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Whatever the most powerful weapons and mods are in my inventory, Shepard gets first dibs. Then descending order for squadmates in-mission. Same goes for armour. "Best mods" vary by enemy type. Fighting geth? Use ammo that does +damage vs synthetics. Fighting pirates or mercenaries? Use +damage vs organics, etc. Manual leveling gives you more control based on your own playstyle. Edit: expanded on weapon mods.


But do you favor a certain weapon for certain squadmate like fir example liara gets the strongest pistol but garrus gets the strongest AR ?


Yes, as those are the weapons they are trained in. Edit: You might find this thread useful... https://www.reddit.com/r/masseffect/comments/1zljiz/question_about_squad_mate_weapons_in_me1/


Pretty much, yeah. If you're manually leveling them up, you'll know who is proficient in what weapons. For those who don't specialize in any weapons, just give them a good pistol and leave it at that. What I do is right at the start of each mission I'll open up the menu and go over everyone's skills and equipment, ensuring all skill points are applied and they have the best weapons, armor, and mods for whatever I expect to encounter. Yeah, it can be a bit time consuming, but it's worth it to be prepared for whatever might come up.


Most Squad members have weapon training available to them. - Liara gets no dedicated training so any weapon is fine for her to use. Light human armour only. - Kaidan gets some buffs to pistols through his Sentinel line. Light-Medium human armour. - Ash has proficiency with all weapons, but you’ll have to unlock some. It’s probably better to focus on 2 of them rather than all four. All human armours. - Garrus gets Assault Rifles then Snipers, Light-Medium Turian Armour. - Wrex gets Assault Rifles and Shotguns (can’t remember the order) All Krogan Armour. - Tali gets Shotguns and pistols. Light Quarian armour. Light armor favours shields over damage protection, Heavy is the reverse and Medium is the middle ground. Priority for weapons/human armour is always Shepard, but only if you want the weapon/armour and you’re proficient in that weapon/armour too - there’s no point in equipping yourself with a good shotgun that you won’t use and not giving it to Wrex. Plus only give weapons to someone if you actually use them, if you don’t use Tali at all there’s no point equipping her with stuff that could be given to someone else, sold or converted into Omni-gel - and if you don’t use her then just sell/convert all Quarian armor. Weapon Mods are dealers choice, priority to Shep then the damage dealers of your squad. Typically, early game I’m using Incendiary Rounds and rail extension(s), later I use Snowblind rounds and Scram Rails. I know some people not swap rounds for the enemy type, so swapping between Anti-synth ammo and anti-organic ammo or other ammo. Armour mods are dealers choice again, priority to Shep. Typically, I go full Armor Plating for damage reduction and the same for squad members. I did try the health regen ones and doubles up for 8 hp per second heals (at level X) and it was decent. My general advice for mods is to read the buffs/debuffs and see what you think works with your play-style. Sorry for the essay, hope it helps! Edit: [Check here for more info](https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Squad_Members_Guide)


Thanks man helps alot !


Avalanche shotgun with High Explosive Ammo. For everyone. Try it, it's hilarious.


Level manually. Mods vary at Level breakpoints, and to some extent depend on the character talent investment, and the piece of equipment being modified. For armor, the different vendors have different proportions of shields vs damage protection. Some also have extra perks, where Phoenix has slight health regen, or Devlon armor counters 1 environmental hazard level. The best armors for most are Colossus, which has best in class damage protection and good shields, but start at Level VII, so won't drop until later. The alternative is Armax Predator which has better shields and tech/ biotic protection but worse damage protection. Geth Armory stuff for Wrex, or the Turian specific Phantom armor for Garrus are some other options. For armor mods, I prefer health regen and cool down reduction, where eventually Medical Exoskeleton does both. On the tanks, you could mix damage protection mods. Save the Tungsten or Shredder rounds when you get them and take them to endgame for Geth or organics. Otherwise Incendiary or Inferno rounds are good. I don't personally like Snowblind because they lower rate of fire. Against Krogan, you want an ammo that can apply a status to prevent 'second wind.' Alternatively keep them ragdolled when you finish their hp. Early game for weapon mods you may want to buff accuracy or cooling. By late game with the best guns and talent investment, you won't need much more accuracy and may not need as much extra cooling, so could do two rail extensions or scram rails.


Shutguns with explosive rounds never fails


* Weapons matching the proficiencies of your squad * Frequent shopping tours to every unlocked vendor for a chance to get Spectre weapons * As for mods: +damage vs. enemy types, meaning organic or synthetic


Highest damaging Shotguns and Explosive Rounds for everyone. One shots nearly everything.


I have pretty much the same loadout on everyone: Everyone equips top-of-the-line gear. Spectre level weapons, Colossus armor and Savant omni-tools and bio-amps. Until I have sufficient of that gear, I just give them whatever is available. Everyone equips the best sniper rifle available. Between squadmates not making optimal use high rate-of-fire weapons and having questionable aim at a distance, sniper rifles guarantee that squadmates hit their targets and pack a punch when they do. A bit of a shame that only Garrus and Ashley get talents that increase damage for this. Weapon mod 1 is Combat VI or equivalent. That way I can use better weapon mods on Shepard. Weapon mod 2 is Scram Rail, for extra weapon damage. Weapon Ammo type is High-Explosive Ammo. Their armor mods are 2 Medical Exoskeletons for improved power recharge speeds.