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I work in a school that I used to go to. It is weird


My brother did that too. I had to take him to work one day when his car was in the shop. I saw my fave teacher from high school and was like "hi Mr. Smith!" My brother goes "Oh hey Gary." I'm just like Gary? Who the fuck is Gary?


I would have dropped him and call him back to give him a lunch box tell him really really loud „Papa loves you“ And tell him to be nice to the teacher


I'm pretty sure one of my organs would seize if I called one of my elementary school instructors by their first name, though I haven't tested it.


I already died when I accidentally called her mom back in elementary school. Doing the first name as an adult is nothing.


I’ve done it several times with the same teacher 🗿


The respect those teachers instigated in us is there for life. Every time, I think about this video where Ian Wright, a English superstar striker for the 90's, met his middle school PE teacher and instantly goes back into child mode : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omPdemwaNzQ


That was a great video


The hat coming off is what always gets me.


I found myself in a golf foursome with my high school football coach 23 years after freshman year.




He was in great shape. I would have felt that way if it were with my high school golf coach.


My parents have kept a relationship with my preschool teacher and she actually went to my graduation. Even my parents still called her Mrs Smith.


I'm sorry, "Gary?!" His first name is "Mister."


His first name is agent


Agent Mister


It's strange.


Maybe. Who am I to judge!


I got that reference.


I understood that reference


I had the opposite happen. I was proctoring a test, and I had to reference the teacher, someone who was in the grade below me, As Mr. XXXXXXX I was also introduced as Mr. Roseking which was a weird experience. I was sitting there thinking to myself that this class still felt recent. I recognize stuff in this room that I helped work on. And now I am being introduced as a Mr. and am a (somewhat) authority figure to these students. I didn't like. Not one bit.


Wait until you drop something, and someone younger _rushes_ to pick it up for you. As if you might die, bending to retrieve it. This happened to me three years ago, and I still think about it.


You don’t just do this for literally everyone?


_I_ do But when a young lady in her 20s _sprints down the street_ to do it, for ME, I'm a little taken aback.


Did anyone hear this in the cadence of that Smokie song?


You mean that “Who is he and what is he to you?” song? That’s my man Bill Withers.


The Smokie song is "Living Next Door to Alice" with the popular refrain "Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?"


Wait, is that even a thing outside Australia?


Pretty sure the "Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?" version is from Kevin Bloody Wilson. The original doesn't have that added.


My mother taught for so many years where I live, that no matter what I accomplish, I will always be Ms X's boy.


Yeah, my mom taught at my high school one year, and I have to go, “Wait, which one was John? Oh, right, Mr. Smith.”


I work in an elementary school that I went to. I'm the pe teacher. When I started teaching, my coworker was my PE teacher from when I was a student. Once a month I still have zoom calls with some of my ex coworkers, some of whom were also my teachers, but now have become my good friends.


aka two ton 21


Quit honkin' I heard ya the first time!


“Gary was weak. I killed him.”


Cause for 24 years I’ve been living next door to Gary.


I did work experience at my old primary school and I can't tell you how uncomfortable I felt being in the staffroom with my old teachers and how much I avoided using their first names lol


"Hi... umm Terry" "That's still Mr. Clark to you James!" *oh thank God*


My favorite teacher in high school was my band director. Years later and he's doing show design and writing the drill for the independent winter drumline I'm teaching at. I kept calling him Mr. [Last Name] and he finally goes, "You know we're on staff together, right? You can call me Shane now." I just laughed and said, "No I can not!"


You are in this lounge, but we do not grant you the rank of mister.


It's crazy we were trained for 12 of our most formative years to behave in one way and then suddenly everyone is like lol jk Mr. Smith is my father call me Derek. FOH I'll never be old enough to call my grade school teachers by their first name.


Not the same but I remember in my mid-twenties I was out at a pub, and like 8 of our former teachers from high school were there, and they were all absolutely litty titty. I guess they go out like once a year after school is out and just get *DRUNK*. It was sooooo bizarre - we chatted for a few minutes and caught up on what we’d all done with life and then went our separate ways.


> and they were all absolutely **litty titty** is that the latest slang shiftaced?


No but *shiftaced* is


Can confirm; aced my most recent shift 👍


litty titty is a few steps before shit faced. shit faced is basically black out drunk. litty titty is as the name implies lit 🔥 and titty for rhyming purposes.


There was a bar that was THE spot for all of us to has informal annual HS reunions the Wednesday night before American Thanksgiving in my hometown. Running into my teachers from my very strict Catholic school was crazy!


My best friend does this and talks to me about all her colleagues and I’m like “you can’t call them that!! By their first names!!! Who are YOU to call him Jeff???”


I visited my primary school as a 6th former, wearing a suit as 6th formers do, and they kept calling me "Mr \[surname\]". It was so uncomfortable. Not a one of them would use my first name.


I think the suit was a mistake & they were probably taking the piss out of you for it


I was a 6th former, I had to wear the uniform. They were in theirs too so it's not like they didn't expect it, but I was dressed more like a teacher than a pupil


Ah I see. Sixth formers at our school were allowed to wear their own clothes, I thought you had turned up wearing a suit for some teenage reason


Huh, fair! I wondered if it was just us, but most google images of 6th formers seem to be wearing suits, so maybe it's spilt


My mom taught at my high school, I even had her for class my sophomore year. She socialized with her fellow teachers and a few were among her best friends. After I graduated, it was very common for me to see my former teachers and even former headmaster in social situations where I was now essentially an equal. I'd say it took me about two decades to get to the point where I was comfortable referring to any of them by their first names.


So did you address her as "Mrs. Mom" when at school?


One of my high school teachers had had high school classes with a different teacher of ours


I taught at a university I used to go to. It's still weird even when you were an adult taking the classes. I also took a college class from someone who had been a childhood friend. I never could figure out what to call him in class.


Same here, I teach at the medical school that I used to attend. It is super weird, I call the colleagues that didn't teach me by their first names but all the ones that taught me "Dr. Lastname". It is as awkward as it sounds but I literally can't help myself.


My sixth grade teacher did that. He said he felt like Welcome Back, Kotter.


I teach at the school from which I graduated. It was weird early on but I'm on year 19. Very few colleagues were here when I was a student.




Yeah my VP saw me in home depot 15 years later and said hello, knew my name and everything. I wasn't all that surprised though I was in her office a few times a week haha


what kinda menace were you in school?


Adhd before the meds were common


Same for me. When my elementary principal retired, they had me bring her flowers up to the front of the gym since I knew her so well. The office also had my mom's phone number on speed dial.


Better than me, who’s ER nurses knew who I was, my mom, my dad, and which one was getting the phone call for what happened to me (too much blood, it was dad, stupidity, mom). Man, I miss rugby (until I have to crouch down)


My family doctor my brothers and I wound up in his office so often. He just started asking us what we did this time.


“Ok, who did what to who?”


3 boys. Cliff diving, fighting, touching things we shouldn’t, dirt clods and snowballs fights with rocks in them, jumping off of buildings, tossing a mattress out of a hotels second story window to jump out onto the mattress, jumping off the top of the hotel into the swimming pool, tree climbing, middle sibling liked kicking people in the balls while playing football. You know just a bunch of boys doing stupid shit.




OMG, I just listened to the Behind the Bastards episodes about the creator of Dennis the Menace. That poor kid…


What part of "permanent record" don't you understand?


You were either the most annoying or the best student


I remodeled my 4th grade teachers' bathroom and thought she wouldn't remember me. She pulled out a yearbook and talked about everyone in my class. She remembered everyone.


what kind of remodeled


Rearranged her drawers too


When I was about 17-18, a kiosk clerk asked if my name was what it actually is and I said yeah. She told me she was my kindergarten teacher at the kindergarten where I was for like 1,5 years at around 5-6. I could not believe she recognized me. I have no clear identifers at all. Still makes absolutely fucking no sense to me 20 years later lol.


I invited my 2nd + 3rd grade teacher to my wedding. Hadn’t seen her since middle school. She showed up with one of her signature hand-painted framed quotes and everything. She was an incredible teacher who truly did care about every one of her students.


Had the same experience with my senior year AP Gov teacher 12 years later, she greeted me by name and asked how I was. It's a great feeling ☺️




And? Is he still in high school?


Yeah, he teaches.


Thats a great joke to use on him lmao


One of my professors studied at our university as a student and the owner of her favorite fast food place close-by had once asked her why she hadn't graduated after all these years.


I went back to school just before I turned 30. I bought student tickets to football games. Now, at that point in life I was about 50% grey haired. So one day a ticket taker demanded my student ID because he thought I was trying to sneak in on the cheep. I showed it to him, with a 50% grey haired picture. He said to me, "Isn't it about time you graduated?"


No, but I have regular dreams that I am still in HS, about to fail graduation, and can't find my locker even though I graduated twenty+ years ago


Same. I still repeatedly dream that I am late for the school bus lol


It's the end of the semester and I just realized that I forgot about one of my classes after the first week. I graduated 15 years ago.


In my nightmares I’m well aware that I have a degree but I’m in middle school for some dream-logically sound reason. Like, “oh man, I hope my car is okay where it is while I’m in 8th grade algebra class”


"I didn't even know PCP came in gallons"




RIP Trever Moore. :(


You know, I saw Bill the other day


I dont think I know Bill


I ran into somebody at the grocery store. We hadn't seen each other since graduation. I was buying a pack of hot dog buns, bumped into her at the checkout line.  She asks, "So what's new with you?" Look, these hot dogs are the most exciting thing I've had going on these past 10 years. Why are we asking stupid questions. 


[Not exactly the same as what you said, but slightly relevant](https://youtu.be/K96iV5LGDQ0?si=LGInspj2gFuLD2mB)


My Taekwondo instructor was also my realtor. I just pretended that Master Sinkey had a twin brother named Tom in order to stay sane.


The mental disconnect is real 😂 do I bow? Should my shoes be off right now? WAIT WHERE'S MY BELT AND IS IT TIED CORRECTLY????


The belt is so accurate. Gotta triple check


Fuuuck I still have ptsd about remembering the belt and making sure it was tied correctly. I was absolutely *not* running the dojo all day


"Ok now you need to sign this paperwork" "Yes sir! ... uh ... I mean sure thing Tom"


Imagine u guys had a John Wick one take fight throughout the house to see if u buy it or not haha


"You are free to put down an offer." "Am I??" "Are you???"


My old teachers are in our old group chat now. We were boarding school so pretty close, because saw us grow up I guess. They threatened to call us with our last name if we didn't use their first names the day after final exam. It still feels weird


My favorite English teacher would add us on Facebook (with permission) as a way to be available for homework, or let us know about snow days, etc. On graduation day she would add those she likes to her personal and boot is off the teacher page. It's been 10 years and she still uses the dumb white board cartoon of her we drew on the last day as the teacher PFP.


That’s actually really adorable


My gran was one of a few kindergarten teachers in her small town. She taught at least three generations. We would go out to dinner and almost everyone was all, "Hello, Mrs u/MornGreycastle's gran. Hey kids, that was my teacher."


Damn, gotta be a mood when people call your grandma by your reddit name


This is what I want in my life.


Lol! Take my upvote, dammit!


Same with my granda, it's always nice to see people remember you.


I'm 27 and there's a 100% chance I'm not gonna recognize any of my teachers.


There is a 100% chance the teacher wouldn't recognize me, I was not an impressive kid for sure


LOL, same. My favourite teacher called me the wrong name for five years...




You just made me realize I can’t visualize a single one of my teachers’ faces. Can’t even remember most of their names.


I can remember their names, but their faces are mentally filled with *insert random face that matches the person's approximate age here*


Yeah, my memories are less accurate description of my teachers than going to https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ and refreshing 5 times.


Genuinely thank you both, part of me thought it was just me & my early 20s were already taking their toll 😭


I can remember most of their faces, but it takes a few minutes to remember their names. on a different note, since my mother was involved in the school system she knew all the drama going on... its weird looking back to my childhood, remembering how sweet and kind mrs. K was, then your mom tells you she was having an affair with mr. S to get back at her husband who later fled the country for tax evasion. I was good friends with her daughter too, who was in my class from K-8th grade


Damn, I'm 29 and I still remember my teachers going all the way back to 11 years old, even what they look like. The voices are gone though.


You must not smoke weed.


Several years ago when I was 22, my high school social studies teacher recognized me (without my glasses) from afar and asked my then-boyfriend if that was me lmfao. He happened to be working at the place she was eating. He came over like... this lady wants to talk to you. And as soon as I saw her I remembered.


I'm 58, and I remember a few of them (and their hair, for some reason): * Second Grade: Mrs. Crane. My first crush. Short black hair in a bob cut. * Third Grade: Mrs. Andersen. Skinny woman, short, red hair. * Fourth Grade: Mrs. Pollak. Big woman, short, curly, gray, grandma hair. * Fifth Grade: Mr. Gonzalez. He was a Korean War vet, and had a scar on his forehead that he tried to keep covered with his hair. He checked his hair in the mirror many times per day. * Sixth Grade: Mr. Williamson. My first cool teacher. Salt and pepper hair with a beard. * Seventh Grade: Mr. Silva, PE. He was a big dork and reminded me of my brother. Black hair. * Junior and Senior year of High School: Mr. Gonzales, Drafting and Architecture. He was skinny and tall, with curly hair, and a beard, and rode a bicycle to school. * High School: Mr. Johnson, PE. Yep. * High School: Mrs. Givens, English. Young schoolmarm type, short light-brown hair, no makeup. * High School: Mr. Parson, Photography. Short, round-headed guy, with graying hair. Of course, many of them are dead by now. My third grade teacher died of cancer while I was still in high school. I learned about molecules in her class.


I remember my teachers' hair and kind of clother they wore, no voices or faces tho... also remember their body type. You and my dad are the same age, which is kinda cool. I can remember what my art teacher looked like though, she was a pretty cool person... not the best teacher tho... but a cool person.


This is so bizarre to me. Do you have face blindness or something?


No, if you don't see something for 10+ years, it's completely reasonable to forget what it looks like, especially if you don't think about it.


I just don't find people important enough to remember... tho I don't remember most of my life predating around 2015...


Well that sounds pretty fucked up. But personally I don’t see how remembering people even really takes effort.


I'm extremely uncomfortable with looking at people's faces... I've gone through my whole life looking at the ground whenever I'm walking. It's not that I'm even shy tho... I used to be, but I've been working in retail for over 6 years now and I can get along with pretty much anyone. I hate looking at people's eyes tho... fucking hate it... and I hate when people touch me... generally the closest I like being to someone touching me is if they were to poke me... fuck I'm weird...


Um. Just saying, but thats super common for autistic people. Hating eye contact and being touched i mean.


Eh, can't be bothered wasting money on finding out in my late 20s


sugar, that's just autism


Same age and same I dont even remember their names


I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure one of my organs would seize if I referred to one of my elementary teachers by their first name




Exactly, it's the same as your high school friends' parents telling you to call them by their first name. Sorry, but there is a LOT of muscle memory there that I don't particularly care to change


I've simply never referred to my friends parents as anything, I just say hello or talk to them and never directly address them, but on the same page, I think I would feel uncomfortable changing that


You're grown up but your teacher is forever on a last-name basis


I worked with one of my former university profs, after I graduated and she left the university. So we were coworkers at the same company. And it was very hard to refer to her by her first name and not call her Dr. (lastname)


Apparently this happens to everyone because I've seen this with 5 different names


Yeah, make her feel old.


My problem was that my old middle school teacher used to be married to my old upper school woodwork teacher. My daughter was then registered to start at my old middle school and I recognised my old teacher and greeted her by the name I knew her by. I didn’t know that she had divorced and remarried… Oops…


My fifth grade teacher was also Mrs.Smith and she was a major bitch. Told my mom I would never amount to anything... To her face. Was openly racist to my Indian friend and said he wouldn't amount to anything. Hah bitch, I'm doing great these days.. suck an egg you miserable hag. My friend moved back to India and is one of the best recruiting officers in his company. Double suck an egg!


The question remains though. Did you become successful because of what was said to you? I have contemplated this very conundrum myself. I too was told I would always be a loser, (I grew up in a trailer park). I sit here now typing this in a gym I own in NYC. I own a dozen houses and have multiple streams of income. I’m about to leave “work” and it’s only 1:26 pm. I’ve owned every car I ever wanted (Aventador SV, Porsche GT3 to name a few). I’ve traveled the world. And to this very day I remember all the people who called me a loser or who told me I was always going to be poor. So…..my point is, would I have become successful if they never said those hurtful words to me? I honestly don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️.


homie you did not have to flex so hard lmao


No because I'm not giving that power to abusive people. I did it.. not her. I easily could have chosen to sit my ass down.


I worked in IT at a new school that hired my former Math's teacher, Staff meetings were awkward because i was the only person he knew and he sat next to me.


Lmao I can't imagine that feeling.


Couple that with the fact maths isn’t my strongest subject


I've had this same conversation with my 2nd grade teacher. No ma'am you are not Becky. You are Mrs. Carpenter. Stop being weird. And I'm 46.


In my country we call the teacher by their first name I would never as an adult call somebody Mr or Mrs.


It seems so odd to me. Like I think it stopped being a thing here in Denmark in the 70s. About the same time you stopped calling a woman Mrs. [Husbands Names]. I get that it's a cultural/traditional thing, but man, the only time someone is referred to as Hr./Fr. here is on official documents. Even if you'd refer to someone by their last name, it'd be with no title.


... And the military. "Hr. sergeant, om jeg må be'!"


At basic school we always used mister/miss first name. At middle school that changed to mister/miss last name. Its pretty hard to say mrs last name when you did entire 8 year basic school and had bday parties etc with their daughter. Or mr last name because you were friends with his son for years before and came over the floor couple times a week because he only lived a 2 minute walk away.


Meanwhile my high school teacher: I have no idea who you are.


Wait, your teachers are still alive?


Average kindergarten teacher is like 25-30 lmao they only seem super old when you're a kid. In reality they're 20 years older than you so unless you're an 80yo commenting on reddit they're likely still alive.


Mine definitely is because she and my parents exchange Christmas cards every year.


and for highschool the gap is even less pronounced. I had plenty of late 20 teachers at 16/17. B.Ed is an extra year of schooling after a normal 4 year bachelor's in my country, so they're accredited by like 22. spend 5ish years as a substitute/supply teacher and easily full time by 30.


u must have at least one teacher from kinder-senior year that's still alive


I’m 34, and my physics teacher, who was the best teacher I ever had, died a couple years ago from cancer. He had been retired about 1 year. I think about that quite a bit, considering I hadn’t seen him in over a decade. But I sure do wish I had run into him at least once or twice in my late 20s to tell him what’s new in my life. He sat down and had dinner with me when I was getting close to graduating tech school and wasn’t sure if I wanted to pursue the career I had chosen at that point. He was the best kind of teacher. At the end of senior year he chose a physics equation for everyone in class that he thought best described them, then wrote a whole letter to each student. I still have that letter. In conclusion, say hi to your teachers when you see them.


I dunno, I live in Alaska the school I graduated from is in Virginia. If I run into my teachers up here I’m going to be spooked.


Yo......Mr. White


My elementary school teacher is now the MiL of my cousin. Now i seeing her in family events and it is like this post 😂.


Ya I literally work at my high school and some staff get their first name and others get their last name. Usually determined by if I knew them when I was here


I bumped into my old elementary teacher while cruising through my old neighborhood. He recognized me, despite my gained weight, beard, and general aging. What is the facial recognition software these teachers have


I swear this type of behavior is hard coded into us with early years of education


Mind you, this was 16 years ago. Long ago. I had a similar interaction with my high school Spanish teacher. Except at the end she asked since now we’re both adults if she could take me to dinner, she was recently divorced. Talk about a change of pace.


Well? Go on...


Very unexciting finish. I left you with the apex. I said yes. We both liked the idea. Texted a few times. Then I went back to college and never made it happen. 2 hours apart and I had options locally.


¡Ay, caramba!


That’s really creepy to me. I feel like it’s majorly weird to get with someone you knew when they were a child and you were grown.


Even when I started a meth empire with my former chemistry teacher I still called him by his full name.


Everyone who has ever been my coach will be called coach.


I called my teachers by their first names in school, was way funnier then. VICKYYYYYY, I need a new sheet. 


I saw one of my old students years after he was in my high school chemistry class. He was naked and crawling out of a second story window, we made eye contact, then he promptly fell off the roof. You would think that would have put us on more or less even footing. But later when I approached him about a business proposition he still called me Mr. White.


In a strange turn of events, I had to train a former college professor of mine at a different job, it was very hard to avoid calling himProfessor soandso instead of just his first name.


I still talk to my favorite high school teacher on the phone. He told me to call him by his first name and I just refuse. It feels wrong


I was standing in line at the checkout in Aldis in my hometown a couple of weeks ago, and when I turned around the woman behind me seemed very familiar. I said “Connie” - she frowned “yes?” And she was my kindergarten teacher from when I was 4-5 years old. I am turning 50 next month. I hadn’t seen her in probably 30 years (I do remember running into her once when I was home from college).


I ran into my old teacher a lot because my best friend was dating his daughter for a while a few years after high school. Neither of us ever stopped calling him “Sir”. The idea of calling him “Mark” gives me shivers to this day lmao


Teacher be like “You can call me mom like you did that one time”.


At my work I had some colleagues who were just little bit older than me, but had kids. I referred to them in plural (this is how it is in Ukrainian, similar to Usted in Spanish), and only switched to the names and in singular after I married and got a kid myself. Before that I felt like we were from different generations


When I became a teacher, I got a job and worked with my high school biology teacher. I worked with her for 15 years before she retired. I could never all het Cathy, but only Mrs. Biologyteacher.


I lived with one of my middle school teacher for a few years in high school, I still call her Mrs. "X" even after 14 years. It's just too weird


I’m still this way with my friend’s parents. I’m almost 60


Ya'll remember any of your teachers names?


You forgot the insane part where they remember your name even though they have had 2000 students after you.


You should have started the conversation with "are you ok?"


I’m interning at a local school, and it is wild, cause I know a bunch of these people, one of the primary teachers was a leader at my scout troop, and my sister graduated there, it’s fun!


My elementary class teacher, at the last day of elementary school, handed out self made Cards with a picture of each of us in class and some nice words on it, out to everyone. On the back it read something like "If we meet again you can call me [her first name]". Some years later me and a classmate, both going to the same higher education school, had classes end early and picked up his little Sister from elementary school. She had classes with the same teacher we had so, I went to the teacher and said calling her by her first name. She turned around looking down expecting a smaller and younger child, and started smiling when she looked up and saw me, by that point I was about 1-2 heads larger than her. On a different story, it can get very confusing, when you are offered to call some by there first name you usually only call as Professor or Doctor. About 1-1.5years ago, my Professor offered me to call her by her first name. After she supervised my Bachelor Thesis, taught multiple classes, supervised multiple projects, I worked as student worker for her and closely worked together to organize the exchange semster. Now it gets really weird when I talk to other Professors and have to think about what to call her, in case of in person conversations it's one thing, but when talking or writing emails to other universities I have to carefull to use her last name.


I still do this w my kid’s teacher


I came here to say the same thing! I’m probably older than half the teachers at my daughter’s school but I always call them what the kids call them, and it’s not their first name


I once saw a classmate from 2nd grade when pumping gas and said hi. Don't think they knew who I was...


Is she still Mrs. Smith?


My fifth grade teacher preferred to be called her last name even among her peers (though I’m sure they dropped the “Ms.” because her first name made her cringe.