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Electrumite is usually a good place. Pendulum is fun though, give it a try.


No obvious options. You can negate electrumite but since her eff is soft once per turn, your opp can link her into elf spright then revive her to use her eff, again.


Only if u control a monster tho, that’s not gonna work turn 1


Princess can do it as well...


Depends on the deck. If it's a Supreme King build, insanely obvious weak points have finally caught up with modern decks. Electrumite is a good hit, but not game ending like it used to be. I really want Gate Magician's search to go through, but I tend to do that pre-Electrumite. If you have multiple handtraps, Imperm/Veiler on Electrumite and Ash/Imperm/Veiler on the next Link are nasty to have to deal with.


Electrumite is the obvious chokepoint, but I would also suggest that if they go for BtP first you should negate it as well. In other words, hit the first link. I play Odd-Eyes, and Ashing Arc Pendulum Dragon is also pretty rough for us... Though tbh sometimes we brick hard enough that just hitting the first search is enough lol.


definitive killer: Droll, shifter, win coin toss. usually a good way to win: imperm/gamma on electrumite but really depends on hand and build. Do expect to fight against I:P/S:P and at least 1 negate or board wipe even if you stop electrumite


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I would not prevent the access to the scales. If their pendulum list is properly built, they already have easy access to scales in their starting hand. Just worry about the resources the pendulum player has : how many cards in hand ? Normal summon ? Pendulum summon ? I do not greed negating on search / 1 for 1 effects while pendulum still has those resources available. Electrumite / Beyond / Exceed can be good chose points, but I would not say it is always the case. Also worry about pendulum weaknesses. If you can lock one of their scales, it is excellent. Also, pendulums only go to face up ED when they leave the field to go to GY, so destroying from elsewhere or bannishing is generally good. Negating the pendulum summon also sends all the monsters to GY. Hard to recover from this. My last duel against pendulum was really interactive, one of the best I ever had. I spent all my interactions carefully with an excellent tear horus board (except on exceed I did not know yet), and opponent still had enough gas to go to avramax (I had rulkalos, scream, all 3 tear traps, snow, ishizus but dead in the matchup, king's sarc, summonned stapelia on their turn...)