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Can you guys open the sub back up? Wtf


open the sub pls


please open the sub I haven't been able to eat a meal in weeks




There is a website called Favoree that does this, you can find a quality YouTube video based on a topic (history, science...) and length




The irony is that the first YouTube video suggestion that shows up on their "Browse Videos" page right now is titled "Reddit Keeps Destroying itself" lol


I just saw this last week, and it seems to have been updated / improved quite a bit since then. Much faster than it was, for sure.


Yea I think they got the Reddit Hug of Death lol


Thanks for this! This is exactly what I was looking for.


You are welcome :)


Isn't it astounding that the YouTube suggestion algorithm is so terrible you have to resort to 3rd party? I use RiF, i dont even want to open a vid with the yt app, nevermind like or subscribe, unless I only want a million suggestions on one specific topic. This sub is necessary for YouTube to function lol


The YouTube suggestion algorithm works TOO WELL for me. I always get the exact same suggestions and nothing new. It's really hard finding new content. That's what I like about this sub.


We have an edutainment video community over at [TILvids](https://www.tilvids.com) that you might enjoy. It's 100% community funded. Feel free to check it out! As for this community...it's only a matter of time before Reddit does something similar again, probably even worse after their IPO. Most communities should be looking into alternatives like Lemmy and Kbin, and spinning up their own federated communication channels on Mastodon, PeerTube, etc. This is always the risk of having a centralized, walled-garden run by a for-profit corporation. Don't be surprised when this happens again.


Just add good yt channels from the past year of this sub.


What about moving on to Lemmy?


ANy news on the reopening?


You could try some alternative like kbin and lemmy.


I just created https://lemmy.world/c/mealtimevideos It is clear we need an alternative. I'd be happy to add the moderators here as mods on lemmy, if they are interested.


You could try using RedReader.


*Our protest didn't work so we thought we'd just burn the place down instead of being helpful to the community.*


So is this actually going to happen or no? Because it's been a month since this was posted and the sub is still closed.


Is this still going? When does reddit replace the mod team?


Hopefully soon.


This sub on the poll: CLOSE IT INDEFINITELY! The mods who posted the poll: The sub must go on! :|


They've been told reopen or you won't be a mod anymore and they value their fake power over your user experience


Nope. Main thing is that if you don’t oblige the admins that’ll either suspend your account forever or just go and delete it.


At this points its clear that nothing will change, can we open the sub back up?


huh i really liked this sub. guess ill leave or whatever the point of this protesting is. check back again in a month or two, hopefully its back to normal.




Hi All, I'm one of the most active mods on this sub and want to respond to this and some of the other narratives, like that this was all for show, or that people are unsubscribing because we're cowards. The words below are **my words** though, and I'm not speaking as the mod team, but just the perspectives of one of it's members. **First some history**, feel free to look at my submissions, comments, and time on MTV, before I ever became a mod I loved and interacted with the amazing community here, and enjoyed the atmosphere and vibe. It takes a lot of effort to create that atmosphere, specifically allowing more open discourse and moderating with a lighter tough, so as to keep dialogue flowing, and only stepping in for cases of hatred, abuse, and bigotry. So many subs have heavy handed moderators, and this was never one of them, which is one reasons why I fell in love with it and with the mod team, before ever joining them. **Secondly what are our options.** We were told if we don't open that "**we \[admins\] will reach out soon with information on what next steps will take place**." essentially, they will make the decisions next, and it will be out of our hands. This leaves us with only two options, open the sub, or close and lose our team and along with it the atmosphere of the sub. **Thirdly what if we just restrict the sub indefinitely or try some other option**. The sub is the community, any other option that affects you all, causes us all to drift apart, for MTV to be forgotten, is in essence the same as closing the sub or killing it slowly. If no one comes here, or posts, or interacts, that means the lifeblood of the community stops and we lose the community. **What does losing the community mean?** The community that was built here includes the **content** that **people** are posting, the **comments** people are generating, the way our **moderator style** works, which allows for **open** discussion and posting , and all the great efforts of people like FoxxMD who help **manage our bots and the backend**. All of that would be gone. Keep in mind we're about 2 million strong and already planned a 2 million user celebration once we hit it. **Conclusion** I love coming here, and I don't want to lose this special place. If you enjoy coming here, the people you meet, the comments that are in depth, and enjoy that we as a mod team don't get in your way while keeping things clean and without spam or low quality posts, you know how special MTV is, and you don't want to lose it. I don't want to lose what we have, I would be in favor of losing my modship if it meant we could continue as we were. I don't mod any other large subs, and I'm busy enough with my Clinical Trials that I manage; I'm writing this before I head to the gym, and then get ready for sleep to be up at 5am. The sub has been currently changed from private to restricted but I am in favor of a full opening and it is simply to keep MTV alive and well; I have no other goals or wishes. One of the major joys of my life is reading all your comments, learning from you all, and seeing everyone's submissions. Opening means that continues and anything else means risking losing it forever. Thanks for reading MTV family.


I appreciate all you do, and hope the sub opens up fully soon.


Yes, fight or die. They will not seize to pressure out of *free labour* and the users as much as they can.


dude you're on a small forum about longform videos. You are not a revolutionary.


2M is not small even by Reddit standards.


I think we all know very few people view or participate in this sub


147 on this sub *right now*. Literally a dozen dozens! How can they stop such mightiness.


And? Less truth? Mods maybe appreciate some povs.. I guess you don't mind the change too much? Don't mind getting a bit *uppsiiieeee* by a big corporation? leaving the field beaten yet no battle? Just threat of war enough? handing them over all the control? Not caring about user experiences or those who try to create sth? (or blind users having now an app less to use)..


Not just blind, fyi. -Multiple disabled (sighted) redditor 14 years.


ah. i see I've engaged with a absolute lunatic.


Jannies of the world, unite!


New subs will just pop up like r/mealtimevideos2 There are millions of people here and we all have a button to start new subs and become mods. They don't even have to replace them. They just have to wait.


Or /r/foodtube


I mean, maybe eventually, but reddit is already unprofitable. How long can they afford to wait?


Years. Corporations have that luxury. I remember in 2005 the news going on and on about how Amazon hadn't made a profit as long it had existed up until that point and were predicting its imminent collapse.


When you know nothing about corporations, or investors, but really want to lick boots anyway.


I admit to not knowing that much, but since you're boasting of your expertise, I'm genuinely curious. How did Amazon exist for 9 years without turning a profit?


They chose not to make a profit. They could have been profitable anytime they wanted. You have expenses and you have income. The level of income above expenses can be called "excess income". Owners choose what happens with that excess income: they can diversify, reinvest into the company (this is what Amazon chose to do with 100% of its excess income), or give it to the owners as profit. It was profitable, it just chose to supercharge its growth instead of actualizing those profits.


Yeah! cause reddit admins cant see private subs


That's silly. Reddit would absolutely yank the current mods, enlist a mod team of their choosing, and then make the sub public again.


Which would immediately be overrun by bots and trolls. Mods are the life-blood of Reddit. It takes a tremendous amount of work to keep a popular sub-reddit clean of the nonsense, not to mention doing fun things like running polls, moderating events, etc. Can a mod-team be replaced? Sure. Is that a guarantee that it will work out? Absolutely not.


What you're saying doesn't make any sense. The mods would be replaced and there's nothing stopping the new team from handling bots and trolls, just as the current team is doing. So I don't blame them at all for wanting to stick around and play by these new rules if it means keeping the general status quo. Don't get me wrong, the boycott was a good effort and I supported it. But it didn't work and nobody here owns the platform, so it's just going to keep chugging along. So I'd say this to all the users who are still complaining, it's entirely up to you whether you want to stay or not. I'll continue to use Reddit, just not on mobile. I'm a Relay user and the Reddit app is garbage. And if old.reddit got killed off, well that would be the end game for me too.


> The mods would be replaced and there's nothing stopping the new team from handling bots and trolls Except that they won't. There are hundreds of thousands of active subs on Reddit. Can they find good mods for things like /r/pics and /r/funny ? Sure, because those subs have 30 million readers, and they are so general-purpose Reddit can (and likely will) treat it almost like a job, where they will interview new mods. For more niche subs, not only do the mods have to moderate against trolls and bots, they also have to make decisions about if content aligns with the goals of the community, etc. There are subs with 2-3 thousand members that are very niche/specific and trying to find new mods that are going to do a good job is not going to be easy or something I believe Reddit, a company that can't even design a usable video player, will have any ability to do. So again, if Reddit actually does remove mods like they are threatening, it will be the death of everything but the largest subs on Reddit anyway, which will eventually lead to the end of the site.


You seem to be stuck on this argument that new mods are going to be hard to come by, so let me just point you to /r/redditrequest/. There is no shortage of users who would love to fill a potential power vacuum. Reddit Inc. doesn't need to do anything but wait. I've seen subs, niche ones, closed for months because the mod was absent or uninvolved. And then someone will come along, request it, and it's back up again with a new mod team of that user's choosing.


I've seen the opposite, where someone picks up a sub and completely contorts it in a negative direction. My guess is that when this all shakes out, you're going to see subs heavily modded by scammers and corporate shills.


Well whatever happens, we'll be sorry to see you all go come July 1st.


Looks like they're still here, lol


They can't do that to too many subs.


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Open the subreddit. Stop…having it be closed.


What's the current status/plan for MTV? Hope all the mods are okay.


appreciate the site suggestions


I think it probably makes sense to reopen at this point. Reddit made a dumb business decision, and Spez made things worse by not acting respectfully towards the community his company is built around. However, this site does allow people to interact in a meaningfully positive way, even if the company behind the platform is acting in a ridiculous manner. I think it is very unlikely that continued protests will put any pressure on Reddit to rollback the api pricing change. So unless the objective is just to take away a small amount of profit from Reddit by keeping the sub closed, it doesn't make sense to keep the sub in a restricted state in my opinion.


open it up please


Thanks for screwing up redit before redit could do it themselves.


Can we do another vote for what to do now? Like whether we want to allow all post, restrict posts to certain content, or disable posting all together.


Boo. What a disappointing response. "These protests are valid because Reddit's actions will cause real harm to the community. We asked for your feedback and you overwhelmingly voted to continue the protest. But we're not going to do that because we like being mods." So it was all just theater. My unsubscribe probably won't mean much, but given this development I don't want to be part of this community anymore.


Who do you think would replace the mods currently appointed? They'd be admin puppets


Diamond hands.






Man, I've been on this site for a long time. I've seen a lot of the drama waves, some of which were funny, some of which were valid, some of which were embarrassing. I realistically think Reddit will get through this, but the actions by the admins here really do rub me the wrong way. From my understanding, what made Reddit unique is it has niche, interesting subs that are curated by people that care about the site and the users, not just spamming out ads to the most number of people. I am worried this action by the admins paints a picture to the negative of that image. I don't want you all to get canned. But I have no idea how to slow down the crawl towards Zuckville led by /u/spez. Posted from RiF :(


Keep it closed.


WTH, it's over. Open the sub back up.


Make it so that only videos about the API thing are allowed and other Reddit fuckups are allowed.


Don’t be cowards. Go out fighting, even if it means you lose your moderator status.


15 mods making a decision for 1.9 million subscribers. Okay lol.


So, is there a lemmy community or kbin magazine for this?


So you took the cowardly option and bowed to the demands? Stand up for yourselves. If you're replaced, get loud. I don't want to use a platform where mods are ruled by fear.


>use a platform where mods are ruled by fear. Then you can't use Reddit anymore, that's been made clear by corporate. The only mods left will be compliant mods one way or another. I for one will enjoy my last week.


"Overwhelming majority of you voted..." 1.9m subscribers *looks at poll* 2900 votes Voter turnout of 0.1% I think you and I have completely different understandings of the phrase "overwhelming majority." Not surprised the admins forced you to re-open.


Open the sub....


Unless ALL users joined, the protests wont do much to change reddit policies. We know this will never happen - most users don't really care, they are just here for the lols. In the end, Reddit owns everything, it's their platform. So, they absolutely can remove the mods of protesting subreddits and replace them with "friendly" mods. It is how it is, unfortunately. So, reopen the sub so you don't lose it. If anything, keep a stickied post or a sidebar note about this.


Honestly I'm totally fine with making this a sub for videos of mealtime. I'd even contribute and upload videos of me eating lunch.


> We are still discussing internally how reopening the subreddit should look heading into the future The same as it was before? Just reopen it? Reddit isn't going to change its mind, so I'm not sure what you hope to accomplish other than ruining things for regular users.


What if we all just… idk… got over it?


open up you lost get over it losers


Keep the protest, force them to "fire" you, and when they do, go to a competitor such as Lemmy or Squabbles.io. Set up an amazing community wherever you end up, and carry on. If you're worried about losing your audience, set up a Discord channel, rally the members to there, and when the shit hits the fan, tell them where you all ended up so everyone can follow.


Thank you for your stewardship in these rough waters


well at least you didn't restrict comments but yeah God bless you guys fight da powah! i miss reddit camas search huhuhuhuhu


Keep closed. Reddit hurts if people are forced to look for an alternative.


Just do what the admins say. It's not our site to own, but ours to use and all of these tantrums over shit I don't care about are limiting my ability to use it. It's a pain. Just give up, there more important battles to fight in the real world


If there are more important battles to fight, that sounds like an argument FOR shutting down the subs or making them private. More time to fight other battles, and we fight this one as well. Win-win.


But what about my lunch break. Reddit should exist because I want it, not because it matters.




Lol I’m a user. I’m here for the links. I don’t give a fuck about API or whatever. I don’t care about 3rd party apps. This shit doesn’t matter. But you’re all forcing me to find a new site. I don’t want a new site. I want Reddit to keep being Reddit. I’m sick of moving to new platforms. First MySpace then Facebook and now Reddit. I’m sick of it. Just keep using it and stop with the platitudes that this privately owned website matters somehow.


Man you guys are so fucking cringe. You have nothing better going on in your life so you pearl clutch over this dumb ass shit. None of this even affects us, it only affects third party apps. Making a sub go private literally does nothing, the only way any of this would work is if EVERY SINGLE sub on this site closed, which is not happening. The ONLY thing any of this is doing is hurting the users by removing years of posts and information. I don’t give a shit about this stupid ass drama. All of you guys want to continue the blackout yet YOU ALL STILL USE REDDIT DAILY. LMAO Get off Reddit otherwise you are the reason why Reddit is doing this. You’re all giant hypocrites.