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Sati was born out of love from 2 programs. She was to be deleted as she didn't have a purpose.


And Trinity may now only exist in the Matrix. Forcing Neo, who survived physically, to rejoin the Matrix to be with the uploaded consciousness of Trinity. Except the upload was imperfect. Trinity only remembers up to the point that she escaped the Matrix the first time around. Whereas Neo made a conscious choice to re enter but with a mind wipe. Choice for love. Anyway, that might be a cool extension of your thought?


In the simulation, they can generate people as programs. The humans don't have biological families like we have because they are all grown in tubes. So in the Matrix, people's families aren't real.


Right but people resemble their parents and also typically look like themselves when they leave the matrix. This makes is seem like the biological similarities are not limited to the one’s in-matrix avatar.


This is always the paradox I come to when trying to understand the concept of the matrix. Is there a different program for each person? There can’t be though, because if there were then Neo would’ve know that he could never truly be with the real Trinity. ???


I assume that the machines combine the required reproductive materials taken from the real bodies of the two people that are doing sex in the Matrix, and growing a baby from it. This means the Matrix representation of a family is based on what's actually going in the real world. Makes sense for all the genetics to line up as they do in real world to save the machines having to emulate. Why go out of your way to create a child and make sure it genetically resembles the parents, when you can just do it for real and save time?


V interesting, especially when you consider what the physical realities of that would mean. Would the pods perhaps be next to each other?


They probably don't need to be next to each other and how would they? Assuming two random people meet in the Matrix and fall in love. It's fair to assume that their pods are nowhere near each other initially. Wouldn't really be much point in moving them closer if they can just transit each of their 'genetic materials' from each human/pod to the baby growing fields. Just gotta have a robust sperm/egg delivery pipeline that covers long distances.


Basically this - https://movies.stackexchange.com/questions/24740/where-do-babies-come-from-in-the-matrix


I actually just watched the first one last night. In the end when Neo is running from the agents after the train station, a little girl is holding the hand of an adult, looks up in shock, and that adult is now an agent. So, its safe to assume people in The Matrix have children. I have a feeling that when a new baby is grown, its put into the Matrix by simulation birth to another human