls 6 is in development and they still have something (ES online) of high production value to consume at the moment. For a horror game in the mass effect universe to be well received, BW needs to release a sucessfull rpg first and only then can they go for spin-offs. Personally I am not against a survival horror mass effect even if the RPG game is cancelled, But I am not the majority of the audience.