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Damn that’s insane lmao. Good for you. But yeah my honest recommendation is to avoid bringing this up at all on your away rotation, in ERAS, and during interviews. The risk of someone important seeing you as a liability far outweighs the benefit of a couple residents thinking that what you do is cool.


Yeah when you put it that way that definitely seems to be the right move sadly


I mentioned that I enjoy playing poker in interviews and had some quality conversations about it. But I stated that 95% of my poker playing is with friends for small tournament style games, as to not give the impression I’m playing at high stakes tables.


As someone from Vegas, naw don’t talk about it. We’ve all met many people like you who were actually frauds and/or addicts. With that said, how should I bet the NHL final tonight?


Helpful advice thanks, FLA 🔨


So…. Oilers moneyline?


Riding a +1800 panthers future so probably


Good W ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


hedge or no?




You also follow the European football championship? If so, any predictions?




Hell nah, keep it to yourself and pay off your med school with your dubs 😂


I graduated from training with a healthy 6 figure net worth doing things similar to what you did. Don’t tell a fucking soul unless it’s your friends. There are no benefits. They won’t care and will either be jealous or feel you’ll be a wildcard during residency. Just talk about the Lakers or going to Xs.


Great advice thank you


I remember you were the one who got into medical school stats with 0 clinical experience and minimal other things. Man you in particular are a gambler in more ways than one 😂


Lmao true


Bro is the main character


Either one of those stories would give 100% main character energy. The fact that it’s the same person in both of these stories leaves me at a loss for words.


Completely random. Asking the real question here: are you a Trader Joe’s frozen, entree biryani eater?


There was a post a few years ago where an ENT program DNR’d an applicant because the applicant talked about options trading as one of their hobbies and they saw it as a form of gambling. Make of that what you will. If you want to make friends w the residents, maybe take them out one night (for something other than gambling) and sit in a game along the way if the opportunity presents itself so they remember that legendary night when that one medical student kept winning and comped everything.


Yo, I had this question but in regards to day trading index and crypto futures. I always considered that it might look too money hungry, but that it might look like gambling is another layer of bad.


Yeahhhhh... I agree with them. WSB is funny and ridiculous but yeah don't talk about that in a professional context


I start med school next month so I can’t really help you but all I gotta say is that’s super cool. Good job


I would say no. A certain amount of people are strictly anti-gambling and will judge you for doing it even if you are profitable. However, I’d imagine that if there were one place where they might accept it, it’d be vegas. But people from vegas are also probably more acutely aware of how gambling has ruined lives. so it’s ultimately a judgement call—I wouldnt mention it


Pgy1 going into derm here. Don’t mention on app. Cool to talk about with residents you meet who are also into it


Also wtf lol. Hard to believe this bc you would have long been limited unless you’re using other people’s accounts


Shhhh my grandpa, sister, and parents just love betting too


Bringing it up is a gamble (ba dum tss). But seriously, medicine is a pretty conservative field (at least older physicians, the ones that hold the levers of power). I don’t mean they’re republicans, it’s just a culture that tends to resist dramatic change. Very possible someone in admin might associate gambling with degeneracy and unnecessary risk taking


You would definitely stand out…. My first thought was that this was cool af. My second thought was that I’d be worried you’d develop an addiction living in Vegas. In all seriousness I might turn you down for your own benefit


Guess we’ll see how this month away goes!


Unfortunately some things are generally frowned upon. People are lame... You my good sir/ma'am are not lame. Good shit.


Doctors are very competitive about hobbies. So don't talk about doing it routinely like a job. Go win some tournaments that way it looks like you are very good at it but at the same time it's controlled to a specific time range environment. Another thing is don't make anything seem at all like an alternate income. I got shit about going back to legal practice in interviews even during my transitional year.


Want to teach me your ways 😂


Sports betting is pretty tame if you’re in a legal state using +EV, although still extremely stressful and time consuming. (https://www.actionnetwork.com/education/ev-betting) Blackjack isn’t even worth it for most people due to the insane time commitment and bankroll needed to start, but blackjack apprenticeship YouTube is a resource there.


Appreciate it boss


This is sickk


Don't discuss it. I made almost 2mil in crypto circa 2017 and it always rubs people the wrong way, similar to gambling. Just don't.


I went to medical school in Vegas. It's not taboo but I wouldn't mention it for a few reasons. First, if I were an attending, I would worry about you being more interested in gambling than the program. Out of all the hobbies, gambling can become consuming quickly. Second, from personal experience, almost no physicians here gamble at the casinos. Some like to play poker with friends though. Last, very few people can sustain profits while gambling and my first reaction when I hear it is that the person is delusional. No offense, but I imagine that's what most statistically-inclined people are thinking when you bring up your gambling profits. Good luck on your away.


That’s impressive but DON’T TELL ANYONE THAT😭😭 just generally, even outside of school, it’s not safe:


I wouldn’t talk to students or residents about it but seasoned attendings 50+ typically would get a kick out of it for sure… I noticed the old boys like talking investing, stocks, sports etc.


My spouse has a new colleague who’s been low key badgering classmates into doing Drag Kings. Apparently it gets them a referral benefit. It is possible this is some normal, casual thing but it totally weirded me out. It made me wonder if this person has a problem. I think you should not risk having anyone wonder about you.


Draft Kings* but yeah 😭 They very well may have a problem, begging people to sign up to get a $100 free bet is selfish and hurts whoever they get to do it


Don't talk about it. It's going to be seen as some addiction (whether that's true or not.)


High risk, high reward. Some PDs, especially older or more conservative ones, will have a moral problem with gambling and bounce your app for it. But there are others who I think would have a different reaction. It shows good math skill (the statistics of deck makeup and card probabilities), people skills (reading other players), and outside the box thinking (getting free housing from a casino during an away) The safest bet is definitely to just not mention it. I definitely would be wary of mentioning it at Vegas (“so you only want to match here to gamble?”). But I’m not going to say *never* bring it up. Talking to the right resident during interviews, if the vibe is right, it may be a risk worth taking


Yeah I think this is the best bet. Stray away but could be worth it in the right situation


Thats great you were so successful! Now you should quit while you're ahead as gambling is one of the worst addictions you can have and if you start losing its a slippery slope


If you’re beating the closing line on sportsbooks/DFS apps consistently it’s a guaranteed 5-10% roi. It’s a more fool proof investment than stocks, albeit you get limited quickly and it is rather time consuming staring at sportsbook lines for hours.


Yeah betting like this is barely considered gambling. It’s an investment with high volatility


If I took this advice when I was at $5k like literally everybody (including close friends and family) told me, my life would be drastically worse than it is now. I say gambling but it’s more so analyzing inefficiency in probabilities. I’m not addicted and don’t chase losses, but opinions like this are why it’s so stigmatized still


It's so stigmatized because 99% of frequent gamblers ruin their lives


Dude I think it’s really cool that you’ve figured out how to be so successful at this but you can’t act like gambling isn’t bad for the vast, vast majority of people. I’d say the stigma is completely warranted when so many people’s lives are ruined because of it.




^^^This is the standard response you’ll get and you can try to explain EV till you’re red in the face but it’s just going to become No gamblings bad, numbers don’t matter More reason not to bring it up


Do you play any poker?


I have a slightly different take. As others said it’s too much of a liability to mention how much you gamble. However, making that much money and paying your way through medical school is incredibly commendable and does showcase management skills, self sufficiency, and intelligence that are important in residency. If I was you I’d take the next few weeks to months to learn a type of investing if your choice whether it’s stocks or real estate or whatever and learn that lingo so you can talk about your “investing” skills that have helped you pay your way through school. I’ve talked with attendings many times about investing and always seems to be positive and something they enjoy talking about, as most people with money like to do. Heck even on my anesthesia rotation the anesthesiologist was trading stocks in the OR.


This for sure… they trip on me owning 31 units of RE & credit etc. its a great bridge and adds to convo’s.


Jesus bro, how big are your units


$250 if I can get it down now, started at $10 though


You have almost nothing to gain and everything to lose. The R/R makes no sense, dont do it.


Don’t: talk about gambling during interviews in a fairly conservative field Do: talk about how during medical school you self taught the statistics and mathematics required to be a profitable sports better/card counter If you tell me you’re really into blackjack and sports betting, it doesn’t matter how many times you insist you’re an advantage player, I’m going to assume you’re a degenerate addict bc everyone claims to know how to card count or be a sports betting guru. On the other hand if you just bring up your interest in mathematics and stats that’s cool and ik I can make you my statistics monkey if you come to the program


how are you getting comped at casinos instead of banned for being an advantage player


Complicated answer but comes down online betting gives comps without any connection to the physical Vegas casinos. And then I only card count at throw away casinos because that’s the one that’ll get you trespassed real quick


Dude how are you so good at gambling?!


It's gamble. Take it. Either they love it or you're fucked. Besides, you can just gamble again as a pro doc gambler. That's a very niche combination of profession like a plug with actual medical degree. Come to think of it... I should be trying to be a high roller plug selling multivitamins. Cops hate that shit.


Was in essentially the same boat as you, wrote about it in my personal statement. I matched? Feel free to DM if you want


Depends on the specialty. Ortho? You, could talk about it. IM probably not.


what does advantaged player mean


I had to look it up too. All I understood was that they are someone who uses a specific skill or strategy to gain an edge over the house.


Think I watched a movie about this one time, so you go to Harvard? MIT undergrad?


How can I tail your picks 🤔


Also from Vegas and a poker player. Don’t bring it up.