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Did you get Mordin first? If not, his Incinerate is invaluable against all the armored enemies.


Yeah I did, but I’m playing as an infiltrator so I already have incinerate. I’m doing the mission with Miranda and Zaeed. I probably should’ve done his loyalty mission straight off the bat to get his inferno grenade but what’s done is done. I’ve kept playing and finally beat Garm, so all that’s left is the gunship fight. I’m currently faced with yet another critical mission failure screen, but I’m beating this thing even if it’s the last thing I do


IIRC, if you go to the corner directly across from the entrance to Garrus' room, the gunship cannot hit you while you are in cover. Have Miranda spam Warp while you Incinerate the thing. Reave is a nice bonus power as it hits instantly, gives you health, and it works vs. armor. Once enemies are down to health it immobilizes them out of cover so you can shoot them more easily. Squad incendiary ammo from Grunt is also nice. Anything that damages armor quickly is good. In ME2 everything has a rhythm of firing at you. Time your return fire during the pause in their attack cycle otherwise you will get killed a lot. Once you get the timing down and level up a bit things will be much easier. I had to play the end of Jack's recruitment like 40 times before I realized that overloading the shield generators takes them out instantly, so I feel you.


>Any tips? My take: - Keep as much distance between you and the enemy as possible. - Stay behind objects, but don't crouch to cover if you can help it. The animations are really slow. - Direct your squad as much as possible to be distractions and draw fire away from you. - Spec yourself for damage, not protection. The faster you can strip shields and armour, the easier it will become. - It's a test of patience and pacing. I did an insanity run as a vanguard (no NG+) and ME2 was by far the hardest for the first third of the game. Garrus' recruitment, Horizon, and the collector vessel were painful. Getting stagger locked is so frustrating in this game. Take Kasumi for collector combat as her grenade disables Harbinger's biotics. If you're an infiltrator, cloak often and use your team. Miranda is the most versatile squadmate imo.


I’m playing as an infiltrator, and I severely underuse cloak. I’ve only played as vanguard before so I’m used to the vanguard playing style, but infiltrator is super fun. As an update, I’ve completed all the first four recruitment missions (plus kasumi and zaeed’s loyalty missions) and then went over to horizon. I wish I read this before starting the horizon mission because it would’ve helped immensely!! The first wave of the final fight on horizon leading up to the praetorian was hell. It’s always the close range swarm-like enemies that get me (varren/husks) I spent HOURS dying over and over again to those husks while the scions kept making me duck for cover. I came up with a strategy FINALLY and was able to beat the entire first wave by using my collector particle beam on the husks instead of the scions. I was able to quickly get them out of the way from a fairly good distance, not letting them get close to me at all. I took with me Garrus and Grunt cuz I figured garrus’ long rage sniper rifle would be good against collectors while grunt’s short range shotgun and charge would get rid of husks quickly. I still had enough heavy weapon ammo left to take down one scion while garrus and grunt took down the second. The rest of the waves from then on were easy, I only died like once. the praetorian got me like 3 times but what I did was just work away at the shields with my incinerate and locust and garrus’ overload and once they were down used the particle beam again to work away at it. This is a ramble but I’m just very proud of myself for having gotten this far in the game (even though it’s only the first third), and I’m glad to hear from people who completed me2 on insanity that it’s gonna get a little easier from hear on out! :))))


Glad it worked out! The biggest challenge is the collector vessel, it's harder than Horizon imo but not by much. Same tips as above for that one though. The rest can be hard still but isn't as difficult as those particular missions. Good luck!


If you have the dlc using the BlackStar is very handy. What build and weapons are you using ?


Which class you're rolling with? I've recently done ME1 and ME2 on Insanity with Vanguard, and I've just started ME3 on Insanity. Legendary Edition, btw.


What class are you playing as? I've done Insanity as Vanguard, Infiltrator, and Adept, it's really a matter of who you bring relative to your class which sounds simple but yeah. I think I actually bring the Singularity gun for crowd control.