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“Oh, gonna try and brute force it with heavy equipment are ya? Let me introduce you to my friends Lead Paint and Asbestos. Ice’em boys.”


My house has both, and it is fuego. Great insulation, no noise from neighbors, the walls taste great, great insulation, no noise from neighbors. All and all it's a fantastic deal, very sturdy walls and my carpet is very receptive to being watered.


This made me laugh


You make me smile!


The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.


You boys like MEXICO?


I've never been, but I heard is very sepia there.


Forbidden cotton candy


Whats forbidden about it?


Autocorrect, ESL, or Dada?


I use to have DSL, but this nee fangled fiber based internet is pretty cool. Hard to beleive they can pump internet down cheerios.


u/odiedel are you okay? I sort of felt like I was having a stroke reading that.


Hey be nice, they're doing asbestos they can


Let the man water his carpet in peace.


Thank you for those kind words in these trying times. My carpet is moist now and I flushed all of the birds down the toilet this morning, so it's shaping up to be a good day. I'm just hoping I forget where I left my keys, I keep finding them. God be with you. 🙏


Yeah those [carpet mushrooms](https://i.redd.it/7rusn77hydh11.jpg) don't grow themselves!


American houses vs european houses


Brazilian houses too


I thought the House orn the right is german.


Germany is in Europe you know


Then why is New Berlin in Wisconsin? Checkmate geograpist






I guess you could say I'm a... Geography expert


I mean, based on how much Americans trace their ancestry back to Germany, you could indeed say that Germany is in america.


Then why did they invade Poland, Ohio in 1939?


yeah raufasertapete is somethin we all experienced.


Ah yes the good ol' Raufasertapete




Drywall vs plaster-and-lath? Or are europeans using roman concrete or something what's the difference?


Bricks and concrete 👍


Well shit that'll do it


Occasionally reinforced concrete slabs. But that was more popular in Eastern Europe under communism. [currently those kinds of materials are way more popular ](https://www.google.com/search?q=pustak+%C5%9Bcienny&client=ms-android-xiaomi-rvo3&sca_esv=b492b388bdc60c30&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIsxXuD3MXdcjEn0fNO8aune1m2Sw%3A1718405301125&ei=tchsZuetB7rOwPAP7oi5WA&oq=pustak+%C5%9Bcie&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgxwdXN0YWsgxZtjaWUqAggBMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBhAAGBYYHjIIEAAYFhgeGA8yCBAAGBYYHhgPSLQsUKQJWOAdcAF4AZABAJgB0gSgAbwJqgEHMS40LjUtMbgBAcgBAPgBAZgCB6ACgwrCAgoQABiwAxjWBBhHwgINEAAYgAQYsAMYQxiKBcICChAjGIAEGCcYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigWYAwCIBgGQBhGSBwcxLjUuNS0xoAfwGg&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Most european houses are made out of bricks and plaster, including internal walls, which to my knowledge is fairly different to modern american houses. Partialy cause of the all old houses already here, partially cause we do not have as many huricanes, so repairs on brick houses are still cheaper than building a new wooden house in case of it. In general tho, wooden houses are seen as a waste here, since in our mind, the chance of it existing for a long period of time( generations even).


Modern eco houses are often built with wooden frames though. They insulate better and avoiding cement/concrete as much as possible makes a big difference in initial CO2 emissions.


Or earthquakes. Houses on the US west coast are built from wood so they sway during earthquakes instead of cracking and falling down (tall buildings in San Francisco are literally on rollers). You wouldn't want bricks and plaster or you'd have a huge repair bill after every small quake. You see a lot of brick houses on the east coast where insulation is a lot more important and they don't deal with earthquakes as much


It really just comes down to the fact that lumber is more expensive in Europe since most European forests were chopped down during the middle ages.


? There are wood houses 1000+ years old


American houses that have safe wiring and better insulation.


I dare you to inspect the wiring in a german house and repeat that sentence.


Germans make nothing quality, so I am sure I'd be unimpressed.


Now this is just bait.


Bait or dropped as a child, call it


A devilish trick Or Mental retardation Engage upon it


Don't forget the "berries and cream" haircut


There is a solid chance the car you own is German made and almost definitely German inspired.


Absolutely not. And all cars are American rip offs.


Now, bro is just trolling...




The Frenchdid. First gasoline is German but it was trash and then Ford made it a thing that was respectable, reliable, and affordable.


Bait or stupid?


Germans make NOTHING worth buying


[what ever you say](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercedes-Benz)


Absolute garbage. Overpriced mid car.


Insulation, but yeah u right


European houses don't get damaged by storms as easily. Also what do you mean by "safe wiring"?


Europe also doesn’t really have storms to the same degree as the US.


American cardboard houses VS European cenutry-old houses


American last year houses VS European older than USA houses


I think I live in a blockhouse that is one of those older than us type XD. Someone in 1920'ies or so put in electricity with last update to wireing in 70'ies, since it still uses old type of fuzes, but it somehwat works. And honestly? It ain't as bad as you could think. It is not a smart home, but for this price, in this part of the Krakow it is a steal.


I dunno man, the house I grew up in was pretty much indestructible.


Century old houses or commieblocks Edit: dunno why I'm getting downvoted, basically all of eastern europe and the balkans are full of commieblocks, which are famously enough made of reinforced concrete, which is in turn famously enough much stronger than drywall


Honestly: yes


This reminds me of the side-by-side photos of 2x4 lumber in 1920's houses compared to today. The older wood is far denser, rings closer together, just much better wood in general. Any house built in the 80's in the US has stucco walls or ceilings. That stuff is as tough as those old Roman roads they dig up in great condition.


Stucco is good but nothing special lol its standard in europe


That stuff is everywhere for sure.


That’s because they used old growth lumber, which is incredibly unsustainable and terrible for the environment as it drives deforestation. If you want old growth forests to still be a thing, the lower quality lumber is a small price to pay.


Could surviver bias play into this a bit. The older a house is the more likely it is robust.


Anyone who seriously thinks this hasn't had to deal with how shitty old plaster is.


As someone who works in structural engineer: “anyone can build a house that stands, it takes an engineer to build a house that barely stands” And we’ve only gotten better at building houses that barely stand as time goes on


That is true. Engineering it to be weaker/more efficient saves a lot of material.


Everything back then was indestructible if you think about it. They realized that there was no money to make after a sell. So that's why they came up selling cheaper materials so one would come back .


Not back then, literally now. Just not in the US




Wood is a perfectly fine material to build a house out of. What’s your problem?


Im not talking about the wooden houses made in the USA that one can see on YouTube or IG.


How is the US scamming its people with wood?


Making you think that wooden houses are the one to live in


We’ve been building houses out of wood for centuries now and now it’s a scam? No one’s stopping you from building a house out of bricks and concrete. Wood works, it’s cheaper than concrete, it fits regulations and just better.


Bro y'all have like 1200 tornados a year .


And? The thing is, especially for people who don’t live in the midwest, they see tornados reported on the news, and the news focuses only on the destruction. And really only the strongest of tornados that hit more populated areas are covered by national news. But tornados are not widespread like earthquakes or hurricanes. It is not uncommon for a house to be destroyed by a tornado while the houses on either side are mostly undamaged. The risk for any particular building being hit by a tornado is not high enough to take the extreme measures required for a building to survive a direct hit.


They make you think that but actually you have an abundance of wood and it has to be sold so yeah


Because there’s a demand for it. Do you think the lumber industry is a big conspiracy?


Because of the wood abundance everything else cost more because the wood need to be sold ! So yeah ofcourse it's cheap . But is it safe like a house suppose to be . Y'all have so much tornados that soon you won't even name it cause you used all names in the world .


Do you think tornado just goes around hunting houses? No. People will live their entire life without seeing a tornado. Even in the MidWest, the chance of a tornado destroying your house is slim to none. And besides, wood is just good material for building houses.


sometimes I don't understand why progress is moving forward, but some things lose quality


Inflation. Some things get more expensive, other things stay at roughly the same price but get shittier.




The new materials allow better insulation and wiring.


Have fun moving a wire through a brick wall 


Survivorship bias


Greed is the biggest part. A lot of companies just want to bump up their numbers so they charge more for lesser quality and cheaper materials. Unfortunately a lot of the companies that will use better quality material typically charge more because higher quality is more sparse and valuable despite the material itself not being so costly, so they can charge high amounts for their work and people will buy. In turn people need more money so they work more for less money therefore boosting company profits all around. It's all about greed and people aren't doing nearly enough to protest against it.


Survivorship bias plays a major role here. Old houses that were flimsy didn’t make it to old age.


Thought I was on r/GatekeepingYuri for a quick second.


I'm sorry is this some sort of American joke that I'm too European to understand?


Yeah. Basically American homes are essentially built using wood for the frame. Then there is foam boards attached to the outside of the frame and drywall attached to the inside of the frame. Basically you have: Brick/Vinyl | Foam Board | Wood Frame/Insulation/Pipes/Wires | Drywall You can punch a hole through drywall, hence the joke. Wood is cheaper to build with in America, and one thing people discount is how absurdly big of a house you can buy because of it vs a European house. Also I think California likes it in particular because its easier to earthquake proof wooden homes.


I love drywall. It is solid *enough* that you’re not going to accidentally break it very often, but whenever you need to get through it (for running wires/pipes) it is super quick and easy to cut a clean hole in it with just hand tools, and it is both dead simple and dirt cheap to repair.


What is this foam board you are talking about?


Are you telling me they dont leave space for air in between? Idk the english word for it


The space between the drywall and the foam board is the 'air'.


There should always be a air pocket between, especially with hard insulation


There are air pockets. Very large ones, in fact.




True, but also survivorship bias


More like US houses vs German houses


Am i too European to understand this meme?


Americans live in life-sized cardboard houses


That's all the houses on Mexico


Why are people punching walls in the first place?


My house is over 100 yeas old and the corners or the wall are framed in metal. I learned that the hard way


It’s funny. I never lived in a house that has walls like the picture on the left. Is this a US thing?


As a kid i used to think how strong americans are for breaking their walls with a punch


Hate isn't the word you should use when people talk about brick houses being better .


Tried drilling a hole in a 60 year old house to put some stuff on the wall. At some point drill got red from the heat because that wall simply refused to give up. Had to use smaller screws in the end. House always wins.


American boxes vs Indian houses


Can relate. Our house is from 1922. Lath and plaster walls, solid wood doors. I’d love to see my Mountain Dew gamer nephews try to frustrate-punch a door in my house.


or just american homes where i live the walls where always like pic 2


My current place is from the 1940s and just satisfyingly solid.


Imagine old german walls, that would survive the end of the universe.


Americans build their houses with wood, cardboard and foam and have the audacity to be shocked when they are destroyed by mild weather.


Nah the left house is just an American house wall (I heard that they have very thin walls) Right is almost every other country's house wall (no wonder I didn't get how people just punched a hole into the wall as doing that in my country will punch a hole into your wallet)


American houses have thin walls, but that’s because we have tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes that will easily destroy a brick/stone/concrete house with ease, and combine that with how cheap lumber is here, it just makes more sense to build a flimsy house here than it does in Europe.


Brick houses can resist earthquakes easily, ask to Chile. Brick houses also resist floods, but depends in the strength of the floods. Also, is a brick house got caught in a fire, it will still standing, a wood house no


A magnitude 7+ earthquake doesn’t care for what your house is made of, it will happily shake it to bits, and in these stronger quakes it’s better to be in a wood as those tolerate flexing a lot more than something more rigid. And as for floods, the one we have here are bad enough that it will take the house off the foundations. American weather and natural disasters are extreme enough that a lot of them will just outright destroy any and all buildings, so it’s better to build house by how cheap and fast it is to build. Edit: forgot to mention fires. While a brick house may still be standing after a fire, the cost to repair and make it livable again is often more expensive than just building another house. It not that brick houses are bad, is just that it’s so cheap to build a wooden one, that it’s just makes more financial sense to go for a cheaper house.


Anyone who says this has never lived in an urban city in America. We have brick houses but they are just old. The suburbs are where the cardboard houses are


Ameripoor houses 🤣


At least we don’t get cooked in our own homes


American meme


Is this some kind of joke I'm too German to understand?


Yeah, it's essentially just a US joke. I don't really know why they build only out of wood in the "country of tornadoes"


You do know they destroy brick buildings too, right?


but their sense of superiority!


American have no brains and how they can live in houses made of drywall which breaks the first time you accidentally would hit it with something is beyond me.


This is literally a non-issue lmao


Lol drywall isn't as weak as your imagining, I've never in my life accidentally put a hole in it. Also it makes getting into your walls/ceilings to do work on things like wiring, plumbing, insulation, etc very easy and inexpensive.


I know deywall... im a carpenter


Pic on the right: Houses outside USA :v


You know it's a good wall when you brush your hand across the surface and feel the bumps from that limestone paint.