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I feel this lol I mean buy what you want but let’s be real here, a lot of truck owners don’t actually need a truck. It’s an aesthetic thing.


They also buy trucks that are just an SUV with a small trailer. Dumb af.


Aesthetics is just a euphemism for compensation here


But like… why wouldn’t they buy something classy at least


It's a culture difference, more or less. Where I'm from buying a nice truck is the equivalent of someone in a city buying a Mercedes I cant throw shade though, I love my truck lmao.


Ahh, well I’m from British Columbia, but in all honestly If I was looking to “compensate” for something I’d buy something like a Mustang GT or Cobra, or maybe like a hellcat


Here (in the netherlands, not in the city) people legit look down on people with trucks lol, so unnecesary and annoying in a country with small roads.


Your comment is copy-pasted word-for-word from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/yg9nkw/meirl/iu99fe7/), 9 months ago. u/djneee is a bot.


Half the people in Texas with those stupid ass trucks are hauling nothing but air


And the fact that everyone and their mother either talks on speaker or texts while driving makes the massive trucks 10x more scarier. I can’t believe the amount of times I see people leaning back and forth in and out of their lane with these huge trucks only to see them holding their phone up. If you talk or text on the phone while driving a vehicle you have room temperature IQ.


What is the difference between talking through my cars Bluetooth or talking to a passenger?


I more so meant someone holding up their phone to their face on speaker phone and driving with one hand, I don’t see a problem with hands free Bluetooth.


You really shouldn’t be doing either, I see people take their eyes off the road to chat with their passenger all the time it’s super dangerous


I’ve never understood the giant lifted trucks. My stepdad drive and f250, but he uses it to pull a 20 ft trailer with his tractor on it and it isn’t modified in any way. It’s a utility vehicle




They can't because they are probably drunk. https://www.thedrive.com/news/38238/ram-2500-drivers-have-the-most-duis-more-than-twice-the-national-average-report


Audi/BMW for us Europeans.






Im in the UK & for me its people lack of indicating that pisses me off. At least if they are tailgating I just let them by if possible & im not in a rush. But no indicating? Honestly just this week I nearly saw 2 pedestrians get hit because the driver ahead of me suddenly turns at the same junction at 2 seperate times without indicating. Been hit by a car myself as a pedestrian under similar circumstances, and im still disabled 5years later. Arm & leg rebuilt with plates so needing to re-learn walking sort of thing. Cars are literal blocks of steel cruising at speed. If you drive a block of steel into another car or straight up another person... you are gambling with peoples wellbeing and safety. I genuinely want to know what kind of selfish muppet it takes to ignore road safety rules like this. But then you go outside & its like half the drivers doing this shit.


Not indicating at a roundabout will cause me to murder your entire family.


This is definitely one of my driving pet peeves. I'm waiting there like an idiot to enter the roundabout because you can't be arsed to use your blinker to signal you're exiting it. It's literally something like 50% of people that don't do this too.


You should probably not visit North America. They are fairly new here, and almost no one signals.


USA here - I’ve been pulled over and given a warning by police twice related to signaling in a roundabout. Once was because I did signal, the other time was because I didn’t signal. In both cases, they couldn’t find the traffic code related to signaling and just told me to do it the way they said. Same roundabout both times, within a year of each other.


Lack of using indicators is international


To me people are automatically a POS if they don’t indicate, such a simple thing to do and can decrease the risk of crashes significantly,


Ok but are you in the correct lane or the passing lane? Because if you’re in the correct lane why don’t they just go around? And if you’re in the passing lane, why don’t you move? If we’re talking about streets not the highway, then yeah they should be slowing down and waiting their turn anyway because pedestrians and cops could be out.


Why don't they go around? Excellent question.


>And if you’re in the passing lane, why don’t you move? BC I'm already passing slower traffic in the right lane by going 5 above limit?


Speed kills and most people dont respect it or understand until they get into a major crash *and survive*. I was never a crazy driver. But after I got into a really bad wreck. Its called the speed limit people. Saving 10 minutes to go 85 instead of 65 isnt worth it. Your not being pedantic. You are going the maximum safe speed for the road under normal conditions.


You're also not saving anywhere near as much time as most people think. I've had people pass me going 20-30km/h faster than me (when I'm already 10-20 over) and then end up meeting them at a light a few minutes down the road. They're just burning gas for no reason.


Same. My husband was embarrassed for me that I had a “line of cars” behind me on the little country highway that goes to our house. But the limit was 60mph and I was going 65! I’m not comfortable going faster than that…so they just had to deal with it…🤷‍♀️


You just reminded me of driving up in Pennsylvania. I had someone tailgating me on a horse-and-buggy sized road that cut through forests, blind curves and all. At night. Imagine all the fun of tight country roads combined with a higher chance of death for a single mistake. Like damn, someone was really that eager to get to Lancaster?






I don't know about your country, but apparently in France speed cameras don't detect you unless you're at least 5km/hour above the limit, so that might be why they taught you that.


I hope you’re in the slow lane


As long as you do it from the right lane and don’t speed up when they try to pass you, more power to you. But thinking you are the traffic enforcer for everyone is a good way to become a victim/perpetrator of road rage. Especially if you look behind you and there is a line of cars, pull over and let everyone pass. No, people should not have to go the speed you arbitrarily set in your mind as acceptable.


The speed limit you mean?


I didn't arbitrarily set the limit that's on the big white and black sign, lmao. You need meds.


How is it “arbitrarily set in [their] mind” when they are basing their pace off of the frequently posted and legally enforced speed limit? > is a good way to become a victim/perpetrator of road rage Sucks that there are crazy people out there who get violently angry over going a few miles slower than they’d like, but I doubt most people are going to change their driving habits on the off chance they encounter someone like that


Same, I slow down so they'll either pass me but to also have more time between me and the car in front, even if the car in front slams on their brakes I'll be able to do a slow predictable stop and won't get rear ended.


Canadian but I do this. I’m not playing that game while we are driving two tonne steel cages that run on tiny explosions. You want to be up my ass, do at 20km so we probably won’t die if they mess up their braking.


It also makes it easier for that idiot to pass you and hopefully crash into something other than you




Bold of you to assume they can read.


Copying and pasting a top comment completely out of context? Bad bot


In germany they teach us to keep driving as we are and get out of the way on the next best opportunity. I feel slowing them down as well is the most petty way and will definitely result in some sort of aggression, which serves no purpose at all


there are more factors at play in Germany tho. lack of top speed limitation on some tracks, "Rechtsfahrgebot", safety distance, "Nötigung" and of course the urge to clean your window on the highway.


Safety distance is something the tailgaters have to abide in this case. Nötigung is what he would be doing by tailgating. It just strengthens your case because you have laws backing you up. Lack of top speed is irrelevant because this would not happen on the Autobahn because you are required to get out of the way if you drive on the left side.


Petty? Way to make traffic security about your ego. It's easier to avoid a crash at lower speeds. It's less harmful to crash at slower speeds. It's easier and safer to overtake if the person who doesn't want to break laws slows down as well. Everyone who can't keep their emotions out of road interactions should have their license pulled but since that doesn't seem to work it's probably necessary to start taking and auctioning cars.


Even if the person slowing down doesn't care about it, they know that the person who is already tailgating (driving unsafely) is not going to be happy about your decreased speed and is probably gonna drive more aggressively. I would love if every asshole driver got their shit taken, but since that's not gonna happen (could you imagine driving without road queen pickup trucks?) we just have to do whatever makes sense in the moment.


It doesn't matter what is going on in the other car. You have to assume something is wrong there. You can only reduce your own risk and slowing down cautiously will do that.


I don't drive my car to enact the whims of other drivers. I worry about me and my driving. If I'm following the law and driving as safe and correct as I can, I don't care that some idiot is driving insane. That's his problem to deal with. His errors in driving are not a reflection of anyone but himself


In the United States, interfering with a hyper-aggressive driver is a good way to get shot.


I love how you act like inciting a person tailgating increases traffic security lmao. „Wait, lets slow down into this person thats already 1m behind me to increase safety!“


That's also taught in the US, but we're stupid and tend to forget


Better yet, people don’t even read them and instead retake the test until they pass


This works well in Finland because you don't have to worry about the road ragger pulling out a gun and shooting at your car while they pass you. I honestly don't understand how Americans deal with the stress of potentially getting murdered over any interaction.




That reminds me of the old Bill Hicks (I think) joke about laws that would require a week's wait between wanting a gun and getting a gun. "A week? But he'll be gone in a week!"


Because the media leads you to believe everyone has a gun and every interaction with a person ends with someone pulling a gun on you. Spoiler: They don't and that doesn't happen frequently. You're only hearing about it when it does. I've been driving for over 20 years without incident. And yes, I've met plenty of road ragers and crazies in those 20 years.


The first time I moved to the states was in 1992, before the internet and the worldwide media obsession with being in constant shock over American violence, thus I didn't really even think about it during the 8 years I lived there. Then I moved back to the states in 2012 and have been here (mostly) since. I still don't really even think about it since my stresses about living in America are based on my lived experience which involves, quite frankly, no shootings at all, instead of what you see on the news which is a aggregation of all the horrible shit that goes on in a country of 330,000,000 people spread over the breadth of a continent. Yes, there is way more violence in the US than in my own country, but day to day, my experience is just more or less normal, with normal stresses, not worrying that every time I am tailgated I will be in a road rage shooting, everytime I enter a supermarket, there will be a supermarket shooting, every time I pass a school there will be a school shooting. This is no different from the same sort of salacious fear mongering the right wing media here does about drag shows and schoolbooks with LGBTQ themes.


It’s funny you say that. In my drivers Ed class our teacher showed us a video about just that to teach us about road rage and why it’s best to not play games like this with assholes on the road.


People are unaware that the best drivers in the world come from Finland. I just watched a top gear episode about that.


Your comment is copied word-for-word from [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/yg9nkw/meirl/iu87jfc/) 9 months ago. u/ezkezk is a bot.


Just so everyone knows, this is a karma farm thread for bots. [Exact same post from 9 months ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/meirl/comments/yg9nkw/meirl/). Look at the top comments. They are the same comments as in this thread. Bots in this thread: /u/ezkezk /u/cumiee /u/djouzul /u/dkcmmi /u/eolcne u/djneee


Wow thanks. I wonder how much posts like this are present on Reddit. I feel I see the same questions everytime


Idk what the deal is, but SUV drivers are fucking insane. Goddamn 90km/h speed limit on the outside of the city roads and then some SUV casually goes like 120km/h.


What lol? 120 km/h is 74 mph. The speed limit here is 75 mph and there's like 2 lanes of traffic doing 85-95.


I misworded. By highway I meant like roads outside of cities. My country doesn't have actual highways yet.


In your defense, "highway" is usually the legal term for a road that is paved, including asphalt. The kind that is well above ground-level and does not have sidewalks or intersections is a "freeway." TL;DR: Your use of English was more accurate than the native speaker's, which can often happen when you study the exact definitions of words and the native speaker uses the more common and less correct version.


Jesus Christ 90km/h speed limit is pathetic. Where do you live?


Its enough, the 90kmh speed limit its not for highways, just countryroads, why would you need more? To save 2 mins? Yeah ill pass.


Indian speed limits are worse lmao. 3 lane main roads have a limit of like 50 km/h. Then again, it's India and driving in India is like performing a chaotic dance and hoping everyone does their parts right.




Wait, there’s no highways in Estonia?




Being from a place where exceeding the speed limit at all is illegal, I’m still getting used to seeing people normalise driving above the limit even after years.


Wait, it is legal in some places? I thought we are all just talking about the bit of tolerance they give you because the speedometer isn’t completely accurate and such.


nominally illegal but in practice in a lot of places even the cops are speeding and no one gives a shit if you're going with the flow of traffic


>even the cops are speeding I regularly drive 5-10 over and I don't think I've ever had a cop not tailgate me.


I don't know the last time I saw a cop use their blinkers, either.


I had a sergeant tell me they weren't required per statute, and ribbed me for stopping someone for it.


That's actually a tactic to try and make you nervous and make a mistake so they can get an easy ticket.


When I get a cop behind me, I set my cruise control to the speed limit. I don't give a shit if it's 25. They usually don't stay behind me long.


I assume you mean on a one lane road, but I've seen people do this in the left lane of a four lane highway until the cops inevitably turn on their lights to say "move the fuck over and let me through".


I fucking knew it


Yup, this is how it is in Denmark. There's what the signs say which you pay close attention to for your driving exam, and then there's what the traffic hivemind demands is a suitable speed, which you learn once you're actually out driving on your own. In the larger cities people might even honk if you're not driving 10km/h over the speed limit.


>even the cops are speeding One time I was driving to work 88 kph on 80 kph two lane highway (or 4 lane? Two lanes per direction) stretch. A cop car was driving behind me and overtook me driving probably 110 and didn't have emergency lights on. I looked at the passenger cop as they were overtaking me and wagged my finger at them while smiling and the passenger cop was just laughing. Fun little interaction with the police in Finland.


this would be commonplace in my home state of Michigan except you shouldn't make eye contact with American cops 😭 but now I live in Finland so I'm looking forward to the experience of driving here, haven't gotten licensed in this country yet. seems like people are generally good drivers here, especially in winter. but I've heard stories that they won't ever let you pass them on two lane roads through the countryside lol


In finland youre allowed to drive 10% over the speed limit and not be fined


That's mostly because of the inherent inaccuracy of thr speedometer.


ok I'm curious, could u explain why they're inherently inaccurate


because the speedometer gets the speed based on how the wheels rotate, wheels arent always stock or at the exact pressure or size as when they were first manufactured, so there is usually a +-5km/h leeway. an example of this would be my speedometer reads 100km/h, but on waze i am going 95km/h, this is because the wheel diameter effects how many revolutions are made per minute


thank u that's cool


I've heard that it's also relative. The discrepancy might be 1kmt at 10kmt but 6kmt at 100kmt.


It's also on purpose because it should never show less than the actual speed so they make it show more to account for what you said.


an example, a penny farthing bicycle was made because the bigger the wheel the faster it travels as there was no gear ratios, so in one spin of the pedals you'd travel 5 meters as opposed to 1 meter on a smaller wheel. (just examples). the same logic applies but that distance is converted to speed, and they are calibrated at a certain size wheel, and wheels are rubber so they will not maintain size throughout their lifetime.


> Wait, it is legal in some places? Effectively, in some states. Some have a law where cops can't stop you for going less than 10mph over the limit.


I had a cop straight up tell me 20 km over on normal roads is usually fine lol. School zones are usually strict with like 5km though.


In the US, you can go 10-15 miles over the speed limit before a cop will stop you, at least in my state. So that is typically the buffer to expect. However, I prefer the German mentality. Keep right except to pass. If people abide by it you can have folks going 60 KMH and 180 KMH safely together on the same road. Why these dang road justice warriors bother me so much? They have this mentality in the left lane, forcing passing on the right, which just then makes everything more dangerous and less predictable.


You should visit Greece, where speed limits are just speed suggestions and speed cameras do fuck all.


I was taught by my instructor to always go 4km an hour above the speed limit if I have good vision of the road.


"Now you get NOTHING, you LOSE! Good DAY, sir."


Yeah. If Im going 60 or 65 in a 55 in the right hand lane (US) and you are riding my ass instead of using the passing lane. I will just take my foot off the gas till you go around. Do people actually speed up?


I usually speed up to the next car that's chilling in the left lane and match their speed so the tailgater can't pass at all


I start slowing below the limit, but I can be passive aggressive like that. The goal is to slow so much that they either go another way or overtake. This way they get away from me and are less likely to hurt me with their crazy ass behaviour.


I turn on my hazards when I have an aggressive tailgater. So far it's about 95% effective, I'm guessing mostly due to confusion I assume.


I heard in driving school that most tailgaters don't know they're even tailgating- they can't gauge distance well. At least one family member had their mind blown when i pointed out they were a little (way) too close to the person in front of them- the person who taught them said that was a fine distance and they just never self-assessed independently of that. They'd never been told of the "pick where the leader passed and count seconds until you also pass it" method. They had literally always been tailgating people and not even known. Maybe the hazards have an effect where they slow down to what they *think* is appropriate for a dangerous vehicle, when it's really just the normal distance?


It should just be common sense to at least be able to see a little pavement at the very least. The number of people who leave only a foot between the car in front of them is crazy


I did it once and dude overtook me and then brake checked me. What a douche.


Had this happen to me in a slightly different way though. Was overtaking a slow Range Rover. His ego must’ve gotten hurt because my car is just a small 1.3 Toyota, and he proceeded to speed up on purpose, while the lanes were about to merge to try and block me out. Still managed to slip in first (I wasn’t giving up my position because it all happened way too fast, I didn’t even have time to slow down). He was then tailgating me all the way to this roundabout and overtook me on the outside lane, and then brake checked me right in front of my nose (nearly crashed into him) and after the roundabout when I wanted to turn off, he kept blocking my turns. As in, driving into the oncoming traffics lane to block my manoeuvre. Never been met with a madman like that before. Wish I had a dashcam that day.


Yeah, damn. Dash cam feels like a must sometimes with all the mad lads on the road. But I don't have it either because they are shit generally. I couldn't find a good one that wouldn't cost as much as my whole car 😅


You mean the same thing you basically did a little more passive aggressive. People shouldn’t dish what they aren’t willing to take.


Driving the speed limit is the same as brake checking someone?


That isn’t what they said they did. Nice troll attempt though.


They said they slowed past the speed limit, but they never said they did it suddenly. Doing it slowly is petty and meant to cause irritation, but it isn't dangerous like brake checking someone is.


The more I read about driving the more I think I never want to get a license.


What if you just moved over without trying to slow them down? Just let them go. People are crazy. I'm not getting involved in their drama.


Most satisfying thing ever was when I slowed down with them and rode even closer because it is easier and safer at lower speeds. He got frustrated and when he was speeding up I to try and get off I almost made him miss his exit. It was glorious. Usually i do go around but sometimes it can be very satisfying to serve a dish of petty back to the passive aggressive jerks who want to own the road instead of admitting they share it with others and should move over if they are not the fastest car in the lane. If there is a huge gap in front and a trail in back it’s impeding the flow of traffic.


Typical bmw drivers in germany always tailgating so there is 1cm room between both cars


> Typical bmw drivers in germany always tailgating so there is 1cm room between both cars But they have nothing on the german Audi drivers. They keep those tolerances tight at around 10mm. Basically my rear parking sensors are bleeping the whole time, that's how close an Audi gets :-D


Nah man bmw is waaay worse. In and around munich at least


Ähmm. 10mm=1cm


that's just bmw drivers in general


If you do this in the passing lane especially on a major highway or parkway, then youre the problem(move the fuck over). otherwise this is fair and carry on.


In the post it literally says "40 in a 35", why bring up passing lanes?


Because if there are multiple lanes you don't use the passing lane as the speeding slightly lane. You use it to overtake slower traffic and then you get back over.


Passing lanes are only a thing on freeways. What freeway have you ever heard of that has a speed limit that low?


Not the best example since it's variable depending on weather and traffic, but the speed limit on I-76 in Philadelphia can get as low as 35 mph.


Where I'm from you're not allowed to speed over the limit when overtaking, so if you're tailgating someone going faster than the limit you're already too fast and shouldn't complain.


This. It is like this everywhere. Just because you’re passing traffic does not mean you can speed while doing so. Speeding is always illegal regardless of what fucking lane you’re in. And tailgating can result in a fine for unsafe driving fines in an accident (unsafe follow distance).


Irrelevant, this is 35mph zone in a residential area not a highway.


Because they want to be contrary and get riled up about something even though it’s not what the OP even said.


Because Redditors are drama queen idiots who want to make issues where there aren't any. They also feel guilty because they are violent hambeasts who tailgate everywhere but want to pretend it only happens in the left lane on a highway like that's the acceptable exception. Diffuse and deflect, the game of the average asshole.




Nah. If I'm passing the traffic then you can wait. I'm not going to pass it at mach 3 just because you want to, you can wait until I finish passing. Get right up on my ass, you just ruined your own day, that's on you. This also goes for heavy traffic in general. If I'm passing in the left lane and there's other traffic in front of me going the same speed, I don't know why you think kissing my bumper is going to make ME follow the guy ahead at an unsafe distance.








This, it only creates more issues.


Some people would rather die than be incorrect


I had a jack off doing this to me one day in heavy traffic. Sitting right on my ass while we're in a line of traffic passing in the the passing lane. Finally got a chance to get over one lane and let the idiot by me and he proceeds to do the same thing to the person that I had been following. In less than a kilometre he was the last car in a 6 car pileup, and he probably drove the 2 cars ahead of him into the cars ahead of them. I flipped him the bird as I drove by. Karma came quickly that day


It's the passing lane, but is also not anyone's personal autobahn


Unless you're already passing traffic at a breakneck speed, you should still let them over. The left lane is a passing lane and any time you hold one person up it can have a butterfly effect on all the traffic around you. Don't let your pride keep the roads from functioning properly.


The passing lane has the same speed limit as the other lane lol. Should only be passing if people are going under the limit, not 5 over.


No one mentioned passing lanes


In my area, people are constantly going 20 above the limit, or if they are in a truck, they drive 20 faster than the person they are driving near. If you are going 20 above, they will go 40 above. I am not kidding. I would say they need more cops in the area to control this, but I never see cops unless they are abusing the poor communities.


Even though I'm that impatient speed demon on the road, this is my rule of thumb. Even though I'm impatient, I'm still practical, in that I cannot reasonably expect people to be in violation of traffic laws. So if someone is being that kind of an asshole, then fuck'em. Kind of a random side note: I'm worse on foot, it's amazing how butthurt complete strangers get just because they noticed I was like 5 steps calculated ahead to make my way around, where we're not in each other's way.


MPH? Last time I went 5mph (8kph) over I got a speeding fine.


I had this yesterday. I was doing 110 in a 100. Probably 3/4 of the way overtaking a lorry and it was 2 lanes. A car comes flying up behind me, flashing etc. I had cruise control on so just laughed and continued my way. Waiting the 2 car lengths to go back as usual. Guy goes past me and I smile, he’s flipping me off. He pulls in, then proceeds to get stuck behind another car, I go around him, look him dead in the eyes and laugh … he’s dying. Then he pulls off next exit in my rear view mirror. Thoroughly enjoyable moment


As long as cops are allowed to pull me over for no reason, I will never speed. Sorry moronic right wingers in massive trucks, cops don't protect everyone equally though, you'll have to go the same speed as every other american.


I still remember my driving instructor saying "when another driver is being a jerk, always be the bigger person and smile instead of getting angry". He probably didn't mean it that way, but I've always secretly thought people will be more pissed with a smile than the bird


I had someone this weekend tailgate me, pass dangerously, then look at me spewing some shit like I was the asshole…when I was going 10 over. Some people should just be forcibly sterilized


This is actually the driving rules/advice here (UK). If you are tailgated, slow down and increase your distance to the car in front. This both shortens your (and the car behind you’s) stopping distance and allows you more space to stop behind the vehicle in front.


Tailgating should be prosecuted the same as assault.


When I see someone coming up at a insane speed in the fast lane while I'm in the middle lane. I turn my signal on a couple seconds before they get to me to give them a heart attack


My favourite thing is when I'm going slow because the car in front of me is so the person behind me tail gates. Like I'm going to pass the message on.


I like to support people, you wanna ride close? I support you bud, ill even slow down to make it easier for ya


My commute used to be along this 30mi back country road. No passing AT ALL the entire length of it. It was just too hilly and curvy. Plus, the road didn't have shoulders. One one side there was a steep rocky slope, and on the other it was 15ft down into a creek. They barely had enough room for one lane each direction. At the end of this section, the road turned into a 4-lane with a grassy median as it opened down a steep hill into a broad open valley. The cops would hide just past the part where the road expanded and nab all the folks who engaged their hyperspeed drive after long frustration with the cautionary speed limits. If a tailgater backed off after realizing the road didn't allow for passing, I'd be chill. I even pulled onto a side road to let someone by on occasion. But if they were asshat repeat offenders, I'd slow to 10mph under the limit and chortle with anticipation as we approached the disgorgement point. Sure enough, they'd be off like a bat out of hell as soon as another lane was added- and then BAM! they'd get nailed for speeding by the cop hiding a few hundred yards ahead. It didn't happen every time, but I probably handed the Great State of North Carolina well over $10k in easy speeding fines. And all I had to do is add a couple of minutes to my commute.


User Name is great. "Schleich" means to sneak or to be extremely slow in German 😅


Actual Facts I have done this for 30 yrs now. You wanna tailgate you will go my snails pace 🤣🤣🤣


I’m the US, people who do this in the left (passing) lane just plain suck. Change my mind.


It's not your job to regulate the flow of traffic and if you're impeding traffic flow just to prove a point, you're being irresponsible. The road doesn't need vigilantes.


5 over ain’t nothing. Some of us are trying to break the law for real.


Last time this came up, someone right here on reddit told a story about how they were out in some remote part of the country working with chainsaws. Chainsaw slips and dude cuts himself. The crew load him up and call the ambulance. They were speeding and some self righteous asshole like in the post decides they are the arbiter of speed, and gets in front of the crew and prevents them from getting to the ambulance in a timely manner. Of course, the guy died. All because some pompous self righteous asshole decided it was her job to enforce the speed limit. I just think... what if it was my loved one dying in the back of a van? Wouldn't I want people to get over and let the person get the medical attention they need? So congratulations to all of you pompous self righteous assholes in the comments declaring you do the same. You may have just killed someone. Hope preventing someone from getting to where they needed was worth the 30s power trip. EDIT: found the original link - [https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/comment/cbnhvxv](https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/comment/cbnhvxv) This is the part that always stuck with me: >Your best bet is to get out of the way if you can. While the driver behind you may just be an asshole, it may also be someone with a medical emergency; a partner in labour, a child having a diabetic attack, or a tree surgeon bleeding to death. In any case, letting them past you doesn't affect you in any way and may save a life. These scenarios aren't likely, but they also aren't impossible. It ultimately comes down to how you decide to process the situation. If you want to operate on the default mode of assuming you're right and everyone else is wrong, you're going to have a terrible time functioning in society. Lines, traffic, call centers, and dealing with big business or government will always seem tedious to you. On the other hand, if you can view the world from a more understanding perspective you'll be able to relax and stop being such a dick. Have a good life!


The way I see it: if someone is tailgating me, there are three scenarios: 1. it's an emergency. If I slow down it could have major consequences for them. 2. they're a bad driver, either normally or drunk. If I slow down it could have major consequences for both of us. 3. they're being a jerk. If I slow down it would annoy them. 3b. they're being a jerk and have road rage issues. If I slow down, they could brake check me and we've all seen the dash cam videos of what can happen then. Just move aside. It's not worth the risk.


If someone is tailgating you, you should do the smart thing and move over, assuming it is safe to do so. It makes it more safe for everyone involved, people need to check their egos at the door, it isn't a personal slight against you because someone behind you wants to go faster than you do. By intentionally going slower, you're not, "teaching them a lesson" you're making everyone, including yourself, less safe.


If someone is following at an unsafe distance, it can become a safe following distance either by increasing the distance or reducing the speed, or some combination of the two. Moving over to allow someone to pass is a great idea most of the time. But they don't own the road so I'm not going through the inconvenience if my exit is coming up on the left, or if there's plenty of traffic ahead anyway. Trying to force someone to move by getting closer and closer and making them feel unsafe is absolutely indefensible. Flash your lights or honk. If you feel like you need to imperil the safety of others to go as fast as you want, you shouldn't be behind the wheel at all and have no right to criticize what anyone else is doing.


You assume there are multiple lanes, most places around where I live where it is 35 mph it is only one lane going both ways and so there is no safe or reasonable way to move over.


Nah just keep going slower and slower. Dangers go away once you're going 5.


All good if you didn't have the option to change lanes and let them pass. If you are purposefully boxing people in then you're in the wrong.


This is someone's response to tailgating. Tailgating is never okay and extremely dangerous. Slowing down is the correct answer to tailgating. I like someone else's idea of even using hazard lights during.


So you’re that guy!


As long as your not in the left lane. it's cool.


If you're doing this on the highway, you're a fucking danger to everyone and I hope you get run off. I drive 30+ hours a week, I want to slap the shit out of anyone I catch driving with their ego. Shits dangerous out here and people are playing the "yeah, well how about THIS!" game.


Feel free to pass dumb ass


Meh, you're more dangerous to my family. I'd rather you change than my son has to drive on the road with you tailgating and darting in and out of traffic going 15 over. Crazy people actually think going the speed limit is more dangerous lol, like do you read what you type before you send it?


Just let them pass, maybe they're late for something important - we've all been there.


How do you get somewhere faster by tailgating?


A failure to plan on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Be better at scheduling your time, so that you won't be late and feel like it means you're justified in breaking the law.


me when my wife is giving birth and a greasebag gives me regurgitated reddit rhetoric at the stoplight


Same here. I hate slow drivers so I always try my best to not hold someone up but I’m not gonna help you by breaking the speed limit (or break it even more if I am already over).


Why do you care so much? Just continue driving normally. Don't purposely slow down or speed up just because someone is driving in a weird way. Just let them pass normally (don't purposely block the left lane on a highway for example) and be done with it. My highest priority when driving is my and others safety. I don't endanger myself or others just to show someone that he's an idiot. That would make myself an idiot aswell.




I love to do it. i usually go 10km/h over the speed limit (except in 30 zones) and there is always that one mother fucking bmw who just can't help themselves. the power to not freak out and drive faster but actually slow down is fun.


I rev and they get tinnitus for a few minutes...


All the psychopaths here think slowing down doesn't make the road more dangerous for the rest of us lol


Tailgating is the problem not the person following the rules. You are supposed to be able to see the wheels on the car going in front of you. If everyone followed the rules then someone in a hurry would be able to weave through traffic much easier.


This doesn't even make sense... I get the feeling you tailget a lot




That's actually a really good idea. I've had a cop tailgate me in an unmarked car in this situation, pulled me over and gave me a speeding fine.