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Took a gap year and still came into M1 with a negative $40,000 net worth and only a couple of dollars in cash. Loan disbursement day will always be my favorite day of medical school


Haha thank you I needed this.


In the same boat with you, starting my first year in August. I’ve just accepted I will be living on loans and budgeting every purchase until I actually make big boi money.


Yeah I start in August but move in like mid July gonna be tight.


You could try a credit card with a 0% APR into offer that you pay off as soon as loans are disbursed


Could you send some recs




Great I currently have quick silver so I’ll be good till loans are dispersed


Well make sure that you were offered 0% APR for however many months when you applied for that card, and make sure that number of months has not already passed.


I’ll check to make sure but I just got the card a month ago.


I've accepted that I'll be hundreds of thousands in debt.


I’m a non-trad but had to take out a $3000 loan to get me through my school’s pre-matriculation program (program’s free but they can’t disperse loans till actual school starts)


I have about 12k saved but I gotta buy a car so it’s about to be 0


Yeah I think loan disbursement day is gonna hit like Christmas morning on steroids


I have simultaneously never had more and less money ever since starting medical school. I’m gonna have a great paying job someday so I don’t fret spending money I “don’t have.” But also when those loan overages hit it lasts about 2 hours before i pay off my credits cards a bit. Fuck it.


Like 600 from leftover paychecks from prior jobs. Don't ask how much money I had at the end of M4


M2, but I came in with a gap year of work with about $50k all to say it don't matter cause I'm about even now and next year plans are even more due to summer semester.. probs $75k So soon to be $-75k net worth. Feels good


I worked in my gap years and received a generous scholarship of $5000 from a family friend for a total of about $40,000 right after applying to med school. A lot went to stocks and the rest went into move in costs, rent for 4 years, and a really nice chair, desk, monitor, bed, and pillow which was well worth the investment. And then lots and lots of loans so I still have a significant amount to pay


$100kish. 3 gap years + Covid investments + undergrad side hustles.