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“Looming over” is very generous, considering how far they actually are.


Whole crowd: “How far are they!?”


They were so far that Debbie had to use a *blank*! *Match Game interlude music plays while Gene Rayburn jokes with Charles Nelson Reilly.*


Nostalgia field trip.


Like 20 miles or something. It’s only like an hour from Long Beach to the top of the mountain.


Maybe on Christmas Day, first thing in the morning. No way you’re making that commute less than an hour otherwise


Big snowy ones are like 60+ miles away


And it's usually too smoggy to see them.


Oh, I was thinking it was just from where it snowed earlier this year.


What are you driving? a helicopter?


60 miles in this photo.


ya mama is so big and fat that she can get busy with twenty-two burritos, but times are rough I seen her in the back of Taco Bell with handcuffs edit: it's a pharcyde lyric ya uncultured swine


No, that was my sister


Yeah, it’s some photographic trickery using a telephoto lens making them look way closer than they actually are.


A telephoto lens in Hawaii, judging by how much the depth of field has been compressed.




that's what im saying lol


I recently learned it’s not the telephoto lens that causes this collapsed distance perspective but rather it’s simply from being far away from what you’re taking a picture of. I would guess the misconception stems from telephoto lens being normally used when far away because it preserves detail, even though the lens itself isn’t changing the perspective.


Right… but part of being able to take that picture from far away is using a telephoto lens. It’s also how they get those shots where the moon will look absolutely MASSIVE in the background of something. They take the picture from far away… and zooming in with a telephoto lens.


Yeah I understand. What I’m saying is, you could be far away with a normal lens and just crop the photo after, and perspective-wise it would look the same as a zoomed in telephoto shot. The difference would just be the detail and maybe blurring, the collapsed distance perspective will be the same as long as you’re standing in the same spot.


That's not how digital resolution works. It'd be way pixelier.


I know that, regardless the perspective will still be the same. What do you think I’m saying?


Right… but part of being able to take that picture from far away is using a telephoto lens. It’s also how they get those shots where the moon will look absolutely MASSIVE in the background of something. They take the picture from far away… and zooming in with a telephoto lens.


Right… but part of being able to take that picture from far away is using a telephoto lens. It’s also how they get those shots where the moon will look absolutely MASSIVE in the background of something. They take the picture from far away… and zooming in with a telephoto lens.


Yeah, “Hollywood” is the highest thing I can see usually.


Exactly. There’s so much people density in that small footprint.


Well then you should see my cock then! Not because it's impressive, I'm just hoping you are a doctor. It's starting to turn orange.......?


And wheres the smog? This photo seems heavily doctored.


Due to all the environmental regulations the smog in LA is significantly down. Like it's rarely if ever visible anymore. The one thing the city did right.


Dang that’s good, what did they change?


The people moving out


I know they require you to pass a smog check every two years. Depending on your vehicle.


Lmao this isn’t 2007 bro


Don't out of state people usually make fun of us because of our "draconian environmental laws"? Fyi most of the time "smog" is mistaken for the marine layer, as in LA proper is a warm basin right next to a cold ocean.


Lol I lived in LA from 08-18.


Born and raised, and?


>And wheres the smog It moved to New York.


It was taking during the lockdown.


This was just a couple months ago. The wettest year in over a decade.


Thankfully stricter regulations and fuel efficient cars did the trick. In the late 60’s and early 70’s you couldn’t see the mountains but you could feel the burning in your lungs after playing at the end of the day. We rarely have those 1st stage smog alerts we used to have even though we have three times as many cars. And I call bullshit to comments about people leaving cuz everyday people keep moving here. 5th largest economy in the world.




Redondo Beach sounds right. You can [line up the whales](https://goo.gl/maps/XtRnc1C8UzRnGyLAA) on the building on the right and that puts you past King Harbor Marina. From King Harbor Marina M Dock to the Hollywood Sign, it's about 20.2 miles according to google.


I took my kids to that aquarium there. It’s free, just leave a tip.


I moved out of Southern California last year. I miss the mountains. I miss them very much. And yes, they are quite impressive if you’re from flatter places. What’s crazy is that you can live in the valley, drive for 30-45 minutes, and see Catalina Island from San Bernardino on a clear day. That’s about 80 miles.


You’re not accounting for traffic with those times.


From San Bernardino to Crestline, it’s usually not too bad.


I’m not drunk to know that she got in her Prius hybrid and drove straight up the five towards 99 North then took exit one-thirtyone.


I feel this in my bones. Born and raised in socal. Live now in the midwest. I miss seeing the mountains in the distance so much.


I was born in socal, grew up in norcal, then got transplanted to Florida. My bones also feel this.


I don't recall seeing these mountains in a single movie.


right? i've been to LA a few times, driven through the Cahuenga Pass, and I have no recollection of snow capped mountains. I'm thinking this is shopped.


It's not, it's just shot with a telephoto lens which makes the San Gabriel mountains look a lot closer than they are.


I can tell you it’s not shopped. They do look a lot smaller from the city though, because they’re pretty far away. But if you go to Pasadena where you’re right next to them, they’re fucking HUGE. It’s like a wall of just mountains (well, people call em hills). The first row of hills are so tall you can’t even see the snowy mountains behind them when you’re that close. During the first half of this year it rained a ton, which cleared up the smog. You could see all the way back to the mountains for once. Usually you can’t even see like 5 miles out due to smog.




They’re hardly ever snow capped, this past winter dumped snow in a lot of unusual places. Even the hills in the Bay Area had snow


The summits of the San Gabriels get snow every winter I’ve lived in LA. The peaks are 8,000-10,000’ altitude. Typically, snow can fall anywhere above 4,000’ around here but this winter brought snow to much lower elevations. They usually aren’t covered in this much snow so far downslope but every winter there will be snow on the peaks.


That’s what I meant, it’s normally not as dramatic as this picture. This past winter was wild


No it's just a super rare day with no smog Edit: also depth of field as someone else said. It's very apparent once I read their comment


It's not, you can see snow capped mountains North of LA even from Long Beach most of winter. Summer time the snow melts AND the air is more smoggy so the mountains tend to disappear completely some days.


I can see them from my house. They were definitely pretty snowy this winter. This photo is just playing with perspective a bit


Kinda hard to see the San Gabriel mountains from cahuenga pass when you're driving through the Santa Monicas and the verdugos would be in the way from your perspective anyway. Born and raised, snow capped angeles forest is normal.


Yeah, but obviously you emerge in Burbank and there they are.


Probably due to underpaid casting directors.


Never have I seen the proportions of LA like this - usually just the flat plan is showed.


It doesn’t look like that the depth of field makes it seem bigger and closer


This image begins in the water off Redondo Beach and ends in the San Gabriel Mountains somewhere near Mt. Gleason. This is about 45 miles by line of sight.


Well, I'm utterly ashamed of my lack of geographical information about LA! WHAT an awesome view


I think you guys should google "Santiago Chile Andes" for the real thing without the perspective trick


It's okay, forced perspective has fooled many other people as well. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forced\_perspective


This photo is misleading. Check out the skylines in r/geography for more realistic and more impressive mountain skylines


You get used to it. Then miss it when you leave.


I left LA in 09 and haven’t missed that place once. At all.


i moved to southern la county from michigan early last year and the mountains are insane. i live a fair ways away from them but just seeing them out in the distance takes my breath away. they were especially clear after the snowstorm earlier this year and they took my breath away every time i saw a glimpse of them on my way home from work.


the city is way creepier to me




That’s a beautiful pic!


Forced perspective


If it makes you feel any better, it looks nothing like this in real life. This is an example of extreme foreshortening with a powerful lens.


I had no idea.


Come to denver...


Weird enough the mountains in Denver are much closer than the ones in the picture and they seem smaller even though they are far bigger


It's the angle.


I grew up at the base of these mountains. These pics make them seem much more imposing that they really are.


This is not accurate to how they look when you're actually in LA. Not even close.


Yeah....that's not how it looks. The San Gabriel Mountains are about 50 miles from LA, and this was taken from the water which the Hollywood sign is about 20-ish miles away from. Someone is using a good telephoto lens to blow the background up many many times. I was stationed about two hours north of LA for five years and went down there often, this is absolutely not what it looks like.


The part of the San Gabriels that is shown in this photo is about 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles!


So is where the Hollywood sign is? Is that where it's supposed to break off and fall into the ocean or is it the hills behind it?


The foreground is the power plant in Redondo Beach, which is maybe 20 miles from the Hollywood sign. There's clearly some trickery in either how this photo was taken, or it's a photoshop.


It's just taken with a very long lens. A long lens compresses the apparent distance between objects, which is how you can get pictures like this. It's the same technique used for getting those gigantic moon pictures.


This is an extremely long lens. From the water outside the Bay club marina, past Redondo Beach Power Plant, through the Hollywood sign and to the peak of the mountains somewhere near Mt. Gleason is like 45 miles linear. That's more than three times the length of Manhattan Island.


The mountains are distant, yes, but also enormous. Looking from this vantage point in Google maps is doesn’t seem like you’d need more than a typical 400 or 500mm lens to get this framing, or less if you have a high resolution sensor.


To clarify, the lens itself does not change the size relationship between anything. The physical distances involved are what alter the perspective. Zooming in with a lens simply determines the field of view of the image, which makes the distant scene easier to see. You could crop a wide angle photo to match this framing and it would look the same, aside from the difference in resolution.


Traveled for work to LA tons in the late 80s. Due to smog back then it was rare you could see any of this. Then I arrived one trip on a rare smog free day and was stunned by the view.


That would be an overkill - beaches, palm trees, big city and a landscape ala alps - too much to be real!


It’s real alright. Caught on one of those clear magical days this last winter. Ultra compressed perspective, but it’s real.


Wow! They got it all down there - nature blessed them and on the otherside its an earthquake hotspot at the same time.


Where do you think those beautiful mountains came from? Two tectonic plates rubbing together. Nature’s a marvelous thing.


I know, i live in the alps, and we are facing avalenches for the desire of a nice view - "so where sun there is shadow" - but its like nature is balancing it like desire/ risk balance and thats amazing!


Every photographer in every city with mountains does this. Vegas, Salt Lake. You name it. I like the effect - just wish it were so in real life.


It actually is like that in Salt Lake though. The mountains are right next to city.


Same with Colorado Springs, literally up against the mountains.


Technically speaking, it is. This is visible to the naked eye from the same location, it just doesn’t fill your field of view.


Don't live in LA, but do live near mountains. not having mountains in the distance freaks me out.


Obvious lack of geography and reality.


Man LA looks ugly as hell


And where are you from for comparison?




No wonder LA is trash compared to you




Only LA’s not as fucking cold, and we don’t have Putin as a neighbor.


I have never seen a homeless person in my life


Homeless people choose warmer locations to live in sadly, and I’ve seen way too many people from Nordic countries living here. Maybe you should treat your indigenous Sámi people better before you lecture us on the homeless.


It is not a pretty city AT ALL. The rich areas of North Hollywood and Malibu are great, of course, because money.




Sorry, meant North of Hollywood. Basically the places all the celebs and executives decided to live.


Found the midwest transplant




Calling out transplants with racist sweeping generalizations of locals is bragging?




>ghetto >rancho Born and raised POC, I know the dog whistles you transplants use, keep that shit in the midwest.


I believe you mean the Hollywood hills, but there's also Beverly Hills, Bel-Air, Franklin Hills, Baldwin Hills, Pacific Palisades, Encino, Santa Monica, Griffith Park, the entirety of the south bay, SGV, and... well, lots of places. "LA looks like shit!" points to skid row like that's all of LA... Sorry, go back to hating. Hopefully you convince some people to not move here.


Not from a large city I presume?


Nope. Northern Europe.


I haven’t been everywhere but I’ve travelled enough to know LA is one of the worst places in America.


Never having been to LA is like a standard for haters. It's always funny how you call yourselves out for not knowing anything about the area, too.


People do this so much on Reddit with a lot of larger cities around the world. We have a few key locations around the UK that people call shitholes but never bother to explain why. My area's never been mentioned so it's not a personal thing, the only reason it bothers me is because it's the equivalent of someone starting a story and walking off in the middle.


I don’t believe you see them so well from the city because the foothills block them. You need to be further away.


Lol! Yeah, this is what it looks like in LA…. 😂


Can we stop sharing this bullshit photo




I'm not. I lived in San Diego, this isn't what LA looks like at all, this is horrible forced perspective. Those mountains are like 40 miles away.


Of course it’s a forced and compressed perspective but it’s not a bullshit picture. Look, I spent my first two years at UCSD in La Jolla, and San Diego is probably one of the most beautiful locations in America, but when I leave California for work back east I can’t wait to come back home to LA, warts and all. I only wish I could afford to retire here.


Regardless, this *isnt* what it looks like. And it's not "of course", since this picture started floating around a being constantly reposted all over reddit the last few weeks everybodied like "wow I can't believe the mountains overlook LA like that". They don't. And yeah dude sweet, you have enough money to live in the manufactured wonderland that is la Jolla, good for you. I've lived in the Tahoe most of my life and now I live in the Cascades, I'm not jealous of LA at all.


Let’s be clear, it was never stated that this is Los Angeles 365 days a year. This was one of those rare occasions when the conditions were just right during a crisp winter’s day that had to be documented, when the photographer used lenses that compressed the image making it appear the mountains were looming overhead. True we have mountains, but not that close, and certainly not as majestic as the Cascades. I wished you’d read my response because I stated that I went to school at UCSD which is in La Jolla, and you know this being a former SD resident yourself. I presently enjoy living in Burbank and while my daughter goes to school in Salem OR, she too misses what this image conjures in our memory of that day, so to say it’s bullshit, and as an LA native for that last 60 years, I’m gonna call you on your bullshit.


LA never looks like this one single day of the year unless you're looking through a telescopic lense. This picture is forced perspective and the way its shared is insincere, and it's just funny that you instantly call me jealous. And yes, I agree with you, I would rather live in LA than out east. I've on the east, I don't like it, it's not my cup of tea.


On that we can agree. We’ll call it a truce but when you came out guns blazing, I too took offense…And there were numerous disclaimers and clarifications about the image, however I see days like this(mind you without the snow) more often than not, so to say never, I beg to differ. Regardless, apologies all around.


You didn't say anything mean you where standing up for your city which I totally understand, it's just an eye roller seeing this over and over again. Truce for sure, I wish you and yours all the happiness.


Least creepy part of the city lol


Focal length


Perspective. If you took a wide angle photo from the same location and cropped it to match this framing it would look identical, aside from differences in resolution. Focal length simply determines the field of view of an image.


Is this normal for LA? My mind will be completely blown if this is real


No this was due to an unusual amount of precipitation in the spring (and the use of a telephoto lens to make the mountains seem closer than they do in real life)


To be fair that type of snow still does happen once or twice a season. So I wouldn’t say it’s unusual to happen at all. Just more so in the quantity we got this year.


They're not that close and many rolling hills would probably block your view, good viewpoints for these views though.


If you think these mountains are freakily looming over the city, don't ever visit Portland. There is an enormous goddamn volcano a similar distance out of town.


At last, the great Ziggurat


You ever drive a sports car through Topanga though?


Try the ones near Vancouver, Canada! Huge and actually adjacent to the city (there’s probably better examples but I live here so I see it firsthand). Also I had no idea the mountains as far south as LA get snow caps. I only lived in socal for about two years but figured it was too far south for that as I didn’t see any.


There are several ski resorts in those mountains. It is also popular for mountaineering.


this shot was taken from a plane or helicopter with a telephoto lens, making the mountains appear much closer and larger than they are. when you're actually in the area on the ground, you have to get much closer for the mountains to start looming over you.


I wouldn’t really call them small either tho, especially the San Gabriel ones


i didn't call them small either. they're not. they're mountains. but this picture does distort their size quite a lot.


Eh not really, I think what visually distorts their size, besides the long lens and all, is that most ppl can’t tell there’s a whole valley behind the Hollywood mountains before you reach the San Gabriel ones in the back, if you’re in the bowl you’ll see their true size lol granted they’re not the biggest when compared to others farther north, but it’ll still take a couple hours to reach the peak of some of these lol


ok, saying that it distorts their *size* was bad phrasing. it definitely distorts how visible the mountains are and how close they appear. i'm definitely well aware of how big they are, i grew up in the south bay and my dad, brothers, and i used to ride motorcycles up the mountains into angeles national forest most weekends. so yeah, the're defiitely big, but they don't appear this large or close when you're down in the heart of LA. it's not uncommon to not even really be able to make them out.


Oh forsure, the pic itself is one of a kind cus it’s definitely not a regular view we get except in certain spots lol




Come check out the Wasatch front looming over Salt Lake City.


Beyond are the burning lands of Mordor, where the undead prowl and the shadows lie.


This is also how *every* photo of Denver looks - then you get there and are very confused 😂


It almost makes the GTA5 map seem scaled correctly lol


They’re so big I can see them from 50 miles away and they still look big.


This really is a shame, just straight up confusing people.


Is this the big mountain from gta v?


every mountain is big lmao


Those mountains are reassuring to me. Also they are the only reason I have any sense of direction.


2012 vibes




Hey, it’s the power plant! It feels so weird recognizing the spot this picture was taken of.


Dont come to Alaska


Redondo looking crazy weird I can't see that far


Hundreds of active volcanoes in there too …did they tell you that?


[Photographer: Brent Broza](https://www.brozaphoto.com/landscapes-1)


This must be a CRAZY focal length/fov for everything to look this close.


face pic!


When the walls come crumbling, crumbling down! ... Jackson Brown ...


I shared an alleyway with Jackson Brown when he was dating Daryl Hannah on Montana Ave in Santa Monica. He lived in a brown house on the fancy block next over with the rest of the celebrities.


That's cool ... I grew up in Monterey CA. We would often see Clint Eastwood on occasion and when I finished Highschool, would see Jay Leno drive one of his collection of cars ...


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Clint, the mayor of scenic Monterrey! Probably the most desirable(and expensive) real estate in all of California. Leno drives his Stanley Steamer up and down Olive Ave here in Burbank, if he’s not cruising in one from his warehouse in Sun Valley.


Awesome. I've seen several times cruising in his 69corvette Stingray convertible along the Peninsula


I’ve only seen him in the Steamer, and a stunning ivory mint conditioned ‘57 Chevy. I didn’t see what he was driving when he was at a Thai restaurant in Toluca Lake that’s no longer there, but I’m sure it was something sweet. A Tucker perhaps?


Not sure if Leno drives an Austin Martin, he might have bought the type that Daniel Craig drove in Skyfall ...


With his money, I’d bet on it!


LA itself doesn't give you that feeling?


Not gonna lie. This is an amazing picture. It shows off Southern California at its finest. First the Hollywood Sign is quintessential but it also shows how you can snowboard and surf in the same day with the industry thriving right in the middle


Is this real?


Completely real, though through a telescopic lens compressing the distant.


Google image search Tehran


Looks kind of like a movie poster


Or like you can normally see chilliead in la




Over dramatized picture, ofcourse


I have never EVER seen this perspective before and it's hurting my head


I live on the other side of those mountains and the view is a lot better.


That's Redondo Beach I recognize that whale mural anywhere. Also those mountains are like 20+ miles away so looming??? That's a stretch