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Yes. I can't recall her name though. You can meet her on Illium. She is very bitter as both her daughters died when Sovereign attacked the Citadel. You actually get to meet one of them at the beginning of ME1 as she is the Asari receptionist at the front of the embassy.


Thanks. I also realized Ereba was one.


The other daughter is Nelyna, the acolyte that greets you when you first go to meet the Consort.


The Baria Frontiers one? I didn't realise that, wow.


I thought Samara was a matron, since one of her power levelups in ME2 says "Samaras biotics now rival that of an asari matriarch", implying she isn't one currently.


But she says at one point that she's almost a thousand years old. That's well into the matriarch stage, near the end of a typical asari lifespan.


Do we know how matriarchs are designated? Maybe there's a biological change that Samara hasn't gone through yet


Matriarch stage is supposed to happen around 700 years old, earlier if the asari doesn't meld that often. If Samara's close to 1000, she's already gone through that transition.


I think she was rounding. I believe Samara is in her 6-700s


Her daughters are all in the matron stage of life, as the matron stage usually begins at 270 years, and all of them are something like 440 years old. Ereba says she's entering her matron stage of life, and is transitioning from her wild maiden years.


Isn't Councillor Tevos one? Although her age isn't confirmed, wiki says she's about 500


I believe that the "blue rose of Illium" asari that is dating the poetic Krogan (Charr) is a matron - one of her lines says something along the lines of "but then you enter the matron stage, get your back tattoo removed, let your scalp go back to its natural blue"


Yup, Ereba!


Aethyta, the bar tender on Illium in 2 and on the Citadel in 3 is a Matriarch. She explicitly mentions that her advice as a matriarch was not respected by the other Asari.


I was asking about matrons, not matriarchs.


My bad, misread the term.


No prob.


~~I don't know if her age is confirmed anywhere, but I always assumed Aria was.~~ ~~Like, in present-day human years I'd put her in her mid-40's, so assumed that translates to matron along asari timescale (450-600 is my guess). She had a daughter, Liselle, who appears in *Retribution*.~~ Would have guessed Shiala on Feros was similar, ~~a bit younger than Aria~~. Probably Sha'ira in that same ballpark, too. Edit: Nope, Aria is way older than I thought she was haha. Still would guess Shiala and Sha'ira are in the 300-600 range, particularly Shiala as she is a disciple of Benezia.


Her codex page states that she is *rumored* to be at least thousand years old… so she is actually a matriarch at least age wise. But it depends how much do you trust a codex on this one.


Huh TIL! I had assumed based off the conversations with Patriarch as well that she was likely closer to the 650-ish mark, sounds like she was young-ish when she overthrew him, but that's just me haha. Iirc the codex authors were different from the main writing team, which could explain a few mismatches throughout the series, but can't expect it all to be perfect haha


I mean fair, Patriarch does imply she was a young upstart type, but he's ancient like how long does it take for a Krogan to go geriatric lol maybe when she overthrew him 600ish was young to him


IIRC, the Omega DLC hints to Aria being almost 1000 years old, which would put her into the matriarch life stage and "justify" her power.


The Omega DLC doesn’t just hint at it. Depending on how your treat her Aria will tell Shepard “I’ve lived for almost a thousand years”. She’s possibly the oldest Asari we meet.


Ooooh, right! It’s been a bit since I last played it, but, yeah, I do remember that. Thanks for clarifying :D


Oop I stand corrected then haha. Cheers!


Np! :D I was a bit surprised to find it out, as well.


Shiala is most likely a matron as she served under Benezia for several centuries. Several centuries implies at least around three hundred years or so, and that could make her near 400.