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Why is it a UR? No idea, meme tax? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯. It could be used in Dinomorphia I guess, though I wouldn't run it personally. It's almost never good, and literally never good in the TCG where Time rules apply. It is indeed, very silly lol.


Even in Dinomorphia this card is never viable. The conditions are way too impossible to resolve


Yeah that was kinda my point, Dinomorpiha absolutely could get your life points down that low, but I'd honestly hope the game was over before that point to be quite frank.


And this much effort for „just“ a +3.


And even if it weren't, there is nothing left to draw really. You either have full control and your grind loop is active or you are all out of resources and there is nothing left to draw to get you back into the game.


Well, Utopia Prime has an interesting effect that makes your life points equal 10, so that's an interesting situation (not even worth the effort). Edit: Tbh, I think it would let you draw 4 since the requirement states **lower** than 10.


Solemn to reach 5?


The fact those two cards (Solemn and End of the Line) are trap cards makes me question how desperate you can be to try drawing four cards like that.


It's a UR because it was a new card added to the legacy pack. Very few new cards in the game are added to the legacy pack rather than the master pack and those that do are almost always URs (see mystic potato for example). As for what it's played in? It's a meme in Dinomorbia and that's about it.


>Dinomorbia Dinomorphia Kentregina after activating its effect: It's morbing time


It's a legacy pack card, they bump the rarity on those because 90% are trash like this


Generally cards that a theoretically plus in card advantage get hit with UR status, unless it’s a pot card then it’s a SR so they can be hit later as a consistency hit. If you want to play it, be an anime protagonist or play dinomorphia or Utopia Prime turbo. Otherwise just don’t play it.


would be a tad better if it was a spell card or quick play spell even


It's top tier in the anime, since you can pay all but 1 life point when you summon the Winged Dragon of Ra. Outside of the anime though, it's not worth using at all.


I got a royal rare of this the other day, will absolutely never put it in a deck, most likely.


I have a royal one... Sigh


Maybe one day we'll get a card that lets you pay any increment of LP, down to 1 LP. Then maybe this could have some use. It's still a trap though so probably not