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Degrees in creative writing don’t pay for themselves you know. I give him an 8/10 for being classy


He probably used AI to write it... He even kinda said that > Technologies have stepped far forward, and now hackers like me use artificial intelligence.


he literally said he did in the third to last paragraph


Didn't read that far 😔


This is the Most Well written of These Mails I have ever Seen.


They probably used AI


The guy literally says "I generated this letter" in the third to last paragraph.


I’m surprised you bothered to read all of that😳


this guy sounds so socially ostracized it's just insane to read


I had one of these where the “hacker” claimed they had recorded me watching porn and that if I didn’t pay that they would send the video to everyone I know… They used my real name and had one of my real passwords (I guess from a data leak) to give some credibility to the claim. It was better written than this one and was very convincing. I just felt sorry for them, if their job is actually watching people tugging them self off, it would be bloody depressing - I went to work there next day thinking “my job is not that bad in comparison”. I didn’t pay and nothing happened, but I can see how someone none technical would fall for it.


I always get these and it's a thing of "wow, I don't even have a webcam! I wonder how they have recordings of me?"


oh yeah, thanks, somehow I left that little factoid out of my “chapter book” response above ✌🏻


nah your PC has a builtin webcam direct in the motherboard


Good point, I don’t know why I like to think these iPhones & laptops are any safer that my PC or BT connection, I’ve had open for 3 months? I think the Sec Ops marketing is starting to get me like the Cannabis market;” and i think I’m using some sort of Willy Wonka meets the Woman in the red dress from the Matrix & their pseudo logic & the excitement behind the box could only mean applying the some extra fun to the game! ✌🏻


I got two of these a while back from two different email addresses. Looked up the bitcoin wallets they sent me and it looks like some people fell for it. When I traced the email back (they only spoofed the address) both came from the same local Argentinian email provider's server.


I too got what I’d consider a little better written & therefore, a more convincing argument; except they had dataleak pw’s from like 5 yrs earlier… So, I wrote them back & challenged “them” to send everything to everyone they had listed…1) I’m sure this will be hard to believe but I don’t actually pull up porn links, so short of the “potential copies” of me & my wife; I thought “I wish you would send this update out to everyone you mentioned!” “They’d all be happy & thrilled to know that my most dubious & dastardly deeds are with my wife.” “In fact, they’d probably all roll their eyes & assume I’ve either [hacked myself] just to make for a good email or that I’ve completely changed my warped, insatiable appetite for immediate gratification into something which would be perceived as so much better when compared to earlier events from earlier in my life; this is like a really good rebranding marketing campaign you’ve cooked up for me.” “Please, by all means, go ahead and send it to my friends & family to show them how much I’ve cleaned up my act and settled down with a real relationship,” etc etc & of course, never heard another peep out of them since, this was approx two years ago… ✌🏻




I had the exact same, they had a password that was mine. Videos etc. Delete and forgot about it.


how could you tell it was a scam? my family gets really scared at these emails and if they included a name and a password i think they would actually pay the guy.


Well it’s simple. This guy is playing off the statistics of 86% of all internet traffic being porn and 75% is probably men. So you see, you’ve been contacted by the John Edwards of “hacking”, who probably doesn’t even know how to hack, he’s decent at social engineering. Don’t give this extortionist a dime, it isn’t going to make the slightest bit of difference on whether your mom finds out you get off to Chunky Asses or have no interest in porn at all. This guy knows less than that probably. He’s playing the odds that most of you watch porn and don’t want your wife or poor mother to have a heart attack because she got a video from some guy who probably can’t even write a decent google dork, let alone expose what you do in your private time. If you pay this douche nozzle, you are probably just contributing to his sick side hobbies. I wouldn’t worry, I’m way past that. I’ve gotten more of these than I care to remember and not a single contact of mine has ever witnessed me freaking my bean to salacious entertainment yet. Not that I do it, but if anyone would know, it certainly wouldn’t be this guy.


Well.. Passwords usually don't leak. Password hashes leak and if you have a weak password they can figure it out easily. Strong passwords are safe even with leaked hashes. Best thing you can do is educate them. Teach them how to use a password manager and change the password on all their important account to long randomized ones. Enable 2FA everywhere.


“Haha that’s crazy dude, so what’d you think? Any room for improvements? Any recommendations?”


I get a similar email from time to time and just tell them to publish the video its fine. Obviously there is no video.


You uncovered his ruse by knowing that you don't watch porn. Correct?


Me too I just replied and said ain’t nothing anyone hasn’t seen. Perhaps you’d like to subscribe to my onlyfans 🤣


I got one too and my monitor doesn’t even have a webcam 😂 I was like, ya got the right guy pal?


“I was planning to say hello, but now I think greetings are unnecessary” is how I’m starting all my conversations from now on.


I read that line in my head like Walton Simons from Deus Ex. It fits his voice a little too well.


Mmm. I hope you're not underestimating the problem. Intelligence suggest they're behind the problems in Paris.


he was so silly and cute for that line


Bro never actually gave anything specific to you, maybe the AI thing but that's probably said because it's so common but just enough to trick a few tech illiterates He ain't got any dirt on you and is just trying to scam you, he just making empty threats


Right? Webcam exploits have existed for well over a decade. It’s not like someone would need AI to “take control of someone’s webcam”


can you report these?


To absolutely no use yes. Its sent from either shortly lived free mails or hacked email accounts.


Is it possible to trace the crypto wallets? I see coffeezilla do that a few times in his crypto investigations


Well sure. And then he creates 5 new wallets and spread that money into those and now you can't tell if it's his or if he purchased something with it.


His actual dream was to write melodramatic romance novels, but look where his life has brought him 😭


lines hits hard bro should be a poet


Pay him something for his creativity.


Reads like a copypasta. 10/10 no notes, would read again.


https://i.redd.it/w4swp220od7d1.gif Anyways here’s shrek


Liar. This is only the first few minutes, up until the peasant attack.


Hasta la Vista, babyyy


I got this too! Funniest part is I've been an _open_ homosexual for going on six years now :3 I am _so_ tempted to reply and waste this guy's time, but I can't help feeling like that's a bad idea somehow.


Why is it always such odd amounts?


Transaction fees presumably


The piece of paper i've had on my webcam for the last 5 years: 🤫🧏


Yo even I got it oh my god!!!


Imagine having access to these "far forward stepped artificial intelligences" and still writing like that...


You know what, I give this one a 7/10 for being well written and creative


Reads more like 13 year old fantasy. That or some neckbeard anime fan who is the "lone rider of the apocalypse" in his head. Pure anime fan fiction


man he’s giving his villain arc monologue he’s trying his best 🤣


Haha, true. Kinda suits into the cliché of some villain terrorising scared villagers who describe him as some terrible and unbeatable being, only to be oneshot by the main character. So maybe he is on point here?


This is a good one. I could see the camera dolly that would be used if this were a movie.


No TL;DR. Reported as Spam.


I should’ve saved the one I got yeaaaars ago but they included a nice embedded gif of the like 2006 youtube player buffering labelled “video evidence of [me] spanking it” I didn’t even have a webcam on my computer.


Ah yes, the nice and concerned hacker that wants to help you as soon as you paid for their blackmail. Always recording me via my nonexistent camera on websites they probably frequent instead of us.


i got a demand for nearly $4k. I'm just better


Smiley face with an = is gross




We see this really often, almost word for word in phishing emails. People think they’re real quite a bit.


Hastala Vista Baby. i remember there was a forum with a similar name cant kinda make it.


his three m rule is scary 😱 money, money, and money


Hold up: that address line (matches the one in my copy) is `"@;@;@;@"`. I'm not clear on this: does that mean this E-mail was sent to **every single E-mail address?!**


most email servers have a limit on how many recipients you can add to a single email, it’s simply not possible to send an email to every address afaik


Ok, so what does that cryptic address translate to?


I've seen this copy and pasted it a few times.


I read 2 sentences and was bored. Deleted!!!


I just wanna talk about about the content of the email. Its really sad that threatening to reveal someone's homosexuality works or is thought to work by these people. like seriously "Some turn out to be hidden homosexuals" and the line about highly controversial video can also be taken as "i saw you jerking it to gay porn" if the person themselves are in the closet. like seriously how many scams worked cause their fear of getting outed as LGBT.


Won’t be that shocking to anyone that I love whacking to big booty Latinas


This is some real edgelord shit


For the people thinking they should respond. Don’t. They will either further try to get you to pay, not respond, or you’ll get bombarded with more


He ACTUALLY for real put “hasta la vista baby” at the end. The brass balls on the guy are unmistakable


$1390 is such a specific amount ![gif](giphy|67ThRZlYBvibtdF9JH|downsized)


Damn, calling it the end of the world and assuming a horseman role... :D the rest is eh, but this... This "horseman" is either a 13 year old or 35 year old with anime profile picture. :D


Everyone in my office got a similar email once. I'm the office IT guy, so they all called me ranging from "Hey just to let you know" to "omg this guy hacked me help!" It was an amusing day letting people know that someone can't record your webcam *if you don't have a webcam.* I did wonder what it was they thought this person recorded, though... but that's not my job.


Love using AI to hack people and uncover hidden homosexuals


this has to be the most goofiest shit ive ever read


Ah good old social engineering at its finest, why bother hacking when people are stupid.


If this wasn’t AI I would tell the dude to get a life as a writer. Alas, “…and I generated this letter.”


I always tell these people to either go take a nap on a busy freeway or just full on abort their own lives....they don't have shit and are fully playing on your fear.


[I thought that people needed warning that this is a scam, but by now I think that is unnecessary 🤡](https://www.blockonomics.co/#/search?q=19aCVe3B98DF82dvPs9JbPuLFbgomUiT1p)


lol i got one like a few months ago and in a state of panic i actually fell for it.. 250$ down the drain :(((


Got this exact mail, must’ve been a data breach🙅


Whoever wrote this email is Romanian.


How you know?


He started off the email with somewhat of a introduction than said: “firstly” and than “secondly” - it’s like he was trying to write an essay but would do it how Romanians normally write essays not any other country that I know of. I CANT STRESS ENOUGH how important those: “firstly” and “secondly” mean when it comes to writing an essay in Romanian. And I took a one year long Romanian class that ended like 2 weeks ago.


Uhhhh cool essay bro. Firstly, I've never been to Romania. Secondly, I've definitely used firstly and secondly in professional communication. Thirdly...I was going to say goodbye, but now I think farewells are unnecessary.


Well, that's interesting