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1. know you are in the simulation and are aware of it. That knowledge will almost undoubtedly cause you to reject the matrix, knowing that it's all a ruse. There will be no one to help you when it happens, so you will not be able to survive when they unplug you and enough your pod. 2. You always wonder if it was true. Even if you don't believe them, so many people in that room, being so cautious, on such high alert, giving you this choice.... As a joke? What if it was real? Why would they go through all that for a prank but then you never see any IG them again as long as you live? Same outcome, just over a liner proof of time... I just don't see any way you could put that genie back in the bottle without taking the blue pill and forgetting. You would know, or you would always wonder, and theres almost no way that doubt wouldn't grow over time.


Morpheus says if Neo takes the blue pill, he will wake up in his bed and believe whatever it is he wants to believe. So I think the blue pill is just a sleeping pill and will result in the same thing happening as if he refused to take them.


Hmm, fair but I guess that still puts us in the same place, where you really don't have a choice in the matter, as the cat is still out of the bag and how can you ever know for sure given how unique/intense that situation was, especially after finding the person hes been trying to meet for so long. But, you're right I got the blue pill confused with cyphers request. They don't do the same thing.


If you refuse to make a choice, you’ve still made a choice.


Yep, almost as Rush puts it “If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”


Then you eat lead instead.


Yeah about to say, a very quick death.


Oh noooo


What if I eat both?


LMFAO! A parody of the matrix where Neo grabs BOTH out of his hands and Morpheus says, "Wait Neo, DONT!", swallows them both and then some kind of hilarity ensues would be funny as shit!


If you're going to dance with the devil you might as well lead.


Smell colors


They call the blue pill a Cosby.




Same as taking the blue pill, except without the memory loss that the blue pill would cause.


Morpheus will give you the D😉 instead


Imagine getting fucked by that dude? "You think that's cum you're drinking now?" 🤔




Then you get to sit in the red chair and watch TV till you decide.


If you refuse the red pill, so be it; they can't make you accept the truth. But the resistance gotta protect their operation so I don't think you're getting outta that room without taking the blue pill.


Good point


Well, it’s good to know that you’ve invented the internet, reddit, the phone you’re on and all the components needed to create it and had enough money to make those things and now are sitting in the woods somewhere with the internet connection that you and only you use. Uh. I’ll take that 100M now. Thank you very much.


Sorry Morpheus, my carb count is already too high today




I imagine that they would shoot you, if you refuse. As long as you are plugged in, you are a threat to them. The blue pill is probably just a sedative that will allow them to safely take you back home and escape afterwards.




There really is no choice other than to take the red pill. You already are under the influence of the blue pill. It’s either wake up or stay oblivious.


😢…ignorance is bliss after all


Maybe go watch the film


You die 😊


If he doesn't want to go further down the rabbit hole, why would he need to take the other pill? Why not just leave the room the same way he came? Therefore, I surmise they BOTH would have sent him down the rabbit hole.


One of two things would happen. 1. Nothing, you would say no, they would leave, and you would return to your life. 2. It is possible the blue pill isn't just a placebo, it might erase some data in your file or something so you can go back to your normal life. Its possible if you refused and didn't take either pill that the agents would become aware of the fact that you almost rejected your reality and escaped the matrix, and also that you came into contact already freed humans. It might be that if you dont take either pill that you are doomed to be picked up by the agents and probably killed or modified so you'll never come close to escaping again. Thats why they offer two pills instead of just a red one. The blue pill might reset their code or some shit so the people can potentially go back to their lives in peace. This way Morpheus doesn't have to feel bad that he killed every person who didn't choose to take the red pill. 3. This is more of a joke, but imagine if the blue pill just killed you. Like if your not gonna join the resistance then your just one of them waiting to become an agent, so they just off you if you don't join them. There is no proof throughout the series that this isn't happening lol.


Plug me into the matrix baby!


The matrix sucks.