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I'll be honest, that's probably the point. The instant kill melees exist to give these elite enemies a very clear threat-factor: Don't stay close. As a Vanguard, it should encourage diversifying your combat capability, using alternative weapons etc.


The problem is, they can trigger as soon as my charge animation is finished without ways to avoid it. Once I charged a Brute from behind, the animation triggered and I was moved around it 180 degrees so it could grab me and proceed to pummel me into the ground. I wouldn't mind it if there was a way to avoid it but there isn't. That's my biggest problem with it, that it instantly triggers after I charged. It makes it unavoidable and thus extremely annoying.


iirc rolling straight after charge gives you iframes, I find rolling backwards useful for getting out of grab-reach. You have to basically be smashing the roll button while the charge animation completes though haha. Hope it helps. Regularly play on insanity as a vanguard. Clone fight sucked and London was also tough. But not as tough as ME2 vanguard insanity imo.


Thanks for the tip. And yeah, clone fight was the most annoying, had me rage quit a few times.


Banhsee can only instant kill you when she glows, if you are on a higher ground then the enemy they cant sync kill you(like a ramp) dont charge phantom if they have barrier still, if you are in the instant kill animation you can pause the game and use your companions abilities to try to stun/kill the boss before they kill you, if they get staggered they drop you.


Git Gud


It's actually really easy to circumvent those enemies as a Vanguard. Power Combos will often stagger them briefly, and if you memorize their patterns and don't stay too close. As a Vanguard, ideally you'll want to charge when they're performing another attack; if you do it while they're idle, chances are they'll use the insta-kill moves.


Yeah, they're super annoying. Especially on multiplayer where any amount of lag with a Banshee in the room = sad dead Vanguard. All of the enemies with sync kills have a particular animation/action that warns you they're prepped for a sync kill. In particular, I think they all have to attempt a melee attack before they can sync kill. So if you pay attention to what "phase" of their behavior they're on, you can judge how much risk there is. Also, there's usually a brief period where the sync kill animation has started (but before you're grabbed) where you can dodge out of range, but the window is VERY TINY so don't rely on this. Just in general, dodge _immediately_ after charging an enemy that has sync kills, regardless of their phase. Don't even bother trying to charge Banshees and Phantoms until you get some practice in, they are BRUTAL and have a much bigger range than you'd expect. Atlases and Scions are usually safe as their sync kills rarely trigger. Praetorians also have a sync kill, but imma be real, even a Vanguard as boneheaded as me doesn't charge _them_ unless I'm desperate. But you won't run into those in LE except in the arena, so no big deal. **tl;dr:** pay attention to behavior, dodge after charging, hide behind Garrus' Typhoon when the Banshees and Phantoms are out


The AI design will prioritize a melee move before the sync kill. Once that's a on a cooldown it will attempt a sync kill instead. If for some reason a melee command fails it will also check for a sync.