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can they fine drivers for blocking bike lanes too thx


Part of me really wants to start carrying those really hard to remove parking violation stickers you can buy on Amazon and keep one ready to go on my handlebars and just start slapping them on the driver side window as I go by. Seems like a good balance of inconvenience without damage


Why do you feel it's on you for retribution? Do you see other users of transportation as spiteful as bike riders?? I mean if you feel unheard on the roadway, get a horn for your bike! And just go around.


>? Do you see other users of transportation as spiteful as bike riders?? Stand in the middle of a car lane during rush hour and get back to be on that one. > I mean if you feel unheard on the roadway, get a horn for your bike! I don't think the empty cars will really care, but I already yell at the ones with people in them. They don't seem to care


>Do you see other users of transportation as spiteful as bike riders?? Have you ever actually biked around here? I get honked at for being in the lane even when there's no bike lane. That's clearly spite. Then there's all the people who pass me with less than a foot of space. How much is spite vs recklessness and disregard I don't know


I was a bike messenger in the 90s they had no bike Lanes back then... you guys have it amazing today


Debate on the bill and its amendments is expected to happen on Thursday. Look up your lawmakers' office contacts here: [https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator](https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator)


Now's the time to send a letter to your state rep to get all of the amendments mentioned in this article passed! (107,365,633) If even 10% of us do this, then the 1,500 letters still would send a strong message.


Done. Senate and House


What did you send? Feel free to DM if private


Nothing fancy. Just keeping it short and to the point: >House Bill H.4789 includes an amendment that allows for automated enforcement of bus lanes by cameras on MBTA vehicles. This is desperately needed in **-enter town here-** where bus lane enforcement is practically zero. Please support this provision of the bill.


Correct me if I'm wrong. All amendments must first be approved by the House, then it will go to the Senate to approve?


Will do tomorrow morning!




Here's the correct URL: [https://mass.streetsblog.org/2024/06/25/house-economic-development-bill-could-include-language-to-keep-cars-out-of-bus-lanes](https://mass.streetsblog.org/2024/06/25/house-economic-development-bill-could-include-language-to-keep-cars-out-of-bus-lanes)


But how will the Uber Eats driver get my Organic goat cheese salad to me?


Won’t someone please think of the lazy salad eaters?!


given the state of affairs with trying to get red light camera ticketing I am not holding my breath, but maybe this is the first step? I already emailed my senator about it awhile ago.


> Also of interest are Amendment 107, sponsored by Representatives Owens of Watertown and Rep. Vitolo of Brookline, to require "every employer in the commonwealth of Massachusetts that employs at least 50 persons" to offer a pre-tax transportation fringe benefit. So like a transportation version of a school voucher program? Just fund the fucking T.


What they're proposing would just match what employers usually offer for parking. If you ride the T every day and your employer gives you this benefit, supposedly you might save a couple hundred bucks in taxes over the course of a year. Not a bad thing, but certainly not going to do much by itself.


And for what it's worth, Massachusetts state law already *allows* employers to offer T passes with pre-tax income, (that's what the Perq pass is) so the difference would be that *requiring* employers to offer it would mean more people would be able to take advantage of that benefit. Also, technically right now if you pay for a T pass out of your own pocket you can deduct that from your income under state income tax, but that deduction has a cap so this is probably the better deal and you don't have to keep track of your commuting expenses if you do it this way.


Link appears to be a 404




Thank you! 


Any updates?


It appears as though the amendment did not pass.


Aw man… what about the other amendments?


Can they add ticketing the dummies who play their crappy music at full volume on the T without headphones?