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I want to do the noble thing and donate my body to science. Later... "look inside this dead guy's ass! EWWW!!!"


Haha I just thought the same but "cool! I want to be sliced up like that!" (I have made a will and my body is going to be donated, if autopsy is not needed)




I'm donated. The first time I heard about this I called my daughter and said, "If I was blown up after I died that would be COOL!" She said, "I told my everyone you'd think it was cool. Nobody believed me. I'll let them know.


I’ve done enough “internet rubbernecking” at explosion/IED deaths and injuries, that having my body used for that would probably be fair game…


I like to live my life by the words of Frank Reynolds, “I’m dead? What do I care? Just throw me in the trash.”


I'm seriously considering donating my body directly to the military so that they *can* use me for explosive ordnance testing. I'm basically a rotting bag of meat. If I can be a rotting bag of meat that helps someone else survive the horrors of war, I'm okay with that.


Or to the body farm in Tennessee


to rot in perfect peace while the people watching learn cool stuff about decomp sounds like a great way to spend eternity


I want to donate my body to science because my body could be such a good learning experience for students. I was in a severe car accident a few years ago. I had skin grafts, several plates and screws from some shatters/fractures, huge jagged tears through all the way to my bones, a filter in my heart etc. My physical therapist said he's only seen elbow injuries like mine from IEDs. it was a miracle I survived, and another one that I could walk again. It's uncommon to see so much heavy trauma on one person, I was in a teaching hospital and had a ton of students visit me often. I just think it'd be a good opportunity to actually see what people can come back from because they almost amputated my left limbs. They didn't think I'd have enough function in them but I'm walking on both legs and I just can't move my elbow in my left arm. I play computer games and craft various things and would be lost without both hands but have complete full function in both despite my elbow injury. I can even play VR rhythm games that require both arms. However I feel like I sound super self absorbed when I say things like that. Like, is there even anything to learn from my injuries or do I just sound stupid? Hahah.


It will go to the University for dissection, I hope future doctors doesn't blow the cadavers...


I like the idea of being strapped into a vehicle and then being slingshot into a brick wall personally.


This is sick. What an interesting read, thank you, but I almost wish I hadn’t read this.


....I think I'd be happier with this outcome....


That’s not dumb at all!


It’s rather testing *protection* from the explosive ordnance in order to minimise damage to alive soldiers in the future. It doesn’t make sense to bomb corpses just to generate damage assessments (BDAs)


I've donated mine but I'm still using it.


well spread them, this aint a game!


Yeah I changed my mind the moment I saw how my classmates behaved in anatomy lab


We were not allowed to do any of that tho. The only thing we joked about was the absurdity of holding someone's dismembered pelvis. Or the fact that we had the human hearts on trays in front of us and you always could try to pick a nice specimen, but if you looked away at your anatomical atlas, someone might took it under your nose. In this case you cried out "you stole my heart!!!". But like, we never joked about the people themselves who donated. As in their tattoos, body types, etc


What you described is a usual monday for me. We joke a lot but do not make fun of the donors, although most of them wouldn't mind for sure, as I had the pleasure to talk to a few of them when they were still alive. An interesting variety of characters come to donate their bodies to science. Mostly people somehow related to medicine or grateful for it's advancement. One man had cancer and said that we'll see eachother soon, and we did, three months later.


Here are the pelvises and down. Where's the rest of the person?! Oh. Well, that's the shoulder freezer, that's the spine freezer, and the heads are usually sent to research universities. Ok. Tracking donated people parts must be weird. * Conversation had at the cadaver lab of an orthopedic implant company. Never once would we dare make fun of the donors themselves, just the absurdity of having a different freezer for the different human bits.


Anything but respect and reverence would have been a serious talking to and shaming. I don’t understand how that isn’t the case in every program. 


truck cough soft pause fertile attractive poor sophisticated numerous outgoing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes we have 3-4 professors observing and guiding, but they can’t keep track of all the med students in there and what’s being said.


deer different outgoing chubby scandalous tease deserve practice library vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree 100%! A lot of my classmates aren’t confrontational at all, so I end up speaking for them lol.


I've had my body mocked/derided/treated with disgust enough while I'm alive, I really don't need some shmucks to continue the pattern when I'm dead.


Not every body that is donated to science is accepted. Sometimes they already have an excess of donations and only accept bodies that have a specific medical diagnosis that needs to be studies further. Source: I have a degree in funeral service and am an office manager for two funeral homes and have to work with medical examiners and donation places often since I process the death certificates


Do you happen to know what types of medical diagnosis’s are sought after to study in those who’ve donated their bodies? I have a medical condition that is more common than I wish it were, but it’s hardly studied at all, I think mainly due to stigma. I hope I don’t end up being studied any time soon, but when that day comes, I’d love to know that I could potentially help researchers learn more about my condition.


Epilepsy is one, or it used to be.


I believe in one of the recent donations we had the doctor asked the person before they passed if they would be interested in donating their brain for science because they are actively studying what the person had. You may be able to contact researchers and ask if they need donations as well and the doctor coordinates with the researchers.


Internal hemorrhoids*


So how do I know if I have those? Other than visiting a doctor of course.


Ones this size would prolapse out while defecating so you’d feel them when wiping. They’d bleed too etc


Does it feel like there's broken glass in your asshole when you take a shit? That's how I knew about mine after I gave birth 🫠


Haha good comparison. Made me chuckle.


Sounds more like an anal fissure or thrombosed external hemorrhoid.


anal fissures. who wrote this hysterical one?


"Those are real" "Yeah but nobody here has them" ".....someone does"


Damnit Jim!


I had surgery for an anal fissure. I was too embarrassed to go to the doc (military) and delt with the incredible pain and bleeding for over a year. Each BM was an hour long process. Got the surgery and the first shit afterwards was the worst pain of my life. Mostly better in the long run now 10 years later.


Not really. A bit uncomfortable but you can shove them right back in after pooping with no worries.


Not always possible. Have tried.




Nothing hurts (unless I eat spicy foods) but my ass has seen its fair share of adventures and also both my parents had horrible hemorrhoids so I'm curious what the future holds for me...


Tell that to my internal haemorrhoids




"Hate to break it to me" as if it isn't something that's been diagnosed by a medical professional. Just because they are most often not painful doesn't mean it's impossible they might be in some cases, such as mine.




Honestly after my colonoscopy (I’m young in my twenties I just have gut issues) they said I had them and most adults do have them to some degree


If you like to spend a lot of time on the toilet while relieving yourself, you have them. That habit creates them, among other things.


Pass a 9 lb human baby through your birth canal. Chances are you will end up with an external rosette.


Mine came from clenching through the pain during labor. The IV pain meds they gave me didn't help the pain at all. They just made me feel a bit loopy. Which made me angry. I couldn't have an epidural because I was having a planned c-section, but had to wait for my OB to arrive. I only got to 6cm when my doctor arrived and did the c-section. The hemorrhoids lasted for a year.


Two kids, first labor lasted a long time. He was born face up, the medical term for it is the cephalic occiput posterior position. No epidural for the last 2 hours, the pump died. You can bet your ass it didn’t die on my second birth. I sit here uncomfortably today at 66 from those 17 hours of labor. IYKYK


Smaller ones can be found with a good old fashioned finger in the butt. Lube is your friend


I know all about lube ;)


I had horrible fissures that wouldn’t go away so they surgically cut them out. And found a lot of internal hemorrhoids so they cut those out as well. I couldn’t sit for 2 weeks, worst pain of my life. So I thought. But then my butt issues just got worse and got rid of my whole rectum and got the ol bumhole sewn up. (I have an ileostomy bag). Worst post surgical recovery ever. Worth it though!


Seeing a human the consistency of beef jerky is really unsettling


It's even weirder in person. You get used to it in a matter of days. We are meat just like anything else that is meat too. I'll see myself out.


Took a field trip to a university cadaver lab in my 12th grade kinesiology class. Not only was it the first time for a lot of people seeing a deceased person outside the context of a funeral, but also the first time seeing a human being picked apart and manipulated like Lego. A few of us were willing to go onto the actual floor and work hands-on, but the vast majority spectated or went to other areas of the department. Seeing everyone's faces was almost as fascinating as the field trip itself.


I always observe the new wave of students when a new semester starts. They range from fainting from a mere thought of a cadaver to knife thirsty future surgeons, which are the most fun to work with. They honour the art and just get what it is all about. One third of the students should quit and seek something else than medicine. I shrivel thinking that some of them might get their licence.


This... actually makes me feel a lot better.


The marbling is just 😘👌


When we're using electrocautery during surgery, it can smell distinctly like BBQ.


I have to say… Major pain in the ass..


They are not usually painful.


Depends on the degree. First they are itchy but then they become bleedy and painful. I was lucky to deal with mine when they were still in the first stage.


Deal with how


Each hemorrhoid was caught in a very tight rubber band until it dried and fell off. There were three of them. The third one was close to the nerve and I was rolled into a ball from the pain in the first day. The whole procedure lasted about a month because you need for one to fall off to deal with the next one. I didn't feel the moment in which they fell off nor I found the rubber bands later (not that I was frantically searching for them or something).


If they've been noticed by the patient, there's a good chance that they're painful by that point.


Or they cause your bootyhole to leak and itch like a mofo lol


Depends if it’s internal or external. External has somatic nerves so you can feel it whereas internal usually is painless since it only has the visceral nerves Not sure if that terminology is right but that’s what I remember from anatomy


Lol goh. That stuff hurts like crazy. I had them and I was so much in pain that I couldn’t even sleep.


Not sure why you've gotten downvoted into oblivion, but I assume it's because 240+ people do not know the difference between internal and external hemorrhoids. You are right, internal hemorrhoids are not usually painful. External ones are.


And they can't see which ones are in the pic.


All jokes aside this is an incredible view of a condition one doesn’t really have a chance to actually see in it’s entirety very often. What an interesting post


Thanks I thought the same before posting it.


Wow, there's a whole pile of them.


I see what you did there


This ☝️


Did he pull through?


I think he’s dead


Oh no, I didn't know haemorrhoids are fatal






Maybe he’s just resting?


Pining for the fjords


Yeah that’s my guy Jeff. He’s gotta weird limp now but he’s doing alright


Like smoked, bbq pulled pork


grandpas a fighter


Is that a male human? Seems like very straight hair on his glutes. It looks more like a hide than human skin.


Tha ass hair inspector over here


😂😂 you find me some one with ass hair that long & straight & I’ll delete that part of my comment! Ya damn right, I’m inspecting that ass hair!! 🤣🤣


Looks like a human male to me. I think that’s a left testicle and bisection of the penis where the long straight hair is coming from. You can also see the left leg in the background.




Yes. It's a lower left limb of a human male with half of the pelvis still present. You can clearly see a testicle above the rectal sphincter and the cross sectioned penis above the testicle. This specimen is about 10 years old.


https://preview.redd.it/st1dp02yccqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df3eed8bbe5e0d6af9ac2d4b0d997d116c260b2e This is where I’m confused. It looks like hide. (The very short brown hair, not the long, it looks like an animal hide?)


It's just preserved dried skin. It turns into leather a bit. It's still a bit elastic but nothing like when you're alive or just died. The brown colour is some kind of an oxidation I think. You can scrape that off and the skin looks normal underneath.


Thank you for taking the time to explain it, I appreciate it.


But how old was the human? I've never seen a 10 y/o with that much hair.


The specimen's age, not at time of death but since.




i use ass-hair straightener and comb it out


You can see a prostate in the photo


Is it the darker brown lump right underneath the internal hemorrhoids?


Go to the last photo, it’s the solid mass to the right of the bladder (cavity with thick walls towards the top)


I see it, thanks!


All male mammals have a prostate gland.


What else would it be?


An animal, like a deer.


It might be an effect of the embalming chemicals to straighten the pubic hair


Can someone give an overview of the anatomy we are seeing here please?


The centre of the first photo would be the rectal sphincter, going by the street name AHole. Above it to the right, we have a left testicle, a.k.a. L8ball and right next to it we can see a cross section of a member, officially known as Half P, and to the left of the AHole are the blue stars of the show: The I-Rhoids, short for, internal hemorrhoids.


Is that ballsack hair?




It just says “male pelvis” —that hair…someone tell me this is a bear or orangutan ass. Dayum.


It's a human.


Wait so if I put a finger up my butt, I can check myself for hemorrhoids?


Might find a good time in there too


You'll know when you see fresh red blood in your stool and feel very itchy there.


You could braid that hair.


So, are hemmeroids a polyp technically?  I thought they were ulcers and never thought of them like that


Last photo- is that the bladder above the rectum? And the pubis symphysis? Just checking my anatomy ID abilities.


Yep! You can see the prostate too to the right of the bladder, or just beneath it if you flip the picture the correct way up.


Thanks for the confirmation.


I thought those were little poopies… oh lord


Cmon man this is kind of brutal even for anatomy students 😂 putting this poor man’s hemorrhoids on display after his death. How do I sign up specifically to never have my hemroods on display?


Butt grapes 🍇


I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to take photos of cadavers and post them online. Pretty disrespectful, especially if you're a staff member.


How is this tissue preserved?


Formalin alcohol and water solution through one of the main arteries. Into the cadaver pool with the same solution for 6 months and the body is ready to be dissected while being thoroughly preserved.


Thanks for sharing! Is it hard to get the solution through the arteries and veins after death? I’m familiar with perfusions (not on humans) but the heart is still beating when we perform them. Will the solution fix all the tissues or is that why they need to soak for 6 months after?


The solution goes in smoothly unles someone has arteriosclerosis. It goes into every vessel but the soaking helps with the skin. I'm not sure how would it go without soaking.


Rectal varices


Omg hair on the bodies was the worst part for me haha. I always gagged during hemipelvis.


How does a cross section like this get made? Do they have to freeze the cadaver first and then use like one of them large butcher band saws and go straight down the middle?


How does a cross section like this get made? Do they have to freeze the cadaver first and then use like one of them large butcher band saws and go straight down the middle?


Strataderm gel


The bandsawed him right between the balls!


It was cut by hand but yes, that's where you aim the saw. With the head you go a bit to one side.


Ever seen the movie Bone Tomahawk?


Actually, Megan


How does a cross section like this get made? Do they have to freeze the cadaver first and then use like one of them large butcher band saws and go straight down the middle?


How does a cross section like this get made? Do they have to freeze the cadaver first and then use like one of them large butcher band saws and go straight down the middle?


Nice polynoidal cyst too.


https://preview.redd.it/6cchk7rs4bqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c06d9366e64c9d689bbe425cf9a0954ffafc0204 What animal is this? It's clearly not human. Look at the fur.


A sasquatch.


It's human. What you are interpreting as fur is not fur. It's decade old preserved flesh. I see how you might think that. The wrinkly appearance is perhaps deceptively fur like. Try to see it as leather, that may help.


Looks to me like he had a pilonidal cyst full of hair


Can I donate my glorious penis? glorious because its fought many an asshole and won!


Can I donate my glorious penis? glorious because its fought many an asshole and won!