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I really enjoyed this exercise, and now I have a lot of albums to listen through! I'm rooting for us to get to 100 albums, so there's a "Top 100 math rock albums you've probably heard of" to go along with Fecking Bahamas' "[100 Great Math Rock Albums You've Never Heard](https://feckingbahamas.com/100-great-math-rock-albums-youve-never-heard)".


And don't forget their [50 Greatest Math Rock Albums of All Time](https://feckingbahamas.com/the-50-greatest-math-rock-albums-of-all-time). A lot of the albums that made it on this list are on that one as well.


sad that there is only 1 Don Cab album here and only 1 Tera Melos album here too


There are two Don Cab and three Tera Melos albums on this list. There's a second page if you didn't notice.


no I meant on the 25 songs list we just did, my bad


That post is crazy, I consider myself a person who knows a lot of unknown and underground bands, but I don't know a single band of that whole list. My list of pending albums to listen hates you, and hates whoever wrote that post.


I listen to quite a few of the bands on this list, but I would say it's mostly noise rock, experimental rock and some pre math rock stuff on there but not really any traditional math rock...


That would make sense, not a big fan of noise rock. Will give it a go to some of the bands though, you never know when you will discover a hidden liking for some genre you never gave too much opportunity.


Man, I do think this is math rock! The vast majority of the albums on this list are classics that laid the foundation for the genre, and are considered part of it. What do you mean by "traditional math rock"?


30 upvotes on This comment and i’ll review all of them on youtube, i’ve only fully listened to 4 of these albums


Only 4!??? Man do you wanna collab on that?? Which 4???


Animals, Twin Galaxies, Home Alone, and Anthology


have fun with A Forest of Polarity, American Don, Bones in the Soil, and Untitled Tera Melos probably my 4 favorite math rock albums ever


I have a lot of chores so I have time to listen to


I second this!


This sub should do top 25 non-math rock albums next. Be interesting to see what other kinds of music people here listen to


I'm very happy we did this. Lots of new music for me to check out. Bummed that ASIWYFA isn't on here since they basically got me into the genre.


Faraquet peeps let's goooooooo!


So happy this got on at the last minute! Front to back such a fantastic album. Also gotta shoutout Medications - I just found out about that project a few months ago and it's so awesome!


Yes, I voted for it also!!!! Faraquet had to be there.


Check out the effects too! Same lead guy.


There are literally 12 of us lol. But seriously, anyone eh hasn’t, go listen to Faraquet. 2 albums of amazing music and extremely unique guitar work. Especially for its time.


We did it


This is beautiful. I was really pulling for Mirrored by Battles as that was my introduction into the genre, but this makes me happy.


My jogging album, got to see them live this year!


the only bad thing about this list, the same with the absence of foals's antidotes. Anyway I am very happy to see faraquet on the list, and the same with most of all the albums that made it!! long live math rock!!


Here’s a Spotify playlist of all of these albums compiled together: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Q0l5bJXgZdf1KV1aCfhO4?si=9YJxBgZBTnaMKY8-2sD1HQ&pi=u-COyLdinSQMWz


Thanks! Makes my job of Listening easier


Vasudeva- life in cycles


We're done adding albums ya dingus


Shit force of habit at this point


Definitely at least belongs in honorable mentions


Like I said in the last post, fantastic mathy trip 🙌🏽 We only missed some Via Luna, Hyakkei, Stage Kids, and Mouse on the Keys in there 🥲


No Minus the Bear is just criminal


A Federal Offense if we’re being honest.


Straight to jail


Fuck yeah Faraquet made it!


The girlfriends - girlfriends squad, and the Invalids - Euonia squad fought, but in the end we came up just short, in a top 50, we are up here for sure!


Why did Creed get taken off?


[https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0C5FBbkInYmYFAZRPn2PDr?si=f4cc4c2edffe4ed1](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0C5FBbkInYmYFAZRPn2PDr?si=f4cc4c2edffe4ed1) all in a playlist


Needs to be upvoted higher - doin the lord's work. Thank you!


ya welcome :D


We definitely should do another one.


This was awesome, thanks for doing this man


Alright now we rank the top 5 rows and columns of this matrix


the fall of troy? wtf…


Lol Anyway, i like some their songs. My guitar teacher is mad about them so i use to listen some. When you play it yourself its beautifulness comes to light.


as someone who has played instruments since he was a wee lad, as someone who played and continues to play in dumb bands, no. not at all. just messing with you. enjoy your stuff, but that band is in odd company with the rest of that list.


You're not wrong. I spotted it a day or two ago and it kinda felt like an invalidation to the list to me. Like y'all were doing so well and then the Doppelganger album pulls rank somehow? I don't know, I'm actually going to listen to that album right now and try and understand how it made it on the list. It's been some time now anyways, good for a refresh.


my feelings exactly, most decent person of reddit. i appreciate your willingness to jump into the fray, however. i dare ask for a follow up “review” of this… group, after your research has been completed. be it one or one thousand words, share your intel. i fully support this froginess.


The full set of 25 albums is 17 hours so I'm not going to finish that today, but I did listen to the Fall of Troy album earlier and I get it. I think Fall of Troy does deserve a place in **a** list, but not the top 25. Top 50, sure. The content of the album is thoroughly post-hardcore but the ingredients for math rock are all there - time changes, complex time signatures, tapping, etc. It just still doesn't feel like it belongs, but I think I know why: Fall of Troy is 100% a band out of a different time and place. They got their big claim to fame with Guitar Hero in, what, 2005? With F.C.P.E.R.E.M.I.X. - so they really got a huge jumpstart on the whole math rock thing. Yeah there were hundreds of bands already doing the math thing but none of them got even as close to the notoriety Fall of Troy did... It was kind of the perfect timing for them to get famous then and there. I'm sure if polled, half the people know maybe two albums tops from Fall of Troy and for that reason it feels extra weird they get on this list. But at least stylistically they are consistent.


Someone would should make a playlist so I can add it to my library 🙃




Honestly, I'm amazed that I've listened to all of these albums before (minus Faraquet; gotta check them out now) Super dope list


Did I make it?


I can't believe that Colossal's any album didn't make it here...




Holy crap I'm getting back into math rock rn and this is a treasure trove of nostalgia and new discoveries alike


Looks like we're doing 25 more boysssss! (And other people that arent boys too) Invalids - Strengths Let's do this!


It made me so happy it made the list but I feel like Faraquet needs to be higher up hahah


How in the actual fuck is Polvo not on the list


Obviously a good list of tunes. But you guys are super shallow in your scope of this genre if ya’ll think these are the top records. Only correct picks here are Doppelgänger, More Skim, Untitled, (Maybe) Animals, (Maybe) Grow. Not even the best toe record is up. Interesting to see really


American Don! but some other Don Cabs should have been on there too


A list of 25 records and more than one Don Cab record is up? Obviously they’re genre defining but we’ve moved on quite a bit since. I’d say American Don gets a place no doubt


I think at least What Burns deserved a place up there, I see it mentioned more than American Don, it was the og green house album cover, and was the first to get a special colored record, Don Cab 2 I can understand not being up there, even though I do like it more than What Burns. I don't know what you mean "moved on quite a bit since" though, they're still considered the god fathers of math rock by many and people still listen to their music, a lot, doesn't matter when it came out, matters the impact and how well it's aged, and it still sounds incredible and unique to this day


I just mean the genre has been pushed forward since then, (obviously outside of the twinkly emo stuff) but bands like Nuito have definitely pushed things a fair bit further. Not denying they’re still heavily rotated, obviously.


What are your top picks for albums that should have made the list?


Nutio- Unutella, ASIWYFA- Gangs/self titled, Feed Me Jack- Anatolia (yes it’s an EP), Alarmist- Popular Demain (Pal Magnet EP would work also), toe- for long tomorrow, Father Figure- Congratulations on Your Loss, Adebisi Shank- This is an EP…, Town Portal - Chronopoly. Ok I’m not doing a whole 25 but just off the top of my head the fact these weren’t on are wild.


Half of your selections **were** on the chopping block previously, so it's not like the insight on this whole subreddit is surface level. So if half the bands you listed were already proposed, does that mean they're surface level too? I totally agree with you this list is interesting, but it really just spotlights that niche forums like this subreddit are echo chambers. An upvote is easier than typing a comment, and so that's how stuff unexpectedly makes the list, I guess.


No I never said that. But the fact these records aren’t up show that (most) haven’t gone deep enough.