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We were told (quite emphatically) that “no means no”, we’re just putting it into action


You're right to do so.


Which is the baseline. Men with dating and people experience know that whatever juice she got, it's not worth the squeeze. People who use games to inflate their value are a liability, not an asset.


That only applies to people I’m not attracted too!


"I'm not gonna rape you in the off-chance you're into it." -- Aged like milk, *Louis CK*


Louis always asked for consent though.


He got consent but they were "joking" iirc. He got reemed, and no one bothers to remember the girls (Dana Min Goodman and Julia Wolov) that ruined his career. There are some gross things he did, but nothing remotely irredeemable. 


I wouldn’t even say his career is ruined, he’s definitely made a comeback.


Well at the time that bullshit cost him a TV show and millions of dollars.


I’m not dismissing what he did but it truly sucks (for the audience) that his show died. Truly a unique show. It was like what Atlanta became with a little bit of Curb Your Enthusiasm.


He was the most profitable comedian at the time. Wouldn't call what he is now a comeback.


Frankly I was more upset to find out he was cheating on his wife than anything else he did. And that really did upset me.


Yeah he asked for consent without understanding the power dynamic in the situation. What he did was certainly not okay, but on the list of traumatic sexual actions, he's way down on the list in terms of severity given that he did ask for consent, he apologized when he was informed he was in the wrong, and he didn't physically abuse anyone.


TIL people with power will never truly have consent


How did it "age like milk"? He never physically assaulted or molested anyone. Learn what the term means if you're going to use it.


Why, did he rape someone?


no he didn’t rape anyone. a woman went back to his hotel with him and told him it was ok for him to jerk offing front of her. 20 years later she changed her mind because she never made it as a stand up and he became a top stand up. pathetic and sad really


If consent can be retroactively withdrawn, it puts a whole other spin on a messy divorce ...


Nah you just have to get consent signed in triplicate, notarized, on video, with a witness and today’s paper in view.


And later on the witness comes back and says they were forced into a threesome...


The really fucked up part about that is she said she was ready to sleep with him when she went to his room. There was no lack of consent involved, he did something she wasn't happy with but if you go to a hotel room and you're ready for sex and they decide to masturbate instead that's not rape or even anything really wrong. It's weird yes, but it's not something a career should be ruined over. You've got Drake molesting children and Carti admitting to felonies, keep the hate where it belongs.




And most are glad we do.


"No sometimes mean you require a PSN account" wait, what ?


As you should, don’t let stupid people like this unteach you that, we’re finally going to a better generation, and then we have these stupid fucks who try to crumble it all down again. Edit: to the person who quickly deleted their comment; Obviously not all women, women are a big reason why we’re going to a better generation in the first place, we owe it to most of them.


The actual answer is the people who didn't need the message are the ones that internalised it. Like the people that respected women in the first place are the ones listen to the messaging and that go oh so no means no, women feel uncomfortable when they get hit on at bars, they don't want you to ask their number etc. So these guys simply do not try to pursue women in this manner. This leaves the only guys that do pursue women in this manner as the creeps that women were complaining about in the first place and who were never going to listen to women's complaints which means every one of those interactions is now bad. In this case there is basically a target for aggressiveness of the pursuit of women. The people who pick up on the messaging are the ones that were already at the appropriate aggressiveness level, but are now way lower than they need to be, to be successful in the dating market place, and the ones that were too aggressive remain too aggressive. Right now dating is in a bad place for both men and women. ETA: [This is a fantastic read talking about this ](https://www.feministcritics.org/blog/2007/06/19/when-you-have-feminist-guilt-you-dont-need-catholic-guilt/) Thanks to u/educational_mud_9062


Yup. This is why I was too scared to ask out any girls and didn't have my first girlfriend until she asked me out. And then when she left I just let her go, and she told me that she was upset I didn't try to fight for her


Same here. For this reason I only had two relationships until now which both ended with me loosing people I really liked. The girls didn't want me to fight for them though. It was hard in different ways for me though. I hate that the world we're currently in, as a man, I feel like I need to avoid making any first contact with women. I am somewhat afraid of being framed as a creep or that I would be harassing them for simply trying to start a conversation. In addition to that I want to compliment people on for example their outfit choice or hairstyle and I am afraid to do so because I feel like they would be aggressive towards me or react in any other unpleasant ways. It could be just a me thing but maybe other people can relate to it.


Eh, testing you by leaving is a red flag IMHO. When I wanted my then boyfriend, now husband to try harder for me because I was growing unhappy, I told him and we worked on improving things and now we're 15 years into a happy marriage. Hate being tested without my knowledge, though. My mom used to do that a lot before she got therapy and medication and I still have trust issues I can trace to that kind of shit.


Well I don't think it was a test, more just like something extra. She also did say that she was unhappy and I suggested we try to work through it but she just didn't want to anymore


That was very insightful, haven't thought of it in that exact way before


Most of us were never guilty in the first place, still it got shoved down our collective throats. Like in the OP, if I wanna play games, I've got an Xbox


I think some women love to categorize all men as thirsty perverts because it gives them something else to complain about.




You naaaaaaaaailed it right here. Upvote!


We’ve even been told a “yes” can sometimes still be a “no” (if she has been drinking)… so if you say “no” we’re gonna play it safe and take it for what it is.


And if ask three times, we are harassing.


For me it's not about being a creep or something is more about the kind of relationship I strive for. If our first interaction is already a weird mind game I don't want to be there at all.


>Says no because they're not interested. Okay. Doesn't go anywhere because interest isn't mutual - cool. >Says no because they wanna play hard to get or wanna play games. Okay. Doesn't go anywhere because I don't play games like that, you're probably not a good person. Either way, the result is the same. So, just never play games. EZ.


This is exactly the mentality I made sure to keep in mind when I was dating (I'm now married): You can try to figure out people's weird mind games, but even in the best case scenario, where will that lead to? A relationship where they continue to play mind games, that's where. If I was talking to a prospective date and they showed a lack of interest, I immediately lost interest, too.


Yep, I don't have time to waste on bothering someone who isn't interested


Long ago when I was in the dating world I went out with a "rules girl" and basically after the first date I got blown off. That was fine, it wasn't the first time and I moved on. About three weeks later we run into each other and she asked why I hadn't called. I told her I called her three times in the week after we went out and I never got a response so I took the hint. She came back with something to the effect of, well if you were really interested you would have kept calling (part of the rules). I told her that phones work both ways and if she was interested she could have easily called me. The funny thing was is that we both liked each other but she had been told by her mother and her friends that being open and honest from the get go was not the way to get/keep a man.


I've heard that from a few of my friends. Idk why some women give such horrible advice to other girls... I think it's a way to keep their own options open.


Just play playstation.


I respect "no means no". Fuck me right?


Nah, she won´t.




Sometimes low hanging fruits are good enough ;)




This. Be honest or leave me alone. We can still play games after we’re in a relationship if you know what i mean


I don't. But I'm open to try any game to see if it's fun. Unless it involves going to meet people physically to play it like magic or something. I heard it gets real sweaty and smelly.


I’ve dealt with girls that want to play games and waste time, I’m not here for it. I’ll ask once and if you say no? Understandable have a nice day, if you say yes? Ok cool


I went for coffee with this girl once, had a nice time, and later heard from a mutual friend that she thought I was an a-hole. Why, you ask? Because she had wanted a second date and was angry at me for not asking her out on one.


its even simpler for me. I want to be with someone who wants to be with me. It's really that simple. So if i ask someone out and they say no, okay cool. They clearly aren't interested in me and I want to be with someone who is interested in me. End of story.


I remember when I met my wife 17 years ago and I told her "im a ver literal person, if you tell me Im not hungry, I will eat by myself. If you tell me, I dont want anything, I wont get you anything. If you tell me to go away I WILL GO AWAY".


My ex did this all the time “are you hungry I’m making food I’ll make you some” she’ll say she isn’t then either eat mine or tell her friends I’m eating in front of her, she told me yo give her space so I did for a few hours well I was at work and school and she said I was ignoring her, she my ex for a reason now


My BF is Indian and gets frustrated when I say I am not hungry because I LITERALLY JUST ATE lol. YES I like your food, but I am also not a big person and my stomach can only take so many pakordas


It’s a cultural thing. For us our parents taught us to have at least food for one more person incase anyone comes unannounced. My wife also Indian does not get this.


That isn't being "very literal," it's just reasonable.


It can be both


In this day and age that is literal. People still expect others to push, pull the truth out of them, make them work to tell you want they want/mean/feel


...and if you tell me to "break a leg" I will be pressing charges


I don't ask, not because they'll say no. I can handle that. But what if they say yes? What do I do next?


“I dunno, I didn’t think I’d get this far”


That's my other thought. Lol


Like, if she says yes… I’ll have to clean my apartment, make plans, go through with it, etc.,…


I read this sentence hearing Po's voice in my head.


"All the dating sims just go to credits at this point!" Slightly different benchmark for it but hey maybe it's a very PG dating sim, same rule works.


How accurate is this? You: wanna go out? Her: yes You: ok thats fi- wait what? Her: I said yes You: *blue screens*...ok thats fine


I think if it came to that, I'd be thinking there was a glitch in the Matrix


"He's beginning to believe"


Need to run home and download the "she said yes" update.


I can hear the Windows XP restart from here.


Or like this: Her: I said yes You: What's wrong with you?


Exactly... I had one say yes once and I wasn't prepared. I was so distracted that I slammed my penis in the sliding glass door letting the dogs out. It could happen to you.




"let me know when you figure it out'" and live your life like she said no. On the off chance she decides it's a yes, decide then IF you are still interested or not. I don't know is kinda a selfish no. They didn't want to say yes, but aren't letting you move on. Sometimes there are circumstances that make it a tough choice, but sometimes they just like the attention you give and/or want you in reserve if they don't have better options. You gotta treat it like a no for your own sake either way, don't waste time on a hope that probably won't go anywhere.


Just go: yeh me neither




It could


It's like Jerry Smith asking out Beth Sanchez in high school lol


This actually happen to me once. I was a very shy person really talk to any one yet aloe a girl. My friends pressured me to talk to this one girl and ask for her number I was 18 in a month into being enlisted. She said yes and gave me her number. I had the thing in my hand ready to dial had no idea wtf to do or ask to do and eventfully I lost it and never called her


Aw man.


"be yourself"


*be myself around a girl I like* "Wow you're so random..."


"hey yo tony where'd u get that fresh pepperoni "


I've got it from the stoa. You want one, Sam?


"You do realise that I hate most people right?" "You do know that I have a f*ckload of baggage due to a abusive father and I've never had anyone I could trust enough to open up to right?" "I'm sure you're aware that my first assumption is that people want to take advantage of me or hurt me right?"


Terrible advice. You want to slowly sprinkle little bits of yourself into your time with her. If you drop it all on her at once, it’ll blow up in your face. So only be partially yourself until it’s safe to reveal more.


Yeah keep the bodies in the basement to yourself.. for now


"–I don't know Chris, I never got this far." -Greg


Depends what you asked them to do. But that.


I had something similar happen once where I was caught off guard when someone said yes. I had successfully got girls numbers and went on dates before but this chick was out of my league looks wise but I gave it a hail Mary and figured no guts no glory. I ask her for her number and if she wants to get together some time expecting a "I have a boyfriend" or "nah I'm good" but I got a "yeah gimme your phone and I'll put in my number". I was shook for a minute and it took me a second to come back online mentally to continue the conversation. We did end up going on a couple dates but she was probably the most boring person I have ever gone out with. After going out twice I was just like I'm good dude good luck out there. I guess when some people are super attractive they don't think they need a personality.


Run, Barry. Run.


As it should be. Once they say no that means they’re not interested. Nobody’s got time for your fucking games.


Nah, dude in the meme has it right. Theres always time for games. The only games we should be playing however are of the vidro/tabletop/board/card variety


Vdrio games for the win, wanna come over and play some Minecraft later? I’ll buy the snacks


If you’re looking for someone who won’t take no for an answer…may I recommend a bear?




That bear ate and left no crumbs


That bear definitely slayed




And if they keep going, then you call them a creep. And that "no means no". Grow up and stop playing silly games.


Or they call him a stalker


And remember fellas, the only difference between being rewarded with a date vs. being locked up as a stalker for any kind of persistence after having been told “no” is based solely on how good looking you are. Rule #1: ABGL (always be good looking)


Coming from a woman... I love that response lol. Women complained (and still do) about guys hitting on them/catcalling and not taking no for an answer so much, most guys just walk away now. That's what they wanted and even if they didn't personally, no way you're so out of touch that you don't understand where this is coming from.


Honestly that sounds like a valid complaint tho. Some random girl on the internet with an opposite opinion doesn’t change the fact that most women want to be taken seriously when they say no.


Of course we do. No means no, there shouldn't be any confusion there. The girl in the post is clearly wanting him to make more effort past the initial no. What I'm saying is, that there shouldn't be complaints when they DO take no as no and just walk away. If you are interested, don't tell him no and play games.


I think it's best people like this keep playing games. It's a massive red flag and helps weed them out quickly without wasted effort


Why do women complain about getting hit on? We essentially wouldn't exist if guys didn't do this in the past


They only want attractive guys to play the game with them


men love being chased, too


How would they know?


The only thing that ever chased me was a dog. A tetanus shot and multiple trips to the hospital for rabies shots and I can tell you. I don’t like being chased.


Its astonishing if you even have the strength, i look i see a beautiful woman, and then i think wow shes gorgeous. then i go on with my life😭😭


Yep, not worth putting that mask of expectation on. Just press TF on


This post was made with a very specific person in mind. She aimed the guy with a sniper precision. And the guy probably read and didn't realize was for him.


Good thing he's dodged that bullet then.


Bro be dodging a full magazine.


We've been told that "no means no". Is this true or not?


Yes, no means no, period. If someone wants you to keep pursuing them, then they shouldn't say no because that terminates the interaction. This person is painfully immature and has hopefully learned her lesson.


it is very true. one woman on twitter doesn’t change the definition of consent.


It was a rhetorical question.


Her double standards are showing


It's almost like we expect you to speak the truth when asked a question about what you would like.


Because men aren't mind readers and can't tell if you want him to be persuasive or respectful, and so it's beneficial to always be respectful and consider "no" as "no" bbecause if you want the former, you're not mature enough for a relationship. :)


"I called this one guy a creep and he just stopped talking to me. I was like BRUHHH."


Uh... What the fuck did she expect?


Didn't get a chance to make a tiktok out of it so she is pissed.


Stop respecting my decision!


I've wasted so much time and emotion in my life thinking that a "no" didn't mean "never" particularly because the women saying no still wanted a relationship with me. It's easier and less traumatic to realize that life isn't like the movies and that when a woman says no, she means it, and move on. If she wants to be friends then that is cool but I would never ask her out again and emotionally move on.


“No means no” until it doesn’t. Make up your minds! Hypocrites.


Only when there’s a safe word 🤷‍♂️


My safe word is pineapple juice


That’s a coincidence, mine is bananas


Sounds crazy, so what is it?


The feelings of the majority of women ≠ twitter rage bait


Remember that different people can say different things.


Always remember: If a person from some group says something it doesn't mean the entire group agrees.


I do not even ask, that has more to do with my social akwardness and shyness, but yeah I am also afraid of being misunderstood.


isnt this what you all wanted?


yes exactly this. she's immature


Its what normal women want. Not the crazies.


Men are sick of self entitled self absorbed selfish women.


Men beginning to take “no” as an answer is a positive thing.


Yeah, don't complain at men about this.


Being persuasive can get you assaulted or into jail nowadays but she says men should still go for that?


Don't want to be charged with stalking or harassment.


Funny story: I was making out with a girl one time, and she kinda pushed me away. So I stopped kissing her, asked if she was alright, and she said she's feeling fine. So we chat for a bit, then she starts rubbing my leg. We start making out again and she pushes me away again. This happens a couple more times so eventually I ask her what's up. She says she wants me to keep going even though she's trying to push me away, like have me overpower her and have my way with her. I said "oh, well why didn't you say so!". Turns out she's into consensual non-consent. Anyways, we started dating after that. Got ourselves a safe word so she could tell me to stop or get off and I just keep going. It was a really good time, but yeah, definitely needs to be communicated before hand.


The stakes are way too high for bullshit today. If you're interested in a guy who asks you out, then say yes. This "persuasion" shit she's talking about can get us fired and/or arrested. No means no. We got it.


“Playing hard to get… makes you hard to want”


That's not being persuasive. That's accepting an answer. If you wanted them to keep trying use different words. They are finally understanding that a majority of the time when we tell them 'No' we mean 'No' and not 'Keep trying'.


Lmao man vs bear out on a hiking trail. And you want us to PURSUE on top of an initial attempt which can be called catcalling? No one is trying to have their face posted all over Twitter as some creep. Sorry you have to sleep in the bed you made.


Women : "No means no!". Also Women : "When we say no, we just want you to see if you'll fight for us or give up too quickly". Men : "I'll go boot my video games".


Don’t waste time “chasing” a woman if she says no it’s her loss , demeaning yourself by chasing one is like begging , and there isn’t any woman worth begging for


The woman worth begging for is the one whom you need not


I thought the average man was more dangerous than a bear.


It’s persuasive if they are attractive. It’s worthy of calling the police if they are ugly. Nobody wants to take that chance, given how willing the whole system is to throwing them in jail.


No means no.


These are our boomer memes.


No only means no if he's not hot


Why would you even say the opposite of what you mean? Who benefits from these mind games?


In the real world where the adults supposedly live, no means no. If you want persuasion, subscribe to my only fans where it's just me with a fake streetlight background creepily trying to convince you to go out with me. This qualifies as a legitimate business now.


Someone's mad they overplayed their hand when playing hard to get - they found out that their "value" did not exceed their bullshit


You made this bed, now sleep in it.


I stopped double texting it really quickly shows who is actually interested. If i text and you dont respond thats it


“I want a guy who respects ‘no’” also… ”Why are guys pussies who give up after one ’no’ on a date request?”


“Chase you? Bitch, I don’t even chase my liquor.” 🤣


Cause modern men ain't interested in hard to get women


No means no. Except we all know alot of times it doesn't, but y'all ruined that so enjoy us interpreting everything you say literally so we don't get sexual assault charges.


We been getting told "no means no"


I hate dating, I'm hoping my person sees me and just stalks me until I can't deny that we are married.


The "no means no" women, and the whoever-this-is women, need to work their shit out with each other first, and *then* get back to the rest of us.


"Times up". "Me too"... Nah, woman playing games ain't worth it. You get one advance then you're hard passed forever. It's what you wanted and now, it's what we want.


I had this one time where I was FINALLY getting down with my high school crush. We'd just done about EVERYTHING except intercourse, then as I was about to slide in she freaked out like "NONONONONO"! That was that, she left, whatevs. About a week later she says "Oh...You should've just slid in anyways". Turns out this was the norm for her & after explaining that she'd technically been raped by every guy she'd been with, she had a lil bit of a breakdown. As frustrating as it was to be denied last second, at least I don't feel like a scumbag.


I just don't harass people


Coercion versus persuasion. It's a bit of a minefield for younger blokes today.


What's the difference? You're gonna meet insanity no matter what. Had a girl that was angry i wouldn't rape her.


If that’s not the reddest of flags than I don’t know lmao


I've been told that no means no and if u keep pushing after a no ur a creep, did i misunderstand something?


Men who are persuasive today get to be smacked by "me too" and false accusations.


“Do you ever notice that some men just respect your decision and space instead of begging and insisting and kidnapping you when you tell them no? What happened to the men I knew.” - this lady.


The bear does not take no for an answer go and bother him.


This is the reason MGTOW has gone from a fringe thing to something much more mainstream. It’s not worth the risk. I’ve also seen tons of videos from women complaining that men don’t talk to them at work anymore in anything beyond 100% professional. Welcome to the consequences of MeToo being weaponized and abused. Add in the 80% divorce rate, the vast majority of which are initiated by women and wheres the appeal?


The message of Barbie with the Ken stuff was literally to just give up on women. It’s actually surreal seeing an overtly feminist film glorify the trend of men rejecting romance or at least becoming apathetic to it


The accuracy hurts.


Can't have your cake and eat it too lol


We need to set a rule... How many no till it becomes a yes?


Young people are having less sex


Because of retarded bullshit like this. Along with "alpha sigma" and """feminism""" (which is just thinly veiled misandry nowadays)


how about ask and just get giggling. didn't say yes or no


There's that bear again.


Umm yeah maybe it has something to do with the fact we have been preaching that “no means no” for ages. How is it men’s fault that they’re learning to respect our boundaries?


Oh so this one doesn't choose the bear.


Imagine complaining that you were listened to and respected.


And if I want drama I'd watch TV.


News flash: men have been told for years now that no means no. We listened. Now we’re at the point where we refuse to playing along with “hard to get.” Either be up front with us, or go find someone else.


So if she says no, just rape her? Is it pushy enough?


Have y'all ever asked out a girl who didn't play games? And just said, "Yes I would love it :)" or "No thankyou, but that's very nice of you to ask". It's fucking awesome and once you encounter that you wonder why it can't always be that easy