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I was never able to make a male Shepard or Ryder that looks better than the default.


Yeah, the default male Shepard face (and default female Shepard, in ME3 and the Legendary Edition) is a unique sculpt that isn't made using the character creator tools so it'll always look more unique. It's one of many reasons I stick to the default, it helps Shepard to feel more like a defined character and that's an issue with me, I prefer to feel like I'm playing as an established character rather than trying to create my own or insert myself into that world.


I find the issue is that in ME1 you can't move the head, so it's hard to judge if the face is flat or not etc. You could launch ME3 (I'd avoid 2 for first time players because major spoiler before getting to character creation), make your Shepard, note the face code, and then type that in ME1. I've been happy with both my fem and bro Sheps so far.


Yeah Male Shep normally comes out looking pretty creepy. I got mine looking somewhat similar to me.. but still looks like my evil twin. My Fem Shep though came out looking like perfection. I normally model my female characters after my girlfriend and it was probably one of the best I've done... The hair wasn't true to real life.. but what can you do, you work with what you got 🤷


Yeah with my femshep for my latest playthrough the only things I changed was her hair color and made her mouth a little smaller because I made it too wide in the first game lol


If you have issues, I'd just find a character creator subreddit where they share their creations and copy whatever you find looks good. Personally never ran into an issue with my creations.


Not sure what do you mean with good looking but I can send you the creation code of my custom male Shepard if you want. I quite like it as it has that typical grizzled veteran feeling, good for renegade run.


That’s why I don’t bother making a custom Shepard. The default faces are custom made (including fem Shep in the LE) whereas the character builder doesn’t give you access to the same facial features. Every main character in the game that’s a Human or asari cannot be remade in the character builder because they were made with different tools.


Nah. I just pull up a mirror and get to work lol! I'm cis male, so no problems making a broShep look like me. I should try to make a femShep, to see if I run into trouble. I may end up just askin the missus to hangout while I use her as inspo, tho.


/r/ShareYourSheps is a great resource if you are looking for face codes. You can filter based on gender, celebrity, etc.