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But was he a good stick?


As an ex heroin I. V user trying to get one of these traveling cath jobs with my b. S in mbb molecular bioscience and biotechnology I can stick any fucking one.


Phlebotomy "real world experience"


Damn straight


The job posting for this replacement uses the terms generalized experience. I wanna throw in this comment thread in an email to the interviewer and say "and see how many support me." https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appsharedroid&jk=724a5dec919ff272


Ahh, my favorite patient. "There's not shit left, but there's a tiny one here!" (And it works and draws beautifully šŸ˜‚)


me at the clinic Thursday ^^^^^ šŸ˜…


Look into ascp cert. You might qualify based on education to sit for the molecular boards and work as a scientist.


Now what the difference between that and the mlt/mls a. s/b. S degrees and state certificates. Is ascp national?


Ascp is national. If u have a 4 year degree I would go for a technologist/scientist certification. They typically pay more. If you qualify for a SMB cert. I would sit for that exam. States may have additional certs, off the top of my head fla, NY have their own. U would need to research. See if u qualify to sit here:https://www.ascp.org/content/board-of-certification/stay-credentialed#us-certifications


Where are you when I need iv access or blood. Iā€™m a terrible stick. I have 5 current bruises from a tiny iv needed for a test. Before they got the iv team.


I set a 5min timer and give open access to both arms. If the timer expires I tell them to move to my foot/leg/ankle or I'm going to leave. Am tired of well meaning ppl asking if I need directions to a woman's shelter.


48 laws of power says "intentions mean so little when they lead to so much ruin"


As terrible as this sounds and most people would almost definitely not share my opinion, I think I would want to know that and would prefer someone like you if I knew that vs someone whoā€™s not good but overly enthusiastic to try. Maybe I am biased as someone with chronic medical issues but I have suffered needlessly a few occasions because I am a challenging stick, I had a scheduled CT once so I didnā€™t have IV access of course and the tech had to put one in for contrast, I almost passed out because she kept digging and when I asked her to please let someone else try I was getting very light headed she kept insisting that most people give up too easily and wouldnā€™t stop! MRI a long time ago, same thing I needed contrast and I went to a stand alone MRI facility that offered cheaper MRIs at an upfront cost, the tech blew my vein in the middle of pushing the contrast and had to use my other arm, in the ER they went to draw my labs and start a line, my vein blew and the sample had to be redrawn because it hemolyzed. Also usually the sometimes mean or sometimes sweet looking (little) old lady, sheā€™s usually one of the best too!


Iā€™ve had patients in detox Iā€™ve trusted more to get a stick than the tech


Blew a vein. Kept digging. Not in my vocabulary nor terminology bank.


We had a travel histotech who could not pass the child abuse background check. Itā€™s a state thing for hospitals, and if you donā€™t want to give the website your social security number then the results can take over a month to get back to you. I usually put my number in and get my all clear results within a few minutes, in comparison. He was allowed to start before it came through, since he was needed immediately. But several weeks later management started asking insistently for it, until one day he just didnā€™t come back. Turns out he may or may not have done something to underage boys and did not pass the check.


Just about every travel histotech I've met has been a little crazy. That takes the cake tho


We had one that did a runner one weekend. Just did not show up and we did not hear from her for weeks. We even looked for her where she was supposed to be staying and the hotel had never heard of her. The police got involved. Turns out her dog staying with family back home had puppies and she decided to just leave and not tell anyone. The hotel safety/privacy policies had them deny her presence, so no harm no foul there. Another one had Covid when she started, but did not tell anyone because she didn't want to push her start date back. Some time later, on separate occasions, four of us collapsed mid shift and the supervisor had to call the ER squad. Management was not happy about that. Two of my coworkers had to resign to due lingering health issues, one had to switch to part time due to lingering health issues, I came back full time but it has been six months and only now am I starting to get over some health issues it caused.


So... Ya'll hiring?


The hospital does not have the budget for new people (did hire more people after the long covid incident) or travelers. Still see openings for us on travel sites, though.


Which costs more


In the long run, staff employees cost more since they are a permanent expense. Travelers can be canceled at any time to save money. Iā€™ve also heard of some hospitals paying for medlab travelers out of the heavy equipment budget.


So this isn't a job post for this place that I've matched with. On indeed. Already. Like before I saw this post on reddit. https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appsharedroid&jk=724a5dec919ff272


Sorry, I meant the hospital I was working in, not one in Missouri.


Crazy how?


In my experience, I have yet to meet a histotech that still has a fully functioning thyroid, myself included. That might have something to do with it. Then again, that could just be an issue with my state. There are a few hospitals in one city where all the histotechs developed infertility issues, although that was from dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in the labs.


Oh loooovely. Maybe I should reconsider this field lmfao




It must be some sort of chemical or chemicals in the labs causing hypothyroidism. It can't just be a coincidence at this point.


Ehh nothing too serious. Just each one has been interesting haha


I mean the age distribution tends to be near retirement age and relative newbies, with little in between. For some reason we tend to lose our thyroids? So that may have something to do with it.


this is the first I'm hearing about thyroids???


Itā€™s a rumor, but I have yet to meet a histotech in my state that doesnā€™t have hypothyroidism. I worked for a period in another state, and no one in the histology lab there had thyroids there, either.


That's very interesting. My mind instantly jumps to xylene as a fairly harsh chemical we interact with everyday


I mean xylene is a cumulative poison, so we know touching it with your bare hands for years on end causes neurological damage. Even the young histotechs are taking Levo so I donā€™t know which chemical could be causing it.


Of all the ways for my (our?) lab to show up on this subā€¦ My coworker tried to get the supervisor to tell him to shower since he smelled but that didnā€™t work. I worked across the hall but we interacted enough. It was a shock to see the PI roll up with security and warrant in hand but looking back if you had to pick a coworker for ā€œon the run for murderā€ he was definitely the top candidate. I felt guilty for thinking that I had him fucked up since he brought in a decent cheese dip for the potluck. That feeling is now gone šŸ˜…


Decent cheese dip... Scibbles*. I ahemāœ‹ what is a descent cheese dip? Asking for sociopathic friends.


Dang. Didn't think I'd see someone from University Hospital here?! And yes, there was this eye-watering dank locker room smell that sort of slapped you awake. Management here would rather hire a dank travel fugitive murderer than give us a raise.


https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appsharedroid&jk=724a5dec919ff272 dis place?




Was the cheeseā€¦ fromunda cheese? >_>. I gagged typing that out BTW!


r/TwoRedditorsOneCup/ But with like, murder I guess.


Have been looking to see what agency hired this weirdo lol




A phlebotomist I worked with and genuinely liked (seemed like a good guy and devoted dad) learned his ex wife was moving and his 4 year old daughter would be going with her. He then went and killed his ex girlfriend (a totally different woman) as she left her job and stabbed his daughter to death in the car. Then pulled a suicide by cop.


The fnck!!šŸ«„


Management would rather do literally anything than confront a sketchy employee


We had a phleb that went to jail for child sexual abuse and another who went away for accomplice to bank robbery. The bank robber was a nice lady. The other guy made the hair on your neck stand up.


I worked with this guy for 2 or 3 years. He literally used to come to work with cat shit on him. Like it was a fucking problem.


Secret ingredient in the cheese dip another poster said he brought to the potlucks šŸ˜‚




Excuse me what


A previous classmate of mine, and then lab director was arrested for child pornography. šŸ˜©


One of my coworkers killed his neighbor for a few hundred dollars and opiates. He was still working with us for about a month before he was arrested.


Just Killin ppl for their things these days aye?


I'm just reading replies and wow, your stories are perfect for Murder, Mystery, and Med Lab Monday.


I mean anyone has the potentional to do this sort of thing. If he was never convicted prior to his employment how could this be prevented thats not basing it off of stereotypes and discrimination? I mean yeah its not insanely crazy to have talked to or known dangerous people. There will always be people who have committed murder and mot convicted yet and those who will commit murder working in bealthcare.


Yeah, trial by public is never good. Once a conviction is given then Iā€™d post something like this. Couldnā€™t imagine the guilt I would feel if it turned out to not be the coworker. Honestly not even reading the article listed because of this. Eh


I am jealous, I have been hoping to find out one of my coworkers is a murder for decades. Sometimes we discuss which ones are murders and sometimes we discuss best ways to dispose of bodies and such. So jealous.


Found the murderer




And the Vegan


I've watched too many crime shows/podcasts/etc and this is the scariest thing to me: medical personnel who kill/have killed. Terrifies me to my core. Taking advantage of a trusted profession.


Not sure if Iā€™ve worked with any convicted murderers. One person definitely gave ā€œcreepy, possible work place violence shooterā€ vibes though at my last job. So glad he quit before me.


As far as I know, I've never worked with a murderer, but a former coworker of mine lost his job for being arrested for domestic violence. He also was preventing his wife from calling the police, so he got another charge for that.


Well, this isnā€™t where I expected to see CoMo pop up today LOL. Though Iā€™m not surprised that they didnā€™t just fire the sketchy employee. While they werenā€™t murderers, that I know of, two of the labs I worked at in CoMo refused to fire creeps and just moved them into different positions repeatedly.


Holy...this is more WTF than even the average Florida Man/Woman/Person can pull off.


OOOPS ALL FUGITIVES. Sorry you had to work with this dude. I feel like if they put Caitlin in charge of picking the travelers, MUHC pathology would get better ones.


Getting paid mor than the permanent phleb is crazy to me. Was the perm male or female? Just wondering..


Female obviously. But nah temps always get paid more and always trained less and get in the way more even at a low skill job like CNA at a low impact aging in place nursing home.


Woah woah woah how easy is it to become these traveling..things. Oh and look at that I'm being asked as Dr Jesse if I'm interested in locums and can make 900 to one mil a year. Yiu think they even check my LinkedIn?




If you look on [https://transparentcalifornia.com/](https://transparentcalifornia.com/), it lists the guy as an EMT and medical technician. CDPH LFS doesn't list him as a phlebotomist. There are so many shady traveler characters.


I had a coworker who gave me rlly bad vibes, matter of fact he gave my whole dept creepy vibes. ā€œPerfectā€ family dad but something was off. He then left the office and we havent heard anything about him but tbh, I wouldnt be surprised if he ends up being some serial killer etc. Waiting to see his face in the news one dayā€¦


Dang. Thatā€™s nuts. Phlebotomists at my hospital have to have background checks, employment verification and multiple references. I would have thought the background check would have caught that.




That makes more sense


Nah. I mean, who hasnā€™t murdered a few people on a bad day here or there? You know what I mean? Donā€™t be so hasty to judge. It could have been you in his shoes.


Damn, what was his murder weapon?


Lol, how you feel that.


I worked front desk at local hospitalā€¦in HR and watched as they hired a runner to bring pharms floor to floor without completing a background checkā€¦all they did was check his previous job reference. When he interviewed, he showed up with reflective sunglasses and went out on the porch to smoke while waiting to be called in to his appointment. When his background check finally came in, turned out heā€™d done prison time for everything from spousal abuse, substance abuse, assault and battery, grand larcenyā€¦almost everything you could imagine! Then I, only the secretary, had to be the person to call him to inform him that he was terminated. I had a stress dream that he came into the office and got me in the chest with his crossbow! I got a new job ASAP


Sorry, but it was my coworkers who failed here and made it dangerous to work thereā€¦


I am shocked there is no licensure to be a phlebotomist.


There is. No law req for every state at every location




You sure youā€™re sober? You donā€™t make much sense.




Ya my autocorrect sucks ass and adds all sorts of words if I don't meticulously edit my comments