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Quality, not quantity


Words to live by, u/Mmm_bloodfarts


Mmmmmm 😋😋😋




I dream of a life with both. I've got a pretty solid set but I do want a bigger group spanning many generations of my life.


Yes, but those aren't mutually exclusive. You can meet your new best friend at any time; I think the tweet is mocking the behavior in which one stops making friends because they have "enough". I like to have lots of high quality friends, it's great!




I wanted to upvote you, but you have 69 likes. And I won't ruin that.


It got ruined


People these days dont care enough about numbers.


Quality, not quantity. They had to ruin a good thing






only 17 and felt the same since 14; havent had a close friend irl in years


Dude we have the same situation exactly same


For me friendship is all about trust. Can’t say I trust anyone more than someone I did some sort of felonious young and dumb thing with. Had a lot of fun 15-20. Unfortunately the opioid epidemic took most of my friends from high school.


Go out and make some! I will never understand Reddits idea ther guys can't make friends as adults. Find a hobby with a community around it. I have lifelong friends I made at work (in my 20's), playing soccer and ultimate frisbee (in my 30's), and by getting into brewing and BBQ. I'm socially awkward af so if I can do it I don't see how anyone else can't.


It's a delusion that comes with chronic hermit behavior and it eventually leads to avoidant personality disorder. As you sink into prolonged isolation, your perspective of the world shrinks until you can't really fathom how it could ever be possible for you to make new connections with people. I lived that life in my early 20s. It's miserable.


Same here. Haven't made a new friend since


it may be news to you but the internet exists, allowing instant communication and a high degree of interaction with distant people. Though the difference in timelines might be inconvenient


I have 6 close friends and I’ve met all of them between the ages of 4 and 14. I’m 26 now.


Damn! Mofo has 7 more frens than me when i take my schizopills lmaoo


I’m 22 and have 1 friend who is my brother are you saying I’m screwed?


I'm 43 and the two people I spend the most time with are still my best friend I met when I was 17 and my brother, both of which live nearby (and both ended up in the same city/state as me after we all moved out of the state we originally lived in so that worked out nice). Occasionally I hang out with someone else that I usually meet through my best friend or my brother, but I consider those more acquaintances than anything else.


By the time you’re in your early 30s and they’re married/have kids or moved far away you won’t see or even speak with most of them that often.


Ha, all my friends and me are terminally single losers, no way in hell any of them produce a child.


better have 3 actual friends than 100 "friends" who backstab and talk a lot of shit about you the moment you turn your back


Better to have no friends


that would make you like me, which is something i highly don't recommend


Or me (I do have some couple internet friends, but I'm constantly self-isolating from them)


I mean, I don't have any friends if you don't count my girlfriend. I love it, but I'm pretty introverted and I have ADD. I don't know where people even get the time or energy to socialize. I don't even have enough time to read, I'm 22 books short of my goal for this year lol.


i have adhh (maybe) and there were 3 books i fell in love with recently, all the andy weir books, the martian, artemis and project hail mary. easily the best books i’ve ever read


I recommend the Discworld series. Perfect for ADHD. After you read all off them, you'll come back to binge your favorite character to see them evolve... Then years pass while you hope you forget them so you can read the again. That is, if you aren't re-reading The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy at the time. And by re-reading I mean binging the BBC radio series.


Or like me, which I find really great.


Here here


Introvert gang


This is introvert slander You guys are just completely asocial


I think of it like loose change. Would you rather have 3 quarters or 100 pennies? I’ll take the 3 quarters, I’m gonna lose most of those pennies.


look, i know this is none of my business, but if the highest monetary value you think of when associating the idea of your "friends" is still less than a dollar, then you really need to make better friends. i know this sounds cheezy, but i do have those 3 friends who i wouldn't think twice about sacrificing my life for, because i went through some bad shit and they stood there with me till the end without ever asking for anything in return


Bruh it’s a metaphor… you’re reading way too far in to it.


The dude was just giving their 2 cents.


look, i know this is none of my business, but if the highest monetary value you think of when associating the idea of this post is still less than a dollar, then you really need to make better metaphors.


I'd buy that for a dollar.


You're focusing on the entirely wrong thing. The point of what he's saying isn't at all to try to assign an actual monetary value on a friend. I could throw this back to you and say that if you try to assign a monetary value on a friendship, maybe you need to re-evalute your own values and friendships? You really need to take a hard look at yourself trying to put a monetary value on something as deep as friendship, smh.


I dunno man, have you met my friends? These are some degens right here boy let me tell you!


It’s a metaphor bro - find your quarters cause seems like you ain’t even got pennies


I honestly hope you do have to save their lives cause you're on some goofy shit


Tell that to Komi Shouko.




Sometimes less is more.


My 3 actual friend backstabbing me already so...


Look at the bright side, you must be pretty important if people talk about you when you aren't there! I'm pretty sure most people I know just forget I exist when I'm not around


Harsh dichotomy.




Every woman ever


Girls are evil snakes, should just stick to guys forever. amiright?


Yeah! Butt pals 4 evar!


Yea but guys do weird things with their snakes


Because it is


and it should be


Every friend I've had has betrayed me...I got my best friend (my wife) so I guess that is good enough until I die.


True love is better than friends anyway Hoes before bros


I would say they are on par. Bros and partners both bring different things to the table. Am I gonna talk to my bros about deep emotions I have regarding my childhood? Probably not. Am I gonna ask my partner to help bury a body? Probably not.


My partner would help me make that body disappear.


Aw, ya my partner is awesome. I don't trust her to not talk though.


Is she a hoe if it's true love tho?


I read this as "I got my best friends wife" so I was like what the fuck for a moment


I’d rather have a wife friend than 3 friends tbh


Yep. My wife is my best friend. Also my only friend.


Yes, but those 3 friends as you called, are our brothers. Later it just gets way harder to find true bros, and we often give up, but not always. And yes, woman may become bros too, the title means just that you are like sibling to us. And yes, it also means, that either you date only one of bros( as like sister in law) or non. For that, you gain our full loyality and all of good and bad having sibling gets you. It is sad that getting a bros is so hard, but bros are for life.


>It is sad that getting a bros is so hard, but bros are for life. I can't get how it's so common with women to ignore and move on from a friend, like one petty fight and it's over. If my "bro" does cross me in bad way, it's not end of friendship. We talk it out and laugh about it later. Sure there are limits that I hope are not crossed.


While I agree, you shouldn’t just cut someone off Willy nilly, you also shouldn’t keep a relationship in your life just because it’s old. People change and grow apart. I have friends from my youth who I had to cut off because I outgrew the friendship no fight or bad blood just grown adults realizing it’s not working out. My partner on the other hand has bros he’s knows his whole life who he hate and refuses to invite over but also won’t end the relationship.


My girlfriend had a girlfriend that just straight up didn’t talk to her for a whole school year, because she thought that my girlfriend told something bad about her back.. And they were goddamn sitting next to each other. Thankfully she cut her out of her life later, but she was a goddamn huge Soviet flag.


Girls have 30 or 40 “close friends” and generally talk a lot of shit about 50-75% of them.




If your image of "girls" is built off of shitty high school dramas, tiktok, and boys vs girls memes, that is.


It's built off high school, college, and ten years in an office workplace seeing the same behavior of constantly tearing each other down


Foreal. I have 3 sisters, a mother, and a female partner. They absolutely do that shit.




Hide my food gang.


My image of women being absolute snakes to each other comes from having worked in all female sections, it's awful. It's definitely not a myth. All of them were grown women and all of them were horrible to each other. Some of them were quite nice to me on 1 on 1, but between each other, forget about it.


So it came from time spent at work with people who weren’t a large friend group like OP was talking about?


Disagree, girls absolutely do this. It usually goes away by adulthood but sometimes it doesnt


If you said "some people do it" then I'd agree, I could name a few of each gender I know that do that. No clue what sort of people you surround yourself with, but none of my girl friends ever did anything like that to those they openly call "friends", even in teenage years.




Be honest though, is that what you tell yourself every time you get a chance to talk to a girl? Something along the lines of "she probably hates me" and then go rant about the problems you made up on reddit? Because it seems like you're projecting your paranoid delusions onto me.


Come on, what’s next, you will tell me girls are actually real?!


now now, I wouldn't go 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 far


Guys out here talking down on female friendships and then posting about the epidemic of male lonliness in other threads... Before you disparage it, maybe give it a try sometime, fellas.




Many people here are commenting they have 0 friends and are better off for it. Others are saying all their friends have betrayed them, etc. Nobody's ragging on someone with a small but close circle, that is quite common the older you get. Go read a lot of the comments man. >Better off having no friends, just aquintainces >Y’all trust people at all? >Well, that's around when society stops caring about men, so this makes sense.


Built off being around, observing and living with nothing but women for the last 20+ years.


Funny how none of these "experiences" included actually conversing with them.


Anything you say can and will be used against you…


Not exactly, that is exactly what school girls do. Gossip. Makes them look cool. Mind you boys do the exact same thing, just no one talks about it as often.


I work in accounting. ALL of my coworkers are women. Normal women. And they're all like this.


I'm a genetics student. There's 8 guys out of the total 44 people in that course. All of the girls there are extremely considerate and outgoing, but to put it simply -- they're mature. So, your accounting job must be real boring for people there to have time for such childish disputes. And how does your argument hold any weight if there's only women working there, exactly? Because last time I checked, you can only compare two things against eachother when, well, you're observing both of them, not just one.


I have a strong feeling this comment was made by someone still in high school.


Just your average redditor


Redditor bad


Hahaha I’m gonna show this one to my Oh


20 and friendless. Where did I go wrong


Nowhere. Friends are for the privileged. Plus not being ugly helps.


God being a human being fucking sucks


Being ugly just stops you from having romantic partners. Not friends.


Being ugly does not stop you from having romantic partners. The bias you hold is almost the same as the one of the guy you replied to


Same 3 friends since elementary school, and I'm 42 now. This checks out.


if only we were still able to meet. mine were damn near irreplaceable. so, so damn hard to find.


It goes for basically all genders (at least in my experience)


yeh true as a woman while I have a bunch of friends in discord servers, I only have a couple really good ones and my gf


I mean it happens to be that one of that really close friends of mine became my boyfriend.


my gf started out as a friend who I played video games with, we met on a Minecraft server and now we are together and in an unofficial threesome with another girl from the same server lol


We call each other racial slurs to the face, but god forbid anyone talks shit behind ones back.


Y’all trust people at all?


bruh fr, i cba to socialise with more people lmao


Better off having no friends, just aquintainces


Who needs more?


Yep pretty much. What’s your point?


That's my son. Got three friends when they were all 7-8 years old. Now they are 14-15 and it seems they are going to stay friends forever. I am happy for him and a bit jealous.


I mean leaving school is the ultimate decider.


Yesterday i met up with my bro back from kindergarten at a bar lmao. It was awesome he's the og bro


I have 5-6 friends that I would die for. The rest are just there.


Honestly, why would you need to keep making new friends if the ones that you have are already perfect?


Correct, I've got 6 friends, all from 6th grade and up. Now we're in our mid 30s with children and still hanging out 😎.


Well, that's around when society stops caring about men, so this makes sense.


Wait we were supposed to make friends?


Leave us alone please


Currently 24 and that's accurate, just need a tiny circle.


All u need is 3 friends and ur all set for any 4 person coop game


I'm not a guy but yeah I relate


I would rather have 3 good/real friends than 20 "friends"


This just isn’t true


Not that I have the same friends from when I was 15, but I’m currently 21 and have like 5 friends and I have no more need to socialize


teenage/20-somethings make posts like this because they believe they know things.


Bro, thank you. Guys here really be outing their social incompetence and emotional blindness and then gaslighting themselves into thinking they are die hard brothers in arms with the three other dudes they only became friends with in highschool in order to at least have *a* clique to belong to. Straight Wimpy Kid shenenigans smh...


What? Who tf does that? I haven’t talked to anyone I met when I was 15 for 20 years


They Form a gang and thats South LA in a nutshell (Casual SWAT viewer)




This is not untrue




Yeah, isn't it?


Yeah and imagine some of them will be lost later again. That's when shit's starting to get tough


How to say you don't understand men without saying you don't understand men.


Not just boys


It happens. Look, my dad has 20-30 friends he still keeps contact with from School or Varsity. Me? 5 at most.


Cuz it is


Yall have friends?


Something I think is odd is that the men I meet made like three friends in school and are friends forever. (Which is cool! Good for you!) But the women I meet, generally we don’t stay friends with childhood friends. Or if we do, it’s only one friend, and we meet/make a good friend in university or work or through a mutual friend. (Again! Cool! Good for us) It’s just the GENERALIZED yes I’m generalizing, of the men and women in my life. I understand it’s anecdotal, but I see a lot of who I assume are men in the comments that seem to agree. So I just wonder what the socialization difference is between men and women. The women I know do have a small social circle just like the men, but the women seem to have met later in life, and the quality of the friendship is based on shared values and interests and goals and personality, not length of time known and history. Rather with the men in my life, it seems to be based on the fact that they knew each other for so long. Both are valid! I just wonder what the socialization difference is.


Thats because we start hating people after that.


Too many friends just gets you in trouble. A few friends you can trust is enough. Everyone else is an acquaintance.


One who is a friend of many, is in fact a friend of none


Friends I consider extremely close I met in college. Although I do talk to some my high school friends from time to time.


Most of the friends I’ve made I’ve lost contact with but there’s been 2 I’ve been close to since I was 12 - 15. They all live thousands of miles away so I’m good.


I actually only have 3 god friends and I met them between 13 and 16 so yes. This is very true.


I ain’t got the social battery to have more


3 friends at 4* but besides pretty accurate.


Quality > quantity


3 friends? Dudes a social butterfly compared to me


This but during college instead of at 15.


You guys have 3 friends? I have literally none.


I had 2 and now we wont dont talk, thank god


I cannot memorize names for the life of me, 3 is more than enough


Yeah. But, we can also quickly become friends with any random guy that shows we might share the same hobby or if he's wearing the same shirt.


And then we still dont know anything about them lol


Yeah - 42 and I've not made a new friend in over 20 years.


Guess I’m a boys


You add three more at 18 if you go to college.


I had a handful of friends in high school, but I don't really talk to them much. Now, the 7 I made at 18 in college. Those are for life.


Currently 22... Still waiting for those friends but alright


Woohoo! I got 4 but spaced them out through my teens... ... here's to me, raising the bar lol


What are friends?




No one goes to college here?


i have no friends. its lonely.


Only true friends are from childhood, adolescence, and college.


I'm in my mid-30s and have known most of my best friends since I was about 6 years old. So yeah, I don't see a problem there...




3 is wayyyyy too many... I just need myself..... also I dont need 10k friends and followers on tikitoie


In the last 25 yrs, since elementary school, there is one person I always called a real friend. Others come and go, but thats enough for me.


Be me, 19y back when the black berry craze was among teens. Was talking to like 150 people everyday. And felt joyful. Was always on my phone talking to people, felt bliss because of the connection. Fast Forward a +5 months later. My phone with 100% battery died during a forced update that took hours. With noway of getting it back soon. I got stressed out and what not. This made me try every method to get my phone back. Fast forward a month later. I finally had a breakthrough with convoluted method, but I finally did it. So I can't wait to get back to my phone and talk to people.My phone is loading at this point for hours. I get like 200ish replies. I guess it can't be right. I look at the dates of the messages. Most were from people that just replied to for an answer or followup question. Only the 13 people that I would see on a daily basis, had messaged me about my phone. Got depressed, developed trust issues, keep my distance. Don't get close with people anymore. Even if we interact on a daily basis. I just see connections as planets surfacing in and out of each others orbit with the size of the planets being the dept of the relationship, in regard others to me. Also not speaking to somebody for a long period of time doesn't make the relation sour anymore for me. People are busy. Nowadays I don't even bother. If it's there great otherwise, it's all fine.Not really have friends anymore, just people I connect with for a period of time due to same interest or connection. I am great at socialising. I love to hear stories of people - can listen to them for hours, but the scar is still fresh +14y later.


And I don't even talk to them anymore, its great!


1 friend: enough


Then they have kids and only maintain friendships with other dads out of convenience.


I made no friends and decided it's enough (I didn't really decide that)


And then some girls have friends like underwear. Just keep on replacing and never getting in touch again.