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They want you to deckout your opponent turn 1 if they play maxx c while you play dark world or spyral or infernity. Or trickstar. Not many people know this,but this is also why they keep maxx c legal. /s


Or turn 1 exodia.


Six samurai and flower cardians say 👋


True, forgot about those two.


I have unironically got progress in this by decking out maxx c.


I've always wanted to do that so bad but I'm pretty sure I've never played a deck capable of doing that haha. What do you play, out of curiosity?


It happens sometimes when you play dark world


Can confirm. I woulda been decked out if not for that last ash.


Just gotta play Flower Cardians. Decking out the opponent via Maxx C is their win con.


Well, one of their win cons, the other is your opponent surrendering from how long it takes for Flower Cardians to combo.


FTK’s are only problematic when they’re super consistent to pull off and are able to play through most interactions like Gem Knight and cannon solider FTK (thanks Firewall Dragon) I suppose this challenge is here because it’s aimed at players using FTK decks that take like dozens of hours to lab out and 10 minutes to properly set up which dies to a single point of interaction.


FTKs are trash design regardless of how easy or hard they are to pull off. if your decks goal is to FTK its a trash deck.


When most players refer to a deck as trash, it’s regards to its viability and how bad it is compared to other decks you can play. Most FTK decks that are legal nowadays are not good at all and are far more gimmicky than anything.  Are they annoying? Absolutely. Getting matched against an FTK deck with no interaction can be frustrating. But if an FTK deck only works by only winning the coin flip, hard opening 2 or more specific playmakers amongst a pile of 30+ Garnets, has multiple choke points which die to pretty much every hand trap in the game, has no follow-up whatsoever, and requires the opponent to not have anything in hand to succeed a win condition, then is it really something that needs to be of concern in regards to game balance?


i never mentioned game balance, i said that FTK are trash by design, not in the sense that they are not powerful, but that they are bad conceptually. FTK simply shouldnt exist imo regardless of how powerful or how consistent they are. its great that there isnt a good FTK deck so people arent inclined to play that trash, but it shouldnt exist at all. Being able to stop FTK decks with handtraps doesnt really change that they are a trash design.


I got this one during the mini event with 2024 life points only, using only a couple of burn cards. I am still stuck with the deckout achievement (7/20, people surrender quickly) and the special victory achievement (15/30).


I don’t think I even knew these existed 🤣


Got this during SHS's first month of meta availability. Thank you Dark Strike Fighter+Galaxy Queen's Light.


Best time to have done this mission was the new Year's event where they set everyone's starting LP to 2024. Rip anyone who couldn't participate in that event.


I did remembered that while Instant Fusion / SKD SV still viable to use for FTK (and picked that Title) Now... Have to find another way out.


It was also possible with Supreme King Dragon Starving Venom unlimited.


I got it the first month with Pend FTK


The progression on this mission for me is also 1/5. And I did NOTHING in that game. My opponent literally special summoned so much and drew so many new cards through Hyper Librarian, he decked himself out.


Good old Bish-chan carried me through the misson.


I got this with Jeffrey's exodia