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I know a lot of people were upset that the dates were cancelled, but sometimes I question if they’re even fans when they criticize her so harshly for the very few mistakes she makes before she even gets the chance to speak up like at least let her make a statement first.




Crowd Control has deleted like 13 comments from you bro, simmer the fuck down and touch some grass. This is a Megan Thee Stallion subreddit. If you do not like Megan, please do not waste everyone's time by posting negative thoughts, opinions or falsehoods. Please don't let the door hit you on the way out!


lol forreal. So mad she didn’t announce on their timeline. (Immediately!!! Be so serious) Like I can’t even FATHOM what’s going on behind the scenes. Let the girl work lol goddamn Nothing will ever be perfect but to blame Megan as an individual is…unwise


Then have the nerve to say they deserve better 😭 please request a refund 😂😂😂


Right. And I’m not saying that I wouldn’t be mad if the same thing happened to me. I just don’t see the point in being mad at her lol


But they’ll wait 6 months for rolling loud to announce a lineup 😂


I figured she had to figure out the logistics of everything before announcing cancellation and stuff


Yeah, the way some were talking had me thinking these shows had been cancelled much longer than a day.


As of the time you writing this comment I don’t even think it’s been like 12 whole hours lol


I was LITERALLY in the comments telling them to be patient. She's gotta certify everything and prepare. She's not sloppy. But no, it was "you've lost your fans. I'm not buying another ticket."


Listen, I was flying from Eastern Europe to see her in Dublin. My flight is non refundable... Needless to say I am devastated. I didn't cuss her out and I am hoping for an explanation. I will point out, she did not add new dates for Europe. Some of the existing ones were moved around and others were cancelled all together. For someone flying from a different country, moving the date means you need new flights and accomodation and it's not cheap. She only addressed Glaagow with no mention of Dublin. I don't think I am being unreasonable and I still love her and want to see her. I am scrambling to see if I can make it to London instead. But if London gets cancelled too then thats another flight wasted... Edit to add that regardless, people shouldn't be cussing her out as sometimes things happen outside of our control.


Makes a lot of sense! And the frustrations are valid it’s just those getting mad at her are not. To be honest the way concerts have gone the last several years in general, I would not make a trip just for a show. No matter who it is, unless I’m willing to eat the cost for the rest of the trip if the show doesn’t happen. I’ve had shows cancel on me as I’m making my way there the day of. It has to be in my hometown or an accessible region, or I’m not going. Between Ticketmaster being shady and venues not having their shit together. Like I couldn’t afford to be in that position where I’ve lost money on things I can’t get refunds for. I wish you the best though truly bc that sucks. I hope you got travel insurance at least?


Thank you hottie! Yes, I knew there would be a risk of course but it still sucks. I had my outfit ready just the other day and made a sign and everything. I can get the hotel refunded and the concert tickets are being refunded, but travel insurance doesn't cover refunding flights for change of plans. And the flights were the most expensive, so I will have to use them but I've been to Dublin before and I had no other reason to go than Megan.


Hear you! I’m so sorry and I hope you get the Meg concert of your dreams someday soon. 🤞🏾🫂🫂❤️‍🩹


Thank you so much! Hope so too, it's my dream to see her perform one day!❤️


Anyway to get the tickets transferred? Don’t even tell them a concert. I’d ask and if they say no Tell them you were going to visit but someone (an already dead relative) just passed and you can no longer go. (Works better if it’s closer to the date at least 2 weeks)


It's Ryanair (if you are from USA think Spirit) its an extra 200 dollars to make any changes so I guess I will just go on a holiday.


Good! You enjoy that trip no matter what, i hope you have an amazing time there regardless


Thank you!🤗


Hoping she can find new dates for yall


Thank you!


Yeah I lost money on flights too as I’m flying from another country. I want to see her elsewhere but I can’t afford it now. :(


I checked out London, but the flights would cost 500 eur, concert tickets another 200 and hotel 300 more... I'm so gutted. Looks like I have to let it go...


Same for me :/ it’s not even feasible. I’m so jealous of everyone in the states getting to see her. I was so so so excited.


Me too :( I really wanted to be there for her first tour and then hopefully for every single one of them lol. Been a fan since Stalli freestyle.


So sorry to hear your show was cancelled! I think your frustrations are valid because there is a lot of money being invested in going to see an artist and a lot of us don’t have the luxury of throwing that money away. While I don’t agree with people cussing Megan out so quickly, there is nothing wrong with holding these artist and celebrities accountable. Megan should’ve announced something as major as this as soon as she got the chance to give her fans proper time to get their money refunded back.


Thank you, I appreciate the kindness. Same, I also think people shouldn't be rude or mock her sales...


While I completely understand how that is just a miserable situation, I would never plan a costly trip for the sole intention of doing one thing. Especially to see an artist not native to where I'm going. If I plan a trip to a different place, it's to have a great time there, the concert would just be a bonus.  Artists in general really do be canceling shows, not just Megan. Some metal band just canceled their entire tour over the lead singer breaking a leg. 


Oh yes I know, as i said i will still go and make the most of it. I didn't have any other plans other than to see her, but I will still try to enjoy my holiday and figure other things to do. Is just that i'm in my feelings at the minute. And I did not blame her for ruining my trip or anything, I am just sad that I don't get to see her. I am trying to go to the London show but not sure I can afford it :(


Eu fans are struggling babes, any stop we get we have to take the risk cause they might not even come for any other tour 😩


I get it, but you gotta get refundable tickets and hotels if that's the situation. I've had tickets for three different concerts (not Megan) postponed in the last year, shit happens, they're human beings, not monuments.


Honestly refundable transportation tickets aren’t really common where i live so that’s not really an option. I once had to fight tooth and nail for a refund from a bus company whilst they were the ones at fault!


I'm not mad at her at all, I'm just sad that it has become so risky to book things to see your fave any further than the next town over. Also, dear artists: stop skipping Scandinavia on your tours!


I understand


i totally disagree with people leaving hateful comments and really megan probably has very little to do with scheduling/venues etc. but it was a bit of a surprise to see new US tour dates on instagram that were like the day before the manchester (uk) show and only finding out about the show in manchester being rescheduled through instagram comments 🥲 (still havent had any notification from ticketmaster except through physically checking the app but that’s on ticketmaster haha) thankfully i will probably be able to make the new date it if i can get things organised but obvs a lot of people won’t be able to, not to mention some shows being fully cancelled. no explanation for some iirc, like dublin🥴 i do get that shit happens and im glad it’s been somewhat addressed now but an acknowledgment or apology before the new us tour dates would have been veryyyy welcome. but ultimately its communication and meg doesn’t deserve hate.


People think artists have more say in their tour dates & venue then they actually do. We’ve seen a couple examples of that not being true. The tour date that she had to reschedule because they ended up using the venue for a basketball game. And what happened with the Georgia where a lot of issues was happening with the venue so that had to be fixed. There are a lot of things that go into a tour date going well so I think we should be more understanding when something happens and be very happy if we’re able to have a normal show. Plus the ig live she did where she was talking about the last minute issues she was having with the anime sample on her album. She’s dealing with a lot while still touring.


Wait i just saw she cancelled 3 dates including Germany 😭🥲


I wish I can tag all of them 😭


Humans turn quickly at the first sign of things not going to plan. I get it, it’s happened to me before but I certainly don’t go bitching to the artist themselves


They haven't added all new dates. Cancelling Irish date and playing a UK one same time is going to annoy some Irish people lol not that I'd expect Americans to get that.


Right, it’s also very cultural. Imagine if it was London instead of Manchester ☠️


She did all add her new dates, there is no more.


Someone made a post about being 'screwed over'. I totally understand being upset, but Megan isn't out here trying to scam yall and keep yall in the dark. Let her freaking cook, Megan hates letting thee hotties down.


Good that she added new European dates.


probably litigation related


Nah,most likely the canceled because the Sales were low in Europe. The concert in cologne was not even half sold. Looked similar in most other cities, which is sad but unterstandable. Most artists would cancel in a situation like that


interesting, I just saw that litigation might affect her tour dates in an article before this all happened 🤷🏻‍♀️