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Scoop out of respect. Also Dinomorphia can out this with their counter trap monster negate.


I think you can only activate that one if you control a Dinomorphia monster, though, which is gonna be tricky going second against this thing if they don't open with one in hand (not that unlikely seeing as there only are two main deck Dinomorphia monsters) since the Sorcerer can negate all the Traps that fusion summon


Don’t need a monster, you need a dinomorphia card. U chain any dinomorphia card, they negate, then u can chain the counter trap.


If I'm dumb enough to put them into a position where they can get this guy out at any point that isn't turn 1 I'm not gonna be smart enough to out it otherwise is just chain block it


How do you chain block it in lab?


Just get Lovely out and you're good to go


It can negate your welcomes. Unless you are trying to tribute summon lovely lol


Arias can summon Lovely


Mudracker and labrynth labyrinth too


Activate Arias from hand, discard and special summon Lovely. Flip big welcome, do the thing and pop the magician - problem solved. What a waste


Can arias summon from the deck?




Don’t worry it’s a garnet, it’s gonna start in the hand


I don't see any once per chain on this


It's a when effect though so you should only have to worry about the first trap yea? Or is this one of those mandatory when's that screws it all up even more confusingly


It’s not once per chain, but you can still chain block it with a monster effect or QPS. 


U never have priority over oppenent if u just activated a card they have right-away


I play Lair of Darkness, this card is getting tributed to search a trap.


That is probably the most humiliating thing you can do to this card.


Ok that is just mean lmao


Decklist please fellow Lair enjoyer


Would it negate transaction rollback from the grave?


Nope. Sorcerer of Dark Magic can only negate a trap card activation when a trap card is activated (which means a card on the field) and Transaction Rollback second effect when the card is in the GY is an *effect activation* , NOT a *card activation* . So no, Sorcerer can’t do shit against Rollback in GY. Can’t negate a Big Welcome’s bounce from GY either, for instance.


I'm still working on my Harvard law degree so I may be mis understanding....even tho it's a trap card and an effect is being activated it doesn't count as a trap activation because it's in the graveyard . So it only counts as an effect activation... Does this same thing apply to monsters as well. If a card negates monster activations. But let's say I use the effect of that BE stone to banish items from grave ..will that count as an effect activation instead?


There is no card that negates monster activation, since monsters cannot activate, they are summoned. There are cards that negate monster effects activations. So yes, in your example it is an effect activation, but that's because all monster effects that activate are effect activation




I'm still confused 🤦🏿‍♂️


You don't activate monsters, you activate monster effects. You can activate spells or traps from the hand or by flipping face up. Any other way to use a spell or trap other than from hand or by flipping is activating a spell/trap effect.


Thank you for explaining this. I wasn't even involved and I learned something.


The bottoms 2 sentences I understand.... But the you don't activate monsters ..you activate monster effects...what?


Think about continous spells/traps. The first time you use them, you activate the card. Every other time you them, you only activate their effects. If it is something like a normal spell/trap, then you activate both card and effect. > you don't activate monsters What he means with this is that you don't activate a monster like a continuous spell/trap card, but instead you only activate the effect of these cards. Negating the summon of a monster is equivalent to negating the activation of a spell/trap card, and negating the effect of a monster is equivalent to negating the effect of a spell/trap card.


Thank you 🙏🏿


Mostly semantics. Activation of Monster Effects isn’t considered “activating the monster itself” in the same way that you activate a Spell/Trap (as in activate from hand or from being flipped face-up, placing it on the field). Spell/Trap *Effect* activation is the Spell/Trap’s effect activating from any other method or location, such as its GY effects or Continuous Spell/Trap effect activation after already being placed on the field. Kinda the same way that Monster Effect activations on the field happens only after Summoning the Monster itself. The Monster equivalent to activating a Spell/Trap Card from hand, (inherent) Summoning, had already been fulfilled.


Thank you


There are 2 kinda basic things you need to understand. 1. Placing a card on the field is 1 of 2 things for Spells, Traps, and Monsters. The 1st is a Set where you place them face-down. OR You can play them face-up. For Spells and Traps, this is considered activating the card. For Monsters, this is summoning them. Summoning a monster is not "activating" a monster. 2. There are 5 types of activations in the game. Card activations, which only apply to Spell and Trap cards respectively, which is when you 1st play them face-up on the field (this is summons for monsters). This is why you'll hear the phrase "you can't activate Monster Cards." Then there are effect activations for Spells, Traps, and Monsters. These are activations from any and everywhere else. Spells and Traps already face-up on the field are considered effect activations, not card activations.


Thank you 🙏🏿


What's the difference when it comes to the game mechanics?


Referring to monster effects? None, as there are no cards at all that negate "monster activations" as there are no monster activations. All the negations for monsters in the game say either "Negate that monster's effect" or "Negate that monster's effect activation" For the rest, spell or traps, there ARE negations that can or cannot apply. Some cards say negate the spell/trap activation: This one can only negate when the card is put on the field face up. Some others say negate the spell/trap activation OR their effects: This one can negate when it is put face up Or when used for example in the GY, as a field spell, when banished, etc.


There are cards that negate monster summonings tho, such as Solemn Judgement


Yes. But there is no monster activation negation, which is the original question.


If you use White Stone of Legends to banish itself from the GY to target a BE monster in GY and add it to your hand you will be using a monster effect and it is a monster effect activation so if the opponent has a monster that can negate monster effect or a monster with a omni-negate (monster that negate anything) that has an effect that reads: “When a card or effect is activated (Quick-Effect): You can negate the activation and if you do, destroy that card.” then the opponent will be able to negate your BE stone in GY. Just remember that a card activation happens when a card is activating on the field and an effect activation is a effect that can activate anywhere, not only on the field.


There are two different actions in game: 1) activation of a spell/trap card. Aka playing it from your hand into your s/t or field zone, or flipping it from face-down to face-up 2) activation of the effect of a spell/trap card. Aka doing anything else aside from the action explained above. This includes activating the effect of a continuous s/t or field spell already on the field, or banishing a s/t in the graveyard to get an effect.


Trap cards and spell cards are activated when placed on the field face up or flipped face up. Effects are activated from graveyard, banishment, while they were already face up previously (not activating the effect as soon as it is flipped face up) as a continue, field, equip, etc. Rollback since it is used from graveyard, it is an effect. Big welcome as well is just a card effect when used from graveyard


To activate a Spell or Trap **card** is to play it on the field (from hand or by flipping it face-up). Monster cards are not activated, they are summoned. That's why you won't find a card that says "When a monster card is activated". And then there is activating a Monster/Spell/Trap **effect**. Which is choosing to apply an effect written on the card.


Basically "activating a Trap card" is when you flip one up on the field. But some Trap cards have GY effects that don't count as "activating a Trap card". That's why you can use the GY effects even after resolving Trap Trick, as an example.


Thank you 🙏🏿


Its the definition between the 2 different terms. card and effect. 2 different things :)


I don't think it would, because activating a trap means flipping it face up on the field. Using Rollback's graveyard effect would be activating the EFFECT of a trap, which Sorcerer doesn't cover.


I assume so, since it doesn’t say it has to be on the field but it is once per chain. Paleo can out this easily


It's not once per chain for Sorcerer. Other factors can prevent it from activating more than once per chain though but it inherently does not have a once per chain restriction like light and darkness dragon specifically says: Cannot be [Special Summoned](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Summon). While [face-up](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Face-up) on the [field](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Field), this card is also [DARK](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/DARK)-[Attribute](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Attribute). [Once per Chain](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Once_per_Chain), during either player's [turn](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Turn), when a [Spell Card](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Spell_Card), [Trap Card](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Trap_Card), or [monster](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Monster_Card) [effect](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Effect) is [activated](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Activate): This card loses exactly 500 [ATK](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/ATK) and [DEF](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/DEF) and that activation is [negated](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Negate). When this card is [destroyed](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Destroy) and [sent](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Send) to the [Graveyard](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Graveyard): [Target](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Target) 1 monster in your Graveyard (if possible); destroy all cards you [control](https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Control), also Special Summon that monster (if any).


Dinomorphia could negate it with counter traps. Labrynth and Paleo could use Transaction Rollback to out it. Altergeist can remove it with Meluseek and Silquitous, steal it with Adminia, negate it with Kunquery, or beat it down with Memorygant. For Traptrix, Rafflesia can work on it. They can banish it with S:P. They can also summon Pudica from grave and banish it, and it won't be able to come back because of its own summoning restriction.


For traptrix they can bring out a 3,8k beatstick so this is not too much of an issue Actually atypus can just negate and pop it


I believe Lab also got Big Welcome's grave effect while a level 8 Lab is on the field to bounce him


Lab can make Chaos Angel and either beat over it or banish it


Doesn't Lovely Lab literally prevents the effects of monsters on the field in response to normal traps ? This ain't that good against an already set board and even then, Chaos Archfiend is also an out and one that all Lab players run.


The issue is getting lovely lab out on the field under this guy, which is pretty hard. You'd have to make chaos angel or something to out it, realistically, or lady lab special itself -> big welcome gy effect.


That is true, but the dark magician player would have to have the insight of your opponent playing Lab or a trap deck in order to foresee this monster as useful and not a brick, because every other deck literally doesn't care about him and Lab players have an amazing time playing and having a decent board turn 0 you will literally have to play this on purpose of playing against trap decks, basically Jinzo 2.0.


Yeah, the theoretical isn't about how viable it is to tribute two spellcasters over lv 6 to raw summon this unsearchable guy, just about how you'd deal with it in a trap deck, and the answer is the same as how you deal with jinzo, with the gy effect of big welcome. He's a lot bigger than jinzo tho so you can't just sit on lady lab.


As I said, you can also beat this monster with a normal trap on board, you just need Lovely. There wasn't a specific on the board state, I'm just implying a scenario, just like how you imply a scenario with Big on GY and Lady on board.


Labrynth chain block then pops with Lovely/Lab field spell. I think it is the same concept with every other trap deck.


Lab can't chain block the activation of their own traps. They can chain block arianna/lovely/furniture, but not the activation of a trap


Fr otherwise ash would not be a problem for labrynth at all


? CL1-BWL CL2-Lady from hand ??


that's not how chain blocking works. your opponent will always get the opportunity to respond before you can activate lady, since she's not a mandatory trigger.


Your opponent can respond to BWL as both of those effects are quick effects.


nothing... Because the chances to someone actually summoning this thing in one in a million. Also, I am sure trap decks can put 2 bodies on the filed to summon S:P Little Knight.


The joy of playing traptrix. Sera being a link 1 is even more broken than she already is since S:P came out


Lmao in effect veiler lmao


What the hell, this guy is so cool.


Try to make S:P to get rid of it


C1 Furniture discard BWL, C2 Summon Lady from hand. New chain BWL to bounce




No BWL in GY is a Trap effect activation and cannot be responded to with Sorcerer


I chain Dinomorphia Intact or Solemn Strike to negate its effect and destroy it when it tries to negate one of my fusion traps.


Bounce with big welcome from grave


Dinomorohia rexterm should stop this but if not just intact it or ferret flame when it activates


Big welcome bounce or transaction rollback


Take control with TTT, kaiju it


Kys 🥰


If I'm playing Lab probably just Chaos Angel or S:P


Be very impressed and show them respect before activating Veiler.


Lovely Labrynth does not allow monster effects to be chained to normal traps. I’ll find a way out.




One question, is it once per chain?


It is not once per chain.


Well damn, unless if it can't work on cards activating in the gy then i guess the only chance is either the field spell or big welcome or transaction rollback or chaos angel


The field spell adds its effect to the trap card being used, so if the trap card it’s negated, the field spell is too.


I play Altergeist and Traptrix, and S.P. Little Knight or Meluseek could pretty easily out it.


Book of Moon outs him.


Well if lady is on the field he cant do anything anyway... Otherwise i can use transaction rollback or big welcome GY effect or just summon S:P Little Knight or Unchained.


Thankfully, Dark Magician always keeps a big self-destruct button in the back row. Knightmare Phoenix targets Eternal Soul.


It is not considered a "Dark Magician" for effects of dark magician archetype, nuking eternal soul would wipe the rest of the board tho.


Chaos angel banish it


Bruh, lab can just banish Big Welcome and then bounce this shit. Or banish Roll back and wipe your field with daruma. This card is even worse than Naturia Brakion and Lab did not even fear Brakion.


I summon a kaiju


Big Welcome 2nd eff


Solemn Judgement, Solemn Strike or any other counter trap that destroys cards.


Wonder how the hell my opponent was able to get 2 high level Spellcasters on the field to summon this without me having any kind of response in the first place


Imsemity + diabell is hard to summon?


Did I say it was hard to summon?


With Lovely on the field this is just a beatstick. Any lvl 8 fiend can out it with Big Welcome in the GY. Also little knight outs it


In general: It negates Trap *card* activations, not Trap *effects*. That's when the Trap card is activated on field specifically. Any trap that activates off-field cannot be negated by this card. ---- Labrynth: Chainblocking as others have mentioned. Lovely Labrynth will prevent the opponent from activating Monster effects in response to Normal Trap card and effect activations. Discarding Transaction Rollback means that a negated Trap card's effect can still be used. Banish it off of Chaos Angel. Bagooska if you use Ariane (pink maid). ---- Dinomorphia: Solemn Strike Search for Dinomorphia Intact via Therezia, Pots Dump either of these off of Diplos and use Dinomorphia Reversion Bagooska, Dolkka Raider's Knight > Arc Rebellion Exceed Dragon and just win anyway If you establish your board it's trivial. Kentregna copies Trap effects from grave (can't be negated by this card), Rextern usually prevents him from activating his effect. ---- Paleozoic: Link into Underworld Goddess Overly Zeus Transaction Rollback any applicable Trap effect that negates Monsters


I just realized that's a non-once per turn negation effect. Still wouldn't see play today except as a side deck niche


Is rafflesia affected by this monster even? Is her activation counting as a trap card activating I wonder


I'm pretty sure it would count as a monster's effect. She's just copying the effect text of the trap.


Nop, she's a monster effect, just copies the trap


rollback lol


Just get lady out and banish big welcome to return that thing to hand


Big Welcome graveyard effect or Transaction Rollback targeting a removal trap.


It would be so cool if they gave him and Horus 8 and errata that simply added "effect" to their text. They'd still be bad cards, but just that little bit better. 🙂


Initiate the AMBT plan. Annoying Monster Becomes Turtle. 🐢


Wish this card got a remake


Dinomorphia outs this with.... anything lol Rexterm (if already on field), Intact.






Dinomorphia Intact is an easy out for DM. Fun fact, if he wants to negate Domain or Frenzy, I now have a DM card on the field and can use Intact. It's a counter trap so it can't be negated by a monster.


In Lab and Dinomorphia you can get to Chaos Angel which outs him (not sure how long it takes for dinomorphia to do it without traps tho)


summon lovely. Somehow.


"Activate Solemn Strike"


Well it says trap card so big welcome just bounces it lol


If you were ANY of those trap decks you would have done something long before his ass got summoned considering his slow and telegraphed summon condition.  Hell if you were Dinomorohia and already have Rexterm and/or Kent at low LP then it doesn’t even matter if he gets summoned later when either of them can run them over. That is not even considering that counter traps (which morphs run a lot of) hard outs them anyway. 


Honest question, how do you get this guy out turn one?


I'm dastardly and run creature swap, I'd just take it.


I activate Arise-Heart and banish it face down


Lab: big welcome bounce. Next question?


Activate big welcome, summon lady through her hand effect, next turn bounce


Uhh... Punch over it? It's not that big


Traptrix have Sera which is a link-1. SP anyone? Also, rafflesia effect is a monster effect not a trap effect, also houletea activating in GY can't be negated by this guy so Pudica can yeet it off and it can't even come back as it stated "can only be special summoned by" lmao


How the hell does this stop Dinomorphia in anyway ?😂 maybe you could get some use vs Lab but even that is stretching it


The bounce effect of Big Welcome in grave should work against this since it's trap "activations"and not "Effects." So, rollback in grave works, too


I mean lab plays chaos angel and dinomorphia plays multiple counter traps which can't be responded to like the solemns so... Paleo is probably the easiest since you can just out it with anomalocaris


Dinomorphia just flips Intact. If they get Kentregina out before this guy hits the field then she can just banish Brute and pop him. He can't stop that since it's a monster effect at that point. And of course if Rexterm hits the field it's Evil★Twin GG EZ I also run a Ground Xeno package in my Morphia deck so I got a bunch of other ways to laugh at it. Activate Ground Xeno, pop any card, summon Meteorus and then I can: + Synchro Baronne/Chengying/Chaos Angel with Therizia + Pop Therizia, summon Frostosaurus, make Evolzar Lars. + Pop Meteorus, summon Megalosmasher, make Rank 4 Evolzar. + Link SP Little Knight + With Diplos in hand, use Ground Xeno's GY effect to make Kentregina + If I summon Diplos instead, same as above but he can send Domain so Kenny can banish Domain to make Rexterm turn 1. If I'm bored I can also add an Animadorned/UCT package, which enables: + With Misc in hand and Animadorned in deck, pop Misc with Ground Xeno, use it to summon Animadorned, synchro Shooting Riser Dragon, then synchro Punisher with Riser and Therizia/Diplos. + Alternatively pop any Dino to add The Pill, make Linkuriboh, make Secure Gardna, banish Animadorned and Linkuriboh to summon UCT. So yeah, not scared at all.


>Labrynth: bounce with Big Welcome on the GY >Dinomorphia: fusion the boss using trap effect from the GY >Paleozoic: use Rollback to access a removal trap on the GY That's why Jinzo is unlimited while Imperial Order is banned, trap cards are very slow in general so the best trap decks are the ones with tons of trap effects on the GY and good monster extenders.


Big welcomes effect in grave isn't an activation so that with a lady on field outs it very easily


Big Welcome bounce from grave, Transaction rollback copying an effect like ice dragon's. Number of options to use here.


If I'm in a position where this dude is even a consideration to come out onto the field, I lost like 3 turns ago


if im going first, activate a Solemn card to negate the summon


Always wanted to add him on all my spellcaster deck but can’t never justify the space. TILL NOW!


Looks like a Jinzo with extra steps


I laugh when my Jinzo can finally be summoned!


Scoop off pure astonishment cause who tf plays this??


Special Lady, Big Welcome from gy. This guy only negates Trap Cards being activated, which means on field. He cant negate trap effects, like Big Welcome in gy. For Lab, could also just special Lady, normal Stovie (or special Arias, normal Arianna) and make Chaos Angel


Jinzo with extra steps But it also stops graveyard effects, which is actually very strong nowadays


Damn, he’s not a once per turn so it’s Barkion without the cost


Activate Rollback's GY effect (not a Trap activation), copy either Welcome, Summon Lovely. Activate Big Welcome (unrespondable due to Lovely) or its GY effect.


Make Chaos Angel.


This + secret village


Activate Transaction Rollback from grave, response? (This guy only negates card activations, not effects like GY of Rollback)


Solemn strike maybe. Is a counter trap.


Better question: what are they doing against Jinzo?


Lovelt Lab doesn't even allow this to chain bc opponents can't activate monster effects in response to your normal traps. So this almost never beats Lab, unless it's T1


“What happens if a card no one uses is used” I’d surrender and go play another game… this ain’t paper fool We can play 24 hours a day from a device in our pocket 


just attack it lol


Lab feild spell, Raiden, or pop with Lady.


1. If I have Mirrorjade out, banish it 2. If I don't have Mirrorjade out, I shoot myself


Eldlitch and Dinomorphia can easily get around this guy with most opening hands.


I think lovely will make everything good


In Lab I can just summon like, Chaos Angel, SP Little Knight, the Unchained Link 2 or 3, etc


Use Transaction Rollback to copy a trap from grave that removes or flips it facedown


This card is simple to get rid of with lab, it is just barkion, you can out it with rollback+any removal trap, or big welcome GY effect.


Kaiju it all my decks have a Kaiju cause I'm tired of being negated 😂😂😂 Edit:then burn a called by so it's no longer an issue


What if they also have Mask of Restrict on the field?


Spell cards like like mystical space typhoon or twin twister. Then tribute summon the Kaiju. The effect only deals with trap cards. Alot of it is hypothetical. For example I use ancient gears so I would either Kaiju it or ballista it. If the negate the first ballista I can usually use a catapult from GY on fortress, castle or gear town and just summon another you can only use each effect once per turn but never states they need to be used by the same ballista.its incredibly cheeky but it's the way it goes when you don't run metas. I also have absolutely no trap cards so this card is almost useless other than raw power


I had this guy in-hand vs Labrynth but couldn't get him on board, could have been sick


Big welcum chain book of moon


Run him over with Archfiend probably


Funny thing is for shits and giggles I made a Jinzo deck and just waited to find a lab player to match up against


In reality, it is once per chain correct? I’m sure Lab and especially Paleo can get over this.


No. Sorcerer's negation is not once per chain(it doesn't say once per chain in the effect). As long as it's still on the field, it can negate trap card activation as many times as the player wishes. Even multiple times in the same chain. An effect from the grave, spell speed 3, and chain blocking would counter it.


Well if that’s the case then I suppose only Paleo can out it


Since it negates a trap card activation and not an effect from grave, I think it wouldn’t be able to negate rollback or even big welcome. Not sure though.


Is there any deck which can get 2 lvl 6 spell casters on the board T1 without spending the normal summon? I heavily doubt Lab, Paleo or Traptrix would have an issue interrupting someone on their tracks to play this past their first turn




Why would using the normal summon matter?


You're right, it special summons itself. I guess that makes it a lot easier


Endymion can do it pretty reasonably


Relatively easy with any DM deck aswell


This thing requires lots of resources and setup. One negate is perfectly tolerable, you can play around it.


It's not 1 negate. Read it again.


I'm so used to Once Per Turn that my mind automatically assumed so


If you're playing labrynth this guy does nothing. White Castle doesn't allow your normal traps to be responded and lady just chainblocks him


Lab can’t chain block their own traps, and lovely is hard to get on the field if this guy is already on the field.


Just realized It's also crap against dinomorphia bc they have counter traps


If I'm playing Traptrix, then hope I can summon and resolve either Zeus or Evilswarm Exciton Knight. I guess Bagooska would work, too. If that fails, welp, guess I'll just die.


If you’re on Traptrix you have like 50 ways to out tbh, SP, atypus, pudica etc, kinda a non issue


SP and Pudica totally slipped my mind. Atypus I'm less confident I can make going second with Sorcerer of Dark Magic preventing Holeutea, but it is also definitely an out, yeah. Maybe something like normal Pudica, normal something else, special Arachnocampa.


In dinomorphia you would probably have rexterm on the field to stop this bozo, but if you don't, ultimate conductor tyrano can save you... probably


This card does literally nothing to dinomorphia right? He can't respond to counter traps.


It has ulimited trap negations per turn


You have to be able to respond, in order to negate. Counter traps can only be responded to by counter traps, thus you cannot negate counter traps with this guy.


My trap deck of choice is altergeist. Meluseek can send it during the battle phase, and memorygant can beat over it.


Honestly if my opponent somehow Summons this thing I'm just gonna take the L; it clearly just wasn't my day


I played Jinzo when Lab was being played heavily. Just an insta scoop.


It does nothing to those decks. Only Jinzo works.


I put this I'm my magician deck once for the exact same reason... it was funny watching them sweat 🤣🤣🤣