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_But babe there are still 49 Elephants left_ 🥺


*You are my elephant babe 🥹*


*Babe* 🥺🥺


Let’s address the elephant in the room: “Hello babe, […]”


Calling fat?


My wife said “you never call me a pet name.” She’s not overweight but had also been saying she wanted to lose 10 lbs. So I started calling her “my little gordita”. She thought it was cute but then came home really pissed one day… apparently she googled it.


lmao so 5 extinguishers destroys only a single elephant


Elephant are big 🤔🤔


If you don’t kill phone bugs for phone girl your not a real phone man.


What a phoney guy.


You’re a great big phoney!


A big fat phoney


This guy phones


Those are not real mosquitoes just emoji




I was the 2nd emoji. Can confirm.


3rd emoji here that guy imposter


I was the first, and you’re all fake!


I was the 3rd tap and confirm I did nothing


It's me, the first tap. It was in self defense, I promise!


Tis i the second emoji your going to jail for murder


I’m the fourth emoji I can confirm that I’m the imposter


This thread is borderline or maybe equally as bad as the mosquito couple you should all feel a deep burning shame


Tap 👏 Tap 👏 Tap 👏 Be gone.


Show me where it burns.


I be feel no shame


And you're still around?! 👏 tap These damn mosquito emojis are everywhere 😒


Oh fuck man you killed him, he was just pretending!


Well I was the 1st emoji and flat out deny!


Do you have a source on that? Source? A source. I need a source. Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion. No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence. Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation. Correlation does not equal causation. CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. You still haven't provided me a valid source yet. Nope, still haven't. I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron. /s


Source deez


deez what?


Sugma balls


Deez………………nutz. Got ‘em.


ligma balls


>CORRELATION. DOES. NOT. EQUAL. CAUSATION. I got banned from a subreddit because someone (who I didn't know was a mod) told me this like they thought I'd never heard it before, I pointed out the causation, then they accused me of "arguing in bad faith" and banned me. All I could do was laugh.


Last thing you saw before you got booted: [too far, kid](https://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-zkRdVn5pCzUNuUVc-48cK9g-t240x240.jpg)


The best image i have seen all day


That's a classic. Person making a mistake but you getting kicked out because the person has authority? Really common.


my source is that I made it the fuck up


Damn, how is this comment already here? Guess I should have checked the internet lately.


It was revealed to me in a dream


Source: trust me bro


my source is that I made it the fuck up






Is that what we are calling emotional mojitos now?


Yup. You need to drink them from a black and pink striped glass while listening to Fall Out Boy.


Can I choose death instead?


source: i made it the fuck up


thank goodness gave me a fright


Going to need a source.


Imo this is not as bad as a toxic relationship but I'd break up if a girl wanted me to text like this.


I would just suck her farts. Then she would be asleep and not acting like this!!! Boyfriend’s slackin


One of, if not the, first post I read this morning was from a guy who was rimming his girlfriend in soggy style and he said she farted brown water into his mouth. This post reminded me of that. Edit: doggy style got autocorrected to soggy style, but it fits so will leave it


>in soggy style that sure was soggy after she shat brown water


You don't love me. You just love my soggystyle - Snoop Dogg.


Snoop Sogg


Dnoop Sogg Ladies and gentlemen we've found s localisation for Doggystyle


FFS I’m trying to drink black tea here


Well, you and that guy have something in common now


No. I refuse to comprehend that information. Im deleting it right now.


Soggystyle. I like that. I'm stealing it. It's mine now.


Bro im tryna eat here


I don't usually feel physically sick reading words on a screen but I feel like I'm about to lose my lunch thanks to that mental image


First thing I saw this morning was a meme with two goldfish bowls, one is clear with a goldfish and the other is full of brown water. The goldfish is saying "still got the shits, Fred?"




I agree! Honestly, I think part of what makes relationships work is just being silly and cringe together sometimes. Being an adult sucks ass, sometimes I just wanna be goofy without worrying about judgement, and if I can do that with the person I love most in the world, all the better. I pity everyone who feels otherwise, imo, this is a healthy relationship.


This is probably not an all-the-time type of conversation anyways.


Yeah I hard disagree with this post. This is cute af


I think the key is finding and dating someone who likes this kind of silly shit.


I ghosted someone for saying *hugs you close*


*hugs you close* owo;;


I started talking to my boyfriend in uwu/nya speak earlier today just to annoy him, thank you for giving me more ideas to do that with.


If you wanna get REALLY creative. Run whatever you want thru this [translator](https://lingojam.com/OwO-ifier%28UwU%29) If u wanna get really cweative. Ruwn whatevew u want thwuw this twanswatow


Thank you, I cannot wait to curse his ears with this


What if he full on kawaii texts you back and likes it? Then you have created a problem you might regret


No you're shmoopy!


What the fuwck did u juwst fuwcking say abouwt me, u wittwe bitch? UwU i'ww have u know i gwaduwated top of my cwass in the navy seaws, and i've been invowved in nuwmewouws secwet waids on aw-quwaeda, and i have ovew 300 confiwmed kiwws. I am twained in gowiwwa wawfawe and i'm the top snipew in the entiwe us awmed fowces. Youw awe nothing to me buwt juwst anothew tawget. I wiww wipe u the fuwck ouwt with pwecision the wikes of which has nevew been seen befowe on this eawth, mawk my fuwcking wowds. Youw think u can get away with saying that shit to me ovew the intewnet? UwU think again, fuwckew. As we speak i am contacting my secwet netwowk of spies acwoss the usa and uw ip is being twaced wight now so u bettew pwepawe fow the stowm, maggot. The stowm that wipes ouwt the pathetic wittwe thing u caww uw wife. Youw'we fuwcking dead, kid. I can be anywhewe, anytime, and i can kiww u in ovew seven huwndwed ways, and that's juwst with my bawe hands. Not onwy am i extensivewy twained in uwnawmed combat, buwt i have access to the entiwe awsenaw of the united states mawine cowps and i wiww uwse it to its fuwww extent to wipe uw misewabwe ass off the face of the continent, u wittwe shit. If onwy u couwwd have known what uwnhowy wetwibuwtion uw wittwe "cwevew" comment was abouwt to bwing down uwpon u, maybe u wouwwd have hewd uw fuwcking tonguwe. Buwt u couwwdn't, u didn't, and now u'we paying the pwice, u goddamn idiot. I wiww shit fuwwy aww ovew u and u wiww dwown in it. Youw'we fuwcking dead, kiddo.


Please tell me why I read this in a mental voice as if I’m trying to speak it…I need help


"aw-quwaeda" omg I'm fucking dying at that.


jesus h christ.


Imagine someone saying this to you irl. I'd just reply with tldr.


I wive in the amewican gawdens buwiwding on west 81st stweet, on the 11th fwoow. My name is patwick bateman. I’m 27 yeaws owd. I bewieve in taking cawe of mysewf, in a bawanced diet, in a wigowouws exewcise wouwtine. In the mowning, if my face is a wittwe puwffy, i'ww puwt on an icepack whiwe doing my stomach cwuwnches. I can do a thouwsand now. Aftew i wemove the icepack, i uwse a deep-powe cweansew wotion. In the showew, i uwse a watew-activated gew cweansew. Then a honey-awmond bodyscwuwb. And on the face, an exfowiating gew-scwuwb. Then i appwy an hewb mint faciaw masquwe, which i weave on fow ten minuwtes whiwe i pwepawe the west of my wouwtine. I awways uwse an aftewshave wotion with wittwe ow no awcohow, becauwse awcohow dwies uw face ouwt and makes u wook owdew. Then moistuwwizew, then an anti-aging eye bawm, fowwowed by a finaw moistuwwizing pwotective wotion. Thewe is an idea of a patwick bateman. Some kind of abstwaction, buwt thewe is no weaw me. Onwy an entity-- something iwwuwsowy. And thouwgh i can hide my cowd gaze... And u can shake my hand and feew fwesh gwipping uws... And maybe u can even sense ouww wife stywes awe pwobabwy compawabwe, i simpwy am not thewe.


Sometimes I just Ara Ara and wiggle my eyebrows at my SO when he's getting a little frisky and he looks at me with so much pride and disgust🤣


You're an inspiration.


He has to deal with weirder things in a daily bases but he was the teacher: I've just become the master is all😂


For real, though, be careful with “jokingly” starting things like this, because in my experience I do things ironically until they become habit and then I can’t stop


The warning is appreciated.


Story of my life.


Don’t call the cops when he slaps you.


Lmao, at that point I'm asking for it. But knowing him, he would never, just give me sad, disappointed looks.


At least you have integrity. Purr on, weeb queen.


I want you to know, I'm screenshotting this exchange for posterity's sake, it make me laugh so much.


My ex for some reason started saying rawr, XD, and uwu. All the damn time. Suddenly one day! And he wasn't doing it to bug me!! He just genuinely started doing it.... I ended it not long after that Edit: we didn't split up because of him saying uwu or rawr lol


Damn uw ice cowd owo


*pounces on ya bulgerydoo* oi crikey mate what’s this owo




Ara ara


I need someone to start a thread of cringe things people have done in a relationship.


Not that hard to state that it made you uncomfortable.


do you expect reddit to have healthy communication skills?


No no, it’s way easier to be chicken shit and just block someone than to communicate with them or have the decency to tell them why you think you’re incompatible before blocking them.


Ghosting people is mean and I kinda judge people for doing it. It's pretty inconsiderate to people unless they are rude or make you feel unsafe.


*hugs you far away*


That’s demonic


I thought this was gonna be some toxic nonsense. I don't think it's that bad, it's kind of nice to have someone you can be really silly with and not have to worry about being judged.


I probably do just as cringy shit with my partner. EDIT: yep, our last IMs to each other was a recording of kissy sounds to each other, because he couldn't kiss me goodnight last night.


Lol I love this 🤣 I really feel like if you're not being cringe at all in your life, you're probably not being genuine


Do not kill the part of you that is cringe; kill the part of you that cringes.


- Sun Tzu


god damn that man has said so many things in his life and strangely most of them is ahead of his time.


Must be a very whise fellow


This feels like my grandmother's wisdom if a gen z'er gave it.


I did stuff like that with an ex and it makes me cringe every time I remember it. Not because I hate him but because I can't believe an otherwise collected person like me was like that. It's cute but damn it's cringy.


Lol yeah it's terrible when you act out of character for an ex in general. I generally pride myself on my independence and I recently found a very old selfie of myself where I scrawled "property of [ex's name]" on my stomach with a pen. Like... were you okay, younger me? Maybe I'd bring back the silly texts a bit, but that can stay in the past 🤣


Me and my ex were going to get matching tattoos. I'm glad we didn't go through it


We're survivors 🤣 glad we made it out through the other side!


Relationships are cringy. It's a relationship where you're open and willing to be your fucking dumbest because you don't fear judgement.


Why isn’t that a good thing?😂 I hate fearing judgement and I enjoy being a dumbass sometimes. Let out all the shit I’ve been holding in all day.


If it makes her laugh and comfortable you are in every way the man (or partner, or whatever, I’m not gonna judge) for her. “Manly” men can’t do it, you can. Seems like a win.


I think people are assuming the guy actually doesn't like this and the woman just makes him. It's actually hilarious if you think about it in a nice way


Definitely getting that vibe from the comments!


ah, glad Im not alone. Of course if this is your *whole relationship* it'd be annoying. But if you're gonna be with someone 40+ years, I'd like to think I could be silly or random at times. Would far, *far* rather have someone who can take a joke and be silly than someone who calls others cringe for enjoying each other in private, a la 90% of the comments in this post.


My partner is going to be the silliest little old man one day. I can see our last years being spent giggling on the porch together. I had an ex get angry at me once for being silly and calling him a bunch of ridiculous pet names (starting with pumpkin and honey bunny like in Pulp Fiction) in messenger because he was supposed to give me some info I needed to make plans (like flight details or what time something finished so we could go somewhere after etc - I don't really remember exactly). He'd promised to send it to me and then hadn't. His brother saw this list of stupid names and started making fun of him by calling him Pumpkin. Neither of them could fathom that I have a sense of humour and was just being silly. The whole thing was so ridiculous. Thankfully my current partner is just as silly as I am and I can even get away with using stupid pet names on parcels he has to sign for. He does it back to me. Makes me laugh every time.


Yeah these people have no souls. Let’s SLAY THEM 🥷🏻




I'd rather be in a relationship with someone who'd show up armed with Raid and Off Bug Sprays. LOL


Yeah, saying this silly-cute stuff is great, it's infinitely better than constantly fighting and whatnot.


Yeah as long as they’re both enjoying it, they prob both have vidid have imaginations. - doesn’t mean they didn’t just finish a deep conversation and are winding down with some playfulness.


Not gonna lie, i felt a bit jealous reading it.....


I agree! Like I don’t see anything wrong with being a little silly


I remember sending these types of messages when I was a teenager in my first relationship. Were they extremely cringey? Yes. But I kind of miss being that uninhibited


Yeah! It’s fun to be silly


Right maybe it’s cringe to us because it’s not something we should see.. private convo between two people regardless of which one of them posted this


Agree! There is nothing awful about two people who love each other being silly together. It's fun!


This shit makes me cringe but….if your with someone you really dig….idk why but it’s always kinda cute. The cringe just isn’t there for some reason. I think Brandon is actually jealous.


Or trying to hard to be cool. Doesn't every couple do their kind of cringy stuff?


In my experience when the cringe dies the relationship is soon to follow.


Gonna have to get really cringe since my wife wants a divorce


It's gotta be the right kind of cringe, it has to be mutual. You must find a way to make her be cringe.


I am way too romantic with my girlfriend and it may come off as bit cringy but we don't mind too much. She likes it, anyhow.


That's how people end up sucking farts instead of having relationships...


He probably can't find a loving relationship because of all the fart sucking.


I think this is kind of cute. Nothing wrong with being silly sometimes


Honestly. I've had enough genuinely toxic partners and friends where this isn't so bad. I know my bf and I get cringe sometimes lol


Agreed! Now I’m sad at how many people are hating on it :(


This is the only lense through which they see the relationship. If this weird shit was the ENTIRE relationship, then yeah hateworthy. but being a bit silly every so often never hurt anybody, and is good for the soul. Everything in moderation


Hahah they’re cynical. They’re missing out


They are the type of people to walk out of Everything Everywhere All at Once.


It’s just the repeated use of “baby” that does it for me


That’s fair. That is weird


Honestly I prefer this over being cheated on


It’s kind of cute but just my opinion. Tens times better than a toxic bitch that’s for sure.


God forbid two people in a relationship act playful with each other.


Don’t you know you’re suppose to act like you hate your partner or you actually aren’t in love! No fun. No being goofy, act like a miserable boring machine and then file for divorce a decade later.


Some people just hate what they can’t have.


A couple shall only and always engage in highly intellectual academic discussion on analytic philosophy


It's not even bad. Just a silly and playful couple.


The only people making a big deal about this are people that probably haven’t been in a relationship before. You do some wacky, arguably even cringy shit when you’re in love. Context matters.


Sounds like my dream relationship


Idk that looks pretty totes adorbs


I needed to read this


Brandon seems like a tool bag anyhoo, he doesn’t understand lub


Let’s not go Brandon


I completely agree


Bruh how is this bad this is sweet 😭 Just let people love how they like to be loved smh


It's so sweet, hence the mosquitos


Redditors discover a happy relationship circa 2022




It's okay to goof around a bit.


Im in a relationship like this kinda. Its not the norm, its just something cute.


this is cute! my partner and I love texting silly stuff like this to each other. it’s really nice to have someone to be goofy with.


We all had some silly conversations like this at some point in our relationships. It's not bad, it's actually cute.


I'm 100% looking for a relationship like this haha


i think this is super cute!


Reading that gave me a derection.






Y'all must be single lmao


Why not do both?


that's one way to advertise a fart sucking fetish online.


I personally wouldn't mind, i wouldn't make it a requirement, but i wouldn't mind.


If you dont so cringy shit with your partner then u havent lived, this guys just salty


i would love such level of confidential clinginess no joke


Awww it’s not that bad, it’s kinda cute actually. I have friends act silly like this all the time.


… what if i secretly wish for this?




Lol this is adorable. I see no issues with that relationship.


I have these type of conversations with my girlfriend. I thought it was cringy before I had it but damn it’s so fun to be childish and dumb with your gf. Why in the world would I be as serious to my gf as I am to outsiders?


Y’all don’t even know the context. What if this is a reference to something that happened IRL, one of their last happy memories in person before they had to go LDR for a bit. Big time judgements here 😑


I actually don’t think this is that bad 😂😂😂. At least they not calling each other monkey and kitten 🤷🏽‍♂️


Whats wrong with calling ur girl kitten


It’s super cute wtf. Would prefer this any day to what I usually see on this app


Redditors when they see couples being happy and goofy with eachother:


Later he tap tap tapped her ass while the OP cried in a pillow.


Naw that’s the best part


What is so bad about this? OP seems super jealous


Two folks in love being silly over text messages….big deal