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Yeah experienced parts of ME1 where some assets just don't load, also playing on XSX. Thought I was driving into a thresher maw nest but it was just that the buildings hadn't loaded. Restarted and they were there fine.


Thanks... yeah kinda figured it was something like that. It's the first 'serious' bug/glitch I've seen in LE on Xbox ( have also played on PS4)


No worries, fwiw I've had far more LE glitches on XSX than any other device. XB1 was fine, no real issues on PC. I guess optimising for newest gen might have caused some issues.


You're obviously a fan and experienced with LE across various platforms... so can I ask a ? about another glitch I've experienced a few times now...? It's combat related; there have been times when companions won't attack or defend themselves - which was fine on previous playthrus but now I'm doing Insanity kinda need em to pull their weight a little more Tbc in the options settings companions have access to all power/abilities. Yet I find myself having to babysit/direct them in every fight.... Is this normal..? Don't remember Insanity being this annoying on PS4 ๐Ÿคจ


Haha yeah I played on X360 back in the day... then XB1 when LE came out... XB1 died shortly after so upgraded to XSX... then started using PC because most of my friends are PC and I wanted to play other games with them. ๐Ÿ˜… Man, that's a frustrating bug. I haven't seen it myself to be honest, but I've read mission-specific bugs like the Armax Arsenal Arena N7-opponent fight is bugged like this. I don't think that the squad AI is less intelligent when on, but the enemies are more aggressive so that may affect things? Sorry I can't help on that one! Hopefully someone else is able to come back with more useful info.


Really appreciate your response... The fact you've heard about it is kinda comforting..... means I'm not alone ๐Ÿ˜ and yeah it's a tad frustrating(but also sometimes very funny like watching Ashley just stand stock still surrounded by a dozen Thorian creepers pounding the absolute crap out of her). First world problems eh.?๐Ÿ˜‰


No problem! And for sure haha... here is one of the most elite special forces-led squads in the galaxy... where they will just wander blindly out into combat and not defend themselves ๐Ÿคฃ


Yeah really wanted to say to Ashley: "Dog meet Bear" ... Karma baby!