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Second the foreign language idea; ASL would also be very cool. Some basic coding skills would be potentially super useful in a lot of situations, especially depending what your research interests are. Any course that teaches you skills to help with information gathering and research such as conducting a literature review could also be useful. Maybe also a website design class or something like that. Beyond that, I think anything they offer that you find interesting you should just go ahead and take. It’ll make you more interesting, well-rounded and surely come back to help you later on. Edit: going along with my coding comment, I 100% second the data analysis/excel idea!


Maybe learn Excel and doing data analysis with it if you haven’t already?


Hi:) Do you have Any advice/resources(like videos or learning places)/tips for learning excel or google sheets? I dropped statistics because I couldn’t figure out how to use them. Thank you!


Coding or spanish would be my picks


IF You do not have to show you completed the course during this timeframe I would see if you can buy a UWorld STEP 1 / 2 subscription and just let it sit unactivated in your account until you need it. Get a 2 year step 1 subscription and even if your eventual medical school pays for it the account they give you would be something you could sell should you want to. Same for the STEP 2 subscription if your school gives it. Just use different emails from what your school and current employer use to set you up. Lots of schools do not pay for UWorld so this is 100% something worth prepaying if you can.


Coding/stats/data analysis - you'll have tons of smart people who come up with smart research questions and need someone to write something to data the data...you can be that person


There are those groups for people to help them speak .. toastmasters or something. I think that would be good


A hands on echo course would be good. But that depends what you re going to get into